Slony-I replication CPU usage - postgresql

I have recently had to install slony (version 2.0.2) at work. Everything works fine, however, my boss would like to lower the cpu usage on slave nodes during replication. Searching on the net does not reveal any blatantly obvious answers to this. Any suggestions that would help reduce CPU usage (or spread the update out over a longer period) would be very much appreciated!

Have you looked into general PostgreSQL tuning here? The server can waste a lot of CPU cycles doing redundant work if it's not given enough resources to work with, and the default config is extremely small. Tuning Your PostgreSQL Server is a useful guide here, shared_buffers and checkpoint_segments are the two parameters you might get some significant improvement from on a slave (many of the rest only really help for improving query time).

Magnus might be right, this could very well just be a symptom of the fact that your database has very high traffic. Slony effectively multiplies the resource usage of any given DML operation: not only is data CRUD'ed to the replication master, but every time that happens, a Slony trigger (think of it as a change listener) generates an identical transaction and forwards it to the Slon process, which runs it on other members of the cluster.
However, there are two other possible explanations/solutions to this issue:
A possible solution might be to run the slon processes on a separate machine from your database hosts. Even if you have a single-master/single-slave replication scheme, it is advantageous in terms of stability, role-segregation, and performance (that’s you) to run the slon replication daemons on a physically different set of hardware (on the same LAN segment, ideally). There is nothing about Slony that says it has to run on the same machine as a given database host, so putting it in a different location (think “traffic controller”) might relieve some of the resource load on your database hosts. This is also a good idea in terms of both machine stability and scalability.
There's also a chance that this is only a temporary problem caused by the fact that you recently started using Slony. When you first subscribe a new node to a replication set, that node (and, to some extent, its parent) experiences VERY heavy CPU load (and possibly disk load as well) during the subscription process. I'm not sure how it works under the covers, but, depending on how much data was already on the node subscribed, Slony will either check the master’s data against every single piece of data present on the slave in tables that are replicated, and copy data down to the slave if it is missing or different. These are potentially CPU-intensive operations. Especially in large databases, the process of subscription can take a very long time (it took over a day for me, but our database is over 20GB), during which CPU load will be very high. A simple way to see what Slony is up to is to use pgAdmin’s Server Status viewer, which, while limited, will give you some useful info here. If there are a lot of “prepare table for replication” or “cleanup table after replication” operations in progress on the node that has a high CPU load, it’s probably because a subscription isn’t complete. pgAdmin’s status viewer isn’t too informative, however; there are more reliable ways of checking subscription progress using Slony directly. Section in the Slony log-analysis documentation might help with that, as would reading the doc for SUBSCRIBE SET (pay special attention to the boxed warning message, and the "Dangerous/Unintuitive Behavior" section. A simple yet definitive hack to tell whether a set is still in the process of subscriptions is to run a MERGE SET and try to merge it with an empty (or not) other set. MERGE SET will fail with a "subscriptions in progress" error if subscription is still running. However, that hack won't work on Slony 2.1; MERGE SET will just wait until subscriptions are finished.

The best way to reduce the CPU usage would be to put less data into the database :-)
Other than that, you can experiment with sync_interval. It may be what you're looking for.


Can Cassandra or ScyllaDB give incomplete data while reading with PySpark if either clusters are left un-repaired forever?

I use both Cassandra and ScyllaDB 3-node clusters and use PySpark to read data. I was wondering if any of them are not repaired forever, is there any challenge while reading data from either if there are inconsistencies in nodes. Will the correct data be read and if yes, then why do we need to repair them?
Yes you can get incorrect data if reapir is not done. It also depends on with what consistency you are reading or writing. Generally in production systems writes are done with (Local_one/Local_quorum) and read with Local_quorum.
If you are writing with weak consistency level, then repair becomes important as some of the nodes might not have got the mutations and while reading those nodes may get selected.
For example if you write with consistency level ONE on a table TABLE1 with a replication of 3. Now it may happen your write was written to NodeA only and NodeB and NodeC might have missed the mutation. Now if you are reading with Consistency level LOCAL_QUORUM, it may happen that NodeB and 'NodeC' get selected and they do not return the written data.
Repair is an important maintenance task for Cassandra which should be done periodically and continuously to keep data in healthy state.
As others have noted in other answers, different consistency levels make repair more or less important for different reasons. So I'll focus on the consistency level that you said in a comment you are using: LOCAL_ONE for reading and LOCAL_QUORUM for writing:
Successfully writing with LOCAL_QUORUM only guarantees that two replicas have been written. If the third replica is temporarily down, and will later come up - at that point one third of the read requests for this data, reads done from only one node (this is what LOCAL_ONE means) will miss the new data! Moreover, there isn't even a guarantee of so-called monotonic consistency - you can get new data in one read (from one node), and the old data in a later read (from another node).
However, it isn't completely accurate that only a repair can fix this problem. Another feature - enabled by default on both Cassandra and Scylla - is called Hinted Handoff - where when a node is down for relatively short time (up to three hours, but also depending on the amount of traffic in that period), other nodes which tried to send it updates remember those updates - and retry the send when the dead node comes back up. If you are faced only with such relatively short downtimes, repair isn't necessary and Hinted Handoff is actually enough.
That being said, Hinted Handoff isn't guaranteed perfect and might miss some inconsistencies. E.g., the node wishing to save a hint might itself be rebooted before it managed to save the hint, or replaced after saving it. So this mechanism isn't completely foolproof.
By the way, there another thing you need to be aware of: If you ever intend to do a repair (e.g., perhaps after some node was down for too long for Hinted Handoff to have worked, or perhaps because a QUORUM read causes a read repair), you must do it at least once every gc_grace_seconds (this defaults to 10 days).
The reason for this statement is the risk of data resurrection by repair which is too infrequent. The thing is, after gc_grace_seconds, the tombstones marking deleted items are removed forever ("garbage collected"). At that point, if you do a repair and one of the nodes happens to have an old version of this data (prior to the delete), the old data will be "resurrected" - copied to all replicas.
In addition to Manish's great answer, I'll just add that read operations run consistency levels higher than *_ONE have a (small...10% default) chance to invoke a read repair. I have seen that applications running at a higher consistency level for reads, will have less issues with inconsistent replicas.
Although, writing at *_QUORUM should ensure that the majority (quorum) of replicas are indeed consistent. Once it's written successfully, data should not "go bad" over time.
That all being said, running periodic (weekly) repairs is a good idea. I highly recommend using Cassandra Reaper to manage repairs, especially if you have multiple clusters.

Automatic vacuum of table "cloudsqladmin.public.heartbeat"

We're experiencing some constant outages in our back-end that seem to correlate with peaks of high CPU usage for our Cloud SQL Postgres instance (v9.6)
Taking a look to the, those high CPU peaks seems to also correlate to when the database is running an automatic vacuum of table cloudsqladmin.public.heartbeat
We haven't found any documentation on what this table is and why is running autovacuum so often (our own tables doesn't seem to be affected by it).
Is this normal? Should we tune the values for the autovacuum? Thanks in advance.
By looking at your graphs there is no correlation between the CPU and the cloudsqladmin.public.heartbeat autovacuum.
Lets start by what the cloudsqladmin.public.heartbeat table is, this is a table used by the Cloud SQL High Availability process, this is better explained here:
Each second, the primary instance writes to a system database as a
heartbeat signal.
So the table is used internally to keep track of your instance's health. The autovacuum is triggered based on the doc David shared.
Now, if the Vacuum process generated the CPU spike, you would see the spike every minute/second.
So, straight answers to your questions:
Is this normal? : Yes, the autovacuum and the cloudsqladmin.public.heartbeat table are completely normal from a Cloud SQL internal perspective, they should not impact in any way the Instance.
Should we tune the values for the autovacuum? : No need for that, as mentioned, this process is not the one impacting the CPU Instance, you can hide the similar logs including "cloudsqladmin.public.heartbeat" and analyze the ones left on the time the Spike was presented.
It is worth looking at the backup processes triggered too (there could be one on the same time) Cloud SQL > Instance Details > Backups, but of course, that's a different topic than the one described here :) .
Here's a recommendation that seems very relevant to your situation:

Why can't CP systems also be CAP?

My understanding of the CAP acronym is as follows:
Consistent: every read gets the most recent write
Available: every node is available
Partion Tolerant: the system can continue upholding A and C promises when the network connection between nodes goes down
Assuming my understanding is more or less on track, then something is bother me.
AFAIK, availability is achieved via any of the following techniques:
Load balancing
Replication to a disaster recovery system
So if I have a system that I already know is CP, why can't I "make it full CAP" by applying one of these techniques to make it available as well? I'm sure I'm missing something important here, just not sure what.
It's the partition tolerance, that you got wrong.
As long as there isn't any partitioning happening, systems can be consistent and available. There are CA systems which say, we don't care about partitions. You can have them running inside racks with server hardware and make partitioning extremely unlikely. The problem is, what if partitions occur?
The system can either choose to
continue providing the service, hoping the other server is down rather than providing the same service and serving different data - choosing availability (AP)
stop providing the service, because it couldn't guarantee consistency anymore, since it doesn't know if the other server is down or in fact up and running and just the communication between these two broke off - choosing consistency (CP)
The idea of the CAP theorem is that you cannot provide both Availability AND Consistency, once partitioning occurs, you can either go for availability and hope for the best, or play it safe and be unavailable, but consistent.
Here are 2 great posts, which should make it clear:
You Can’t Sacrifice Partition Tolerance shows the idea, that every truly distributed system needs to deal with partitioning now and than and hence CA systems will break instantly at the first occurrence of a partition
CAP Twelve Years Later: How the "Rules" Have Changed is slightly more up to date and shows the CAP theorem more flexible, where developers can choose how applications behave during partitioning and can sacrifice a bit of consistency to gain some availability, ...
So to finally answer your question, if you take a CP system and replicate it more often, you might either run into overhead of messages sent between the nodes of the system to keep it consistent, or - in case a substantial part of the nodes fails or network partitioning occurs without any part having a clear majority, it won't be able to continue operation as it wouldn't be able to guarantee consistency anymore. But yes, these lines are getting more blurred now and I think the references I've provided will give you a much better understanding.

Adding a new secondary in MongoDB to Distribute Load

I have two shards on three machines (using mongodb 1.8.2):
nodeI including: shard1(primary) and shard2(primary)
nodeII including: shard1(secondary) and shard2(secondary)
nodeIII including: shard1(arbiter) and shard2 (arbiter)
NodeII load is getting very high(CPU and IO), and NodeI is high as well, but a little better than nodeII.
In my java client I designated code to only query NodeII, while NodeI is just used for writing.
I am planning to convert nodeIII from arbiter to secondary to share the read load on NodeII.
Do you think this is a good idea and if I do this, what should I consider, or do you have other suggestions to lower the load?
As long as the arbiter hardware has similar specifications to your secondary, the approach you are suggesting seems reasonable as it will distribute the secondary reads. Usually arbiters have very low hardware specs or are on shared hardware, but I am assuming that this is not the case in your configuration.
If you have an odd number of servers in the replica set you will no longer need an arbiter.
You may want to look into Read Preference here, in particular you might be interested in specifying tag sets to select a secondary.
Reading from a secondary does not necessarily "distribute" the load as you might expect. Without getting to the root of your performance problems, you may just be setting up for more challenges.
In particular, adding a secondary to your existing servers will:
increase the I/O load on the server where you add the secondary (you are now replicating & writing a full extra copy of the data)
provide more contention for reading from the server the secondary is syncing from
potentially cause that secondary to lag behind the primary during heavy read activity (which may be of concern if you are expecting strong consistency).
You should also consider what happens in the case of failure. If your servers are struggling under the current load, things will probably dramatically melt down if any one of your physical servers has problems and all the traffic ends up hitting a single server.
Ideally you should run mongostat or similar monitoring tools to get a better understanding of the performance characteristics of your servers and what might be contributing to the load (memory pressure, lock %, I/O, network, ..). It would be helpful if you could post a sampling of mongostat output to PasteBin or similar.
You should also review your common queries with explain() to understand index usage, and check if they require access to all shards or are being directed to a specific one.
If all 3 servers are the same hardware spec, as a short term improvement I would consider:
Removing the arbiters and replace them with secondary nodes. This will provide extra data redundancy in the event one of your servers fails and help prevent all of the load from landing on one server.
Stepping down the primary on NodeI, so that NodeI and NodeII each have a primary and secondary (rather than the two primaries on NodeI and two secondaries on NodeII). The primary and secondary servers have different write characteristics so this may balance the load better.
Checking your shard key(s) and common queries to confirm they will reasonably balance reads and writes. Potential problems including a "hot spot" where all writes to a collection hit a single shard .. or queries which hit all shards to get a result.
Testing the change in performance if you don't read from the secondaries. It may seem counter-intuitive, but reading from secondaries may actually be causing you other issues depending on the nature of your queries.
Lastly, you mention using 1.8.2. There are significant performance and locking/yielding improvements in MongoDB 2.0 and 2.2, as well as other bug fixes. It would be worth testing an upgrade in your development environment as this may address some of your issues.

PostgreSQL consuming large amount of memory for persistent connection

I have a C++ application which is making use of PostgreSQL 8.3 on Windows. We use the libpq interface.
We have a multi-threaded app where each thread opens a connection and keeps using without PQFinish it.
We notice that for each query (especially the SELECT statements) postgres.exe memory consumption would go up. It goes up as high as 1.3 GB. Eventually, postgres.exe crashes and forces our program to create a new connection.
Has anyone experienced this problem before?
EDIT: shared_buffer is currently set to be 128MB in our conf. file.
EDIT2: a workaround that we have in place right now is to call PQfinish for every transaction. But then, this slows down our processing a bit since establishing a connection every time is quite slow.
In PostgreSQL, each connection has a dedicated backend. This backend not only holds connection and session state, but is also an execution engine. Backends aren't particularly cheap to leave lying around, and they cost both memory and synchronization overhead even when idle.
There's an optimum number of actively working backends for any given Pg server on any given workload, where adding more working backends slows things down rather than speeding it up. You want to find that point, and limit the number of backends to around that level. Unfortunately there's no magic recipe for this, it mostly involves benchmarking - on your hardware and with your workload.
If you need more connections than that, you should use a proxy or pooling system that allows you to separate "connection state" from "execution engine". Two popular choices are PgBouncer and PgPool-II . You can maintain light-weight connections from your app to the proxy/pooler, and let it schedule the workload to keep the database server working at its optimum load. If too many queries come in, some wait before being executed instead of competing for resources and slowing down all queries on the server.
See the postgresql wiki.
Note that if your workload is read-mostly, and especially if it has items that don't change often for which you can determine a reliable cache invalidation scheme, you can also potentially use memcached or Redis to reduce your database workload. This requires application changes. PostgreSQL's LISTEN and NOTIFY will help you do sane cache invalidation.
Many database engines have some separation of execution engine and connection state built in to the core database engine's design. Sybase ASE certainly does, and I think Oracle does too, but I'm not too sure about the latter. Unfortunately, because of PostgreSQL's one-process-per-connection model it's not easy for it to pass work around between backends, making it harder for PostgreSQL to do this natively, so most people use a proxy or pool.
I strongly recommend that you read PostgreSQL High Performance. I don't have any relationship/affiliation with Greg Smith or the publisher*, I just think it's great and will be very useful if you're concerned about your DB's performance.
* ... well, I didn't when I wrote this. I work for the same company now.
The memory usage is not necessarily a problem. PostgreSQL uses shared memory for some caching, and this memory does not count towards the size of the process memory usage until it's actually used. The more you use the process, the larger parts of the shared buffers will be active in it's address space.
If you have a large value for shared_buffers, this will happen. If you have it too large, the process can run out of address space and crash, yes.
The problem is probably that you don't close the transaction,
In PostgreSQL even if you do only selects without DML it runs in transaction which need to be rollback.
By adding rollback at the end of the transaction will reduce your memory problem