UIButton Game character selection to UIImageView animation - iphone

I am almost at the end of coding my kids educational application, woohoo!.
But... Im stuck on something.
When app loads i have my main view. It has 4 buttons for flipviews(each with ten views of content) and 4 buttons for character selection(an image that will follow you through every screen of content).
Problem is im unsure on how to link UIButton selection to UIImage display in multiple views. I want the user to choose a character button and then continue to the flipviews and in the views the image displayed should be the one that they have selected on the main view. So everytime they return to the main view they can change the character that will follow them around the app.
Any thoughts, help or code would be much appreciated!
Thank You

Make a new object, a subclass of UIImageView, which has a -setImage method. Once you set the image, then where ever you embed that object, it will display the same image. You could even have that subclass view have a score displayed next to it, or a name or other stats, so as you go from one screen to another, you have all that info follow you around with the image. No need to create labels in all the screens for global info like that.
In summary:
make a new subclass of UIView or UIImageView in Xcode using the New File... menu. You would do new UIView if you will have other items than just an image.
add methods that allow you to set the image, update text stats etc.
BONUS: you can make the class handle taps, so if a user taps the image, you could do something like provide help or run a cute little animation
embed that object in any screens you wish. Keep in mind that you can have that view be sized differently in each screen using transforms. Cool, no?
that's pretty much it!
Good luck!


Whats the approach to create a view similar to the one at apple app store

I wanted to know how can we design the view controller such that.., the upper half of the screen remains fixed and the below part of the screen can be navigated through.. !!
Should we use slipScreenController here ?
Your description sounds nothing like the Appstore app but the Appstore app simply has one vertical UIScrollView and another horizontal UIScrollView inside that for images.
If you are referring to browsing categories in AppStore then:
That is a tableView implemented in such way that it doesn't take the whole screen area. You need to create a UIViewController (not UITableViewController) and than add a tableView to the view (using Interface Builder or code). That way you can change the size and position of the tableView and use the remaining area of the view for something else, for example a UISegmentedControl above the tableView.
If you are reffering to reading description and images of single app then I think that UIScrollView is used for displaying images, not sure about the rest.

Display a box with contents in Iphone View

I am working on an app which displays user information on the home view. Its a regular tab bar application, which brings up the home view on load. I need to display something like,
Hello Joe,
Your current points are : xxx
I would like this to be in a white curved background box. (The background for the view is blue). Is there something like a UIPanel or something like that. I would really like to avoid having another view or a webView, not sure if thats going to affect the speed of loading the page.
If there were a UIPanel control it would derive from UIView, so I'm not sure why you want to avoid another view. If I'm understanding you, it sounds like you want a custom alert window of some sort. You could just use the UIAlertView control to display your message, but if you are dead set on a custom look, then you will need to use a view.
This shouldn't affect performance noticeably if you are just displaying some text with maybe a button on a custom image. Especially if this is just a tab bar application with nothing too crazy happening in the background (animations, etc.).
I would suggest creating a View either in code (this will be slightly faster, but once again probably not noticeably so) or with Interface Builder that has a black background with an opacity of like .2-.5 and on that view adding a UIImageView set to your custom image (a png of a white curved box with transparent corners). Then put a UILabel with your text and a button to dismiss it.
On load just instantiate the above view and add it to your current view. It will show your message modally. Then capture the button tap event to have it remove itself from it's superview.
There are plenty of examples of how to do exactly this out there and there are even other ways of doing it than what I've suggested. If you need further assistance let me know.

Special UIScrollView with multiple objects (3) on each page

What I want to accomplish is something like this:
Two different scrollViews, and each one scrolls horizontically. Each showing 3 images, and a half one (or 1/3th) piece of the next image in the datasource of the scrollview.
Does anyone know how to accomplish such a scrollview?
I also want to be able to tap an image to flip it and show some information and a button to the detail. (See lower scrollview).
Tapping it again would just show back the image, much like the coverflow ui inside itunes, but without the coverflow being 3D...
Any help is welcome :)
Thanks in advance,
Scroll view doesn't have a datasource. What you are looking for is standard scrolling and nothing special.. So it is definitely doable... Check the scrolling and photo scroller sample codes from apple developer samples. For more implementations of scroll view check the scroll view suite sample code and read the scroll view programming guide.
The flip animation is also a standard animation for a view and is easily doable. For example, create a utility application for iphone. It has a flip side view. See how that animation is done.

Mini Scrollbar with thumbnails on iphone

I was wondering, what would be the best way, to implement an 'extra' scrollbar, showing thumbnail versions of the pages, you are currently viewing.
In my case, I would like to have maybe around 20 images, which I would animate with Cover Flow Layers and while I 'scroll' up an down to view them, a scrollbar appears at the side, showing the smaller thumbnail versions of all the pages while the thumbnail currently visible is rendered slightly highlighted.
Is there anything specific I need to keep in mind? Thanks in advance for any ideas!
You are not giving much info to work with:)
Build a UIScrollView and a UIView, stick all the thumbnails into the UIView, stick the UIView into the UIScrollView.
If you have a lot of images, consider loading them in as "dummies/blank image" and have an NSOperation load them in the background. Consider releasing images that are outside of the screen, so that if 3-7 is on the screen then you only load in 2-8 and release everything else.
Regarding the logistics of it:
Build a viewController for holding everything. Then build a thumbnail viewController "component" that has a delegate method for setting the "displayed" image and maybe one for scroll and click.
Build a FullSize viewController component for handling the full size images. Have that also implement some delegate methods to communicate to the top most viewController. Add the two components to the top viewController, hook up the logic and you are done.
Make sure there exists only one model array/dictionary in the top most viewController and "feed" that downwards to the thumbnail and fullsize viewController, when some one clicks or scrolls, inform the top most viewController and have that update the other viewController.
Was that the kind of answers you were looking for?

What is the correct way to show/hide a UIScrollView?

I have an iPhone application that uses a UIScrollView to display a larger version of an image on the main screen. I am using IB to create the main screen that has text, small images, and price about a product. I have it setup to show/hide the UIScrollView if the user touches the small images. It works ok, but things are pretty messing in the IB layout. I have to put the UIScrollView over top of everything else and make it hidden by default. What I'd like to know is if there is a better way to accomplish this. Can I create a new nib and load the scroll view in it and load that nib when the users touches the small image? Should I construct the scroll view in my code and not use IB? Any input is appreciated!
Sorry if this is a newb question. I'm still learning.
Set scrollView.hidden = YES and then when tapped, set it to NO.