How to use Google Earth on iPhone? - iphone

I am just wondering that is there any way to integrate the Earth browsers in an iPhone app (native or web).
Is there any way or any suggestion friend, this is an open discussion so please let ideas flow in.
Thank you All,

It is currently not possible. Read this.


Create .swf within iPhone app

Can't find anything about this anywhere (maybe there's a good reason...) - does anyone know if there are any libraries for creating simple SWFs in iOS? I'd like to be able to let the user build a simple animation, then email it off as a SWF. If it's not possible, I'll probably go down the animated gif route.
Thanks for any help!
You might use libsswf which has a c interface.
Check here.

iPhone - Cover Flow

I want to integrate the Cover Flow for the images display in my iPhone Application can anyone guide me how can i do this. I found lot of tutorials on Google but not a single one is helpful
Cover flow is a private apple api so you cannot use it.
There are, however, open source alternatives like FlowCover.

Is there a way to capture a picture by the iPhone via Browser?

Can i capture Pictures via Browser with the iPhone?
Or what is the easyest way? which API?
Thanks for answers!
Sorry, but this isn't currently possible (as of iOS v4.2) - the only way to currently interact with the camera, etc. is via a full-blown iOS app.
The only additional capabilities that are provided beyond a "normal" browser are JavaScript events to capture touch related actions.

using web view in iphone

this might sound silly but since i am new to iPhone i wanted to ask this question... :P
Where is the UIWebView best used? I mean which type of application?
Could i use that if i wanted to display a video in some part of the screen rather than fullscreen which MPmediaPlayer is really good at?
Thanks :)
The only places I have seen UIWebView really used in a way that is right is for help pages. Developers will make this page call a FAQ page hosted on their servers so that they can change the contents frequently without going back to Apple for review.

integrating camera and email

I want to develop an application that will automatically send an email as soon as an image is captured by the camera.
can anybody suggest some ideas regarding this???
Really easy to do. The
Iphone developer's cookbook has some "recipes" that will get you pointed in the right direction on how to do this.