Upload an app's update to the app store ! - iphone

I have an app that is already existing on the app store ,But now i made its updates means i updated its UI its OS compatibality and other thing that will make help to run on the newer os now i want to put it on as a update to the existing user of the app and if a user have never this application then it will be a fresh application to him,How can i do that .? i was planning to make its plist version 1.2 but i think it will then not replace the app from the app store and for a new user there will be 2 app for the same build. HOw can we do that .......

You're over thinking this.
Increment your version number.
Log into iTunes Connect. Click on your application. Click the 'Add Version' button.
Go through the steps to submit your latest build with it's updated version. Once approved new users will be able to download it, and existing users will be able to update to it. There will not be two versions on the app store - just one; your latest.
Apple have thought this through for you ;)

If you update your app on the AppStore the old version is removed once the update is approved. The new version will replace the existing one. Your app will not show up in the AppStore with 2 different versions.
Users who have the old version will see an update. New users will only be able to install the newly added update.


How do I update my app with a new build version?

I already have an app published on the app store but I have made changes and want to submit a newer version. How do I do this? Do I have to make a complete new app version and enter every detail again?
What about the data inside the app will people who used my app lose all the data on the app?
Hi and welcome to stackoverflow. To update an iOS app, you will need to re-use the exact same bundle ID as the previous version and increment / increase the version number. Same applies to subsequent builds submitted to App Store Connect.
1) In Xcode make sure to use the exact same bundle identifier (You can look it up on https://appstoreconnect.apple.com if you can't remember it)
2) Then set the Version to the new version. This does not need to be the exact same as on App Store Connect (which is the customer facing number), but I can only highly recommend using the same to not get confused.
2A) If you already have a build uploaded for the new version, you need to increment the build version as well. (i.e. if you have build 1.0.0, next one can be 1.0.1)
3) Create a new version of your app on App Store Connect. This can be done independently from your work in Xcode and you can even upload a new build even though there is no new version yet.
Any changes inside your build requires a new update for you app.
How do I do this?
First you have to add a new version in AppStore Connect. The only thing which is required is the text for the update i think, the rest is optional(Screenshots etc.).
After that you can upload a new version from Xcode (or Application Loader).
- increase the build number of your build target
- archive your app and upload it to AppStore Connect.
After a while your build is available in AppStore Connect and you can add it to your new version and send it to review.
What about the data inside the app will people who used my app lose all the data on the app?
Files in the documents directory will not be deleted if a user updates your app
Data in the UserDefaults will also not deleted
Files in the cache directory can be deleted every time

Submitting New Version Of The App To The App Store

I have an iPhone app that was accepted in the App Store almost a month ago. Now i have updated my app with some new features and added iOS 7 support etc.
This is actually the first very first time i am going to submit a new version of the same app to the App Store.
As far as it seems, i have to go to iTunes Connect > Manage Your Apps, select the app and then click on "Add Version" and add the version number and whats changed in the new version. Go back and add the updated screenshots and then using Xcode, i can submit it for the approval.
The question is that is there anything else that i am missing and that i should do in order to submit the new version of the app? As i said i am doing it for the very first time. Thanks!
Things you may wan't to consider:
submitting any new in-app purchases with the new version of the app
make sure your app version and short app version is higher than the one in the version currently in the app store, otherwise you will not pass validation
run validation before submitting so you can see if you get any warnings, sometimes there may be collision with Apple private apis. If they are in your code, I'd suggest to rename your methods
The only thing you need to do now is to update the version number and the build number in your Xcode application, archive your app and submit on the AppStore.
On iTunes Connect you set the new version number :

Can't test iPhone app update as an update

I have been working on an iOS app update and am ready to submit it, however I am having a small issue I am concerned about. I create an ad-Hoc version for testing and when I try to synch the update over to my phone via iTunes it won't give me the 'update' option next to the app. The buttons in iTunes says 'remove'. iTunes actually forces me to first remove the old version of the app and only after it is removed, iTunes gives me the option to install the new version and then the app works fine. The only problem is that this is not really testing the update process and I am concerned that once I release the app to the app store my users will have the same issue where they will not be able to just update the app, they will have to remove the old app first and then install the new version. Any idea what might be going wrong here?
iOS takes care of updating Apps, as far as bundle identifier in your info-plist is the same, any newer version will show as an update in iOS. But in iTunes things work differently. You don't have to worry about these things.
If you want to test effects of updating an App, Install the old version from AppStore. Connect your device and Run the project from Xcode. Now this will work the same way as updating your app.
There is no problem from your part. Maybe this time iTunes is not smart enough to know that your ad-hoc version is an update one or maybe the version of the app on iTunes and on your phone is the same. I've made a lot of update to my apps, when you submit a new one to AppStore your user won't face this problem. They will find an update button for your app :).

Apple store update?

I have an app in apple store, I want to update it. But instead of working on old project, I created a new project and now it is finished. If I upload the new one, does apple reject it because of different sku and appids. Older version was very bad and I created totally new app. What should I do to update my application?
In your apps Info.plist, you want to make sure that the Bundle Identifier between the two apps match, and that the new app has a higher version than the old app. Then you should be able to successfully submit your new version to Apple.
I think you need to make sure:
your application identifier is the same
you sign it with the same developer certificate/identity
new version > old version

How to reinstall the iPhone app in ad hoc distribution

I am using ad hoc distribution for my iPhone app. It works very well. The only problem is when I update my app or create a new binary and want to install this new version on device, I need to delete the old version. Like although I drag and drop the new version in iTunes application, it does not over write the previous version even after I do sync. It might be becoz the app already exists in the device. So I need to delete it to reinstall it. How do I make sure the app gets updated to the new version and I dont loose the data from the previous app. Data I mean the database. Please note I am just formating the UI and not even touching the database.
I've found that you must increase the version number in your main plist file for iTunes to install a new version of your app.