Eclipse autocomplete broken - eclipse

Eclipse autocomplete is not working and is always telling me merely "No Default Proposals".
This is true whether I try to autocomplete for code under java.util or in my own project.
I'm running Eclipse 3.5.2 on Lucid Lynx using java-6-openjdk.
Any ideas?

Window > Preferences > Java > Editor > Content Assist > Advanced
All the Java options were turned off. Don't know how this happened or why it's not always on :o/

Open eclipse and go to the following:
Window > Preferences > Java > Editor > Content Assist > Advanced
Select all checkboxes and click Ok.


How to get rid of this red line in eclipse?

Steps to reproduce:
Open eclipse jee.
Open any file containing text.
Error Screenshot:
Eclipse Version:
That's the print margin, which has been enabled by default in the Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java and Web Developers (jee) 2021-06, but not in other IDE packages.
To turn it off, in Window (macOS: Eclipse) > Preferences: General > Editors > Text Editors uncheck the checkbox Show print margin.
For details see this Twitter thread.

Show package explorer in PyDev Debug perspective

How do I show the package explorer in PyDev debug view?
The way it is now, the package explorer disappears when the view switches. This then shifts the editor left; Super annoying.
I have tried window > show view > other > pydev >...
There are some choices:
You can use Alt+Shift+W then select PyDev Package explorer (this will also select the file for the current editor in the PyDev Package explorer) -- this is the one I usually use as it's also useful to select the current file.
Use Ctrl+3 then type PyDev Package explorer (you probably won't have to type it all, just a part of it).
Use the menu Window > Show View > other > PyDev > PyDev Package Explorer.

How do you enable word-wrap by default in Eclipse?

Simple question: how do you enable word-wrap by default in Eclipse? I looked at this plugin but it only goes up to Luna. In addition, this plugin is a separate text editor and does not have syntax highlighting or validation. I'm open to other suggestions.
Word wrap is available in Eclipse Neon IDE:
Just consider using the latest version.
Keyboard shortcut: Alt+Shift+Y
Or button:
Or menu Window > Editor > Toggle Word Wrap:
As pointed out by #KrisWebDev in this answer, Eclipse supports soft line/word wrapping as of Eclipse Neon but the GUI to control this setting does not exist yet. There should be a global settings to enable soft word wrapping by default in any text editor in Window > Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors > Enable Wordwrap and it is not there.
Instead, you have to manually edit the org.eclipse.ui.editors.prefs file (.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/org.eclipse.ui.editors.prefs) in your eclipse workspace. There, you can add the settings wordwrap.enabled=true.
For windows this worked for me(change workspace6 if not works), open settings file

How do I increase the capacity of the Eclipse output console?

Even with the "scroll lock" option enabled for the Eclipse console, eventually it overfills and starts auto-scrolling on me.
Is there some way of increasing the capacity of the console so that it stores more lines? I wasn't able to find the option.
Under Window > Preferences, go to the Run/Debug > Console section, then you should see an option "Limit console output." You can uncheck this or change the number in the "Console buffer size (characters)" text box below.
(This is in Galileo, Helios CDT, Kepler, Juno, Luna, Mars, Neon, Oxygen and 2018-09)
Open the Windows > Preferences menu.
Expand the Run/Debug > Console preferences.
Set the Console buffer size (characters) to something much bigger. 2147383647 / ~2GB is the upper limit (or 1000000 / ~1MB in older releases). Or just uncheck the Limit console output.
For CDT users / C/C++ build, also adjust the setting
in Window > Preferences
under C/C++ > Build > Console (!)
(This time in number of lines.)
This also affects the "CDT Global Build Console".
If your console is not empty, right click on the Console area > Preferences... > change the value for the Console buffer size (characters) (recommended) or uncheck the Limit console output (not recommended):
On the MAC OS X 10.9.5 and Eclipse Luna Service Release 1 (4.4.1), its not found under the Window menu, but instead under: Eclipse > Preferences > Run/Debug > Console.
Window > Preferences, go to the Run/Debug > Console section >> "Limit console output.>>Console buffer size(characters):"
(This option can be seen in Eclipse Indigo ,but it limits buffer size at 1,000,000 )
Under Window > Preferences, go to the Run/Debug > Console section, then you should see an option "Limit console output." You can unchecked this or change the number in the "Console buffer size (characters)" text box below. Do Unchecked.
This is for the Eclipse like Galileo, Kepler, Juno, Luna, Mars and Helios.
Please go through the below guidelines. Do the changes accordingly.
For C++ users, to increase the Build console output size see here
ie Windows > Preference > C/C++ > Build > Console
Eclipse has limit of 32000 characters per line. If you have, for example JSONObject, which you want to log into console, you won't succeed. You can't handle this with the checkbox. Tested

intellisense disappeared in eclipse, how to get it back

I don't know what happened but the intellisense just disappeared; how to get it back? I tried creating new projects, rebooting, doesn't help.
Did you reset the preferences of default options in 'Windows > Preferences > Java > Editor > Content Assist > Advanced', like mentioned in this answer?
window -> preferences -> editor -> content assist
and check the completion inserts box