Problem creating a new framework project in Zend Studio - zend-framework

I have a problem when creating a New Framework project in Zend Studio. I'm new to Zend Studio, using Zend Studio ver.7.1.0.
When creating a new Zend framework project (Zend Server is successfully installed), it will not create the 'application' or 'public' folders.
In my previous test project these were created automatically. But here the only things being created are
Javascript Resources
PHP Include Path
PHP Language Library
Can anyone help me?

I had exact the same problem !
The answer is simple .
It's because of windows 7 permissions.
Just go to your localhost folder, It's
C:\Program Files (x86)\Zend\Apache2\htdocs
since you are using Zend server.
Right click on it and select "WRITE" permission for users.
Just to make sure I selected all permissions for all categories.
And next time I've created my Zend framework project,it created the structure as well !

Make shure the option Zend Framework default project structure is activated under project layout. You can check out Full featured Zend Framework and Dojo Project as well, but that may generate a little too much.

Try to use one of the existing basic projects and then remove the small amount of stuff that you don't need. See if that works for you.

Note you could also try zf tool and do "zf create project"

I know this is a few years ago, but I thought I'd give an answer as to how I solved this exact same problem. I'm only posting this answer here since a search for this problem turned up near the top of the google results, so I'm not posting for some useless SO points.
In the past, I would create ZF projects in Zend Studio and it would create for me a basic application structure with public, application, library, etc. folders. One day I accidentally deleted ZFDoctrine which I had in my Zend Framework path. Weeks later, when I went to create a new ZF project, Zend Studio created the new project without the familiar basic application structure. I did not get any error or warning so I tried to create the same project using zf Zend tool. At the command line, I received several warnings that ZFDoctrine would not load. So I put ZFDoctrine back in my library path and the problem disappeared. So long story short, it's probably something in the library path.


ExtJs 4.2 example build

I am new to ExtJs.
When practicing in eclipse do we need to include the entire library(52 MB approx) in the appropriate location?
Is there any shorter version of this library?
Can I delete some files in the library which are not important?
What are the necessary .js files to be included for building a sample MVC pattern, CRUD operation support application in ExtJs 4.2?
For my setup, I include the /ext directory in my project, however I exclude it from the build path so that it doesn't slow Eclipse down. See Eclipse: Javascript validation disabled. but still generating errors?
Then, if you don't even want to see the directory in your workspace, you can create a working set.
I wouldn't recommend deleting/excluding ExtJS source files from your project, especially if you are using Sencha Cmd and/or using dynamic loading in your application.
If you really want to include the bare-minimum, you could get away with using ext-all.js, ext-all.css, and making sure you have all of the ExtJS image files.

How to update zfproject.xml file after deleting some controllers, dbtables, etc. in Zend Framework?

I am using Netbeans IDE to work with Zend Framework. When I create a new controller, action, etc.. using Netbeans Zend Command Window, zfproject.xml file is updated automatically. However, when I delete some of them, the file is not updated and still keeps the names that I deleted.
Is there a way (apart from manual way) to update this file?
Is it needed to update zfproject.xml to run the project properly or is it just an organized schema of the project?
Thanks a lot
This is very good question. zfproject.xml often gets out of sync when you use both Zend Tool and manual creating of the files.
Is there a way (apart from manual way) to update this file?
I don't know a good answer for this part. You may try to iterate the application directory structure.
Is it needed to update zfproject.xml to run the project properly or is it just an organized schema of the project?
This is just a schema which is not parsed during the normal application life. Used only by the tools.

MVC 3 & ASP.Net with Entity Framework scaffolding error : No model classes are available

I am trying to use MVC3 with the Entity framework with Code First, but the code Template generation process in MS Visual Web Developer 2010 - is not detecting my Model in the models folder - giving a message - "No Model classes are available" - although I do have model classes for which I want to create controllers.
The templating option I've selected is "Controller with read/write actions and views using the Entity Framework".
I've uninstalled and reinstalled Web Developer 2010, but still having the same error.
Anyone know how I can get around this error?
xixonia's response worked for me. All I needed to do was build/rebuild the project and then everything worked as expected.
Rebuild all did not fix this issue for me... until I closed Studio, reopened and rebuilt all. Then it worked like a charm.
After create models must be build your project.
I had this same issue and for me I had to go to the properties of the entity model in the entity model designer and change Code Generation Strategy to Default. It had been set to None because I had experimented with a DbContext generator.
I had this same issue.
While digging through my references, just before throwing the computer against the wall, I found that I had EntityFramework version 4.1 installed in the web project (by VS 2010 when the MVC 3 project was created).
I had 4.3.1 installed in the domain project (from nuget).
I uninstalled both of them and reinstalled from nuget.
Now everything is working again.
Hope this helps.
If you still have this problem then follow these steps to fix the problem:
1. Right click on your project and select [Manage NuGet Packages]
2. On the opened popup window, on the left hand pane, select Updates
3. On the right hand pane, at the very top right click on the Update All
During this process, it will ask you whether you want to overwrite the existing references (not sure about the exact phrase). So, say "Yes" to overwrite...
Now try to add the controller to your project and everything will be fine.
Good Luck!

Mongo autocomplete in Zend Studio

Does anyone know how to get auto complete for MongoDB to work in Zend Studio 8. What would actually be an ideal solution is how to add autocomplete for any binary library not in the form of php files.
I.E. I know how to add a folder of php classes to the include path to get autocompletion, but mongo is a php plugin and not a collection of class files. Possible there is a way to generate php files for Zend to use.
Any help would be appreciated.
At first you go here to see that there's a guy who has written a "reflector" of php classes which dumps the contents of a class to a file with phpdoc comments. Also there's a link to sources where mongo.php is present as an example.
You can put that mongo.php into a folder and then in Zend Studio right-click a project, select "properties", go into "php include path -> libraries", click "add external source folder" and point to the folder with the mongo.php.
Voila, zend studio has autocompleting enabled now for MongoDB classes!
Don't know whether that mongo.php is up to date, but I'm using it without a problem.
I've put its code here just for a case.
Probably a bit late answer, but it would be better than nothing ;)

Eclipse/Zend Studio, stop validation for parts of a project tree

I have some external libraries that are showing 'warnings', I want to stop validation of this part of my project because it is interfering with actual warning messages from my source code. Is this possible?
I am using Zend Studio but it is based on eclipse so I think the same method will apply on both applications.
You can try to go to Preferences/Validation/HTML syntax validator for PHP files/ click on settings. Add first an exclude group and then add a rule with your library folder. This will work at least with pure PHP warnings. I have a similar question concerning DLTK warnings and also posted this question to ZS forums, but I have not too much hope from there.
I was having the same issue with a dependency we were pulling in and the previous answer didn't help (maybe because it changed in the last 7 years). I found a solution on the Zend Forums.
Word of caution: if your files are having errors, you probably should NOT preform these steps!
To summarize:
Right-click on the folder.
Click "User As Library Folder"