intellisense disappeared in eclipse, how to get it back - eclipse

I don't know what happened but the intellisense just disappeared; how to get it back? I tried creating new projects, rebooting, doesn't help.

Did you reset the preferences of default options in 'Windows > Preferences > Java > Editor > Content Assist > Advanced', like mentioned in this answer?

window -> preferences -> editor -> content assist
and check the completion inserts box


Eclipse: How to change the list shown in the "switch workspaces" menu?

After trying a few things out, I ended up in a situation, where I'd like to clean up the workspace list shown in the menu File > Switch Workspace > ...
Go to Windows > Preferences Enter text to filter as Workspaces.
Here, you will see the list of recent ones.
You can select and remove the unwanted ones.
I just realized that Eclipse has a Preference for it:
Preferences > General > Startup and Shutdown > Workspaces

Show dialog to choose workspace while it starts

I know its a silly question but i am stuck into it from 2 hours..Can any body tell me how should i enable the dialog which opens at the time we start eclipse and we choose workspace location from there.
See I want this window to be displayed first when eclipse starts
By mistake I have checked "Use this as the default and do not ask again".
Please guide me how to show up this dialog again
You can find it here :
Menu: Window -> Preferences -> General -> Startup and Shutdown -> Workspaces -> Prompt for workspace on startup
Eclipse preferences has a lot of options. You can search for specific options by typing in the filter text box at the top of the preferences dialog.
If you type in 'startup' for instance the list will be much shorter.
window > preferences > general > startup and shutdown > workspaces
then check 'Prompt for workspace on startup'
If your workspace is corrupted and Eclipse doesn't startup with your currently pre-selected workspace, you may edit SHOW_WORKSPACE_SELECTION_DIALOG=false to SHOW_WORKSPACE_SELECTION_DIALOG=true
which is located in file
before you start the IDE.

Eclipse autocomplete broken

Eclipse autocomplete is not working and is always telling me merely "No Default Proposals".
This is true whether I try to autocomplete for code under java.util or in my own project.
I'm running Eclipse 3.5.2 on Lucid Lynx using java-6-openjdk.
Any ideas?
Window > Preferences > Java > Editor > Content Assist > Advanced
All the Java options were turned off. Don't know how this happened or why it's not always on :o/
Open eclipse and go to the following:
Window > Preferences > Java > Editor > Content Assist > Advanced
Select all checkboxes and click Ok.

Eclipse save automatically

I would like Eclipse to automatically save every time I edit a file, in much the same way that it builds automatically. Because I've been using IntelliJ for the last year (which saves automatically by default), I keep having the following problem:
Make some changes in Eclipse
Forget to press save
Run the build, unit tests, and notice some strange behaviour
(Some time later....) realize that the unexpected behaviour occurred because I forgot to save the changes
Is there any way I can make Eclipse save automatically?
Eclipse Neon (4.6)
Window > Preferences
General > Editors > Autosave > check Enable autosave for dirty editors > choose the value for autosave interval (in seconds)
Details in M7:
Auto-save of dirty editors is now available in Eclipse. The autosave option is disabled by default. A new autosave preference page (Preferences > General > Editors > Autosave) is available and allows to enable/disable the autosave and change the interval of autosave. The countdown is reset on keyboard activity, mouse click, or when a popup is displayed (e.g. content assist, preference page, ...).
You can go here and check the box Save automatically before build
Windows > Preferences > General -> Workspace
First, try Window -> Preferences -> General -> Workspace. There you can check "Save automatically before build" and "Build automatically."
If that does not work,
Preferences -> Run/Debug -> Launching -> "Save dirty editors before
You can do it with the saveDirtyEditor plugin as referenced in this question/answer. There is no non-plugin way of doing it.
I wrote an Eclipse plugin for this called smartsave. It's available in the Eclipse Market Place.
It saves your files at a specified interval and you can even tune it to prevent saving if errors, or warnings, are present in the preferences dialog.
In Helios this can be done by going to preferences and setting:
Run/Debug > Launching > Save required dirty editors before launching
For Eclipse Mars 2, the settings are below Window > Preferences > General > Workspace. These settings are in minutes and not in seconds.
You could go to Windows > Preferences > Autosave and set the auto intervals to 1.

How to configure eclipse to autosave on run?

I'm looking for a configuration or plugin for eclipse that automatically saves files (so I don't have to use Ctrl+S). It could do it on lost focus or over some period of time. I think I saw something like that (I know IDEA has it), but I cant find it now.
Update seven years later (Eclipse Neon 4.6)
Eclipse now has an Automatic Save of dirty editors
The autosave option is disabled by default.
A new autosave preference page (Preferences > General > Editors > Autosave) is available and allows to enable/disable the autosave and change the interval of autosave.
The countdown is reset on keyboard activity, mouse click, or when a popup is displayed (e.g. content assist, preference page, ...).
Original answer (2009)
The OP IAdapter added in the comments:
I bet plugin like I describe exists.
... and you are right!
Eclipse plugin saveDirtyEditor should do just what you need.
Copy the SaveDirtyEditors_1.0.2.jar in your plugin directory.
You will get a new preference page under
General > Editors > Text Editors > Save Dirty Editors
, allowing you to save dirty files like '' under '' every 30 seconds (can be less if you want).
Without additional plugin, though, Eclipse does not support natively that feature.
The closest could be:
Window > Preferences > type "build"
> General > Workspace > [x] Save automatically before build
That way, each time you hit CTRL+B for actually building your sources, they would be saved.
But I realize this is not exactly what you are after.
Beware your option would not be very efficient with the "build automatically" option activated... (that would trigger too much builds)
Again, without achieving exactly what you are looking for, you also have:
Run/Debug > Launching > Save required dirty editors before launching
Run/Debug > Launching > [x] Build (if required) before launching
Note: the difference between IntelliJ IDEA and eclipse is the "compile on save" feature:
As mentioned in the IDEA FAQ:
Can I enable "compile on save" in IntelliJ IDEA?
IntelliJ IDEA currently doesn't support this feature.
However there is an "Eclipse-mode" plug-in which provides similar functionality, so we suggest you to try this plug-in.
Note that by default IntelliJ IDEA saves the files for you, so you don't have to press the Ctrl+S shortcut frequently like you need to do in other IDEs.
However, with Eclipse, the "build on save" is activated by default, hence the absence of that particular feature.
"Saves all open editors in eclipse when deactivating the eclipse window (like in IntelliJ)"
No need to install more plugin.
Window -> Preferences -> General -> Workspace
and there you can check:
Save automatically before build + Build automatically
If that doesn't work try this:
Preferences -> Run/Debug -> Launching -> Save dirty editors before launching
I wrote a plugin a long time ago to do this that still seems to work:
It saves the editor when it loses focus. However, if you switch away from eclipse it doesn't notice.
Try this
Goto Eclipse Preferences > General > Editors > Autosave
if it not work then try this
Preferences -> Run/Debug -> Launching -> Save dirty editors before launching