IBOutlet is NIL when using Forward Declarations to call a class? - iphone

I have been having huge issues with this, so I drew a diagram...
alt text http://tomsfil.es/7bdead0a.png
I successfully get to the CLASS A - METHOD B but at that point, IBOutlet Z is Nil? :(
Any ideas?
Somebody told me it might be an Overrelease and to use NSZombieEnabled but that confused me

It's all a matter of when you call the class. Right after you create a view controller with initWithNibName, nothing is actually wired up yet - it's only after the view is created that IBOutlets are created and wired in.
One trick is that you can simply ask the view controller for .view, like so:
Then the view will be created and the IBOutlet will exist. A better method though, is to create properties on the view controller that you set, and then either in viewDidLoad, or in viewWillAppear you use those properties to set values for your outlets.


UIImageView Created In Interface Builder Set To nil When Needed

I have an application where small number of objects are defined in the MainWindow. A pair of these objects are a UIViewController and the UIImageView that goes along with this controller. When the application starts up, the entire MainWindow.xib get loaded & I can see that this UIImageView has been loaded into memory. At this point, I have no need for this UIImageView.
When I need the UIViewController, I perform the usual alloc/init setup. At this point, when I look at this controller with the debugger, the controller is setup correctly, but the UIImageView that should have been pre-wired with Interface Builder is always nil.
Any suggegstions on how to make sure this UIImageView is loaded into memory correctly? This is the only case where I've had an issue with objects defined within this single MainWindow.xib file.
Assuming you have connected the view outlet, all you need to do is access the view property. When you look in the debugger, you're seeing the property's corresponding ivar. When you access the property in code, it should load for you. So, it should be as simple as:
[controller view];
Not quite sure I understand the problem, but instead of having the UIImageView in MainWindow.xib, why not have it in the xxxViewController.xib where it's actually going to be needed?

Passing info to a delegate from a UIActionSheet

My understanding about passing data back to a delegate completely revolves around making a new view controller and having it conform to a protocol.
I am trying to get a time input back from a UIDatePicker set with the UIDatePickerModeCountDownTimer mode and I am running into issues.
Inside of Main1.m I create a UIActionSheet *action, and set everything up so that it presents itself with a UIDatePicker on a click. Inside of Main.m I also say:
main.delegate = self;
If this were not a UIActionSheet, I would make a protocol reference inside the new ViewController and then have the new vc pass data to a method that Main has, but I can't do that with a UIActionSheet!!
What am I missing? I assume there is something inherently different about Action Sheets, ut I can't figure it out.
Thanks for your help!!!
Sorry! I was giving a generic name to my view controller. It isn't actually Main.m, its FirstViewController.h/m
I didn't realize that my generic reference was getting mixed up with the Main.m file that is completely different than a vc.
I don't exactly understand why you're putting your delegate assignment in Main.m. I assume that you're setting up your UIActionSheet in a ViewController, and launching it from there. In this case, your ViewController is your delegate object. So you need to make sure that your ViewController implements the UIActionSheetDelegate. ie:
#interface SomeController : UIViewController <UIActionSheetDelegate>
Then you simply implement the required methods of that delegate in your view controller class, and that should do it. If I'm missing something about how you're implementing this, then you need to provide more code examples to examine.

uiview getter nil

I am trying to get certain iVars from my view controller to my view (a subview) so drawrect will draw a shape based on user inputs. When I hard code those variables into the subview, the shape draws perfect, but when I use getters to access the custom variables from the view controller, they come back nil and the drawing is messed up. I get no errors or warnings. I know there is a problem with the getter, any suggestions? Anybody have an example of passing variables to a subview so cgcontext can be used in the drawrect? I am stuck big time. I assume at this point my problem is so simple, I am missing something fundamental. I thought I had setters/getters down packed.
Make sure that whatever you're getting 'from' (ie, the parent, or view, or whatever you're accessing the getters on) is not nil. Try setting a break point right before accessing them and validating that your targets are valid, and have valid data.
We'd really need to see more code. Ben was saying that, somewhere in your view, you must set parent = (some code to get a reference to my parent). Make sure this actually works, i.e. you really do have a reference to your parent. Even if the ivars are correct, if your parent is nil, then sending [nil getSomeiVar] will return 0 in most cases.
Without a better understanding of the code, this is my guess. Somewhere in your UIViewController, you should have something like:
myView = //make your view
[myView setParent:self]
Parent is a variable of the view, with a property so that you can access it
Why does it matter if we know what you are making?
For setParent to work, you need to following:
an ivar YourUIViewControllerSubclass *parent; in your view's .h
a property for this ivar #property (nonatomic, retain) YourUIViewControllerSubclass *parent; in your view's .h
A synthesis for this ivar #synthesize parent; in your view's .m inside the #implementation
Yeah, you were both wrong, but I took a lot away from you helping me though. I didn't have to post code after all. I had to pick up my debugging skills big time. Someone in another post mentioned violations of the MVC. I had to set the ivars in the uiview, to the custom values FROM the view CONTROLLER. In other words, I had to set from the controller rather than getting from the subview.

Can not set UISwitch outside of controller class

The iphone program is set up in the Utility Application model where you have a root view and two subviews (mainViewController & flipsideViewController) which are outlets.
If I try to set the UISwitch at rootViewController's viewDidLoad (with [flipsideViewController.switchInstance setOn:YES]), it doesn't work.
Within flipsideViewController, that method works but not outside of it. Any idea why? I can pass other methods...
Even if I pass a method to the flipsideViewController that then does the setOn method, it still doesn't work...
Any ideas?
Just as a 'sanity-check' (as others have put it to me) have you made sure your flipsideViewController variable is not null at the time you are calling the above code?

Arbitrary objects to handle actions?

My question may be a bit stupid, but why can't any object instantiated in IB handle, say, button click? I mean I'm able to add my own object to a xib, and link outlets to cotrols and control actions to object's method, but once I press the button everything just crashes (uknown selector).
Do you guys have a hint around that?
EDIT: The code, as requested:
#interface TextController {
IBOutlet UILabel * textLabel;
IBOutlet UITextField * textField;
#implementation TextController
-(IBAction)buttonClicked:(id)sender {
textLabel.text = #"Ololo";
Connections in IB are ok, just believe me. It's really hard to get them wrong with all this drag'n'drop stuff :)
EDIT 2: TextController is not a file owner (in this case it works fine). However, I just want to understand why I can't wire up an action to some object (may be even not a subclass of UIViewController).
You can wire outlets and actions to any object in the nib-file. Drag an NSObject form the library palette onto your nib-file, in Interface Builder. Then go to the Identity tab of the information palette and set the Class of your object.
This way you can instantiate any object of any class from your nib. If the target you want to hook to is statically created from the nib-file. Make sure that the file's owner have at least one reference to your object, or else it will be deallocated as soon as it has been created. Targets are not retained by the sender.
If the object you want to hook up should not be statically created from your nib, then implement awakeFromNib in a class that is instantiated from the nib-file and hook up the targets in code.
Last option is if you do not have any sub-class of your own in the nib-file at all. Then implement initWithNibName:bundle: in your UIViewController subclass, and hook up your targets in code after calling the super implementation.
post code, this usually means you dont have your connections wired up correctly. Is file's owner TextController in IB?