Does Android provide widget like the iPhone UIPickerView - iphone

I feeling that the UIPickerView of iPhone is good idea and easy to use on touchable mobile phone. I am strange that why Android SDK do not provide the same effect widget ?
or maybe coder have to clone it on Android ?
any help ... thanks ...

FWIW, I was looking for the same thing, and I found this -> I have not used it yet, but I am thinking about giving it a whirl.

I think the spinner would be the android equivalent. It doesn't have the same eye candy, but functionally it would be the same. You could write your own widget to add the eye candy and animations though.

You can use a NumberPicker. Although it has 3 visible fields instead of 7, and it doesn't have 3D effect (it is just a table with some fading out).


Scrollable grid-like view

I'm writing an app with a view that has a grid of images (3x3) and it needs to have infinite scroll per row and per column with snap to position, very similar to the 'Design Museum Collection' app. How would I go about implementing this view? Is there a library that already supports this? I would like to implement this natively in IOS. Can I use UIScrollView or do I need to create this bidirectional scroll view from scratch. Here is a video of the 'Design Museum Collection' app (
Thanks in advance!
It's been quite a while since your question but as I've been struggling with the same thing I'm gonna answer it for future reference...
Sadly I could not find a good solution anywhere so after a lot of hours of experimenting I came up with this:
It's still a work in progress but very usable for your purpose I'd say!
See the tutorial How To Make An Interface With Horizontal Tables Like The Pulse News App. It will guide you through the basics.
you can check this out: AQGridView.

How can you make Mootools drag and drop that is touch compatible?

I am building a drag and drop interface using Mootools .draggable() method. It's working great except that it does not work on touch devices which is important for it to do. Is there a way to make .draggable() touch compatible?
have you read this answer? Drag with mootools on mobile
it does not seem to work too well with droid tablets. see - dragging is choppy and drops it too early. might be better on ios, not sure. something to build on anyway
As Dimitar said, read the answer Drag with mootools on mobile.
The provided answer though is buggy, and works bad in both android and ios at the time of this writing.
Speaking about android the problem is due to a bug, see
The workaround consists in calling
in the touchmove callback. Such workaround works well in my case for both android and ios.

iOS - How can I perform the visual effects like Clear app?

I was wondering how can I make visual effects like the ones in the Clear app or the one you can perform in the Twitter app on iPad (by pinching between two rows in a tableview) ?
Thanks a lot for your answers.
There is a sample project on Github, JTGestureBasedTableViewDemo
You could look into this component:
See how the top row transform is implemented and use the idea for your needs. You'll probably need to use pinch gestures to make this work like in "Clear"
Hope I gave you a good starting point. Good luck

Zooming only an image in mobile Safari

I'm looking to see if anyone has experience with this. I'm a developer first and a designer second, so this is really not my strongest suit.
I have a project I'm working on where the goal is to get image and text side-by-side in landscape mode on the iPhone. I'd like to be able to zoom in on the image using a pinch like normal, but not zoom in on the text as well while that is happening. I don't know if this is even possible or what kind of hacks it would take to get it working.
If someone thinks this is bad in general from a UI perspective, I am open to suggestions.
I have considered keeping two copies of the image (low and high res) and then swapping them out inside of div with an overflow: scroll; so users can get a zoomed version and then scroll around. It doesn't give you the full effect of zooming, but it might accomplish a similar goal. I don't know if this would work either.
If anyone has suggestions or experience on the subject, please chime in. Thank you!
To do this in mobile safari you would probably have to use javascript. Theres a jQuery plugin here:
Might be of some help
If you want to use Mobile Safari, then you will need a touch framework like jTouch to simplify things.
Natively, you should put your image and text inside a UIScrollView, and return the image view in the the viewForZoomingInScrollView: (in the scroll view's delegates) to the image view.
Is that what you want?

How to achieve the same effect like the unlock slider in the welcome screen of iPhone OS?

I need to do something similar, where an animation highlights the text of a button to show that it must be slided to do something. Just like that unlock thing on the iPhone. How is that done? Is there a tutorial how to achieve this effect?
The searchlight-effect is also included in the three20-project, if you are planning to build such a control on your own.
There's a project here: which has the effect you're after.