REALLY simple question about UIViews - iphone

I am working on an app that has several different views, two of the which are DetailViewController.h&.m and AddViewController.h&.m. Neither of these particular view have IB xib files associated with them, they just have programmatically generated UITableViews. These views essentially are the same, the only difference, is that in the AddViewController, you put info into cells, and in the DetailViewController that same info is viewable and editable. Essentially the viewDidLoad for the AddViewController overrides the DetailViewController viewDidLoad with different navigation bar items and title. MY QUESTION: Outside of IB, how do I reference which view I am in? I want to have some switches and buttons available in the DetailView, that I don't want available in the AddView. But being that as it is, they are refferencing the same info, and currently just changing the navigation bar items, they aren't seperate like I would like them to be. Inside the DetailView viewDidLoad I'm thinking I need something where its like
if(currentView = DetailView) {
self.view addSubview: onOffSwitch;
else onOffSwitch. hidden = YES;
Or something to that effect. Obviously if the above code actually worked, I wouldn't be writing this question :) Its probably just a syntax issue I can't hammer out, if you could please help me out, it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks

Well there is similar question here
But for your case you can do it like:
if([[self class] isKindOfClass:[DetailViewController class]]) {
self.view addSubview: onOffSwitch;
onOffSwitch. hidden = YES;


IBOutletCollection of UIViewControllers

I want to do something like UITabBarController. UITabBarController has property viewControllers into which I can add instances of UIViewController * in IB. I'm trying to do the same think with my own VC:
#property (nonatomic, copy) IBOutletCollection(UIViewController) NSArray *viewControllers;
but this doesn't work. Is it even possible for us?
Ramshad posted the proper sample, but using XIB. I would like to achieve it using storyboards.
EDIT 2. - at the end of bounty worth...
I question vaderkvarn's post because in case of UITabBarController it works. Also as Ramshad posted, it is possible in NIBs. So far, dasblinkenlight's post is the most correct, but not answers the question. I'm holding this question opened because we shall find out if it's restricted for us or what is the way.
PS: Why these downvotes?
Although it does not look like you can connect UIViewControllers to IBOutletCollections (or there are too many restrictions placed on using them), there is a simple solution that works when you use storyboards. This code goes into your viewDidLoad method:
_viewControllers = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
, [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"Controller1"]
, [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"Controller2"]
, [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"Controller3"]
, nil];
The reason why the outlet collection solution does not work is that a View Controller is not an outlet. From the documentation:
An outlet is a property that is annotated with the symbol IBOutlet and
whose value you can set graphically in a nib file or a storyboard.
A view controller is not a graphical object.
If you want to use an IBOutletCollection, you should only use one view controller, and put the views in the collection.
But if you want one controller for every view, you need to go for a more programmatic approach. An array with view controllers might be a good start, but I couldn't say as I don't know what you want to do with them.
To be more clear as you don't seem to catch my point:
No, it does not has to be a way. A Storyboard is not an API, it is a graphical tool for drawing scenes and segues. It is specially designed for things like Tab Bar based apps.
If you right click on your Storyboard file and choose open as -> Source Code, you will see that a Tab Bar Controller have special elements that other View Controllers do not have. To mess around with the XML in a Storyboard file is beyond me.
If you want to go with Nib files, use Ramshads answer.
If you want to get as close as possible with storyboards, go with dasblinkenlights answer.
But the answer to your question (as far as I know) is NO, there is no way to accomplish this with storyboards. If it were, it would have been documented, which it is not.
I have done your requirement using UISegmentedControl + IBOutletCollection + presentViewController.
You can use any control instead of UISegmentedControl as your wish.
I have Added 3 different UIViewControllers to Xib and labelled as ViewController1,2,3.
I also added 2 extra methods. One for presenting the corresponding view and another one for dismissing the earlier populated view.
I have attached the Xib settings screen-shot below.
You can use only one UIViewController instead of 3 and reuse it with some logic :)
The methods are below:
#property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutletCollection(UIViewController) NSArray *ViewCollection;
//dismissing the earlier populated view
- (IBAction)dismiss:(id)sender {
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
//presenting the corresponding view.
- (IBAction)resetAction:(id)sender {
UISegmentedControl *mySegment = (UISegmentedControl *)sender;
int index = 0;
for (UIViewController *viewItem in _ViewCollection) {
if (index == mySegment.selectedSegmentIndex) {
[self presentViewController:viewItem animated:YES completion:nil];
You can download the my sample application from here
Xib Settings Screen-shot

simple uiview change not working

I am trying to just do a simple view change for proof of concept.
here is the code
- (void)swipedScreen
if (self.secondView.superview == nil) {
[myView removeFromSuperview];
[self.view insertSubview:secondView atIndex:0];
when I swipe the screen what happens is the view area just goes black... and becomes unresponsive.
I started with a navigatoin app, replaced the tableview with just a standard uiviewcontroller class.. that worked fine..Then i added a secondView (xib only) and changed its class to match the viewcontroller of the first view.
The reason I am finding this difficult is because i am trying to animate the views inside the navigation controller and not push a whole view onto the stack which I am used to doing.
I'll bet that blank unresponsive view is, in reality, your secondView object. I always test by setting [secondView setBackgroundColor:[UIColor greenColor]] and checking if the massive green rectangle actually shows up.
EDIT: having looked at your code, there are multiple problems that arose:
You never actually +alloc or -init anything.
You never actually touch those nibs or make a reference to them in code
You declare two UIView's as IBOutlets and Strong (two exact opposites, as IBOutlets are __weak, __unsafe_unretained, or assign), yet do not link them to anything.
I've taken the liberty of revising it (sans nibs). Take a look.
Did you init the secondView? if init,you can try to set frame for the secondView
Your inserting the view at the bottom of the stack,
[self.view insertSubview:secondView atIndex:0];
Try using addSubview instead. Also you need to set the views frame somewhere.

TabBar Application with a View that has a UIButton on the View to goto another View outside the TabBar

I'm new to iPhone development, and multiple views (xib or nib) are really confusing me. This is what i'm trying to achieve...
using TabBarControllerAppDelegate
Have 5 different TabBar Items and have created 5 different Views thru the TabBarController
The First View has a UIButton that is a Next button that needs to go to another view called View2.XIB.
I setup a new UIViewController which references the View2 and an IBAction for the switchPage, etc but not able to get it to do anything when clicking on the button.
All of My TabBar buttons work but not able to Navigate to anything outside of the Tabbar
Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated. Anyone have any examples
IBAction switchPageButtonPressed:(id)sender
[self.tabbarcontroller.tabBar setSelectedItem:[self.tabbarcontroller.tabBar.items objectAtIndex:1]];
here 1 means ur 2nd tabbar
It is difficult to find the problem without the code, but I will assume your action code for the switchPage button is incorrect. You should use code similar to the following:
- IBAction switchPageButtonPressed:(id)sender
ViewController2 *view2VC = [[ViewController2 alloc] initWithNibName:#"View2" bundle:nil];
[self presentModalViewController:nview2VC animated:YES];
[view2VC release];
If you are confident your method works, then you will want to verify that the action is hooked up correctly. The easiest way to do this is to place a breakpoint on the method and run the app in Debug. When you click the button, the debugger should break on your method, if it doesn't, you will need to check your connections in Interface Builder.

Help Menu iPhone

I have a design question/technical question about my iPhone app.
I have a pretty simple (read really really simple) single view application. And it does everything that I need it to do. However I find myself in need of a help view. And I really don't quite know what to do!
I have a simple helpButton() method in my main view controller, and I really just want to display a scrollview with a bunch of images that show what to do during the use of my app. However, should I make a new viewcontroller class? How do I call it from my method?
Really I was thinking of an unfortunately simple method, just putting a scrollview behind everything and hiding it. Then showing it when the IBAction is called. Horrible...
Sorry if this is elementary, I haven't needed to do anything more yet!
You can push a modalViewController. To do that just make a new viewController with the scrollview and associated data in it, then
MyViewController *myViewController = [[MyViewController alloc] init];
[self presentModalViewController:myViewController animated:YES];
Create an IBAction in your new viewController and a hooked up button to that action to dismiss the modalView (something like this:
IBAction done {
[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
A couple options:
1) Create a new UIView object, either programmatically, or even in your existing XIB file. Use the [self.view addSubview:view] method to display it.
2) Create a new UIViewController with its own XIB file. Use [self presentModalViewController:anaimated:] to display it.
Either way, you'll need to add something to the new view to dismiss it when you're done.

xCode - Changing views between 2 existing xib-files

I'm very new to xCode and objective-C so I wanted to make a simple textRPG.
I'm currently making a character creation process consisting of 4 xib-files. The only way I got switching views to work was to look at the utility-template. Problem is, now I have the first screen being the delegate for the second screen, being the delegate for the third screen etc. So by the end of the character creation process I can't dismiss the views because that just "steps back" through the views.
When I've searched around for a solution I've found a addSubview-method but it seems like that makes a new view, like, empty to arrange programmatically.
All I need is a simple way to switch from one loaded xib to another xib. Have I misunderstood addSubview or do I need something completely different?
(If it helps: I've worked with VB for several years, in case you notice that I missed some kind of concept concerning views and such)
Thanks in advance! :)
Use this code. It is really simple and works well.
View *view = [[View alloc] initWithNibName:#"xibNameGoesHere" bundle:nil];
view.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal;
[self presentViewController:view animated:YES completion:nil];
This will switch to another xib file and the two views won't own one another. I am using it in my own game right now.
#Joakim Ok, this is the way I do it. I have a class called RootViewController : UIViewContoller, whose view I add directly to the window. Then I make a subclass of UIView i.e. MyView. All of my views then subclass MyView. I also make an enum for all my views. In RootViewController you should have a switchView:(int)view method that looks something like this:
-(void) switchView:(myView) view
[_currentView removeFromSuperview];
case titleView:
_currentView = [[TitleView alloc] initWithRoot:self];
case homeView:
_currentView = [[HomeView alloc] initWithRoot:self];
default: break;
[self.view addSubview:_currentView];
[_currentView release];
in #interface RootViewContoller define MyView *_currentView;
TitleView and HomeView both subclass MyView and have a common method -(id)initWithRoot:(RootViewController*) rvc.
To switch between views use [_rvc switchView:homeView];
Hope this helps :)
It is called UINavigationController. Idea is
1) You push corresponding 'next' controller into navigation controller each time user submits current screen. Bonus - you'll get 'back' button for free on each step of character creation.
2) After character is created you pop all character creation controllers from stack.
Please read View Controller Programming Guide for iOS before trying to 'switch views' and such. You'll save tons of time and nerves.
another idea is not to use interface builder at all. i have been working with iphone apps for two years now and found that interface builder really prolongs the time to actually make something. make your own root controller and think about the logic you need to navigate through the views.