UITabBarController, UINavigationController and autorotate - iphone

i have problem with autorotate on iphone
i set up in all classes
- (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation {
return (interfaceOrientation != UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown);
but it is not respond ;/
Sample code is: http://b6.s3.p.quickshareit.com/files/testautorotatecb367.zip
problem is only with first tab, if i switch application to second tab, and rotate iphone, interface is rotating. it is not rotating in TAB1, where i put custom UINavigationController

problem is that i do not init navigation views, i use only alloc, after i add alloc] init] all started works OK

Okay, i think i see what the problem is in you code. You need to add your UINavigationBar to the delegate like you did with the tab bar, otherwise it doesn't know of its existence and therefore it isn't rotating because it is confused on what is in the view.
Because I use Interface Builder to take care of all my GUI needs, i'm not sure how to do this manually in code, so, to help you out, here >> http://www.radford.edu/ebalci/Tutorials/SimpleTabNavTemplate.zip is a tutorial kind of thing i made a few days ago for a friend, you can use it as sort of a template or guide to help you out (i hope it will help you)
[my tutorial uses UItableViews for navigation but that is optional]
also, i commented out my rotation methods because i wasn't worried about it at the time, but
if you uncomment them (and i think you have to add the method to one of the classes because i deleted it) it will rotate, i just checked, but was too lazy to re zip it and upload it.
I just want you to know that I pretty much just made this thing a day ago, there is a rich text file in the zip that has instructions, but, it is a rough draft, i haven't really revised it yet so, i hope you can read through it with ease despite the fact it is a rough draft.
Let me know if it helps =) Good Luck

And your custom UINavigationController also has the same
method that returns YES to landscape views?


iOS 5 issues: Navigation bar clipped after dismissing modal

I have a nice little app on the app store that does pretty well for itself. Life was great until iOS 5 came to town. Now, I have a number of issues with my app that I have no way of fixing because I have no clue what is going on, because I feel that they are iOS 5 issues, not mine.
Was there an iOS 5 conversion manual I missed? Or did they just change everything for fun, and want us to figure out where all the easter eggs were?
Here is another issue I am experiencing (that I have wasted so much time trying to fix), that DON'T EXIST AT ALL when I simply say that I want to run the app in good ol' 4.2:
Modal view
My app is a simple reader app. I have a book reading view that displays text with a UIWebView. One of the features I have been working on involves the ability to take notes as you read. This is achieved by hitting a button, and presenting a modal view. Yes, a modal view. The most simple pre- iOS 5 thing you could possibly do. Now, when I dismiss my modal view, just by hitting cancel, and simply dismiss the view, when I get back to my reader view, the navigation bar at the top is pushed up half way off the screen! This doesn't happen in 4.2, but there it is in iOS 5!
What can I do to get this issue resolved?
Thanks for your help.
Ok, I was just able to figure out what in the blazes was going on. I had the shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation value set to a BOOL variable, so that when the modalView was coming back, it didn't know the state/size of the status bar. Fixed that, and the problem disappeared.
I have the feeling it has something to do with the way you present and dismissing the modalview. Apple introduced a new method to present views. May you try using theses instead of the old ones and see if it fixes your problem.
So here is what you do:
change this method:
into the new preferred method introduced with iOS 5:
Depending if you are using dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:to dismiss your view, change it into dismissViewControllerAnimated:completion.
This methods also have completion handler which is very useful to do some extra work after the view has been presented/dismissed. Maybe that also helps with your other issue. Let me know if that might helped.
A major change in iOS 5 is that the navigationController property of UIViewController is no longer set for modal views. Instead, there is a new (not present in iOS 4) parentViewController property. So where you're using navigationController in a modal view you need to change the logic to something like:
UIViewController* parent;
if ([self respondsToSelector:#selector(parentViewController)]) {
parent = self.parentViewController;
else {
parent = self.navigationController;
(That's from memory, so I can't guarantee that every t is dotted and every i crossed.)
I was seeing this same clipping problem.
I found out that the reason for my issue was that I set the content size within the modal dialog (something I did for my iPad layout), so removing these two lines seemed to fix the issue:
CGSize size = CGSizeMake(320, 480);
self.contentSizeForViewInPopover = size;
I thought the problem was fixed but it wasn't. After reviewing the code some more, cleaning the build, and retesting it turned out to be a shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation which would return NO for all orientations, for a brief amount of time (flag == NO) while the app is loading (root controller). You want to at least return YES to one orientation like so:
- (BOOL) shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)toInterfaceOrientation
return !self.flag ? UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait == toInterfaceOrientation : YES;

Point of Reference: Replacing the Root View Controller / App Delegate?

I'm new to iOS development, obviously, and I'm running into a bit of an issue with many of the tutorials that I find online. While I understand the majority of the code that is going into these programs, I cannot figure out how to translate this one fact, which is probably simple.
Many tutorials either use the Navigation-based template or View-based template, but I would like to try building tab bar applications. Tutorials either use the App Delegate or rootViewController (being the navigation controller), but since my tab bar is my rootViewController, I always run into an issue. I'm also unable to use the applicationDidFinishLaunching method in most of my code, because it technically only applies to the first tab at launch.
These are my questions:
Is there a way to "translate" these files into new classes (for example, creating an instance of NSObject for the App Delegate code for each individual tab or creating instances of UINavigationViewController)?
If I can create the instance of NSObject, how do I ensure that the code links up to the objects that I create in my viewController?
If I can create a file that uses UINavigationController, how do I trick the program into temporarily allowing the Nav Controller to be the rootViewController.
Many thanks in advance!
Right off the top of my head, I can only answer number 3 for you, you could do that in one of two ways that I am aware, and if anyone sees either of these is incorrect or bad practice, I hope someone corrects me, as this is what I have been doing.
[appDelegate.window addSubview:appDelegate.newRootViewController.view];
appDelegate.window.rootViewController = appDelegate.newRootViewController;
[self.navigationController pushViewController:appDelegate.newRootViewController animated:YES];
Both should accomplish the same thing, though if you can help it, the second version is ideal. Its also worth noting that for the first one, there is no tricking, you are actually setting the rootViewController of your app to something different.
I'll do some digging and see if I can answer any of your other questions for you too.
Edit: So after re-reading and thinking a bit more about it, I think the other two questions can be answered by maybe clarifying a tab bar application. Unfortunately, I'm fairly new to iOS as well, and I haven't had to opportunity to create a tab bar application, so I don't want to give you incorrect info. I would recommend checking out http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Creating_an_iOS_4_iPhone_Multiview_Application_using_the_Tab_Bar_%28Xcode_4%29 and hopefully it can give you a little bit of a better idea of how Tab Bar Apps work. I've been using that eBook along with another from that site combined with Ray Wenderlich's tutorials to teach myself.
Anyways, I hope this helps to some extent, if you want me to try to clarify or go into detail on anything just comment and I'll see if I can help.
Good Luck!
You're misunderstanding how the app delegate works.
It's the delegate for the application, not a controller. Your controllers may be loaded from a xib by the time applicationDidFinishLaunching is called, but there's no connection between the two events.
applicationDidFinishLaunching is just the place where you do final setup before the app is ready for use.
If you don't instantiate your tab bar controller in your main xib file, you can instantiate it here, then instantiate all of it's controllers and add them to to the tab bar controller. While you're doing that, you can load plists, set properties on the controllers, etc.
If you do instantiate your tab bar controller in your main xib file, you can still get access to its controllers here. You can edit those controllers or throw them out and create new ones. You can even throw out your tab bar controller and switch to a navigation controller.
I can't answer questions 1 and 2 because the assumptions behind them are invalid.
Rather than ask how you work around perceived problems with the app delegate and tab bar controllers, describe what you're trying to accomplish.

shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation doesn't work on first launch after fresh app install

When the app I'm working on is installed either via Ad-Hoc thru iTunes or built directly to the device, upon launching for the first time, the only view controller in my app that responds to orientation changes doesn't receive calls to shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation: with a landscape argument passed in; debugging shows that it's only being called for portrait. Every subsequent launch behaves as I would expect - that is, there are calls to shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation: made both with landscape and portrait arguments. This exact behavior can be seen in the iPhone simulator, on the iPhone and on the iPod touch.
So my question is: why would orientation notifications be different for the first launch of an app than they would be for every subsequent launch? Am I mistaken in believing that I have no control over orientation changes beyond responding to shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:?
Inside the ViewController in question:
- (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)toInterfaceOrientation
return YES;
and inside of viewDidLoad and viewDidUnload I've got (respectively):
[[UIDevice currentDevice] beginGeneratingDeviceOrientationNotifications];
[[UIDevice currentDevice] endGeneratingDeviceOrientationNotifications];
Update July 6, 2010:
Still no luck solving the problem. I dropped the issue for a little while and came back to it and am still seeing the problem under completely different circumstances. Anyone?
Update July 13, 2010:
From Apple's View Controller Programming Guide:
"...the window object does much of the work associated with changing the current orientation. [...] Specifically, it works with the view controller whose root view was most recently added to, or presented in, the window. In other words, the window object works only with the frontmost view controller whose view was displayed..."
I'm adding the root view controller to the window differently on the first launch compared to every subsequent launch, so I thought maybe it had something to do with this. I have yet to trace anything back to here though...just a thought.
This thing has had around 175 views at the time of this update...no one has even the most far out obscure suggestion? Come on, throw something out there. I'm willing to entertain any guesses or suggestions at this point. I don't care if it's stupidly obscure or potentially irrelevant.
Never did solve this problem - I left the company where I encountered it before I had a chance to. However, I had a pretty good lead on it by the time I left. I contacted Apple DTS about the issue and they noted that for autorotation to work properly, all ViewControllers in the view stack related to autorotation must call the super methods in the method implementations (i.e. calling [super viewDidLoad] from within the ViewController's viewDidLoad). I don't remember which methods they cited exactly, but it's probably worth a shot to ensure you're properly calling super where appropriate.
[EDIT] If someone can confirm this, I'll mark it as the accepted answer. Thanks!
also make sure you set:
- (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation {
// Return YES for supported orientations
return YES;}
in ALL ViewControllers.m in your app, not just one you're working on (if you have more than one). I was struggling trying to get it going for the FirstViewController, but it wouldn't work no matter what. As soon as I added the above code to all four view controllers, it started to work just fine (in all four)
I had a similar problem - the UIDevice.h header lists endGeneratingDeviceOrientationNotifications and beginGeneratingDeviceOrientationNotifications as "nestable." It turns out I had unbalanced calls to these methods.
I solved this quickly with the following change to beginGeneratingDeviceOrientationNotifications:
if (![[UIDevice currentDevice] isGeneratingDeviceOrientationNotifications])
[[UIDevice currentDevice] beginGeneratingDeviceOrientationNotifications];

Single-Stage vs Two-Stage Animation for iPhone Apps?

What are single-state and two-stage animation for rotating an iPhone window?
This is the "error" message I get in the Debugger Console (nothing crashes):
Using two-stage rotation animation. To use the smoother single-stage animation, this application must remove two-stage method implementations.
I was working through the book "Beginning iPhone Development: Exploring the iPhone SDK" by Apress (Dave Mark, Jeff LaMarche) on the Swap Project.
Everything is explained in the UIViewController Class Reference. Especially check out the View Rotation section near the top.
From the reference:
Handling View Rotations
By default, the UIViewController class
displays views in portrait mode only.
To support additional orientations,
you must override the
method and return YES for any
orientations your subclass supports.
If the autoresizing properties of your
views are configured correctly, that
may be all you have to do. However,
the UIViewController class provides
additional hooks for you to implement
additional behaviors as needed.
To temporarily turn off features that
are not needed or might otherwise
cause problems during the orientation
change, you can override the
method and perform the needed actions
there. You can then override the
method and use it to reenable those
features once the orientation change
is complete.
If you want to perform custom
animations during an orientation
change, you can do so in one of two
ways. Orientation changes used to
occur in two steps, with notifications
occurring at the beginning, middle,
and end points of the rotation.
However, in iPhone OS 3.0, support was
added for performing orientation
changes in one step. Using a one-step
orientation change tends to be faster
than the older two-step process and is
generally recommended for any new
To add animations for a one-step
orientation change, override the
method and perform your animations
there. To use the older two-step
method, override one or both of the
methods to configure your animations
before each step. You must choose only
one technique and override just the
methods associated with that
technique. If you override either
method associated with the two-step
technique, the view controller uses
that technique by default.
I have found the culprit in my case to be the UIImagePickerController (I also do not override any rotation animation):
[self presentModalViewController:imagePicker animated:YES];
Replacing imagePicker with a generic UIViewController doesn't generate any warnings.
I changed from willAnimateFirstHalfOfRotationToInterfaceOrientation:duration: method to willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:duration: method and warning gone.
Ed Marty's answer is the correct one. The reason it will happen if you are not overriding any of the rotation animation is probably that you reply "YES" to shouldAutorotate.. for some view. If you do not implement rotation at all, then you should just not override the shouldAutorotate.. method. If you do override that method, then just override the single step rotation method as well and pass it along to the super.
If you're using iOS 4 and you're getting this warning, I found a way to get rid of it. In your info.plist, there is an item called "Supported interface orientations." Select which orientations your application supports and two-stage warnings will go away when bringing up the imagePicker.
#plumiscles answer didn't quite work for me - there was no item called 'Supported Interface Orientations', probably b/c it is an old project. But you can get the same effect by editing the .plist file directly and adding this:
Need to add UIImagePickerController as a subview to solve this error
[self.view addSubview:picker.view];
[self presentModalViewController:picker animated:NO];
I've had this issue after creating a tabbarcontroller with no view controllers inside (no tabs), this warning disappeared once I attached at least one view controller to it.
I wasn't over riding any of those two-step functions, but I was calling my own function when I received orientationChanged notifications, and I had this line of code in it. Commenting it out got rid of the warning and allowed the auto rotate to work properly. Auto rotate still worked with this line of code until iOS 4.2, then it broke completely. Spent a lot of time looking for why the built in autoRotate stopped working in 4.2. Maybe this will help someone else.
Commented out this line to make it work:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarOrientation:currentOrientation animated:YES];
I've delete from plist "Supported interface orientations" row and warning disappears.
I just had the same problem. In my case was a silly mistake that I'm putting here just in case anyone else falls into that same issue.
In my tabbed app I remove one of the original ViewControllers and added a new one with Storyboard to create a "Settings" section.
This new VC had to be a table view VC and even I designed, compiled and run it without a problem, when I changed the orientation of the app I kept getting this “Using two-stage rotation animation” error.
My problem was that I forgot to change in the original .h file interface "UIViewController" for "UITableViewController".
Once this was done I changed on the Storyboard identity badge the class from the general value to my SettingsViewController and that was the end of it.
I hope it can help someone else. It took me a while to get to bottom of this.

iPhone - Blank Screen when Switching VIews

I have an application that makes use of drill-down views, tabbars, etc. I'm also making use of the UIImagePicker, as well as Route-Me for mapping support. Normally, the application performs fine. However, I find that if I perform a lot of activities and then switch between views, I end up with a blank screen and my view is not drawn. My hunch is this is memory related, but how can I be sure? Has anyone encountered a similar situation? How did you go about correcting it? What can I look for? Thanks for any help you can give!
You're view is probably being unloaded in the background. If you have access to forums, here is a good thread:
Basically, you need to expect that while in another part of the application, iphone may unload a view which isn't active (see viewDidUnload method). When you switch to that view, it will then call viewDidLoad again.
I had this exact problem... In the method that handles my UIView switching, I checked for ([newViewController.view superview] == nil) which it was during a blank-out! So I went and re-initted it using [[NewViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"NewView" bundle:nil]
Hope this helps!