What is the instruction to release updated iPhone application to App Store? - iphone

My application just available on the App Store but I found an error, so I fixed it. But from this point I don't see any sort of document about "how to submit updated application to App Store?".
Could you help me with any clear instruction? Which I have to change to make the new version replace the old version and available for user to updated?

Follow the same build process as you did before - build an App Store release binary.
Log into iTunes Connect.
Click on 'Manage Your Applications'.
Click on your application icon.
Click on 'Update Application'.
Fill out the form and upload the zipped version of the new binary.


Delete new version of app in iTunes connect

I uploaded a new version of my app in iTunes connect and I do not want and/or need it - how do I get rid of it?
Currently the status shows Prepare For Upload with yellow dot..
I want to delete new version of app, which shows status of Prepare For Upload and not the old one which shows ready for sale status and new one is already available in store.
Is it possible to delete new version of app in iTunes Connect, without affecting old one?
Another work around for this is to simply go to the version you want to delete and update the version number.
I.e. in my case we had created an update for version 3.1.2, but now wanted the update to be version 3.2. Instead of deleting the newly created 3.1.2 version (which I don't think is possible), we updated the version number.
You cannot delete a new version you have created from iTunesConnect before you have uploaded a binary. You can only delete full apps - before or after review.
Apple give a fairly full description of what is going on here without saying explicitly that you cannot delete versions. They do say you cannot remove a platform once created - and they seem to work like versions.
I suppose they never imagined people would create a new version by mistake or as an exercise - but we do!
The only reason I can think of is as a safety measure so that you cannot strand people who have bought your app for a platform that you then remove. I am guessing versions work like platforms in the background and so Apple cannot give us the functionality for one and not the other.
You don't have to worry, Prepare to Upload status means the itunes is asking you to tell that you are ready to upload binary and click the button Ready to Upload Binary.. Your build must be rejected by someone, or you haven't yet uploaded any.
If you want to upload a new build you have to click Ready to Upload Binary, then the status will turn into Waiting for Upload, then if you upload the binary successfully it will turn into Upload Received, then it goes into Waiting for Review, next come In Review, then your status might be Rejected, or Ready For Sale, or Approved(It needs to be released manually)..
I hope above clears your doubt..
Update -
The process has been changed a lot, though You can't delete a Binary, you need to upload new binary by changing the build number if you don't want to change the Version number of the build. For the process of upload, we don't have option to make it Ready to Upload anymore.. You follow the following steps..
Upload a Binary of a specific version from XCode.
Check Activity Tab in itunesconnect of your app, it should show the uploaded binary in processing mode, it will get processed in sometime.
Click on your App Version which might be in Prepare to Submit state, go inside and add your recently uploaded and processed build and click on Save.
Then Submit for Review
You have to go to manage your applications and go to your app. There is a details button and click on binary details under the heading links.
there should be something like "reject the binary" on that screen.

App Store application renaming [duplicate]

Is there any way to rename you app in itunes connect?
Yes, but only at the time when you submit a new version or if the app hasn't gone live yet.
Now you can rename your app's name while uploading new version. You can edit your app name inside metadata information.
Open iTunes connect page with your application.
Then open version of application and press "Edit" near "Metadata and Uploads".
You can edit there.
You can change the app name if application is not yet released in AppStore, phase 'Waiting For Review' is ok
You don't need to submit a new version (If you haven't gone live yet), Nor is it impossible.
Click on the app to go to App details. At the top beside "Version Information" click edit. Change the app name and press save.
That's it! :D
Home -> Manage Your Applications -> yourapp -> Versions (if you already have multiple versions, otherwise it will just be Version Information)
The app name is listed under Version Information but there's no way I can see to edit the Version Information of a submitted and approved app.
You can only edit the app metadata and that does not include the name.
You need to create a new version and you will be able to put in a new app name.
If your application is in Waiting for review mode then you can change your app name inside Viewdetails->Metadata and Uploads->app name
If your application is in live mode then you need to submit new version with new name.
You can rename the name of the app on the Applications Manager inside iTunes Connect. Choose the app. Edit it. That is simple.
To alter the name that shows under the icon you need to change the .plist config file inside the app package and upload it again. The standard is the Project name itself but you can change this in the bundle.

Upload an app's update to the app store !

I have an app that is already existing on the app store ,But now i made its updates means i updated its UI its OS compatibality and other thing that will make help to run on the newer os now i want to put it on as a update to the existing user of the app and if a user have never this application then it will be a fresh application to him,How can i do that .? i was planning to make its plist version 1.2 but i think it will then not replace the app from the app store and for a new user there will be 2 app for the same build. HOw can we do that .......
You're over thinking this.
Increment your version number.
Log into iTunes Connect. Click on your application. Click the 'Add Version' button.
Go through the steps to submit your latest build with it's updated version. Once approved new users will be able to download it, and existing users will be able to update to it. There will not be two versions on the app store - just one; your latest.
Apple have thought this through for you ;)
If you update your app on the AppStore the old version is removed once the update is approved. The new version will replace the existing one. Your app will not show up in the AppStore with 2 different versions.
Users who have the old version will see an update. New users will only be able to install the newly added update.

How to rename your app in itunesconnect?

Is there any way to rename you app in itunes connect?
Yes, but only at the time when you submit a new version or if the app hasn't gone live yet.
Now you can rename your app's name while uploading new version. You can edit your app name inside metadata information.
Open iTunes connect page with your application.
Then open version of application and press "Edit" near "Metadata and Uploads".
You can edit there.
You can change the app name if application is not yet released in AppStore, phase 'Waiting For Review' is ok
You don't need to submit a new version (If you haven't gone live yet), Nor is it impossible.
Click on the app to go to App details. At the top beside "Version Information" click edit. Change the app name and press save.
That's it! :D
Home -> Manage Your Applications -> yourapp -> Versions (if you already have multiple versions, otherwise it will just be Version Information)
The app name is listed under Version Information but there's no way I can see to edit the Version Information of a submitted and approved app.
You can only edit the app metadata and that does not include the name.
You need to create a new version and you will be able to put in a new app name.
If your application is in Waiting for review mode then you can change your app name inside Viewdetails->Metadata and Uploads->app name
If your application is in live mode then you need to submit new version with new name.
You can rename the name of the app on the Applications Manager inside iTunes Connect. Choose the app. Edit it. That is simple.
To alter the name that shows under the icon you need to change the .plist config file inside the app package and upload it again. The standard is the Project name itself but you can change this in the bundle.

how to create binary of iphone application

On reading the iTunesConnect_DeveloperGuide.pdf, i came across the term binary. This is the paragraph found in the pdf:
To submit your application through iTunes Connect and get it posted on the
App Store successfully, make sure you have the following:
Application binary (includes 57px icon), large 512px icon for use on the App Store,
primary screenshot, contract information, export compliance information and applica-
tion metadata
It is also mentioned that the binary should be a zipped file.
Can anyone please explain what is a binary and how to create one?
This is the method I found out. Please correct me if there is any mistake:
Find the file ending in ".app" in the Products folder of your application in Xcode.
Right-click on it and choose Show In Finder.
From there, right-click again and choose Compress.
The resulting zipped file is the binary of your iphone application.
In this case, what Apple really means is the complete Application Bundle. You create it by building your project with XCode for the iPhone OS target. Don't forget to sign it for App Store Distribution during the XCode build process, as described in Apple's iTunes Connect / Developer Pogram Portal documentation.
To submit an app update, just log on to iTunes Connect (itunesconnect.apple.com) and click on "Manage Applications". Click on the application you want to update. From there, there is the icon of the app and next to it, a button that says "Add Version". Click it, and from there just follow iTunes Connect's advice! If you submit a NEW application with the same name but a different version, it will just add a NEW application to the app store (if it doesn't give you an error)! Then, v1.0 and v1.1 will BOTH be available for download.