How can I return the count of objects for an FRC fetch? - iphone

I am trying to use the count of objects from my FRC fetch so that I can create an "Add" cell after all of my fetched objects have been listed in a UITableView. Is there a method for returning the number of objects fetched? I can only find a method that returns the count of sections for a given FRC.

Simplistically, you You want a count of fetchedObjects. So:
[[myFRC fetchedObjects] count];
The problem that you're going to have with adding an additional cell, is that every time the table ask for the count of sections and rows, you're going to have add 1 to the count so the table knows to add the extra row.
Bjarne Mogstad is correct. It's quicker and cleaner to put the add element in a header or footer for the table itself. That way, the table directly and cleanly represents the data structure without having to constantly adjust for the phantom row.

The easiest way to do this is by setting the tableFooterView property of your table view. The footer view will be displayed below the last table view cell.


Paging and UITableView?

Is possible to add a pagination for UITableView rows?When the user scrolls vertically the UITableView it change rows!
You can use the method tableView:willDisplayCell:forRowAtIndexPath: for adding more rows at the bottom. This method is called every time before a row is about to be displayed. In the method, check if the row is corresponding to the last item in your data source. If yes, add more rows at the end.
if(indexPath.row == [self.items count] - 1) //items is your data source
[self addMoreItems];
Making pages in a tableView is not hard, it's just a matter of allowing the table to expand when required.
Use a mutable structure, such as a NSMutableArray as your main source of data for the tableView, when the user clicks on the last row (or the row loads, however you want). Get the new data, append it to the array, and then force the tableview to reload.

Refreshing/releasing 2nd tableview from previous query in drill down tableview

I have a drill down tableview that is using sqlite.
The first one is a tableview where i load some categories using a SQL query.
When i click a row it's using the following query to show the appropriate records for the category:
#"SELECT * FROM table WHERE category IS ('%#')", sharedSingleton.category];
This works.
When i click the back button on tableview 2 and return to the category tableview and then touch another category tableview2 still shows the rows for the category i selected the first time.
I'm new to this stuff but i searched a long time and tried releasing objects or set value's to nil but is doesn't seem to help.
Am i in the right direction, how can i refresh or release tableview2?
Thanks in advance.
Yes you are in the right direction.
When selecting a row table 1 you might be calling a method which loads the second table view and assigning the data to be loaded to the corresponding table view,Which is fetched and filled when delegate/ data source methods of table view is called.
You might have created tableview as a different view controller class, which is initialized and data is reloaded for the first time. But even though you are fetching the second set of data its not getting reloaded automatically even after you are assigning it.
After assigning the data you have fetched into the obect which distributes it to tableview Reload the table data once you assign it to. you could call the one line of code to do this
[tableview reloadData];
Jackson Sunny Rodrigues

Dynamic Sections UITableView with Unknown cells

I'm basically trying to retrieve data from SQlite db and populate a tableView from it.
The sql-data-retrieval method creates two arrays. "dataArray" and "SectionArray".
DataArray is filled with data NSObjects.
Uptil this point, i can create the appropriate Section headers.
Here is the problem,
-1 What do i do to make sure that the right objects get into their appropriate sections and not under any other sections (which they seem to be doing). Also the Count(number of rows) in each section differs.
What should the code be in "NumberOfRowsAtIndexPath" and cellForRowAtIndexPath methods
-2 What kind of datasource objects are more suited for this type. I'm simply filling up two NSMutableArrays - dataArray(rows) and SectionArray(Section headers).
I think you should make many NSArray one for each table header you have created. In NumberOfRowsAtIndexPath you will return the count of the array for the requested section, and in cellForRowAtIndexPath you will choose your array using the section index (as before) and with the row index you will select the row of that array.

Is it possible to preload all the cells in a uitableview?

Is there a simple way to preload all the cells in a uitableview?
I need to do this in order to change whether or not all the cells are checked. If I just use cellForRowAtIndexPath, and the user say unchecks all the cells, and then checks a visible cell and starts to scroll again, either the selected cell gets deselected or the newly loading cells are selected.
It seems the easiest way to go would be to preload all the cells if possible.
Don't use the cells as your database.
Your cells are just a narrow window onto your data. The cells just show you a few of the objects in the underlying data. If you try to preload all the cells so you could then select them all, the UITableView could die a slow death, or slow crawl. Especially if we're talking hundreds of entries.
If you want to select all the items in your data, you do so with a direct call to your data to select its objects. Then, you reload the data into your TableView with a reloadData and if everything is set up right, your cells will show the selected state.
Read up on UITableView. Look at Apple's samples. You need to see the separation of data from the view and the controller.
Please re-read the answer I wrote here to your previous, similar question, which explains one solution to your problem.
Again, you should consider keeping an array of on/off settings. You can use NSMutableArray or a C array of int or BOOL values, whatever you want. But it definitely sounds like you need a data model.
Your -tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: looks up values of this array. Each value in the array corresponds in some way to a row in the table.
If you only have one section, then you can simply use the ith element of the array to set the checked state of the ith row of the table view. If you use NSMutableArray to store NSNumbers, you can handle resizing quite easily.
If you have more than one section, keep an array of arrays. Each top-level array corresponds to a section. Each inner array corresponds to a section's rows.
If you use NSMutableArray to store NSMutableArrays of NSNumbers, you can handle resizing and section addition and deletion quite easily.
The method -tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: then sets up cells with or without checkmarks, depending on the array's value.
Having a data model gives you the freedom to programmatically perform "select all" and "deselect all" button operations.
For example, when you click a button to "select all" cells:
Loop through the array and set each value to YES or 1 or whatever "on" label you chose originally.
Call [tableView reloadData], which is a method that goes back to -tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: and which will set a cell's checkmark state based on the state of values in the updated array.
No, you can't do this. You seem to be under the impression that a cell represents a particular piece of data, it doesn't. When the top cell scrolls off the screen it is usually recycled and brought in as the bottom cell. So a list that has hundreds of items you can scolled through may only ever have 8 or 9 cells alloc'ed and initialized.
You need to rethink your application's architecture. When you "uncheck all" it shouldn't change the visual state of the cell, it should change some state in the objects the cell represents, then when you load the cell for the object at that index path you should read that state and set the check mark appropriately.
The changes in the visual state of your cell should always be in response to changes in your underlying model.

how to get dynamic values from uitableview cells?

If i have to show 10 or 30 or 100 strings in a uitableview..How to get the selected raw from that.. My value for each row is different .I mean i have to set the row value and display name from a 2 dimenional NSArray.. Somebody please help me..
I would setup an NSMutableArray of the objects your table rows represent. You can use your own class or NSDictionaries, one per row. My data source implementation (UITableViewDataSource protocol) of -tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: would set each cell's content (be it strings, images or anything else) to the appropriate object of the NSMutableArray. My delegate implementation (UITableViewDelegate protocol) of -tableView: didSelectRowAtIndexPath: would be called whenever a row is selected and the supplied NSIndexPath would point to the corresponding object's index in the NSMutableArray.
Basically, just implement UITableViewController which is by default both the data source and the delegate of the table view, put the objects you need to "show" in the table into an NSMutableArray and implement -tableView:numberOfRowsInSection:, -tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: and -tableView: didSelectRowAtIndexPath: in the most straight-forward manner. The first method returns the number of rows per section, the second configures a cell for each row, the third is sent when a row is selected.