Xcode: The session is inactive. Please check your setup and try again. 0xE800001E - iphone

This happens after I hit Build and Go to run my app on my device.
Build -> Clean fixes it, but it's very annoying to have to clean and rebuild the entire project every time I want to run it.
P.S. Is there any way to transfer my app to my iPhone using Xcode, but not run it?

A restart of the device and Xcode seems to have fixed it for me.
At least for now...

Have you tried to reinstall the SDK?

Try to kill all your background app if youre running on iOS 4.0 or above.


Xcode shows popup but there is no errors

Working with my application It goes well but has met into a problem with Xcode. When I try to run the application on the iPhone simulator this message always pops up:
"A coordinated app install already exists for com.apk.ios with intent IXCoordinatorIntentUpdating (creator InstallCoordination Simple SPI) but request by CoreSimulatorBridge (pid 677) was for intent IXCoordinatorIntentInitiating"
What is wrong? There are no errors when trying to build the app. Has tried to clean the build.
Erasing all content and settings is not always necessary as #user3344236 stated.
Please make sure to delete the app that you are trying to install from the iOS Simulator. That'll probably solve your problem.
Why this occurs?
In my case something went wrong while Xcode is trying to install the app on the simulator. Everything is frozen and I had to restart the Mac manually.
Found a solution that works for me:
Either the App store or something else tool is downloading the same app with the same identifier at the time Xcode is trying to launch the same app on the Simulator or on MAC.
Need to stop/delete all the running installs of the app with the same identifier. (How to stop -> that can be figured out to see either App Store or any other tool ) Then try again to launch the app with Xcode, this time it succeeds.
No need to Reboot the simulator/ Mac or reinstall Xcode.
Thanks, Hope this will help someone.

xcode continues project loading forever

I have a source code of a swift application which developed for iOS using swift 3.
I want to run it inside Xcode however it remains in loading state forever.
I have tried solutions provided in question Xcode freezes on startup while loading project however the situation did not change.
The developer of this source code told me that he used Xcode 9.x to develop application so he suggested me to try a 9.x version of Xcode. I guess Xcode should be backward compatible however I want to know does using Xcode 9.x changes the situation or I should look for reason somewhere else?
Using answer in apple.stackexchange.com did the trick:
Removing the ~/Library/Saved Application
State/com.apple.dt.Xcode.savedState/directory might help.
I tried all the solutions outlined here and none of them worked. However, I managed to fix this issue and here is what worked for me: If you're on an Apple OS and have iCloud sync enabled on your desktop/documents/any folder where you're loading Xcode from, the iCloud sync could be causing this issue.
I installed a fresh copy of my RN project in a directory not synced by iCloud and subsequently the issue was resolved; my build-time was down to a couple of seconds!
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/xcode
in terminal worked for me, based on this answer
As of July, 2022, nothing else worked for me but, taking my project outside of the iCloud Drive and putting it into a directory without it. As it is mentioned above, iCloud sync interferes with the XCode running and stalls it.
I wasted almost 2 hrs and tried everything on stack over flow
Just turn OFF icloud from your mac os so that it it will not sync the project.
To turn off icloud
Go to setting
turn off sync
Thats all enjoy
I tried to delete:
~/Library/Developer/Saved Application State/com.apple.dt.Xcode.savedState
and once it helped. But another time it didn't help, so I also tried to reinstall Xcode, which also didn't help.
It turned out that the problem was that I was installing the app via WiFi or Bluetooth. When I connected my device via cable, the Xcode popped up to life and the "loading forever" stopped.
My xcode got hang when I force quit it. After that it was showing only "loading".
Here is fix to start xcode from beginning.
cd /
cd Applications
cd Xcode.app
cd Contents/MacOS
sudo ./Xcode
it will open xcode default window to open a new project.

App not running on device (iPhone)

Today, m getting strange problem. My app is not running on device(Jailbreak). Earlier I have run other app on the device. Yesterday, I have formatted device, now application is not running on the iPhone - 4.2.1.
I have added all the required things like provisioning profile. I have also checked in apple developer site. that device is added to that portal.
I have targeted my application to 4.2 as my device version is 4.2.1.
No error is coming when m trying to run the app. only it ends in “finished running app on iphone”.
M not getting where and what m missing..
Reset the Simulator . Delete the Build File. And Restart the xCode. And Run the yor Project.I Hope it will help you.
Go to your project and delete the build folder. Clean all the installed provision profile from device then restart Xcode. Hope it will help you.
Delete the Build File, Reset the Simulator , And Restart the xCode. And than run your project. and got output on device.

Application is not working properly in iphone simulator now earlier it was working correctly

I have an application where i used to display the data on table view on the click of the button, it was working properly and there was no issue or problem,I used to fetch the data from the sqlite3. I installed the phonegap and later I run this program, the app is running but on the click of the button it is not showing anything on the tableview, but when i run the same app in another mac, it is running correctly, I also uninstalled the phonegap and checked, but it is not working properly. What is the problem, how to overcome this.
Thanks in Advance.
Uninstall Xcode and Re Install it.
To uninstall Xcode use sudo <Xcode>/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all
Try closing your Xcode and simulator. Also remove your app from the simulator and check.
This helped me in some similar situations.

Error : The service is invalid

I am having some problem in installing my app on the iphone as I am constantly getting the following error message
The service is invalid
Please check your setup and try again
It was running perfectly well till yesterday but since yesterday I am having this problem.
Xcode and the GDB connection is quite temperamental. The device and your Mac can become unsynchronised with each other. My checklist for this sort of thing:
Restart Xcode.
Delete the .app from your iOS device, do a Clean then Rebuild.
Disconnect, reconnect device.
Restart iOS device (90% of the time it fixes things)
If all else fails, restart your Mac (unlikely but it did fix an issue once for me).
I have solved the problem... Only needed to restart the iphone...
Restarting the Xcode wont work in this case. So just restart your iPhone and everything will be fine.
If you have an iPhone 5 running iOS 6.0 and have installed the "iOS Updater" app, you will also have this message.
Finishing the update process to iOS 6.0.1 will resolve the problem.
If you have an iPhone 5 running iOS 6.0 and have installed the "iOS Updater" app, you will also have this message.
Finishing the update process to iOS 6.0.1 will resolve the problem.
This error also happens if the iPhone provisioning profile has expired.
It can be a couple of things, the first and inmediate thing I'd check is to see if your IPhone is currently Downloading or "Preparing Update..." whilst this is running you generally get the "Device is invalid (0xe8000084)" / Error MT1006.
This i found to be the most common thing. so try this first.
And if that fails: Restart your IPhone, and then if that fails restart your Mac/Xcode
and do a clean then Rebuild and deploy..
Hope this helps
This error happens when you try to debug an application in your IPod/IPhone and the device is code-locked or executing another application.
Make sure you can see the menu with all the app icons on the device and try to run again.
If nothing works then check if your device os is compatible with your Xcode version.
I confirm that restarting your device solves the issue.
But if your device is jailbroken with a Semi-tethered jailbreak you will loose it after a reboot.
To prevent this, do a ldrestart(soft reboot).
In order to perform it, download a terminal application from Cydia, then type:
Input your password when asked, the default password is "alpine".
Then type
Unplugged the device and connected again with Mac solved my issue. Did not need to clean, build or restart XCode. XCode 10.2.1, iOS 12.3.1 version.
First remove the app from iPhone before building the app from xcode.
Then Clean All Targets from xcode and then try to build your app again.
SnowLeopard w/ XCode 4.2's Instruments will give this message on newer iOSes.
I had luck by disconnecting my iPhone from my mac, and then Analyzing (Shift + Command + B or Product -> Analyze).
After that I plugged my iPhone back in and did a clean (Command + k) and then run. Worked!
Simply restarting the device (as the alert suggests) fixed the problem, at least on iOS 12.