process brightness on specific part of image - iphone

I am creating an application in which i am displaying image view with image and processing brightness on the image using slider. I want that brightness should be done only on the selected part of image and not on the entire image.
I want the brightness should be processed only on the central part of the image without using openGl Image processing.
Please help me to solve this problem. Hey guys Please help me its important for me.

There are several ways to accomplish this. One is to overide the drawRect: UIView method and use a mask. Another is to draw the bitmap yourself in a CGContext. Yet another is with OpenGL.
What have you tried?


How to take UIView screenshot in which AVPlayer is playing?

I am trying to generate a video from the screenshots taken from a specific UIVIew. This view have an AVPlayer subview and also a canvas subview(in which we can draw shapes). Just tried the normal way of UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext and the screenshot was black. I think its because the video is rendered in GPU.
So I tried to take a screenshot of a GLKView to which the above two subviews were added. But still its giving the GLKView background colour as images. Referred the below two links for my purpose.
Tried adding glkview as in this post.
Taking screenshot from a GLKView
Am I going the right way? If yes, Please help me to understand what I am missing.
Is there anyother better way to do this? AVAssetImageGenerater is not at all suitable for my requirement and so I cant use it too.
AVAssetImageGenerater is not at all suitable for my requirement and so
I cant use it too.
What is the reason for this i don't know but by using AVAssetImageGenerater it is possible to take snap of the video and draw the snap image over the screenshot image is easy as you know the frame of the black part.
See below post to put a UIImage over another UIImage.
Draw another image on a UIImage

How to detect objects from Image Processing in iOS?

I have a image and the image have in it A glass a cup , two spoon.
This image is showing on the iPad.
Now I want when user touch the spoon only, the spoon color will become green rest of the image remain same.
I have no Idea how to do this? And where to start?
Any Idea or suggestions would be highly welcome.
Use CALayer, create CALayer with needed frame and add its to ImageView.
CALayer documentation:CALayer Class Reference

path of UIImage for figure inside png

i have png, which have clear background with difficult figure inside, like animal. For me is necessary to get path of this figure exactly, to draw it on background image.
Can u suggest any way to do it programmatically?
Use png alpha channel to create a mask for the background image. There is a more detailed discussion about this here.

How to achieve dynamic UIView masking?

I'm trying to achieve a sort of dynamic UIView masking effect. Here is a sketch:
So as you can see, I'm trying to create a UIView that can effectively cut through an image to reveal the image behind it. I already know how to return an image with a mask statically, however I would like the "revealer" to be draggable (I'll use pan gesture) and live.
Does anyone have any ideas or starting points on how to achieve this? Thanks
(NOTE: My demo says White layer, but I'd actually like to show another image or photo).
masking an image is not that difficult.
This link shows the basics.
But personally I think i would make 2 UIImage views and crop the content of the draggable UIView. I'm not sure but I would expect that clipping and panning the second image will be less computationally expensive then applying the mask and will get you a better frame rate.
So I would do: UIImageView of the full image. A UIView on top of it with a white and some transparency setting to make it look white, then a UIImageView with the image either places or cropped so that only the correct section is showing.

Show photo with SCRATCH OUT EFFECT by finger

I need your help to know how to create an iPhone application to show a photo with SCRATCH OUT EFFECT.
Something like the effect in this flash tutorial
Please help.
You can have a look at the following post on how to create a blurred image effect, I don't think it's the best & fasted method, but it might get you started:
UIImage blur
You can implement the scratch out effect by using CoreGraphics.
Subclass UIView for the scratchable image.
Draw the scratchable image, use a mask to cut out the parts of the image that gets "scratched".
Each time the user scratches the image, make it so the mask and the image gets updated.
Full code example on github