Emacs Wishlist: what features is emacs lacjing right now? [closed] - emacs

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Emacs is great. To me at least, Emacs is a metaphor of all software. Still, I know that it lacks some features sometimes that you have to actually migrate to other environments. Given emacs is so customizable, and great and everything, we only have to wish for it right? What do you think is a feature that emacs lacks right now?
Note: As of Emacs 23, there is support for M-x butterfly.

There is a wishlist on EmacsWiki.

I'd like to see a better package manager for emacs. Perhaps something like RIP? ELPA looks interesting, but I don't like that it's trying host and consolidate all the packages. I'd prefer to be able to add modules from any git or cvs repository I find. I'd also like the modules in this theoretical package manager to have a standard way to include icons and info file. Finally, I'd like it to have a dead-simple method of compiling all modules.
I've tried to modularize my emacs files in this style (see my github emacs.d repo), though I'd happily ditch it if something better gained widespread support.

An implementation of elisp that's not 1985's state of the art. I mean, seriously -- global variables everywhere? A non-reentrant parser? It's like they don't want people to work on it. I briefly looked at adapting Emacs to be a shared library, but I couldn't get past even parsing elisp files.

I wish a standard code sense autocompletion(hippie-expand is some kind out of date), and a better GUI to support such things as the flowing completion candidates list which should be no worse than that of VIM.

Well, since Emacs is moving to guile, meaning modern lisp is imminent, the only things I want is the ability to add buttons somewhere. A button browser, or a toolbar buffer would be nice.
On the other hand, one of the best things about emacs is that it doesn't populate your screen with just about anything.
However, the ability to for instance, make a JUnit testing buffer in it's own buffer, etc. would be great. Perhaps forcing button buffers being in it's own frame of something (a new type of frame, like GUI-frame or something?)
Oh, and better rendering capabilities, and a flash plugin so we don't have to start a separate program just to browse the web.
Edit: By "imminent" I mean imminent as in geologically imminent.

Since you have C-x M-c M-butterfly, you really don't need much else.


Is there a command line editor that highlights the Stata syntax? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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My internet connection is extremely slow and therefore I execute batch files on the server without GUI, i.e. directly from the terminal. However, oftentimes I need to make a few changes in the code and a text editor highlighting Stata syntax would not hurt. Is there one?
Sublime Text editor has a package for Stata. If you're using mac you can find installation instructions here.
As linked by Maarten Buis, Nick Cox's list is the reference. It's a cool list, but it's badly outdated and therefore misses out the best parts of Stata support on Mac OS X. Here are some additions that also allude to the other answers.
TextMate has two Stata bundles, the Beatty bundle and the more recent Schumm bundle that uses a smarter approach to Stata syntax. (Note: not sure whether the Beatty bundle works under Stata 13; the Schumm bundle, which is the one you get through TextMate's bundle settings, does.)
Two other editors, Chocolat and Sublime Text, support TextMate bundles or ports of TextMate bundles. Phil Schumm's Stata bundle for TextMate is the most advanced and up-to-date solution that I know of, so I'd recommend that if you need an external editor.
TextWrangler also supports Stata through its own plugin system. I guess that BBEdit might therefore support it too, probably through slightly more awkward AppleScript calls. The only reason I see to use these instead of TextMate is if you are running an old system and/or are using these editors already.
If you need more alternatives, check out websites like Alternative To, I Use This, MacUpdate or VersionTracker for a larger choice of options. You'll find out that SubEthaEdit and Smultron (and probably its deceased fork, Fraise) support Stata, for instance.
tl;dr On Mac OS X, use TextMate with the Schumm bundle, and you will like it. (No idea if you can create GitHub issues through email, though!)
Notepad++ has support, and there are mentions on Statalist of PFE, UltraEdit and WinEdt also having support. My guess is that you will find it more useful to get Sublime Text and use its Stata bundle port, unless again you are already using these editors.
tl;dr On both Mac OS X and Windows, Sublime Text with the Stata TextMate bundle port seem to work well.
As mentioned in another answer, Vim also offers support, and Emacs has an ado major mode, plus some additional functions through ESS (Emacs Speaks Statistics). Finally, if you are looking a Java cross-platform solution (but why would you?), jEdit supports Stata syntax.
If you want support for Stata colored syntax everywhere (e.g. on GitHub), you'll need to write a lexer for Stata and submit it to Pygments. I've asked a question about that. It does not look very difficult if you know enough Python (which I do not and regret).
Added: links, sections.
Unsurprisingly, Vim supports syntax highlighting for Stata out of the box. See http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=440 and this blog post:
Similar to the other folks, my recommendations are Sublime Text and TextMate. They're my favorite editors on Windows and Mac, respectively. If you're a Mac user, I recommend TextMate (It's free, but Sublime Text is not).
You asked for a text editor, but if you also use any HTML editor, you can use Statax useful. (Here is the link to Statax, if it interests you).
This question was asked years ago, but I would like to add another option that is probably already known to more experienced Stata users. However, this may not be the case for new programmers who end up here, perhaps through a search engine, looking to find more information on the topic.
Visual Studio Code is a streamlined code editor, which offers a very flexible environment for programming. Once installed, one can obtain the necessary add-on package for Stata syntax highlighting from the Visual Studio Marketplace. It is regularly updated and the user can expand its functionality using extensions. As such, if someone is programming in more than one language, s/he can keep everything under one roof.
This solution addresses the OP's need to edit files remotely through its built-in Git support. Git is now pretty much the standard in version control. The idea behind it is that one does the work locally and then syncs the copy of the repository with the copy on the server.
Although this is not a command-line solution, i think it provides a great cross-platform development environment. And Git itself has proven to be very fast and reliable.

What modern editors compete with emacs/vi? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Emacs and vi are the traditional editors of the programming gurus. But, have any modern editors been able to displace these two in terms of extensibility and text editing productivity?
I know editors such as Eclipse and commercial editors provide language specific advantages such as intellisense and refactoring, though this is not quite what I'm looking for. My question is more along the lines of an innovative editor paradigm at a more general level, such that I can use it for many disparate languages, extend it for other tasks, etc.
Sublime Text is a relatively new and very good editor for Windows.
a more general level, such that I can use it for many disparate languages, extend it for other tasks
On Windows, the Zeus editor can be configured for almost any language and is also fully scriptable making it easy to extend.
How about Yi? My impression that its community is currently targeting the Haskell hacker, but is supposed to be like Emacs but based in Haskell rather than Emacs Lisp. Not quite mainstream, but is the kind of editor you're inquiring about I think.
I'm really surprised no on has mentioned these two yet:
TextMate (Mac)
E Text Editor (Windows) (it recently gained vim features, but I wouldn't call it innovative).
Actually most functionality of both editors can be replicated in vim, and I'm sure in emacs, too.
My question is more along the lines of
an innovative editor paradigm at a
more general level, such that I can
use it for many disparate languages,
extend it for other tasks, etc.
The web browser is or will be the ultimate editing tool that can be extended, customized, that is always connected and have all kinds of applications... Pretty much everything can be done through a Web Browser.
As Jeff Atwood said, Firefox is an IDE. With it, and some extensions, you can transform Firefox into the Visual Studio of browsers.
Any web page is an extension of this new kind of "editor". That's why, for example, Google uses it as the main component of an OS (like Chrome OS). The current trend is to do everything on the web.
Eclipse, Visual Studio and friends are IDEs. Emacs and Vi are text editors. A text editor makes just one component of an IDE. Editors that come with most modern IDEs provide an Emacs or Vi mode. (Here is an example). The other way round, Emacs and Vi could be easily extended into a full IDE. (For instance, look at JDEE).
Wikipedia's comparison of text editors.
I've tried UltraEdit, Notepad++, Komodo and a bunch of others and for my money Editplus is the best of the bunch but it's really a matter of personal taste - what annoys you, what features do you enjoy, etc..
I think that the answer to your question would be JEdit, UltraEdit, KomodoEdit, Geany, TextMate, NotePad++, Kate, Gedit. I've used some of them at some point before I finally chose to stay with Emacs for all eternity. All those editors except TextMate and UltraEdit are open source and I personally enjoyed a lot KomodoEdit for web development. It also had an nice extension API based on XUL and JavaScript.
The general advantage of this batch of "modern" editors it that they have better support for modern GUI toolkits and better builtin "intellisense" features. None of them, however, is as customizable or as extendable as Emacs and Vim. You won't be able to do terminal text editing with these editors either.
As an example of what you can do with emacs, I just figured out that you can run the git mode magit transparently over ssh and thus interact with a remote repository! Way cool! I have yet to found another editor with that kind of extensibility.
I usually stick to emacs, even though (quite obviously for most people) i cant use it to its full potential. Past week i had to work on a pc with notepad++ installed, so i tried it and liked it very much. It feels "comfortable", i think, still it cant beat the "raw power" of the classics.

Emacs without Lisp [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Should I learn to use Emacs with no intention to learn Lisp, if my other option is to get familiar with vi?
Yes. With all the resources out there (FAQ, Emacs wiki, and the Stack Exchange Emacs site) and custom (M-x custom). You don't need to know Lisp. You just cut/paste what you find.
You can drive a Ferrari/Yugo without knowing the internals of the combustion engine or how a Formula One transmission works...
Why not?
You can still learn vi (probably Vim or Elvis).
You can learn jEdit. Or nano and Pico. Or whatever other editor, environment, and language-host you fancy.
Why put such an arbitrary restriction on things? While your Emacs experience will be better if you learn at least basic Emacs Lisp (a .. derelict .. Lisp implementation), it's not required. But at the end of the day, it's a tool. Get as many useful tools as you can. "Useful" also really depends on context.
I have used Emacs for several years with next to no knowledge of Lisp and it served me well for all of the projects I used it for.
You can always simply assume that the configuration you're writing is not in Emacs Lisp and that it is just some funny configuration format - there a lot stranger examples out there (such as Sendmail).
I should warn you though that once I started learning Emacs Lisp my Emacs mastery expanded extremely rapidly - now that I understand the details of the language I can easily bend any configuration to my needs and more importantly I started writing my own extension to Emacs, which add to it even more capabilities.
If you decided to start with Emacs, I recommend to read first this great book - it taught me a lot of things for Emacs at the beginning and it assumes no Lisp knowledge. It won't teach you any Lisp either. Afterwards my advice would be read the official Emacs manual and start exploring the Emacs Wiki and #emacs on Freenode.
Learning Emacs truly is a journey that is not for the faint of heart, but it is journey that is most certainly worth it...
Configuring Emacs is a journey, and it's something that you're going to want to do. Being able to customize your developing environment is one of Emacs' greatest strengths. It's almost unavoidable. You pick up bits and pieces just by looking at other people's .emacs files.
Knowing just a little bit of Lisp goes a long way in Emacs.
You don't need to learn Lisp to use Emacs. Even basic customization of Emacs works fine without Lisp knowledge. If you need something beyond your capabilities, there are many helpful Emacs users.
Learning a bit Emacs Lisp will later enhance your understanding of Emacs.
Emacs Lisp is a relatively simple Lisp dialect. Basic Emacs Lisp is not that difficult to learn. As an experienced Lisp user I have to say that Emacs is available quite some time and the users have written some amazing things in Emacs (like Org-mode). Some of the Emacs extensions are very very well written and it is a pleasure to read the code.
Well, if you don't want to customize your Emacs, you won't need Lisp, either. And you can also do some basic modifications using the build-in customize functionality and by copy&pasting code of others. But truth being: I have written several hundreds of lines of code to customize Emacs to suit my needs. On the other side, as far as I know, vi is not as customizable as Emacs, so in the end it is probably more about what editor you like more and you should try both.
I know little Lisp and use Emacs to edit my C and OCaml programs on Windows and Linux.
I've been using Emacs for a year and a half, and really only picked up whatever Emacs Lisp came without trying. I have a heavily extended set of configurations (first in a .emacs file, and now in ~/.emacs.d/init.el and friends), which are totally a result of cutting and pasting from the excellent resources found online.
Aside from, of course, the EmacsWiki, you should see the fine Emacs Starters Kit and subscribe to Planet Emacsen --- preferably in a feed reader. It's prettier.
Having said that, after you have a working setup you might yield to the temptation to learn a little Emacs Lisp. I've just started the free Introduction to Programming In Emacs Lisp, which comes with Emacs and is best read from within Emacs Info. It assumes neither programming ability nor Lisp knowledge, and is a friendly introduction to the 'vibe' of Emacs Lisp which I find to be well-written in the extreme, friendly and concise, and worth 10x every minute I have spent with it.

What are the efficiencies afforded by Emacs or Vim vs Eclipse? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I started coding around 5 years ago. I was introduced through Java and Eclipse which both have substantial stigma attached in the programming community. A number of people at the company I currently intern at prefer emacs or vim. I can't see how a basic text editor is faster or easier than an IDE in general although I appreciate some things like building tend to be faster from the command line.
Is this a case of the 'old-boys' club or can it be more efficient to program a project in this way?
Can you provide some use cases to demonstrate? If I were advocating Eclipse I'd say refactoring and auto-completion were pretty handy tools.
Vim / Emacs
Very fast/efficient code writing
Low memory footprint
Quick access to command line
Infinite possibilities through scripting/plugins
Never have to leave the keyboard
Full-featured IDE for many languages
Great refactoring support
All of them
Feature rich
Extensible through plugins
I typically find myself writing volumes of code through vim and performing debugging tasks through my IDE. Familiarity with the code base is certainly a factor, as an IDE is a great tool for jumping around and learning unfamiliar source code.
I got started in IDEs like Eclipse, but switched to Vim about 2 years ago.
Reasons you may want to use a text-mode editor:
It can be used as an IDE for just about any language (you learn it once and use it for everything)
It can do all those fancy things like auto-completion, refactoring and many more complex operations, which you can extend by adding macros or plug-ins
It works just about everywhere (and can be used through an SSH shell)
You don't need a GB of ram to run it
If you really persevere, you will find that working in an editor like this will eventually be faster, and in fact becomes ingrained as a sort of 'muscle memory'. This means you can code without slowing down to think about the process.
The argument "Eclipse for Java" is a different argument than "Eclipse for [something that isn't java]". Eclipse does rock for Java.
I mean, vi is like a screwdriver, or maybe a swiss army knife, and Eclipse is like a big CNC combo mill and asphalt spreader. You don't exactly compare them, you kind of just use both.
Also, are you working inside something giant, which you know little about, but which Eclipse understands? An example would be working on Eclipse itself. Here, Eclipse has perfect visibility, total language support, and you need the toast prompts and the documentation links.
But if you are typing in a 100-line Ruby program to convert an SQL database, Eclipse doesn't add much value, especially considering its baggage.
It's also critical to set up vi right, or you won't grok the appeal. Autoindent, showmatch, tab handling, and various other options should be set. You should have a easy way to generate a tags file. Google can find tag generators, or just write one from scratch, with a few lines of shellcode and sed(1).
I don't consider refactoring to be a criteria. That's not something you do once an hour or even once a day. Sure, fire up the big IDE when you need to refactor. Oh, and don't expect automated refactoring of anything except Java.
Finally, vi can actually do a lot of things that the IDE can't begin to do. The grouped regular expression global substitution is kind of a generalized refactor-anything engine. To appreciate the vi gestalt you need to learn the line (":") mode. Briefly, it's like having sed(1) inside your editor.
It all depends on what you want/expect and what your usage model is.
If you're looking for a Java IDE, Eclipse is difficult to beat. It's written in Java, for Java, by Java folks.
If you're looking for a tool to edit files from the command line quickly, Emacs or vi both fit the bill.
If you're looking for a tool from which you never have to leave because it can do anything you want (send/read mail, manage projects, todo lists, compile, debug, etc. etc. etc.), then Emacs is more "efficient".
If you're looking for reasons to switch editors, figure out what you want. If you want a better Eclipse, vi and Emacs won't give you that, stick to Eclipse.
If you're looking for a small, nimble editor, vi will fit the bill.
If you're looking for the ultimately extensible editor, Emacs is the way.
Whichever tool you decide to go with, immerse yourself. Learn all of the ins and outs, extend it to meet your needs. Use it to its limits and become efficient in its use.
Emacs can be a powerful IDE, but having gone from Emacs to Eclipse, I have to say I would never go back. Eclipse just offers so many features that you can't get within Emacs.
Mylyn and scoped views of the data and files I'm using, the debugging UI, CVS UI, are all built in and easy to get and use. I'll use the mouse a little to get'em.
First things first. VIM is more productive for programming than Eclipse. Your personal productity in VIM may be abysmal, but the potential cap of VIM is much higher. This is a fact.
VIM is a martial art. It feels unnatural when you first use it. And you can't even make it work. It takes years of practice to gradually become productive. You focus on mastering a little detail at first. Slowly all these bits you master add up until text is flowing effortlessly out of your finger tips onto the screen. Complicated edits that would make your co-worker sigh will jump from your hands before he can finish his exhale. There are few people who can use VIM. Fewer who can use it productivley. And you may never meet a master in your life time. But they are rumored to exist.
VIM is designed to keeep your hands on home-row. Moving your hand from the keyboard to the mouse is demoralizing. It's a gross motor movement. Moving your arm has a phsycological effect that hurts your motivation. Using VIM, someone could bolt your wrists onto the keyboard and you could still easily open up files, split windows, open tabs, build the project, search/replace, change fonts, change colors, etc. And all at lightning speed.
VIM is modal. That means you don't have to do complex key combinations where you hold down control+shift+Key. This hurts your hands in the long run. Instead you execute commands. There is no need for key combos to due to the modal nature.
We store data in our memory like computers do. Our memory can only hold a few values at a time. See how many distinct integers you can hold in your head before they start to slip away. We overcome this human limitation by writing stuff down. If data falls out of our memory we can easily look at what we wrote down to get it back. If your time is spent doing gross motor, physical things you are losing time that could have been spent on processing data in your brain. You want your mind to flow onto the screen without any effort at all. It may not sound like much but VIM's ability to effortlessly transfer what is in your mind to the screen is a BIG productivity boost. It's hard to put in words what I'm trying to say.
VIM supports code completion. Both textual and look-up based. It can pull text from mulitple files. Anything you desire can be had in VIM. Either make it yourself or use something someone else cooked up.
VIM supports goign to definitions with ctags. You can also find all references of an item. Again, anything you desire can be had in VIM.
The scripting of VIM is huge. You can download or create thousands of color schemes and change colors in an instant. Try to change fonts or colors in Microsoft Visual Studio and it will hang for 20 seconds while it loads data. It won't let you store color schemes and you must spend 30 minutes tweaking your colors and fonts every time you want a change of scenery. In VIM you can set line spacing to zero to fit more lines of code on the screen. I get over 80 lines. Visual studio uses 2 pixels of spacing for every line and you can't adjust it!!! Less lines = more scrolling = less productivity = forced to use small fonts for more lines = eye strain.
Split windows are opened in an instnat in VIM. It's usefull when you need to look at data in one section of the code that's far from the place you are typing (or in a different file). You don't have to spend time resizing windows, or worry about GUI windows overlapping each other and falling behind each other. Un-related code windows can be opened in tabs as to not take up screen space, but allow quick switching.
VIM as an IDE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQy2rVOf-z0&feature=fvwrel
VIM the revenge: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQNFfhC4QI8
I've used vi for years to edit code in a variety of languages, and really love it. But I've found IDEs like Eclipse to be even nicer for Java development, and now I tend to work in Eclipse almost entirely. I drop out to use vi from time to time for a few specialized activities like bulk-inserting copyright notices, mainly those dealing with certain kinds of rote edits that aren't well automated in Eclipse. I also have my Windows .java file type mapped to vi for when I just want to look at a source file without waiting for Eclipse to open up.
Some of the attractive features in Eclipse are:
method name completion
error highlighting
pop-up javadoc comments
I do find it a lot more efficient than vi in general, so you should try it out and see if it that holds true for you too.
I remember reading somewhere about a study which showed that people perceived keyboard shortcuts as more efficient than mousing, when in fact it wasn't always.
Another psychological effect is that we attach value to things which are expensive, i.e. since Emacs is harder to learn it must be better in some way.
I think those effects could explain a lot of the extreme affection some people have for Emacs/Vi.
However, in the case of Eclipse, I find it can be very slow and even crash occasionally, but that is not a case against IDEs in general.
I use both Eclipse, VS and Emacs regularly. I would use TextMate too, but I don't have a mac anymore. It depends on what I am doing, more specifically, what system best supports my language and tools.
I know people who spend considerably more time programming their editor, than they spend doing something useful. Some of them even admit themselves that they only do it for the challenge. Other people often claim that Emacs/Vi can do much more than IDEs, because they are scriptable. Well, most IDEs (including Eclipse) can also be scripted. In that sense almost all editors are equivalent (though, I admit, some editors are more easily scripted than others).
If you like IDEs, my advice is to keep using one. There is no One True Editor.
This seems to be the article Nick Bastin is referring to. I agree that it is far from a definitive source. However, I still think my point about perceived and real productivity not being the same thing still holds.
It depends on the languages.
For Java or .NET use an IDE (Eclipse,Netbeans,Visual Studio...).
For almost all the other languages(C,C++,ruby,python,haskell,lisp...) vi and emacs are better in my opinion.
The efficiency provided from vim/emacs is mostly afforded by their heavy keyboard use. In these programs you can do most anything directly from the keyboard, rather than having to stop and use the mouse.
I would anytime go for emacs rather than eclipse. I also have to say that bare bone emacs, is not that great, but after some tweaking, you will never want to let it go. In particular I will tell you how helpful emacs was while writing my Master's thesis, that should make clear why Eclipse is inferior, just because it is less versatile.
I my master thesis I wrote in the following programming languages: C++, Python and R. Complementary, I had to write the thesis, for which I used LaTeX. Moreover, I had to write a bunch of shell scripts and cmake scripts. Guess what? Emacs has great support for all of it. Specially, it was a pleasure to work with AuCTeX to produce LaTeX documents. Then, Emacs provides the great ESS mode for working with R. Likewise, it provides facilities for python. Once I had my cmake scripts for building the C++ code, I only had to call compile from withing emacs and I was done. Eclipse cannot do this things altogether, therefore you will need to learn to use many different programs. Note taking? There is org-mode for that, and it is great!
And then, my program needed of a very powerful computer (not like any laptop). So, I could just do everything remotely from within emacs!!!! Using tramp, I found myself doing remote interactive evaluation of R code, remote compiling, executing and debuging C++ code, and everything within the same good local emacs window I had been using. In contrast, my friends who used a separate tool for everything were much slower in developing software that was meant to run in another computer.
Like this I have some other stories, but I think, this will give you a good idea on the things you can do with Emacs. All in all , I think choosing to use emacs (despite the learning curve) has been the most productive decision I have ever made.
Hope it helps.
I'd say the actual vim/emacs editors are far superior to the Eclipse text editor in terms of the shortcuts they offer. However, I completely agree with you about refactoring.
Most people have to write scripts to do the sort of level of refactoring Eclipse is capable of. I think part of it is bragging rights or people just doing it the same way they always have.
We've had this argument at work recently. My take was that one single feature I couldn't do without is Emacs's autocomplete. Eclipse's autocomplete is based on syntactical analysis - the code gets parsed, and as you type code you're offered choice of completion. Emacs' autocomplete is base on simple textual analysis. That means it works in plain text, in comments, in documentation - everywhere. I keep saying the Emacs' autocomplete is what IntelliSense wants to be when it grows up.
Eclipse does offer Alt-/ which is supposed to be similar to Emacs. Not sure how well it works, though.
The only place I prefer an IDE is for debugging. I set up my vim environment for debugging but is was so painful to use, so clunky, that I now just switch to my IDE (Netbeans) when I need to debug. vim is great for text editing, the IDE is great for more complex stuff (like debugging, and some project management related tasks).
Like some of the posts above, I started out with an IDE (Eclipse). From there I moved to Emacs, and then I moved back to a rich text-editor (TextMate).
For me, the efficiency was the ability to have an editor at the interface level. Allowing me to integrate other service I've built up (or others) into my pseudo-IDE environment.

What are the most important features of an IDE for Perl development? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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As some of you might know I am the lead developer of Padre, The Perl IDE. In the first year of its development, Padre became an acceptable text editor with some extra features for Perl development.
I'd like to ask the Stack Overflow community for some help in driving the project further to turn it into an exceptional IDE for Perl development. So I'd be glad to read what do you think are the most important features of an IDE that are still missing from Padre?.
Especially I'd be interested in people who currently use Eclipse+EPIC, Komodo, Visual Studio, or any of the text editors for programmers.
The most important feature of an IDE for Perl development (including Padre) is:
an interactive debugger that actually works. E.g. remembering breakpoints, ability to drill down into complicated data structures, and copy (to clipboard) should work on watched variables - including a menu command Copy Special that allows putting it in various formats; say CSV, XML or tab-separated.
The two most invaluable features I find:
line-by-line debugging, watchpoints, breakpoints, and so on, so I can properly debug my code.
code completion so I don't have to go looking up docs (even online).
OK, here's my third answer, although I hate to say it.
The competition is pretty easy to install. Padre isn't. I tried to update to the latest release today and, once again, got failing tests.
I am a heavy Perl EPIC user and my biggest gripe is not being able to jump to a function that is clearly defined in the current context (usually by pressing F3). It is pretty
much hit or miss at this point.
Stability. People turn away quickly if their editor crashes and they lose their work.
I work with Komodo. I also use other editors but I come back to Komodo most of the time. A good IDE shoud have:
A good Debugger. Breakpoints, watch lists, everything you need.
Remote debugging. Threads debugging capability.
Syntax highlighting including weighted fonts as well ( I was pretty disappointed by Oxygen, for example, an XSLT IDE, where I can not use bold fonts to emphasize reserved terms)
Syntax completion.
Project management tools, preferable extendable by plugins.
Good VCS integration. This is something that I absolutely love in Eclipse: You instantly see what files have local changes and which aren't added to the repository yet. And you get to browse the different versions and have a nice diff view just one mouse click away.
A project manager. It's essential for me to be able to define the set of files and folders that comprise a particular codebase. Sessions are useful but not a replacement.
Testing integration.
Perl has great unit testing tools. When I run my test suite and get a failure, I want to see the code for the test that failed.
Having a good way to jump through test results and see the code for the failed test along with the expected and actual results would be a great boon.
The first thing I look for is some kind of overview of the currently active file. I'd like to see methods/functions and, if possible, the used modules and especially any use base statements.
You solved that pretty well in Padre.
Visual-Studio style refactoring for variables and function names and extraction of functions.
Visual studio searches your whole module for all references and allows you to see all changed lines in case you do not want to change one instance (for whatever reason)...
The question seems more debatable than answerable.
Risking myself of being accused copyright abuser, I will post contents that I remember from the book "Interactive programming environments" by David R. Barstow, Howard E. Shrobe, Erik Sandewall.
It will not be exactly the same, as I have read the book many years ago and I've jotted down it in another language.
1: Know the user
+ Know the previous knowledge and practice of the user
2: Minimize the memorization
+ Selection and not characters entering
+ Names and not numbers
+ Predictable behavior: the user should have a previous impression of what the system will do
+ Possible access and changing of the parameters of the system
3: Optimization of operations
+ Fast execution of common operations
+ Inertia of visualization: the screen should change the less possible
+ Memorization of system operation in user's memory
+ The meaning of specific operations should have a simple relationship with the state of the system
+ The system must be prepared to accept more than 10 followed commands per second, so that it can operate on the user's muscular memory
+ The system should be prepared to organize the parameters of a command
4: Engineer for the errors
+ Provide good error messages.
+ Engineer it to remove away the common errors.
+ The system should provide reversible actions.
+ Redundancy: the operations should have more than one way of being done.
+ Integrity of data structures.
The ability to configure and run external (command-line) tools. Plug-ins are great but end-users won't necessarily want to author one just to integrate with an external tool. Allowing users to configure their own tools provides a great deal of extensibility with minimal barriers to entry.
My editor of choice is UltraEdit. It's not an IDE, but through its support for user tools, I've been able to integrate IDE features such as lint, version control, debugging, and more.
This can be possibly achieved via use strict; but could be as well a valuable feature even if not use'd explicitly, namely:
the other day we spent about 10-20 minutes debugging the following behavior:
my %hash;
$hash->{'key1'} = value1;
# on reading in a different module
print $hash{'key1'}; # is, of course, empty, but was so easy to overlook in the code above
proper Perl type safety brought in by the IDE.
It might be already implemented in Padre, though, as it turned out not in Eclipse+EPIC
I use emacs. I would like a system that helps me refactor code, especially when I'm working on ugly 1999 code that uses the begin-at-the-beginning-go-to-the-end philosophy combined with duplicate-and-modify.
I looked at Eclipse, but I can't work with a system that requires me to create a project before I can make a one-character correction to a file.
I looked at Padre, but it's slow and crashes.
I looked at Kod which claims to be configured by CSS, but I can't find a man page that will tell me where to put the CSS.
Integration of a read-eval-print loop. As a heavy Emacs user, I very much appreciate Sepia. Very useful for trying things out before I commit them to code.
Ability to create and debug XS code.
The ability to use my own choice of editor (which it may have, as far as I know). That has a chance of winning over the vim/emacs people.
I don't know if Padre can do this, but the ability to split the screen is very important to me. As a VIM user, I constantly split my screen to look at another file while coding.
Line ending policies for files, by directory, and project-wide.
So, for a given project or directory, I'd like to make all line endings be LF only. While in another directory I may wish to have a mix of CRLF and LF files.
I work a lot on stuff that goes back and forth between Unix and Win32 environments.
The typical solution of automatically converting all files back and forth as one moves from platform to platform hasn't worked well for me.
When a file gets created in the wrong format by accident, it can be a real pain.