Can I add two right-hand buttons to a UINavigationBar? - iphone

I would like to be able to have a UINavigationBar with a left-hand UIBarButtonItem, two right-hand UIBarButtonItems, and a title.
I have resorted to using a UIToolBar to simulate this, but the toolbar looks slightly different than the UINavigationBar, and it also won't bevel UIBarButtonSystemItems.
Is there a way to make a UINavigationBar with three UIBarButtonItems?

There's no way to do this using all native graphics. However, if you're willing to get your hands a little dirty in Acorn or Photoshop, you can create your buttons images there, and then add several buttons to a UIView, encase that in a UIBarBUttonItem, and set it to be the leftBarButtonItem.
This question tackles the item as well: How to add 2 buttons into the UINavigationbar on the right side without IB?

I posted code to add two buttons to the right of the navigationBar. You can set barStyle = -1 instead of subclassing UIToolbar.

Since iOS5 it's easily possible ( ) :
Sets the right bar button items, optionally animating the transition to the new items.
- (void)setRightBarButtonItems:(NSArray *)items animated:(BOOL)animated
If two navigation items have the same custom left or right bar button items, those bar button items remain stationary during the transition when the navigation item is pushed or popped.
Available in iOS 5.0 and later.
Declared In


UISearchBar: how can I stop it resizing when clicked?

I have a UISearchBar (with UISearchDisplayController) as title view of UINavigationBar. There are also two buttons on either side of the searchbar within the navbar.
When clicking on UISearchBar, it becomes wider and covers the button on the right of it.
How can I stop it from becoming wider?
Things tried but didn't work -->
The widened search bar then becomes the original size if the device is rotated.
So, tried calling [searchBar setNeedsLayout] in -searchBarTextDidBeginEditing
All different auto-resizing mask options in IB
Edit: Didn't mention, but this is on iPhone (as we can put searchbar inside toolbar in iPad..)
Actually, taking hint from this answer if the search bar is put in UIView of desired size then this is set as title view of NavBar, it doesn't go wider !
But... Since you can't make cancel button to show/not show as you wish, I realized it's not so useful.
(As seen in this question/answer etc)

How to change UIActionSheet view?

As I observed that UIActionSheet is always appearing from down side in iPhone,
but in some app, as I saw in AlarmClock, then two button became visible, one from upside and second from downside of iPhone,
What is that exactly, I can't understand, as far as I feel, it looks UIActionSheet,
I want such appearance for one of my app....
Yes just like Ole said, you can't customize UIActionSheet . But since it is just a simple subview you can create your personal "action sheet" by subviewing and animating. So if you want a button to appear on the top and one on the button, then create two UIViews resize them to the right size for your button, add your action sheet style background or any other background, add your button, connect your IBActions to the buttons and your IBOutlets to the views. Then when you want the buttons to appear animate them onto the screen (using sone CGRect, animation time and finally [UIView commitAnimations])
Probably just one or two custom views with a custom animation. UIActionSheet is not customizable so if you want something else than the default behavior you have to write it yourself. It's not that difficult.

Really cool way to create custom UITabBar for iPhone app?

I am doing a lot of researching lately about how to get a different looking with nice effects UITabBar on my iPhone app, but unfortunately I am only finding things on how to replace background color etc.
Well, I've checked out this app called Momento which is pretty cool and presents a very slick tabBar:
So there are a couple of elements here I would like to ask you guys if you could help me by giving me the right directions on how to get a similar effect :)
Arrow above items: as you can see this app has this animated arrow that runs above the selected item with a very smooth animation.
Selected Stated of the item's image is not that blue-ish default one neither the default state which displays in a different shade of brown and gray version.
nice Items separators with beveled vertical lines.
different background image for the tabBar
different height for the tabBar
At this point after some research I am able to set the height and background image by subclassing UITabBarController but I'm still not sure on how to accomplish the other items specially the first one related to the nice arrow effect.
How do I do this? Please clarify what can or can't be done by subclassing the UITabBarController and specially if can be done in Interface Builder.
There's a project on github called BCTabBarController that aims to mimic the tab bar used in Twitter for iPhone. It's got some of the things you're looking for, and should give a great starting point.
Both of these are good answers, but both libraries have problems: BCTabBarController doesn't know how to create the "blue" highlighted version of a tab bar icon; and iDevRecipies doesn't send events to child viewcontrollers nor resize the navigation bar on rotate.
Be warned: custom nav bars are a lot of trial-and-error debugging (as I have found).
Simply use a UIView with TabBar width and height.Add custom background image and custom buttons on the view.Set the fileowner of the view as AppDelegate.Now you can simply connect the IBActions with the buttons.The Custom view can be placed over the tabbar by addSubView to the TabBar controller's view.You can switch between viewcontrollers by using the setSelectedIndex method of tableviewcontroller in the button action.

UITabBar look like UIToolBar (changing color of UITabBar)

Is it possible to make a UITabBar look like a UIToolBar, while maintaining its UITabBar-functionallity?
Bottom to top
Make the UITabBar (bottom) look like the UIToolBar (top).
Thank you.
In addition to my question, I want to know how I can change the backgroundcolor of my tabBar. Is is possible? Does anybody have a library that subclasses the TabBar and changes its color?
Instead of making the UITabBar look like a UIToolBar, I would instead try making a UIToolBar have the functionality of a UITabBar- e.g. pressing on the buttons opens different subviews. Then, you could set the background color of the UIToolBar (it's actually listed as "Tint" in the properties).
You might use images that look like toolbar buttons...
Have I understood your question correctly?
You want to change the look of tab bar's items so they will look like toolbar items?

iPhone - Custom Tab Icons, Remove Highlight

I am creating a custom tab bar for my iPhone app and I need to change the images. I have changed the actual tab bar background, but I need to know how to add custom images for the icons and their respective "selected" icons. I also need to remove the square highlight that is default. Pretty much, it just needs to be my icons. Also wondering if the images can be coloured or not. I've looked a lot of this, but no one seems to have the solution.
Someone please help.
hide the inbuilt tabBar view
create your own custom UIView (or UIScrollView in case if you need more number of tabs) with the frame of inbuilt tabBar view and fill up, especially with array of UIButtons & then add your custom view as a subview of the TabBarController.
Play with the UIButton's background image (which is your tab icon image) and its addTarget:action:forControlEvents: in order to set the appropriate selectedIndex value of the TabBarController, i.e. set the selectedIndex according to the button's position in the custom view.
This is how I've implemented :)
No. You cannot customise the tab bar icons in the UITabBar.
They are designed to be used with an alpha masked image.
Someone discovered a way to hack the colours though here: Custom colors in UITabBar