Test PayPal payments not showing up in sandbox - paypal

I'm working the Adaptive Payment .Net API samples. I've setup my test account stuff and everything runs fine with a "success" transaction. The only problem is I neither see debits from the payees nor credits to the seller.
What gives?

I would make sure that everything works as you expect it to in the Pay Pal Virual Terminal before you try to get the API's to work.
I had many problems getting the sandbox to work. I would get different errors with the different accounts I set up. What I ended up doing is creating a new account and then everything started to work. I had to set up three different accounts before I got the sandbox to work. The production environment worked from the jump.

What I was missing was the manual step of confirming the payment from the test payee account. I didn't realize the online interaction was necessary and not scriptable. In hindsight this is obvious for security reasons ... unfortunately this will not work for my app.


Creating sandbox test payments in Shopify with PayPal?

Is there a way to test paypal transactions in shopify development?
I have tried adding sandbox emails but it keeps giving me Some of your info isn't correct. Please try again. --- I have updated the passwords to ensure everything is correct. I assume Shopify is not allowing this?
Is there a way to integrate paypal sandbox?
It's important that it is PayPal and not credit cards in general.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Really not trying to use real money for a few simple tests as it seems Shopify is suggesting here: https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/payments/paypal/set-up-paypal#testing-paypal
It doesn't seem Shopify offers the option to turn on sandbox mode, probably because it's unnecessary and confusing for most of their users.
Shopify has already done all the integration with PayPal, there is no need to test anything repeatedly. Just make sure it's working before launch.

PayPal IPN not working in sandbox

I'm brand new to setting up IPN's. I've built websites, but never a subscription site like the one I'm building now. I'd like to set up a recurring monthly subscription option and a recurring yearly subscription option.
My website is built on Joomla 3 and I'm using a plugin for the subscription module. I set up the PayPal subscription buttons just as explained in the directions, which I followed to the letter. Nevertheless, when I go to test it in the PayPal sandbox, I keep getting the same error, which says that it wasn't sent and the handshake wasn't made, and to check my settings. That's all it says. I don't know if the issue is with my site, my server or the settings I'm entering into the actual sandbox. I checked with my server and they said there's nothing wrong on their end. Do I need an SSL for the integration to work?
Please keep in mind that, while I can follow explicit directions, I'm so new at this that I don't even know how to access my 'listener,' so if you respond, please let me know where to find things, if necessary.
Any help would be very greatly appreciated - I've been at this for 12 hours now and I'm at a complete loss.
This issue has two sides
1. Is Paypal IPN enabled on the sandbox account where you are trying to receive the payments
2. You would need a IPN listener script to get the IPN notifications
This process is the same for Sandbox or live mode
This should help you get started

PayPal Sandbox does not send IPN's

I am having trouble testing IPN with Sandbox.  I have been testing my setup with the IPN Simulator and that works very well. However when I make a test transaction using the Sandbox I get no output.  I have looked in the IPN history and there is nothing shown there.  I have also checked my url's.
I am new to this aspect of PayPal so there may well be something I'm missing. Any help would be much appreciated.

Can't get Paypal Sandbox to work

I have been searching for a solution for this really hard but I can't find any answers as to where the problem is really coming from have been setting up paypal sandbox account for testing but it doesn't work have been clearing my cache many times but still it returns me this error:
This Sandbox email address is not available. Please enter another email address.
I make sure the account I use is already set on sandbox and it's a personal account, please I need more help as to know where this problem is coming from, don't know what to do on this one anymore. also even deleting previous paypal sandbox account doesn't even work!
Here's one possibility. I was running into that same error just a couple of days ago and realized what it was.
I have 2 separate PayPal accounts that are setup with developer.paypal.com. They each have 3 or 4 sandbox accounts created within them.
I had just recently been to developer.paypal.com and logged in with one of my PayPal accounts, so that session was active in my browser. Then I was trying to complete a sandbox checkout using one of the sandbox accounts associated with my other PayPal account, and that's when I was getting that error that the email address was not available.
I went back to developer.paypal.com and logged out of the account I had signed in there, and then specifically logged in with the other account that was associated with the sandbox account I was trying to use. Once I did that the error went away and I was able to use the sandbox as expected.
Hope all that made sense. Just a shot in the dark as it's the only time I've seen this error myself.

Using the Paypal sandbox to test an application

I recently set up Paypal payments standard on my web app and things are working fine. I am able to use Paypal sandbox to test and things work the way I expect.
However, I would like to send out the app to my beta testers and allow them to test making payments without actually using their Paypal accounts or credit cards. I can create sandbox merchants and sandbox payees, but that doesn't quite do it. My button send them to sandbox.paypal.com... but when they get there they are asked to log in with a developer/sandbox password. It doesn't just let them login with the test payee account.
I can work around this, but I wanted to see if I was missing something.
Ya this type of situation was not what we intended the sandbox to be used for. Every sandbox account is tied to a developer account so there is no way around this.
You can do your unit testing or test your application in sandbox, and go live to actually have your clients start using it. There was no plan to have your clients test making payments in sandbox.