how to add text and images together - iphone

I'm developing a notebook based application. it consists of notes and images also.
I'm unable to find the best way of coding to add images and text together. it is also editable, so I'm getting confused whether to take scroll-view or text view. If I take scroll-view there is no editable option. if I take text view we can't change frames of the image .

Solved as follows. Taken Scrollview, in that managing size of the textview & inserting image with Specified size. Like textview,image,tetxview, image and goes on...
Thanks for all your support to solve the issue.

You can use a TableView. Put the image in a custom cell with the view as an ImageView.
Put a UITextField as the second cell for text note.
Alternatively, you can use a view swap method, where the text view is on the back of the image by clicking on an "Info" button to use the Flip transition and show the note. The facebook app does this now for "Comments" on photos.


UIImageView and UItextView inside TableView

I'm working on iOS RSS app, and my last view, which is a UIViewController, is similar to the attached image. I inserted in my DetailView.xib, one Image View to pass the images of the RSS feeds and two Text View to pass the title and summary respectively.
The question is, how can i make the same, but inside a UITableview?
you can use custom cells for it and can add this custom cell at particular index. At first index you just add image view and at second index you just add textview.
Check out this pretty good tutorial Custom UITableViewCell Using Interface Builder.
i hope it helps you.
You can achieve this particular thing by using Custom Table View Cell.
Table View gets created using single Table View Cell again and again. It is much more efficient and uses less memory.
You should check this tutorial.
I hope it will help you.
You can make TableView height UITableView.automaticDimension and make sure UITextView autoscroll is disabled and constraint should be leading, trailing, bottom and top.
Here's the link this might work for you:
How to make a UITextView Expand with the text like the Notes app

Achieving dynamically growing TextView inside UITableView

I am working on fitting a UITextView inside a UITableView. My table is grouped style with only one section and one row. I've looked through various previous questions but I am unable to get this idea working. I want the result to be the same as the "notes" section in the Calendar app on iPad. And Apple has done the same thing in the contacts app as well for notes. Do I need to use view animations to make the tableView row keep growing dynamically as and when more and more text is typed into the textView? What is the correct overall approach to make this idea work? Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. I get the points on how to resize the textview depending on text size and how to modify the height of the table row. But how do I make these work together to give it a dynamic animated feel like in the Apple apps?
Also another thing I noticed is that the cursor always lands at the beginning of the text view due to which the text gets overwritten and ugly on appending. Is there any method to get the cursor to go to next to the last character in the textview when I tap on it again while some text already exists inside it?
You can refer to this Post for dynamically growing your uitableviewcell.
This library can help you grow UITextView with auto layout
You can set-up the hooks (either in the library or you set-up the UITextView delegate) to make sure size of the table view cell get's recalculated based on the new UITextView size each time content of the text view is changed.

how to reload a view again and again

hi i am a new iphone programmer
i am creating a imagedisplay type application where i have to display images on a view and by presssing a next button a new image should appear on same view (i am using database)...
therefore i need to reload my current view again and again...each time when i click that button....
i tried some suggesion which are given on this website but not satisfied because many of them are based on timer...
please help.....
May be I have missed something in your question. But why you need to reload the entire view? You are using an UIImageView to display your image, right? And you are not showing any kind of scroll, but only a next button, right? Then why don't you just set the image property of UIImageView when the button is tapped.
// in button handler
myImageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"new_image.png"];
Perhaps you could use a paged UIScrollView with three uIImageViews and always have the previous, current and next image loaded. This way when the user hits next, it scrolls animated to the next image. When page 3 is loaded, it programmatically sets the second image view as the desired next image, sets the image you came from on the first image view, and sets the scroll view non-animated to page two and loads the next image in the third image view.
Sounds complicated but basically you are giving the appearance of an infinite scroller but only pulling one image at a time except for initial load of three.
You could try looking at the "PageControl" Example Project in the XCode Documentation. It should give you a good starting point.

What type of View I can use for text+images report?

I want to make some sort of non-editable "report" view with images, titles and text in it.
Images generates in code, not from bandle, so I can't use UIWebView.
User puts some data into previous view and press "done" - Next view opens with
"generated image
some text
mini title
text ... " etc
I think its similar to custom UITableView + UITextView.
Has anyone other suggestions?
UPD View is dynamic (not fixed) - text and images generates from code. "report" can be different length from time to time. User can scroll this "report". It's like Help screen in some applications - rich-format text with images.
I think you can use Interface Builder to build a custom UIView. Then you can put UIImageView, UITextView. This can only be done if your view is fixed, isn't it?

UIButton Game character selection to UIImageView animation

I am almost at the end of coding my kids educational application, woohoo!.
But... Im stuck on something.
When app loads i have my main view. It has 4 buttons for flipviews(each with ten views of content) and 4 buttons for character selection(an image that will follow you through every screen of content).
Problem is im unsure on how to link UIButton selection to UIImage display in multiple views. I want the user to choose a character button and then continue to the flipviews and in the views the image displayed should be the one that they have selected on the main view. So everytime they return to the main view they can change the character that will follow them around the app.
Any thoughts, help or code would be much appreciated!
Thank You
Make a new object, a subclass of UIImageView, which has a -setImage method. Once you set the image, then where ever you embed that object, it will display the same image. You could even have that subclass view have a score displayed next to it, or a name or other stats, so as you go from one screen to another, you have all that info follow you around with the image. No need to create labels in all the screens for global info like that.
In summary:
make a new subclass of UIView or UIImageView in Xcode using the New File... menu. You would do new UIView if you will have other items than just an image.
add methods that allow you to set the image, update text stats etc.
BONUS: you can make the class handle taps, so if a user taps the image, you could do something like provide help or run a cute little animation
embed that object in any screens you wish. Keep in mind that you can have that view be sized differently in each screen using transforms. Cool, no?
that's pretty much it!
Good luck!