uiview getter nil - iphone

I am trying to get certain iVars from my view controller to my view (a subview) so drawrect will draw a shape based on user inputs. When I hard code those variables into the subview, the shape draws perfect, but when I use getters to access the custom variables from the view controller, they come back nil and the drawing is messed up. I get no errors or warnings. I know there is a problem with the getter, any suggestions? Anybody have an example of passing variables to a subview so cgcontext can be used in the drawrect? I am stuck big time. I assume at this point my problem is so simple, I am missing something fundamental. I thought I had setters/getters down packed.

Make sure that whatever you're getting 'from' (ie, the parent, or view, or whatever you're accessing the getters on) is not nil. Try setting a break point right before accessing them and validating that your targets are valid, and have valid data.

We'd really need to see more code. Ben was saying that, somewhere in your view, you must set parent = (some code to get a reference to my parent). Make sure this actually works, i.e. you really do have a reference to your parent. Even if the ivars are correct, if your parent is nil, then sending [nil getSomeiVar] will return 0 in most cases.
Without a better understanding of the code, this is my guess. Somewhere in your UIViewController, you should have something like:
myView = //make your view
[myView setParent:self]
Parent is a variable of the view, with a property so that you can access it
Why does it matter if we know what you are making?
For setParent to work, you need to following:
an ivar YourUIViewControllerSubclass *parent; in your view's .h
a property for this ivar #property (nonatomic, retain) YourUIViewControllerSubclass *parent; in your view's .h
A synthesis for this ivar #synthesize parent; in your view's .m inside the #implementation

Yeah, you were both wrong, but I took a lot away from you helping me though. I didn't have to post code after all. I had to pick up my debugging skills big time. Someone in another post mentioned violations of the MVC. I had to set the ivars in the uiview, to the custom values FROM the view CONTROLLER. In other words, I had to set from the controller rather than getting from the subview.


My objects in storyboard don't link correctly with the code

I am trying to use storyboards in my application. I began well, I have added two view controllers with a button to go from the first to the second.
The problem is in this second view controller: the objects I add on it and link with the code do not work. When I set a breakpoint in the view controller code, the 'self.property' is set to nil, whereas it should be instantiated by the storyboard.
I have been looking for an answer for hours, and I really don't understand the problem, since all the rest seems to be good.
I have tried to write the property in the code (strong/nonatomic, nonatomic/retain and even weak/nonatomic), to link the object directly to the code so that it creates the property automatically, but I never get anything else than "nil" with breakpoints.
#interface NMLoadingViewController : UIViewController
__weak IBOutlet UIProgressView *imageProcessingProgressView;
#property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIProgressView *imageProcessingProgressView;
#synthesize imageProcessingProgressView;
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
// Custom initialization
(amont other lines of irrelevant code)
If I set the breakpoint to the "INIT." line, my imageProcessingProgressView is nil. I can't see a reason for that, I guess I have missed a very little detail...
(Note that I have tried this with other objects, like a UILabel, but it did not work either. Stranger, when I had two objects, one of them had an adress which was not nil, but still it was corrupted and did not show the right object.)
Edit: It was a lot of trouble for nothing... The problem is about the Variable View in XCode, which show my variable to "nil", whereas a log shows me a correct object...
Remove this...
__weak IBOutlet UIProgressView *imageProcessingProgressView;
...and make the property strong.
Change your log message to...
NSLog(#"INIT: %#", self.imageProcessingProgressView);
...and see if you still have a problem. If you do, then take another look at your storyboard connections.
Make sure NMLoadingViewController is the class on your viewController
First try out the answer by #Eric because I do believe that is the real issue.
Also, make sure that you are actually using the interface builder to hook the controls back to the view controller. This is done by dragging a line from the control back to the property of the view controller.

Should every IBOutlet have a property?

We create property for a variable for using it in some other view. Same we do for IBOutlets. But not always for using them. Is it necessary to create property for each IBOutlet we just created it our xib? Or is it only a good practice to do so?
I like to look at it is in terms of ease of memory management, and external access. If you need to access it externally, obviously make a property. (Yes ease of memory management, if it's easy you won't mess it up, if you don't mess it up it doesn't become a bug later)
80% of the time my view controller has the IBOutlets and nobody else accesses them, therefore ivars work.
The problem is that when you don't use #property, the assigned value is still retained. Then you need to remember to release it even though you didn't retain it yourself, which I found counter-intuitive.
For that reason I usually use #property (assign) for the ones I won't be changing, and #property (retain) for everything else, and never declare IBOutlets directly as ivars.
#interface something : NSObject {
//This one needs to be RELEASED then set to nil in both viewDidUnload, and dealloc.
IBOutlet UILabel * myLabel;
//also cannot be accessed outside of "something" class (technically it can, but don't do that)
//I NEVER declare my outlets this way.
//This one can just be set to nil in viewDidUnload and dealloc
#property (nonatomic, retain) UILabel * myOtherLabel;
//it can also be accessed from mySomething.myOtherLabel by any other class.
//This one just works. I don't own it, the view owns it, so I don't retain/release.
#property (nonatomic, assign) UILabel * myOtherOtherLabel;
//It also provides access to outsiders.
//I wouldn't recommend using this type if you want to change the value though.
It is not necessary to create a property for each IBOutlet.
Specifically, if you access the outlet only from the class where it is declared, you do not strictly need the property. If you have a property, you get the advantages that properties offer, but you could always directly refer the outlet directly.
If you plan to access the outlet from another class, then a property is useful so you don't have to define yourself setter and getter methods.
If you want to use the IBOutlet for only the view for which you created the XIB then no need to set the property here. But yes, it is good practice to use but not mandatory to use everytime we create IBOutlet for the view.
If what you are going to display is not going to change, you can skip creating a property or a IBOutlet for that widget.
For example in a screen where you have a label and a textfield and the label always has the string "Name:" and textfield is used for getting input from the user, you have to just create a referencing outlet for the textfield to access the data input from the user. Creating a referencing outlet for label doesn't make any sense here.
I hope you get the point.
Properties are a feature in Objective-C that allow us to automatically generate accessors, and also have some other side benefits. so as Praveen S gave you an example with Label and UIText i just little explore.
Lets say you have nothing to do with UILabel you do not exactly need to set the properites but if are asking from user to give some text to your UITextField you have to set the properties. and if you setting the properties with retain, you must release it in viewDidUnload.
If you want to change the Contents of your display then you should add the property..for an example if we want to change the label text then we need to use IBOutlet nd Property so that we need to able to get to the label control that the framework will build from our nib..

Do IBOutlet member vars retain automatically?

Weird discovery, when I used a drag and drop to make a new IBOutlet, as shown below, not with a #property at all:
#interface SkinChoosingView : UIViewController {
IBOutlet UIActivityIndicatorView * activityIndicator;
Xcode inserted a -release and set the outlet to nil in viewDidUnload. I looked in viewDidLoad though, and no -retain was there! This went against everything I know about memory management.
I figure apple must know a thing or two about this stuff though, so is there something behind the scenes happening here? I have never had leaks from these types of IBOutlets, and I've never released them.
Yes, it automatically retains the outlet for you when loading the NIB file unless you explicitly declare the property associated with the outlet as an assigned property.
And since it retains the outlet for you, you must release in viewDidUnload as the outlets will be reloaded by the time next viewDidLoad is called.
The answer is that it uses "Key-Value Coading", which means it calls -setValue:forKey:, which has a "Default Search Pattern". For ivars, it does something like [ivar autorelease]; ivar = [newvalue retain];.
The "current best practice" is to stick IBOutlet on properties instead of ivars (see here). This makes it obvious what memory management pattern is being used and is more resilient to typos (e.g. if you misspell the ivar).

IBOutlet is NIL when using Forward Declarations to call a class?

I have been having huge issues with this, so I drew a diagram...
alt text http://tomsfil.es/7bdead0a.png
I successfully get to the CLASS A - METHOD B but at that point, IBOutlet Z is Nil? :(
Any ideas?
Somebody told me it might be an Overrelease and to use NSZombieEnabled but that confused me
It's all a matter of when you call the class. Right after you create a view controller with initWithNibName, nothing is actually wired up yet - it's only after the view is created that IBOutlets are created and wired in.
One trick is that you can simply ask the view controller for .view, like so:
Then the view will be created and the IBOutlet will exist. A better method though, is to create properties on the view controller that you set, and then either in viewDidLoad, or in viewWillAppear you use those properties to set values for your outlets.

How to detect when a UIView has changed size?

I have a UIViewController that is initialised with a correct frame, however somewhere in my code the frame gets mangled and I'm having difficulty finding out where.
In situations like this it is usually handy to watch a variable in the debugger, however I have no way of accessing the controller->view->frame property in my variable view, since it isn't a variable, it's a property (surprisingly enough)
Drilling into the UIView in the variables display shows a few things but nothing I can relate to the frame, I thought perhaps that would be in layer but it isn't.
Is there any way to watch for changes in a private API? I guess not, since the variables are essentially 'hidden' and so you can't specify exactly what to watch.
Alternatively, what other approach could I use? I already tried subclassing UIView, setting my UIViewController's view to point to this subclass and breaking on the setFrame method but it didn't seem to work.
EDIT: the subclassing UIView method DID work, I just had to set the view to point to my test subclass in viewDidLoad and not the init method. Leaving this question open as I'm not sure if this is the best way of approaching this kind of problem...
Subclass your the view you want to track and rewrite the setFrame method:
#implementation MyTableView
- (void)setFrame:(CGRect)frame;
NSLog(#"%#", frame);
[super setFrame:frame];
Then use the debugger to add a breakpoint to it and check when it gets called. Eventually, you'll see when the frame gets changed and where does the change comes from.
I discovered this can be done using key value observers.
You could create an ivar, view2, and just assigned it to your view in your loadView method. That should enable you to watch it like a normal variable.