how to get dynamic values from uitableview cells? - iphone

If i have to show 10 or 30 or 100 strings in a uitableview..How to get the selected raw from that.. My value for each row is different .I mean i have to set the row value and display name from a 2 dimenional NSArray.. Somebody please help me..

I would setup an NSMutableArray of the objects your table rows represent. You can use your own class or NSDictionaries, one per row. My data source implementation (UITableViewDataSource protocol) of -tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: would set each cell's content (be it strings, images or anything else) to the appropriate object of the NSMutableArray. My delegate implementation (UITableViewDelegate protocol) of -tableView: didSelectRowAtIndexPath: would be called whenever a row is selected and the supplied NSIndexPath would point to the corresponding object's index in the NSMutableArray.
Basically, just implement UITableViewController which is by default both the data source and the delegate of the table view, put the objects you need to "show" in the table into an NSMutableArray and implement -tableView:numberOfRowsInSection:, -tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: and -tableView: didSelectRowAtIndexPath: in the most straight-forward manner. The first method returns the number of rows per section, the second configures a cell for each row, the third is sent when a row is selected.


Marking an item as newly added in TableView

I have a UITableView where I can add a new item with a touch of a button. I would like to highlight this newly added item. Since UITableView is data-driven and cells are recycled, the only way I can think of so far to mark this newly added item is to add a BOOL flag in the data itself, then highlight the cell and negate the flag on first encounter.
Is there another way of doing this without having to contaminate the data source?
My first thoughts..
Create an Integer [myObjectArray count];
When you add the new object you can reload table
Create a new integer [myObjectArray count];
Compare the two integers when table reloads. If the 1st int is less than the new int
then you obviously have added another object.
When creating cell check if the cell indexpath.row is equal to the last object count in your array, if it is then you can fill the cell background with another color.
Hope that makes sense?
Assuming your data is ordered and indexable, use another NSArray (or NSMutableArray) of NSIndexPath to maintain a list of newly added data. If you only have one section, then you could substitute NSNumber for NSIndexPath and just record the rows.

Mapping a dataset to textfield inside UItableView

In my app, I am using some .net asmx services (as backend) to get some data and populating it on my views. In one of the modules, i need to edit and save the data which am getting from the services.In that am getting several rowkeyvalues and accordingly am creating those many row cells in my tableview, which consists two UItextfields as well, which displays some unique code and comments.
Now if I have to edit and save some fields, I need to map each one of those rowkeys to each row cell and after that am creating object which is basically the wsdl proxy class which I have generated using Sudzc and pass each dataset and serialize it to XML and POST it through SOAP.
The real problem here, am not getting how to map each unique rowkeys to each row cell and create unique dataset(which mainly contains other fields as well including rowkey) for each row and pass it to proxy object (WSDL stubs).
Not sure I understand your problem, but there are 2 ways I can think of to map a row cell to something.
1. Each UITableViewCell is a subclass of UIView, and so it has a "tag" attribute, which is an int.
You can set this and check it's value.
2. When a user taps a row, the tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: is called. IndexPath.row is an int that gives the absolute row postiion within it's section (and if only one section, then in the whole table).
Usually, in cellForRowAtIndexPath: you fetch your backing data corresponding to the IndexPath.row and populate the cell. You could also set the cell's tag at that point.
This ties together the row, the cell and the data.
Hope that helps.

Calling cellForRowAtIndexPath through an instance

I was wondering if the following scenario is possible.
I have a UITableViewController class which contains ten rows displaying some data. Now, I want to show the first five rows in one tableview and the last five in another. Since I don't want to fetch the data again I was hoping to create an instance of my original table class and call its cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath*)indexPath to return the table cells and add it to the other two table views. Is it possible to call a delegate method through an instance? If so, how can I create an NSIndexPath object pointing to a particular row in any section of the table...
Thanks for the replies. I tried calling the cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath*)indexPath but it always shows the following warning
'RootViewController' may not respond to '-cellForRowAtIndexPath:'
Also the application crashes with the message
***Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[RootViewController cellForRowAtIndexPath:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x4bad30'
Had initialized NSIndexPath as Andrei described.
Guess its just not possible to call the function.
If you don't want to fetch again, why don't you just add your fetch results to an array?
This would have the advantage that populating your tableview would not require "live fetching" - fetching data as you need it may in some cases make scrolling a tableview slow or stuttering may occur.
However, you could also try to add your tableviewcells to one or more arrays to keep references to them while you pupulate your tableview for the first time.
I don't think you need anything that elaborate.
Have all tables using the same datasource. Choose which items to display in which table based on the tag value for that table element. Call reloadData on all tables when anything changes.
My guess is that using the same UITableViewCell in 2 or more tables would not work.
If you are reusing cells then it's very likely that those duplicated cells will eventually be refreshed with another content.
To protect against this, you would need to clone those cells, in which case it's not feasible to work on a UITableViewCell level.
You're better off storing the data (displayed by the cells) in a array (or other storing way) and share that data across multiple tables.
Plus, you'd have the extra ability to customize the appearance of those tables independently while sharing the same content.
To answer your last question, you can create a NSIndexPath to point to any cell.
The first index is the sectio, and the second index is the row in that section.
For example, to point to section 2, cell 5 you can write something like this:
NSIndexPath* myIndexPath = [[NSIndexPath indexPathWithIndex:2] indexPathByAddingIndex:5];
//Or, with another method:
NSIndexPath* myIndexPath = [NSIndexPath indexPathWithIndexes:indexes_array length:count];
Remember that cellForRowAtIndexPath: is not a method of UITableViewController. It is a method of UITableView. With this in mind you would actually call the method like so:
UITableViewCell *cell;
cell = [yourTableView cellForRowAtIndexPath: indexPath];
Doing so should return the cell at indexPath.

Dynamic Sections UITableView with Unknown cells

I'm basically trying to retrieve data from SQlite db and populate a tableView from it.
The sql-data-retrieval method creates two arrays. "dataArray" and "SectionArray".
DataArray is filled with data NSObjects.
Uptil this point, i can create the appropriate Section headers.
Here is the problem,
-1 What do i do to make sure that the right objects get into their appropriate sections and not under any other sections (which they seem to be doing). Also the Count(number of rows) in each section differs.
What should the code be in "NumberOfRowsAtIndexPath" and cellForRowAtIndexPath methods
-2 What kind of datasource objects are more suited for this type. I'm simply filling up two NSMutableArrays - dataArray(rows) and SectionArray(Section headers).
I think you should make many NSArray one for each table header you have created. In NumberOfRowsAtIndexPath you will return the count of the array for the requested section, and in cellForRowAtIndexPath you will choose your array using the section index (as before) and with the row index you will select the row of that array.

How can I return the count of objects for an FRC fetch?

I am trying to use the count of objects from my FRC fetch so that I can create an "Add" cell after all of my fetched objects have been listed in a UITableView. Is there a method for returning the number of objects fetched? I can only find a method that returns the count of sections for a given FRC.
Simplistically, you You want a count of fetchedObjects. So:
[[myFRC fetchedObjects] count];
The problem that you're going to have with adding an additional cell, is that every time the table ask for the count of sections and rows, you're going to have add 1 to the count so the table knows to add the extra row.
Bjarne Mogstad is correct. It's quicker and cleaner to put the add element in a header or footer for the table itself. That way, the table directly and cleanly represents the data structure without having to constantly adjust for the phantom row.
The easiest way to do this is by setting the tableFooterView property of your table view. The footer view will be displayed below the last table view cell.