How to pass command-line arguments to a PowerShell ps1 file - command-line

For years, I have used the cmd/DOS/Windows shell and passed command-line arguments to batch files. For example, I have a file, zuzu.bat and in it, I access %1, %2, etc. Now, I want to do the same when I call a PowerShell script when I am in a Cmd.exe shell. I have a script, xuxu.ps1 (and I've added PS1 to my PATHEXT variable and associated PS1 files with PowerShell). But no matter what I do, I seem unable to get anything from the $args variable. It always has length 0.
If I am in a PowerShell shell, instead of cmd.exe, it works (of course). But I'm not yet comfortable enough to live in the PowerShell environment full time. I don't want to type powershell.exe -command xuxu.ps1 p1 p2 p3 p4. I want to type xuxu p1 p2 p3 p4.
Is this possible, and if so, how?
The sample I cannot get to work is trivial, foo.ps1:
Write-Host "Num Args:" $args.Length;
foreach ($arg in $args) {
Write-Host "Arg: $arg";
The results are always like this:
C:\temp> foo
Num Args: 0
C:\temp> foo a b c d
Num Args: 0

This article helps. In particular, this section:
Runs the specified script in the local scope ("dot-sourced"), so that the functions and variables that the script creates are available in the current session. Enter the script file path and any parameters. File must be the last parameter in the command, because all characters typed after the File parameter name are interpreted as the script file path followed by the script parameters.
powershell.exe -File "C:\myfile.ps1" arg1 arg2 arg3
means run the file myfile.ps1 and arg1 arg2 & arg3 are the parameters for the PowerShell script.

After digging through the PowerShell documentation, I discovered some useful information about this issue. You can't use the $args if you used the param(...) at the beginning of your file; instead you will need to use $PSBoundParameters. I copy/pasted your code into a PowerShell script, and it worked as you'd expect in PowerShell version 2 (I am not sure what version you were on when you ran into this issue).
If you are using $PSBoundParameters (and this ONLY works if you are using param(...) at the beginning of your script), then it is not an array, it is a hash table, so you will need to reference it using the key / value pair.
param($p1, $p2, $p3, $p4)
write-host "Num Args: " $PSBoundParameters.Keys.Count
foreach ($key in $PSBoundParameters.keys) {
$Script:args+= "`$$key=" + $PSBoundParameters["$key"] + " "
write-host $Script:args
And when called with...
PS> ./foo.ps1 a b c d
The result is...
Num Args: 4
$p1=a $p2=b $p3=c $p4=d

OK, so first this is breaking a basic security feature in PowerShell. With that understanding, here is how you can do it:
Open an Windows Explorer window
Menu Tools -> Folder Options -> tab File Types
Find the PS1 file type and click the advanced button
Click the New button
For Action put: Open
For the Application put: "C:\WINNT\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" "-file" "%1" %*
You may want to put a -NoProfile argument in there too depending on what your profile does.

You could declare your parameters in the file, like param:
And then call the PowerShell file like so .\temp.ps1 param1 param2....param10, etc.

Maybe you can wrap the PowerShell invocation in a .bat file like so:
rem ps.bat
#echo off
powershell.exe -command "%*"
If you then placed this file under a folder in your PATH, you could call PowerShell scripts like this:
ps foo 1 2 3
Quoting can get a little messy, though:
ps write-host """hello from cmd!""" -foregroundcolor green

if you want to invoke ps1 scripts from cmd and pass arguments without invoking the script like
powershell.exe script.ps1 -c test
script -c test ( wont work )
you can do the following
setx PATHEXT "%PATHEXT%;.PS1;" /m
assoc .ps1=Microsoft.PowerShellScript.1
ftype Microsoft.PowerShellScript.1=powershell.exe "%1" %*
This is assuming powershell.exe is in your path

You may not get "xuxu p1 p2 p3 p4" as it seems. But when you are in PowerShell and you set
PS > Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser
You can run those scripts like this:
./xuxu p1 p2 p3 p4
.\xuxu p1 p2 p3 p4
./xuxu.ps1 p1 p2 p3 p4
I hope that makes you a bit more comfortable with PowerShell.


How do I have to change PowerShell variables code so that I can run it via CMD?

How do I have to change PowerShell code so that I can run it via CMD?
I came up with the following code:
$text_auslesen = Get-Content $env:APPDATA\BIOS-Benchmark\PowerShell-Protokoll-Auswertung.txt
$text_auslesen.Replace("Count :","") > $env:APPDATA\BIOS-Benchmark\Count_only.txt
$text_auslesen = Get-Content $env:APPDATA\BIOS-Benchmark\PowerShell-Protokoll-Auswertung.txt
$text_auslesen.Replace("Average :","") > $env:APPDATA\BIOS-Benchmark\Durchschnitt_only.txt
If I copy and paste it completely into a powershell, it can run. But now I have to put the code next to other code in a batch file. How do I have to adjust the code so that the cmd.exe executes the whole thing?
I suspect setting the variables via Powershell code is problematic here.
Unfortunately, a PS1 file is out of the question for my project.
To execute PowerShell commands from a batch file / cmd.exe, you need to create a PowerShell child process, using the PowerShell CLI (powershell.exe for Windows PowerShell, pwsh for PowerShell (Core) 7+) and pass the command(s) to the -Command (-c) parameter.
However, batch-file syntax does not support multi-line strings, so you have two options (the examples use two simple sample commands):
Pass all commands as a double-quoted, single-line string:
powershell.exe -Command "Get-Date; Write-Output hello > test.txt"
Do not use quoting, which allows you to use cmd.exe's line continuations, by placing ^ at the end of each line.
powershell.exe -Command Get-Date;^
Write-Output hello ^> test.txt
In both cases multiple statements must be separated with ;, because ^ at the end of a batch-file line continues the string on the next line without a newline.
Especially with the unquoted solution, you need to carefully ^-escape individual characters that cmd.exe would otherwise interpret itself, such as & and >
See this answer for detailed guidance.
Powershell -c executes PowerShell commands. You can do this from cmd, however, it looks like it needs to be run as administrator.
PowerShell -c "$text_auslesen = Get-Content $env:APPDATA\BIOS-Benchmark\PowerShell-Protokoll-Auswertung.txt;
$text_auslesen.Replace('Count :','') > $env:APPDATA\BIOS-Benchmark\Count_only.txt;
$text_auslesen = Get-Content $env:APPDATA\BIOS-Benchmark\PowerShell-Protokoll-Auswertung.txt;
$text_auslesen.Replace('Average :','') > $env:APPDATA\BIOS-Benchmark\Durchschnitt_only.txt"
It is possible to execute the PowerShell code in a batch file, but technically what you are doing is pulling a copy of it out and executing it someplace else. Here are 3 methods that I know of.
mklement0's answer addresses executing a copy of it that is passed as a parameter to PowerShell.
You could build a ps1 file from CMD, and then execute that ps1 file by passing it as a parameter to PowerShell.
And the method I've worked with the most is to pass specially designed PowerShell code to PowerShell that, when it runs, will load all, or part, of the current CMD file into memory and execute it there as a ScriptBlock. I have tried loading parts of the current CMD file, but my experience has been that this gets too complicated and I just stick with loading the entire current CMD file.
That last method is what I'm presenting here. The trick is to make the batch/CMD portion of the script look like a comment that is ignored by PowerShell, but still runs without throwing error messages in CMD. I'm not sure where I first found this trick, but it goes like this:
First, place <# : at the start of script. PowerShell sees this as the start of a comment, but CMD seems to ignore this line. I think CMD is trying to redirect < the contents of a non-existing file : to a non-existing command. But what does CMD do with the #? It works, and that's the important thing.
Place your batch code in lines following the <# :.
You end the batch/CMD part with a GOTO :EOF.
You then end the PowerShell comment with #>, but visually I find it easier to find <#~#>, which does the same job.
The rest of the file is your PowerShell code.
This version treats the PowerShell code as a function with defined parameters. The batch part builds %ARGS% and passes, with double quotes intact, to a PowerShell ScriptBlock that in turn is wrapped in another ScriptBlock. The PowerShell function is called twice with the same SourceFile parameter, but different DestinationFile and TextToRemove parameters. Perhaps there is a simpler way to reliably pass double quotes " in arguments passed to a ScriptBlock from batch, but this is the method I got working.
<# :
SET f0=%~f0
SET SourceFile=%APPDATA%\BIOS-Benchmark\PowerShell-Protokoll-Auswertung.txt
SET ARGS="%SourceFile%" "%APPDATA%\BIOS-Benchmark\Count_only.txt" "Count :"
PowerShell -NoProfile -Command ".([scriptblock]::Create('.([scriptblock]::Create((get-content -raw $Env:f0))) ' + $Env:ARGS))"
SET ARGS="%SourceFile%" "%APPDATA%\BIOS-Benchmark\Durchschnitt_only.txt" "Average :"
PowerShell -NoProfile -Command ".([scriptblock]::Create('.([scriptblock]::Create((get-content -raw $Env:f0))) ' + $Env:ARGS))"
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2)]
(Get-Content $SourceFile).Replace($TextToRemove, '') > $DestinationFile
This script passes a single parameter that, in PowerShell, is used by the Switch command to decide which section of PowerShell you intend on executing. Since we are not passing double quotes " in the args, the PowerShell lines can be greatly simplified. Information could still be passed to PowerShell by defining environmental variables in batch and reading them in PowerShell.
<# :
SET f0=%~f0
PowerShell -NoProfile -Command .([scriptblock]::Create((get-content -raw $Env:f0))) Script1
PowerShell -NoProfile -Command .([scriptblock]::Create((get-content -raw $Env:f0))) Script2
switch ($args[0]) {
'Script1' {
(Get-Content $env:APPDATA\BIOS-Benchmark\PowerShell-Protokoll-Auswertung.txt).Replace("Count :", '') > $env:APPDATA\BIOS-Benchmark\Count_only.txt
'Script2' {
(Get-Content $env:APPDATA\BIOS-Benchmark\PowerShell-Protokoll-Auswertung.txt).Replace("Average :", '') > $env:APPDATA\BIOS-Benchmark\Durchschnitt_only.txt
default {}
The -c parameter is intended to solve this scenario.
If possible, it would be more efficient to invoke PowerShell\Pwsh directly rather than using a cmd wrapper.

how to run .bat file with pass some parameter in powershell script?

In my machine , this location content , windows bat file. "D/too/w.bat". This bat file can run in cmd , like this w.bat I :/ o:/ In Powershell , can run like this "./w.bat i: o:/" . now I , need to run it using some automated .ps script. I try like bellow ,
function run--bat {
Write-host "run bat";
Start-Process -File "C:/t/w.bat" "i:/ o:/"
but i it not succes. need some expert help to resolve this .
Pass an argument list:
Start-Process C:\t\w.bat -ArgumentList 'i:\','o:\'
The comma operator builds arrays in PowerShell, so 'i:\','o:\' is a two-element array.
Start-Process will join the arguments with spaces in order to create the finalized command line. This means you could also pass both arguments as one string:
Start-Process C:\t\w.bat -ArgumentList 'i:\ o:\'
From w.bat's point of view there will be no difference.
To pass a value that contains spaces - such as a path - as a single argument, you need to wrap it in double quotes:
Start-Process C:\t\w.bat -ArgumentList '"i:\something\with spaces"','o:\'
Then w.bat will see two arguments:
%1 = "i:\something\with spaces" (and %~1 = i:\something\with spaces)
%2 = o:\

PowerShell script does not receive arguments no matter what

Trying to pass a single command line argument to a powershell script on Windows 7, but the script does not seem to recognize any arguments. It blasts through the first lines below
foreach($arg in $args)
Write-Host "Arg: $arg";
without outputting anything that I use on the command line and fails due to $args[0] being empty. However the rest of my script works if I instead hardcode the value of the variable I am trying to assign from the command line (it simply opens that file and does something).
I was inspired by this answer Passing a variable to a powershell script via command line specifically by the link in the accepted answer, and tried using param block but that did not print out anything as well
Write-Host "Filename: [ $fileName ]";
when invoked like script.ps1 -filename SampleFile.txt
When I simply copy/paste the first script from the link into a new script:
Write-Host "Num Args:" $args.Length;
foreach ($arg in $args)
Write-Host "Arg: $arg";
and call it as 1.ps1 1 2 3 its output is only Num Args: 0.
What am I doing wrong?
PS: If it matters, here is version information
PS Z:\> $PSVersionTable.PSVersion
Major Minor Build Revision
----- ----- ----- --------
2 0 -1 -1
I don't think it has anything to do with file linking, or registry hacking! :)
When running the example code, I also get no return when using your code. But when you make the parameter MANDATORY, it starts to display the arguments. Just need to format the PARAM Correctly, as in:
Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)]
Write-Host "Hello World $argument_one"
There you have it. Now you can call it from CMD as in:
powershell.exe -command "& 'thePSFile.ps1' -$argument_one 'it works now'"
I hope this Helps. I know, resurrected from the dead, but I thought some other people searching could see how they were almost there.
I have this problem as well. It took a while to recover what I have done previously.
First approach: make sure assoc, ftype and %PATHEXT% are set for powershell:
C:\>assoc .ps1
C:\>ftype Microsoft.PowerShellScript.1
Microsoft.PowerShellScript.1="C:\WINDOWS\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -noexit -file %1 %~2
C:\>echo %PATHEXT%
But this likely will not work in windows 7 or higher.
Then edit the registry (all cautions apply here)
Edit the registry key:
Set it from
"C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" "-file" "%1"
"C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" "-file" "%1" %~2
Good luck!

How can I detect whether or not I am in powershell from a command line?

I am creating a standard windows BAT/CMD file and I want to make an IF statement to check whether or not this CMD file is run from PowerShell. How can I do that?
Edit: My underlying problem was that test.cmd "A=B" results in %1==A=B when run from CMD but %1==A and %2==B when run from PowerShell. The script itself is actually run as an old Windows Command line script in both cases, so checking for Get-ChildItem will always yield an error.
One way, it to see what your process name is, and then check its attributes:
tasklist /v /fo csv | findstr /i "test"
As long as you use a unique name in place of Test, there should be little room for error.
You will get back something like:
When I ran the above code from a bat file, my output was:
A potentially simpler approach that may work for you. If not, it may be suitable for others.
Create 2 separate script files: test.ps1 and test.cmd
Don't include extension when calling the script. I.e. call as <path>\test (or just test if folder is in the path environment variable.
This works because CMD prioritises which script to execute as: .bat > .cmd, whereas Powershell prioritises: .ps1 > .bat > .cmd.
The following is the output of a CMD session:
C:\Temp>copy con test.cmd
#echo cmd^Z
1 file(s) copied.
C:\Temp>copy con test.ps1
Write-Output "ps1"^Z
1 file(s) copied.
And calling test from Powershell:
PS C:\Temp> .\test
PS C:\Temp>
Couldn't you try to execute a Get-ChildItem and then check %ERRORLEVEL% to see if it returns an exe not found?

Pass parameter from a batch file to a PowerShell script

In my batch file, I call the PowerShell script like this:
powershell.exe "& "G:\Karan\PowerShell_Scripts\START_DEV.ps1"
Now, I want to pass a string parameter to START_DEV.ps1. Let's say the parameter is w=Dev.
How can I do this?
Let's say you would like to pass the string Dev as a parameter, from your batch file:
powershell -command "G:\Karan\PowerShell_Scripts\START_DEV.ps1 Dev"
put inside your powershell script head:
$w = $args[0] # $w would be set to "Dev"
This if you want to use the built-in variable $args. Otherwise:
powershell -command "G:\Karan\PowerShell_Scripts\START_DEV.ps1 -Environment \"Dev\""
and inside your powershell script head:
This if you want a named parameter.
You might also be interested in returning the error level:
powershell -command "G:\Karan\PowerShell_Scripts\START_DEV.ps1 Dev; exit $LASTEXITCODE"
The error level will be available inside the batch file as %errorlevel%.
Assuming your script is something like the below snippet and named testargs.ps1
param ([string]$w)
Write-Output $w
You can call this at the commandline as:
PowerShell.Exe -File C:\scripts\testargs.ps1 "Test String"
This will print "Test String" (w/o quotes) at the console. "Test String" becomes the value of $w in the script.
When a script is loaded, any parameters that are passed are automatically loaded into a special variables $args. You can reference that in your script without first declaring it.
As an example, create a file called test.ps1 and simply have the variable $args on a line by itself. Invoking the script like this, generates the following output:
PowerShell.exe -File test.ps1 a b c "Easy as one, two, three"
Easy as one, two, three
As a general recommendation, when invoking a script by calling PowerShell directly I would suggest using the -File option rather than implicitly invoking it with the & - it can make the command line a bit cleaner, particularly if you need to deal with nested quotes.
Add the parameter declaration at the top of ps1 file
# Our preferred encoding
[string]$Encoding = "UTF8"
write ("Encoding : {0}" -f $Encoding)
C:\temp> .\test.ps1 -Encoding ASCII
Encoding : ASCII
The answer from #Emiliano is excellent. You can also pass named parameters like so:
powershell.exe -Command 'G:\Karan\PowerShell_Scripts\START_DEV.ps1' -NamedParam1 "SomeDataA" -NamedParam2 "SomeData2"
Note the parameters are outside the command call, and you'll use: