ObjectContext never derives from an interface?? How do you apply DI/IoC in case of multiple types of ObjectContext? - entity-framework

If you have a system that has multiple types of object contexts. For Eg: BillingObjectContext, HumanResourceObjectContext etc. All derive from ObjectContext but ObjectContext Class does not implement any specific interface like IObjectContext. How would you apply DI/IoC in case of multiple types of ObjectContext say using Ninject?

If you must depend on it in a test, you have to mock it. Here's a sample; it's not much harder than implementing an interface. See also TDD improvements in EF 4.

Why can't we just create the actual context object to be used in our tests? Since we don't want our tests to affect the production database, we can always specify a connection string that points to a test database. Before running each test, construct a new context, add the data you will need in your test, proceed with the unit test, then in the test cleanup section, delete all the records that were created during the test. The only side-affect here would be that the auto-increment IDs would be used up in the test database, but since it's a test database - who cares?
I know that most answers regarding this question propose using DI/IoC designs to create interfaces for data contexts etc. but the reason I am using Entity Framework is exactly to not write any interfaces for my database connections, object models, and simple CRUD transactions. To write mock interfaces for my data objects and to write complex queryable objects to support LINQ, defeats the purpose of relying on highly-tested and reliable Entity Framework.
This pattern for unit testing is not new - Ruby on Rails has been using it for a long time and it's worked out great. Just as .NET provides EF, RoR provides ActiveRecord objects and each unit test creates the objects it needs, proceeds with the tests, and then deletes all the constructed records.
How to specify connection string for test environment? Since all tests are in their own dedicated test project, adding a new App.Config file with a connection string for the test database would suffice.
Just think of how much headache and pain this will save you.
namespace ProjectNamespace
public class UnitTest1
private ObjectContext objContext;
public void SetUp()
// Create the object context and add all the necessary data records.
public void TestMethod1()
// Runs the tests.
public void CleanUp()
// Delete created records.


Entity Framework and DDD - Load required related data before passing entity to business layer

Let's say you have a domain object:
class ArgumentEntity
public int Id { get; set; }
public List<AnotherEntity> AnotherEntities { get; set; }
And you have ASP.NET Web API controller to deal with it:
public IActionResult DoSomethingWithArgumentEntity(int id)
ArgumentEntity entity = this.Repository.GetById(id);
It receives entity identifier, load entity by id and execute some business logic on it with domain service.
The problem:
The problem here is with related data. ArgumentEntity has AnotherEntities collection that will be loaded by EF only if you explicitly ask to do so via Include/Load methods.
DomainService is a part of business layer and should know nothing about persistence, related data and other EF concepts.
DoDomething service method expects to receive ArgumentEntity instance with loaded AnotherEntities collection.
You would say - it's easy, just Include required data in Repository.GetById and load whole object with related collection.
Now lets come back from simplified example to reality of the large application:
ArgumentEntity is much more complex. It contains multiple related collections and that related entities have their related data too.
You have multiple methods of DomainService. Each method requires different combinations of related data to be loaded.
I could imagine possible solutions, but all of them are far from ideal:
Always load the whole entity -> but it is inefficient and often impossible.
Add several repository methods: GetByIdOnlyHeader, GetByIdWithAnotherEntities, GetByIdFullData to load specific data subsets in controller -> but controller become aware of which data to load and pass to each service method.
Add several repository methods: GetByIdOnlyHeader, GetByIdWithAnotherEntities, GetByIdFullData to load specific data subsets in each service method -> it is inefficient, sql query for each service method call. What if you call 10 service methods for one controller action?
Each domain method call repository method to load additional required data ( e.g: EnsureAnotherEntitiesLoaded) -> it is ugly because my business logic become aware of EF concept of related data.
The question:
How would you solve the problem of loading required related data for the entity before passing it to business layer?
In your example I can see method DoSomethingWithArgumentEntity which obviously belongs to Application Layer. This method has call to Repository which belongs to Data Access Layer. I think this situation does not conform to classic Layered Architecture - you should not call DAL directly from Application Layer.
So your code can be rewritten in another manner:
public IActionResult DoSomethingWithArgumentEntity(int id)
In DomainService implementation you can read from repo whatever it needs for this specific operation. This avoids your troubles in Application Layer. In Business Layer you will have more freedom to implement reading: with serveral repository methods reads half-full entity, or with EnsureXXX methods, or something else. Knowledge about what you need to read for operation will be placed into operation's code and you don't need this knowledge in app-layer any more.
Every time situation like this emerged it is a strong signal about your entity is not preperly designed. As krzys said the entity has not cohesive parts. In other words if you often need parts of an entity separately you should split this entity.
Nice question :)
I would argue that "related data" in itself is not a strict EF concept. Related data is a valid concept with NHibernate, with Dapper, or even if you use files for storage.
I agree with the other points mostly, though. So here's what I usually do: I have one repository method, in your case GetById, which has two parameters: the id and a params Expression<Func<T,object>>[]. And then, inside the repository I do the includes. This way you don't have any dependency on EF in your business logic (the expressions can be parsed manually for another type of data storage framework if necessary), and each BLL method can decide for themselves what related data they actually need.
public async Task<ArgumentEntity> GetByIdAsync(int id, params Expression<Func<ArgumentEntity,object>>[] includes)
var baseQuery = ctx.ArgumentEntities; // ctx is a reference to your context
foreach (var inlcude in inlcudes)
baseQuery = baseQuery.Include(include);
return await baseQuery.SingleAsync(a=>a.Id==id);
Speaking in context of DDD, It seems that you had missed some modeling aspects in your project that led you to this issue. The Entity you wrote about looked not to be highly cohesive. If different related data is needed for different processes (service methods) it seems like you didn't find proper Aggregates yet. Consider splitting your Entity into several Aggregates with high cohesion. Then all processes correlated with particular Aggregate will need all or most of all data that this Aggregate contains.
So I don't know the answer for your question, but if you can afford to make few steps back and refactor your model, I believe you will not encounter such problems.

Entity Framework DbContext ModelCaching property not available

I am writing some unit tests for Database creation using EF codefirst.
During execution of Unit tests, the DBContext->OnModelCreating method is executed only 1 time, and the model is then cached for the rest of the remaining tests.
I want to be able to execute the "OnModelCreating" for each unit test separately, by trying to set the ModelCaching property, like specified in the Documentation:
// Remarks:
// Typically, this method is called only once when the first instance of a derived
// context is created. The model for that context is then cached and is for all
// further instances of the context in the app domain. This caching can be disabled
// by setting the ModelCaching property on the given ModelBuidler, but note that
// this can seriously degrade performance. More control over caching is provided
// through use of the DbModelBuilder and DbContextFactory classes directly.
protected virtual void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder);
However, there is no such Property "ModelCaching" on this modelbuilder.
How else can I disable this model caching? Tests are running fine one by one, but because of this caching they are failing when running in a row.
Better said, how can I force the ApplicationDbContext -> OnModelCreating to be run for each test individually? Now it is run only once, when it is first used for a bunch of Unit tests.
Seems like this property is not available anymore. You need to keep different DB models and initialize your context for different connection.
This answer helped me in my case. By implementing the IDbModelCacheKeyProvider EF can cache multiple DB model for you based on the different CacheKey.

Unit of Work and common implementation

I have some questions regarding a common implementation of the UoW, Repository Pattern and EF:
public interface IAppUow
void Commit();
IRepository<Customer> Customer{ get; } // IRepository<T>
IOrderRepository Order{ get; } // implements IRepository<T>
My questions are:
If I need to add a new repository of whatever type, I have to change the UoW. Is this a good practice? If not, is there a better way?
If I run Commit() ( context.SaveChanges ), it will save the state of all the contexts repository. Is this a good way?
EntityFramework has already a Unit of Work build it. This enables you to call context.SaveChanges to store all your changes and you should therefore not wrap another Unit of Work Pattern around. You should use IRepository or IOrderRepository directly in your code.
To your questions:
No. Depending on what your application does with Orders and Customers you could put them in one Repository. If you are foremost interested in Orders and only want to know where to ship your order this one repository and one context would be enough. And please do not wrap your UoW around EF.
If you have only one EF context and multiple repositories using it you would save all pending changes when you call Save on the OrderRepository. Should you expect to save only the changes in the OrderRepository but not those in CustomerRepository you would have a problem. You can solve this using different EF context objects but then you will run into problems with what objects in your object graph get loaded by context1 and which ones by context2. I suggest you follow the EF way through and build one context and when you call save all your objects get saved. To split it you need to decide how your application works with the data.
You can find code examples for EF and ASP.NET MVC here.

Is it really necessary to implement a Repository when using Entity Framework?

I'm studying MVC and EF at the moment and I see quite often in the articles on those subjects that controller manipulates data via a Repository object instead of directly using LINQ to Entities.
I created a small web application to test some ideas. It declares the following interface as an abstraction of the data storage
public interface ITinyShopDataService
IQueryable<Category> Categories { get; }
IQueryable<Product> Products { get; }
Then I have a class that inherits from the generated class TinyShopDataContext (inherited from ObjectContext) and implements ITinyShopDataService.
public class TinyShopDataService : TinyShopDataContext, ITinyShopDataService
public new IQueryable<Product> Products
get { return base.Products; }
public new IQueryable<Category> Categories
get { return base.Categories; }
Finally, a controller uses an implementation of ITinyShopDataService to get the data, e.g. for displaying products of a specific category.
public class HomeController : Controller
private ITinyShopDataService _dataService;
public HomeController(ITinyShopDataService dataService)
_dataService = dataService;
public ViewResult ProductList(int categoryId)
var category = _dataService.Categories.First(c => c.Id == categoryId);
var products = category.Products.ToList();
return View(products);
I think the controller above possesses some positive properties.
It is easily testable because of data service being injected.
It uses LINQ statements that query an abstract data storage in an implementation-neutral way.
So, I don't see any benefit of adding a Repository between the controller and the ObjectContext-derived class. What do I miss?
(Sorry, it was a bit too long for the first post)
You can test your controllers just fine with what you propose.
But how do you test your queries inside the data service? Imagine you have very complicated query behavior, with multiple, complex queries to return a result (check security, then query a web service, then query the EF, etc.).
You could put that in the controller, but that's clearly wrong.
It should go in your service layer, of course. You might mock/fake out the service layer to test the controller, but now you need to test the service layer.
It would be nice if you could do this without connecting to a DB (or web service). And that's where Repository comes in.
The data service can use a "dumb" Repository as a source of data on which it can perform complex queries. You can then test the data service by replacing the repository with a fake implementation which uses a List<T> as its data store.
The only thing which makes this confusing is the large amount of examples that show controllers talking directly to repositories. (S#arp Architecture, I'm looking at you.) If you're looking at those examples, and you already have a service layer, then I agree that it makes it difficult to see what the benefit of the repository is. But if you just consider the testing of the service layer itself, and don't plan on having controllers talking directly to the repository, then it starts to make more sense.
Ayende of the NHibernate project and other fame agrees with you.
Some Domain Driven Design people would suggest that you should have a service (not same as web service) layer that is called from your controller, but DDD is usually applied to complex domains. In simple applications, what you're doing is fine and testable.
What you're missing is the ability to update, create and delete objects. If that's not an issue, than the interface is probably good enough as it is (although I would let it derive from IDisposable to make sure you can always dispose the context (and test for this))
The repository pattern has nothing to do with Entity Framework, although Entity Framework implements a "repository" pattern.
The repository interface (lets say IRepositoryProducts) lives in the domain layer. It understands domain objects, or even Entities if you don't want to use domain driven design.
But its implementation (lets say RepositoryProducts) is the actual repository pattern implementation and does not live in the domain layer but in the persistance layer.
This implementation can use Entity or any ORM ..or not to persist the information in the database.
So the answer is: It's not really necessary, but it's recommended to use Repository pattern despite using Entity ORM as a good practice to keep separation between domain layer and persistance layer. Because that's the purpose of the Repository Pattern: separation of concerns between the domain logic and the way the information is persisted. When using the repository pattern from the domain level you just abstract yourself and think "I want to store this information, I don't care how it's done", or "I want a list of these things, I don't care where do you get them from or how do you retrieve them. Just give 'em to me".
Entity Framework has nothing to do with domain layer, it's only a nice way to persist objects, but should live in the repository implementation (persistance layer)

How to create a static UnitOfWork for entity framework 4?

Considering this class
public class XQueries
public IQueryable Query1()
using (XEntities context = new XEntities())
return something;
public IQueryable Query2()
using (XEntities context = new XEntities())
return somethingElse;
Is a connection to the database created for every (XEntities context = new XEntities()) {...} ? If so what is the correct way to create a static UnitOfWork class so that only 1 connection to exist?
You can't create a static unit of work, because by definition a unit of work is a short lived object. Because the EF ObjectContext is designed around the unit of work pattern it is a bad idea to have a single ObjectContext instance during the life time of the application. There are several reasons for this.
First of all, the ObjectContext class is not thread-safe. This means that during the unit of work of one user (in a web app for instance), another user can commit his unit of work. When they share the same ObjectContext, it means that in that situation just half of the changes are persisted and changes are not transactional. When you are lucky the ObjectContext fails and throws an exception. When you are unlucky, you corrupt the ObjectContext and safe and load crap from and to your database and find out when your application is running in production (of course, during testing and staging everything always seems to work).
Second, the ObjectContext has a caching mechanism that is designed for it to be short lived. When an entity is retrieved from the database it stays in the ObjectContext’s cache until that instance is garbage collected. When you keep that instance alive for a long period of time, entities get stale. Especially if that particular ObjectContext instance is not the only one writing to that database.
The Entity Framework opens connections only when required, for example to execute a query or to call SaveChanges, and then closes the connection when the operation is complete.
From Martin Fowler’s book Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture in respect to Unit Of Work.
When you're pulling data in and out of
a database, it's important to keep
track of what you've changed;
otherwise, that data won't be written
back into the database. Similarly you
have to insert new objects you create
and remove any objects you delete.
You can change the database with each
change to your object model, but this
can lead to lots of very small
database calls, which ends up being
very slow. Furthermore it requires you
to have a transaction open for the
whole interaction, which is
impractical if you have a business
transaction that spans multiple
requests. The situation is even worse
if you need to keep track of the
objects you've read so you can avoid
inconsistent reads.
A Unit of Work keeps track of
everything you do during a business
transaction that can affect the
database. When you're done, it figures
out everything that needs to be done
to alter the database as a result of
your work.
Whenever I use Entity Framework for a clients (which I'd admit is rare) the ObjectContext object is the Unit Of Work implementation for the system. That is the ObjectContext will somewhat meet the three statements above. Rather than concentrating too much on the absolutely correct definition using the ObjectContext makes things a little easier for you.
Do some research on DI/IoC and Repository patterns this will give you more flexibility in handling your problem.