draw circle on MKMapview in iphone app - iphone

I am trying to draw circles around the current location on MKMapview.I tryied many codes but however no success. can any one suggest any links which should I refer. I am new to Iphone so dont have much knowledge about Quartz 2D.

I would think the simplest method to achieve your goal would be to use a custom PNG image with transparency and set the image property of a MKAnnotationView that you add to your current MKMapView.


How to take UIView screenshot in which AVPlayer is playing?

I am trying to generate a video from the screenshots taken from a specific UIVIew. This view have an AVPlayer subview and also a canvas subview(in which we can draw shapes). Just tried the normal way of UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext and the screenshot was black. I think its because the video is rendered in GPU.
So I tried to take a screenshot of a GLKView to which the above two subviews were added. But still its giving the GLKView background colour as images. Referred the below two links for my purpose.
Tried adding glkview as in this post.
Taking screenshot from a GLKView
Am I going the right way? If yes, Please help me to understand what I am missing.
Is there anyother better way to do this? AVAssetImageGenerater is not at all suitable for my requirement and so I cant use it too.
AVAssetImageGenerater is not at all suitable for my requirement and so
I cant use it too.
What is the reason for this i don't know but by using AVAssetImageGenerater it is possible to take snap of the video and draw the snap image over the screenshot image is easy as you know the frame of the black part.
See below post to put a UIImage over another UIImage.
Draw another image on a UIImage

process brightness on specific part of image

I am creating an application in which i am displaying image view with image and processing brightness on the image using slider. I want that brightness should be done only on the selected part of image and not on the entire image.
I want the brightness should be processed only on the central part of the image without using openGl Image processing.
Please help me to solve this problem. Hey guys Please help me its important for me.
There are several ways to accomplish this. One is to overide the drawRect: UIView method and use a mask. Another is to draw the bitmap yourself in a CGContext. Yet another is with OpenGL.
What have you tried?

3D model over iPhone camera images. Transparent background?

I'm trying to make an augmented reallity app for iPhone where you can see, over the camera images, 3D models built using OpenGL ES. I've already made the part where I get the images from the camera and a GLView that inherits from UIView where I draw the model. My problem is that when I put the GLView over the camera images, you don't see only the model but a black rect covering all the view. I've tried to colour the background so it becomes transparent but I haven't got it. Do you know which one could be the problem?
Thanks a lot!!
I answer myself. Appart from using glClearColor when you draw the OpenGl View, you need to have in mind to things:
When you create your CAEAGLayer object, you have to assign its opaque property the value NO.
When you assign the drawableProperties, you have to choose a color format that admits transparency, for example kEAGLColorFormatRGBA8.
Hope this will be useful to someone else! Thanks Benjamin Andris for your answer anyway! :)
Have you set the 'opaque' property of your GLView to NO?

How to display photos like iphone homescreen?

I'm trying to make an app that's displaying my photos from camera roll like app icons in iphone (matrix view) . The pictures will have the "wobble" effect and the pictures need to be rearrangeable(the posibility to swap pictures).
I found out how to implement the wobble efect.
What`s the best way to implement the displaying and swapping functionality?
I suggest you to show your photos using CALayer.
Add those layer in Matrix like pattern in your UIView using frame property of layer.
To move or rearrange photos find particular CALayer in touchesBegin method of View using touch points and Move it with movement in touched(in touchesMoved). Settle it in a proper location in touchesEnded method.
I have assumed that you have basic knowledge of usage of classes that I mentioned in above description.
Post here if you need more help.

Modifying, coloring and dragging pre-existing images iPhone application

I am developing an iphone application which would let me modify the image by dragging other images over its top along with functionality that would let me choose a specific color from the image and replace it with some other color shades i choose. If anyone has some clue like how to actually implement it or some code, that would be great help for me to proceed in right direction
Thanks in advance :)
If you just want to overlay images, you can simply drag UIImageViews around and position them within the view hierarchy such that the appropriate images are overlaid one on top of the other.
For generating a new image out of those composited images, you may want to use something like CGContextDrawImage() within a UIView subclass's -drawRect: method or in a custom CGContext. You can also refer to these similar questions:
How can we combine images and get image object from this two images in iphone apps
Combining images
As far as selectively replacing a specific color within a UIImage, that's a commonly asked question here:
In a UIImage (or its derivatives), how can I replace one color with another?
How to make one color transparent on a UIImage?