I've seen in the Facebook app the ability to have instructions on the image edit view when selecting a picture, on the bottom of their(fb) view it says, "use two fingers to draw crop area", i want to add that to my crop instructions but can't find it.
The Facebook app probaby achieves this using the Camera Overlay API's.
Take a look at his blog post for info on using the camera overlay API: http://blog.blackwhale.at/2009/10/custom-video-overlay-view-on-the-iphone/
I'm building a game for the iphone, and the main window displays an image in the background describing the game, and I have few other layers of images which are the buttons such as Start New Game, Options and Help.
Should the launch image be only the background image describing the game without the extra image layers or should it be image including the other layers which are Start New Game, Option and Help?
The bit covering launch images can be found here. Below is an example launch image (left) provided by Apple.
Their docs specifically site concerns about localization, so it's probably best to do without the text and provide an image that just has your background chrome for the view.
The launch image should give the illusion of a really fast launching of your app. So the better image in your case is an hybrid of your proposal.
You should have the background image describing the game with the extra image layers without the text inside your buttons (Start new game, etc.) If you include the text, the user could think that your app is loaded and would tap on it.
Hope this helps
All the Apple guidelines on launch images are available here (scroll down to "Launch Images" section). It seems like the convention is to show buttons but not table view data, based on the examples show and from observing other Apple apps.
It's probably up to you to determine which looks better. I have seen many apps on the app store that totally ignore all of these things you aren't supposed to do:
An “application entry experience,” such as a splash screen
An About window
Branding elements, unless they are a static part of your application’s first screen
So I don't think it's that important for App Store acceptance, but it is very important for user experience.
I am working with a basic UIImagePickerController. I have read about camera overlays and am not ready / don't need to dive into that world yet.
After the user takes a photo, the UIImagePickerController displays a "Preview" screen. All I want to do is change the text on the button on the preview screen from "Use" to "Upload".
It seems to me that there should be a very easy way to access this, but I have found very few references to the "Preview" screen.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
That functionality is not exposed in the SDK. There is no way to customize the Preview screen.
The thumbnail image shown in the info view of Maps app is UIImageView or MKMapView? Or it is something else? I have posted the screen shot marking the thumbnail with red circle.
Screen Shot (Taken from the Maps app):
I want to display a thumbnail image like this when a pin is selected in a map view of my app.
How can I do this?
I noticed the following things about this thumbnail:
Considering it as an Image: I set the map view type to "Satellite" and opened the info view using the pin. But the thumbnail is still showing in the "Default" type (as in the screen shot) as always. So I guess the thumbnail is not taken from the map using renderInContext: method. So where does it come from?
Considering it as a map view: While the Info view is opening I noticed that the thumbnail is loading like how a map view loads. I mean, I can see the empty grids before the actual thumbnail is displayed(loaded?). So I guess this can be a small map view.
Note: I Implemented this using MKMapView with the frame size 64x64. But the "Google" watermark is displayed on the map.
What is it actually? I want to implement this in a right way. I need your guidance.
It could be an MKMapView but clipped to a smaller superview. I'm sure Apple was able to get permission from Google to use that thumbnail without the Google logo (probably because the main map view shows the watermark prominently).
The official Twitter app for iPhone (formerly Tweetie) also shows a static map thumbnail sans Google logo when viewing a tweet with a location. Tapping on the map shows you a full-screen map that does show the logo. Maybe they also got special permission, or maybe it's ok because the full-screen map shows the logo. But I am not a lawyer.
Finally, as an alternative to MKMapView, it's possible to get a map image directly from Google using the Google Static Maps API. But that also requires showing the Google logo (in this case it's even more prominent).
It's most likely an internal API that we don't have access to. Even if you were able to somehow take the watermark out of the thumbnail, Apple would reject it. Check out this post:
This person got his app rejected because his image of a map did not have a google watermark.
How would I display what the Camera can see in a view as if you were using the Image Picker in Camera Mode?
Is this possible, to access the camera directly?
I should have looked further…
Check out this question iPhone: Camera Preview Overlay, which provides the below. link to a tutorial on how to do something very similar to my question.
I have to use UIScrollView as image viewer like Photo app. The UIScrollView is supposed to show photos with swiping, zooming and rotating with interface rotation.i have to load minimum 20 images.is it possible? which is the best way? plz post some sample codes.
I've written a simple and easy to use photo browser called MWPhotoBrowser which you should be able to look at and dissect.
It is an implementation of a photo viewer that I wrote allowing the user to view one or more images in a similar way to the native Photos app. It can display one or more images by providing either UIImage objects, file paths to images on the device, or URLs images online. Photos can also be zoomed, panned, and navigated with previous/next buttons.
View MWPhotoBrowser on GitHub
Hope this helps!
Refer to the sample application page control here https://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/samplecode/PageControl/ , it should help you get started, they have a scroll view that you can use to scroll through a bunch of pages, you can modify this to do pictures. It doesnt do zooming o rotationg but its a good place to start