Unit of Work and common implementation - entity-framework

I have some questions regarding a common implementation of the UoW, Repository Pattern and EF:
public interface IAppUow
void Commit();
IRepository<Customer> Customer{ get; } // IRepository<T>
IOrderRepository Order{ get; } // implements IRepository<T>
My questions are:
If I need to add a new repository of whatever type, I have to change the UoW. Is this a good practice? If not, is there a better way?
If I run Commit() ( context.SaveChanges ), it will save the state of all the contexts repository. Is this a good way?

EntityFramework has already a Unit of Work build it. This enables you to call context.SaveChanges to store all your changes and you should therefore not wrap another Unit of Work Pattern around. You should use IRepository or IOrderRepository directly in your code.
To your questions:
No. Depending on what your application does with Orders and Customers you could put them in one Repository. If you are foremost interested in Orders and only want to know where to ship your order this one repository and one context would be enough. And please do not wrap your UoW around EF.
If you have only one EF context and multiple repositories using it you would save all pending changes when you call Save on the OrderRepository. Should you expect to save only the changes in the OrderRepository but not those in CustomerRepository you would have a problem. You can solve this using different EF context objects but then you will run into problems with what objects in your object graph get loaded by context1 and which ones by context2. I suggest you follow the EF way through and build one context and when you call save all your objects get saved. To split it you need to decide how your application works with the data.
You can find code examples for EF and ASP.NET MVC here.


Multiple DB Context vs UnitofWork with Repository Pattern while using dependency injection

I am working on an application with multiple modules. I created tables for different modules under different schema in same database and all user related tables in the default schema. I feel like more confused after reading more about dbcontext, unit of work and repository pattern. I started creating one dbcontext and realized a logged in user need few number of tables but by calling the constructor, it bring everything into memory. Later I thought of creating multiple dbcontexts, but I have to include user related tables in all dbcontexts.
As a third option, I start working with unitofwork and repository pattern. Many articles were telling it is just another abstraction on top of EF with DBContext and DBSet. I still continued working and realized that I will have hundreds of repositories and once I add all of them into unitofwork and call the constructor, again everything will be loaded into memory. I am totally confused on which approach best suits for my need. Each controller need only the specific tables repositories and user tables repositories for the CRUD operations, but by doing above steps, will it cause performance issues?
My unitofwork is as below
using DemoApp.Core;
using DemoApp.Core.Repositories;
using DemoApp.Persistence.Repositories;
namespace DemoApp.Persistence
public class UnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork
private readonly DemoAppContext _context;
public UnitOfWork(DemoAppContext context)
_context = context;
Ones = new OneRepository(_context);
Twos = new TwoRepository(_context);
public IOneRepository Ones { get; private set; }
public ITwoRepository Twos { get; private set; }
public int Complete()
return _context.SaveChanges();
public void Dispose()
And the controller
using DemoApp.Core;
using DemoApp.Core.Domain;
using DemoApp.Persistence;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace DemoApp.Controllers
public class HomeController : Controller
private readonly IUnitOfWork _unitOfWork;
public HomeController(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
_unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
public ActionResult Index()
var result = _unitOfWork.Ones.GetAll();
return View(result);
Having a single, large context will not load entities into memory on construction, but it will resolve the entity mappings which can take a few seconds in very large contexts for the first load. Bounded contexts suit very large systems where you can split off related entities, or keep "heavy" or time sensitive entities separate from the main use context.
I use a pattern with bounded contexts that uses an attribute typed to the Context in question to mark which entity type configurations apply to what context. This accommodates using smaller, read-only suited entity definitions. I'd only really recommend this for very large entity sets though. By utilizing deferred execution and .Select() expressions to pull just the data needed when it's needed, using multiple, bounded entity declarations isn't typically needed.
The argument for using Unit of Work & Repository patterns is primarily around enabling unit testing. I do not recommend using Generic repositories (repository per entity) but rather utilizing a Repository pattern much in the way you would utilize a Controller pattern. Each repository serves an area of an application with methods to retrieve, create, and delete entities relevant to that area. Tying a repository to a single entity leads to a lot of boiler-plate code, or generic operations that don't apply to all entities equally. It makes your code less flexible and ultimately harder to read. In most cases you should be utilizing the relationships mapped out between entities, so a single repository can manage retrieving and acting upon all relevant entities for a particular screen for example rather than shifting between lots of different repositories to try and load related data. I use the DbContextScope UoW pattern by Mehdime as it facilitates both read/write and read-only scopes across repositories/helpers, and negates the need to inject a dbcontext/UoW wrapper into the repositories. This enables having multiple UoW scopes in a request vs. scoping a DbContext/UoW instance to a request or manually messing around with lifetime scopes if your container supports that. In any case it's worth having a look at as an option. Mehdime's implementation is for EF 6.x, while there are forks available for EF Core.

DbContext with dynamic DbSet

Is it possible to have a DbContext that has only one property of the generic type IDbSet and not a collection of concrete IDbSet e.g. DbSet.
More specifically, i want to create only one generic DbSet where the actual type will be determined dynamically e.g.
public new IDbSet<T> Set<T>() where T : class
return context.Set<T>();
I don't want to create multiple DbSets e.g.
DbSet<product> Products { get; set; }
Actually i tried to use that generic DbSet but there seems to be one problem. The DbContext doesn't create the corresponding tables in the database. So although i can work with the in-memory entity graph, when the time comes to store the entites into the DB an exception is thrown (Invalid object name 'dbo.Product'.)
Is there any way to force the EF to create tables that correspond to dynamicaly creates DbSets?
Yes you can do this.
The DBSet entries will be derived.
If you plan to use POCOs and just build the model this way ok.
So you save Manual DBSet<> declaration...
But if you plan on being more Dynamic without POCOs...
Before you go down the this route, there are a number of things to consider.
Have you selected the right ORM ?
Do you plan on having a POCOs ?
Why is DbSet Products { get; set; } so bad ?
You get a lot of action for that 1 line of code.
What Data access approach you plan to use without types DBSets
Do you plan to use Linq to Entity statements?
do you plan on creating Expression trees for the Dynamic Data access necessary. Since the types arent known at compile time.
Do you plan to use the DB Model cache,?
How will the cache be managed, especially in Web. ASP environments.
There are most likely other issues i did think of off the top of my head.
Constructing the model yourself is a big task. The Linq access is compromised when compile time types/POCOs are NOT used and the model cache and performance become critical management tasks.
The practical side of this task is not to under estimate
Start here bContext.OnModelCreating
Typically, this method is called only once when the first instance of
a derived context is created. The model for that context is then
cached and is for all further instances of the context in the app
domain. This caching can be disabled by setting the ModelCaching
property on the given ModelBuidler, but this can seriously degrade
performance. More control over caching is provided through use of the
DbModelBuilder and DbContext classes directly.
The modelbuilder class
Good Luck

How do I handle persistence and unit of work in DDD using Entity Framework?

I'm a little overwhelmed with all of the information on DDD, unit of work, domain services, app services, etc. I'm trying to figure out how a persistence-ignorant domain model ultimately gets persisted, specifically in the context of unit-of-work and Entity Framework. Let's say I have an Order aggregate root, which I am attempting to keep in my persistence-ignorant domain model (the core of my architectural onion):
public class Order : EntityBase
public int Id { get; private set; }
public int MarketplaceId { get; private set; }
public int CustomerId {get; set;}
public List<OrderItem> Items { get; private set; }
public List<OrderComment> Comments { get; private set; }
public void AddItem(OrderItem item) { /**add item**/ }
public void AddComment(OrderComment comment) { /**add comment**/ }
public override bool Validate() { /**validate**/ }
public void Cancel() { /**cancel**/ }
Let's say I have a process that updates a property on the Order entity, for example it changes the CustomerId associated with the order.
I have an IOrderRepository in my domain layer, which would have an implementation (in an outer layer) with a function like this:
Order GetOrder(int orderId)
//get entity framework order, items, etc.
//map to domain-layer order and return domain-layer order
void UpdateOrder(Order order)
//get ENTITY FRAMEWORK order, order items, order comments, etc.
//take DOMAIN order (passed in to this function), and update EF items fetched above
//use a single EF unit of work to commit these changes
There's something wrong with my approach. The UpdateOrder function seems heavy for a small change; but it also seems I have to do that if my repository isn't aware of which items on the persistence-ignorant domain model have changed. Should I be handling every type of update in a separate repository function? UpdateMarketplace(int marketplaceId), UpdateCustomer(int customerId)?
As I'm typing this, I'm also wondering...maybe the way I have it above is not too heavy? If I change one property, even though I'm doing all of the above, perhaps Entity Framework will recognize that the values being assigned are the same and will only send the one db column update to SQL?
How can I take my Order domain model (fetching is straightforward enough), perform some operation or operations on it that may be limited in scope, and then persist the model using Entity Framework?
You need to look into the Unit of Work pattern. Your UoW keeps track of the changes, so when you get your order from your repository and modify it, you call UnitOfWork.SaveChanges() which should persist all the changes.
Using Entity Framework, your DbContext is basically the Unit of Work but I would create a simpler interface around it so you can abstract it away for easier usage in your higher layers.
Regarding EF, I would recommend mapping your domain entities directly using the code first approach. I would also turn off lazy loading and all the magic stuff so you have full control and less "surprises".
Unfortunately I'm not allowed to share our code but we have all this working pretty effectively with the new EF6 Alpha 3. I would recommend you taking a look at Microsoft Spain's nlayerapp for some implementation examples. I don't agree with many of their design decisions (also, see this review), but I think you can draw some inspiration from the Entity Framework parts. Take a look at their Unit of Work implementation and especially how they have abstracted it away for easier usage in the higher layers, and how they use it in their application services.
I will also recommend looking into creating a generic repository to avoid duplicating lots of logic in your aggregate specific repositories. MS Spain has one here, but you should also take a look at this thread.
Please have a look at this SO question where I gave an example of how I've implemented UoW & Repositories.
As #Tommy Jakobsen told you, your domain entities should be your EF entities, it would avoid you to add a useless mapping layer.
Hope that helps!
You may check ASP.NET Boilerplate's Unit Of Work implementation: http://www.aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Documents/Unit-Of-Work
It's open source project, you can check codes. Also, you can directly use it.

EF 4.2 Code First and DDD Design Concerns

I have several concerns when trying to do DDD development with EF 4.2 (or EF 4.1) code first. I've done some extensive research but haven't come up with concrete answers for my specific concerns. Here are my concerns:
The domain cannot know about the persistence layer, or in other words the domain is completely separate from EF. However, to persist data to the database each entity must be attached to or added to the EF context. I know you are supposed to use factories to create instances of the aggregate roots so the factory could potentially register the created entity with the EF context. This appears to violate DDD rules since the factory is part of the domain and not part of the persistence layer. How should I go about creating and registering entities so that they correctly persist to the database when needed to?
Should an aggregate entity be the one to create it's child entities? What I mean is, if I have an Organization and that Organization has a collection of Employee entities, should Organization have a method such as CreateEmployee or AddEmployee? If not where does creating an Employee entity come in keeping in mind that the Organization aggregate root 'owns' every Employee entity.
When working with EF code first, the IDs (in the form of identity columns in the database) of each entity are automatically handled and should generally never be changed by user code. Since DDD states that the domain is separate from persistence ignorance it seems like exposing the IDs is an odd thing to do in the domain because this implies that the domain should handle assigning unique IDs to newly created entities. Should I be concerned about exposing the ID properties of entities?
I realize these are kind of open ended design questions, but I am trying to do my best to stick to DDD design patterns while using EF as my persistence layer.
Thanks in advance!
On 1: I'm not all that familiar with EF but using the code-first/convention based mapping approach, I'd assume it's not too hard to map POCOs with getters and setters (even keeping that "DbContext with DbSet properties" class in another project shouldn't be that hard). I would not consider the POCOs to be the Aggregate Root. Rather they represent "the state inside an aggregate you want to persist". An example below:
// This is what gets persisted
public class TrainStationState {
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public string FullName { get; set; }
public double Latitude { get; set; }
public double Longitude { get; set; }
// ... more state here
// This is what you work with
public class TrainStation : IExpose<TrainStationState> {
TrainStationState _state;
public TrainStation(TrainStationState state) {
_state = state;
//You can also copy into member variables
//the state that's required to make this
//object work (think memento pattern).
//Alternatively you could have a parameter-less
//constructor and an explicit method
//to restore/install state.
TrainStationState IExpose.GetState() {
return _state;
//Again, nothing stopping you from
//assembling this "state object"
public void IncludeInRoute(TrainRoute route) {
route.AddStation(_state.Id, _state.Latitude, _state.Longitude);
Now, with regard to aggregate life-cycle, there are two main scenario's:
Creating a new aggregate: You could use a factory, factory method, builder, constructor, ... whatever fits your needs. When you need to persist the aggregate, query for its state and persist it (typically this code doesn't reside inside your domain and is pretty generic).
Retrieving an existing aggregate: You could use a repository, a dao, ... whatever fits your needs. It's important to understand that what you are retrieving from persistent storage is a state POCO, which you need to inject into a pristine aggregate (or use it to populate it's private members). This all happens behind the repository/DAO facade. Don't muddle your call-sites with this generic behavior.
On 2: Several things come to mind. Here's a list:
Aggregate Roots are consistency boundaries. What consistency requirements do you see between an Organization and an Employee?
Organization COULD act as a factory of Employee, without mutating the state of Organization.
"Ownership" is not what aggregates are about.
Aggregate Roots generally have methods that create entities within the aggregate. This makes sense because the roots are responsible for enforcing consistency within the aggregate.
On 3: Assign identifiers from the outside, get over it, move on. That does not imply exposing them, though (only in the state POCO).
The main problem with EF-DDD compatibility seems to be how to persist private properties. The solution proposed by Yves seems to be a workaround for the lack of EF power in some cases. For example, you can't really do DDD with Fluent API which requires the state properties to be public.
I've found only mapping with .edmx files allows you to leave Domain Entities pure. It doesn't enforce you to make things publc or add any EF-dependent attributes.
Entities should always be created by some aggregate root. See a great post of Udi Dahan: http://www.udidahan.com/2009/06/29/dont-create-aggregate-roots/
Always loading some aggregate and creating entities from there also solves a problem of attaching an entity to EF context. You don't need to attach anything manually in that case. It will get attached automatically because aggregate loaded from the repository is already attached and has a reference to a new entity. While repository interface belongs to the domain, repository implementation belongs to the infrastructure and is aware of EF, contexts, attaching etc.
I tend to treat autogenerated IDs as an implementation detail of the persistent store, that has to be considered by the domain entity but shouldn't be exposed. So I have a private ID property that is mapped to autogenerated column and some another, public ID which is meaningful for the Domain, like Identity Card ID or Passport Number for a Person class. If there is no such meaningful data then I use Guid type which has a great feature of creating (almost) unique identifiers without a need for database calls.
So in this pattern I use those Guid/MeaningfulID to load aggregates from a repository while autogenerated IDs are used internally by database to make a bit faster joins (Guid is not good for that).

Repository pattern with EF4 CTP5

I'm trying to implement the repository pattern with ef4 ctp5, I came up with something but I'm no expert in ef so I want to know if what I did is good.
this is my db context
public class Db : DbContext
public DbSet<User> Users { get; set; }
public DbSet<Role> Roles { get; set; }
and the repository: (simplified)
public class Repo<T> : IRepo<T> where T : Entity, new()
private readonly DbContext context;
public Repo()
context = new Db();
public IEnumerable<T> GetAll()
return context.Set<T>().AsEnumerable();
public long Insert(T o)
return o.Id;
You need to step back and think about what the repository should be doing. A repository is used for retrieving records, adding records, and updating records. The repository you created barely handles the first case, handles the second case but not efficiently, and doesn't at all handle the 3rd case.
Most generic repositories have an interface along the lines of
public interface IRepository<T> where T : class
IQueryable<T> Get();
void Add(T item);
void Delete(T item);
void CommitChanges();
For retrieving records, you can't just call the whole set with AsEnumerable() because that will load every database record for that table into memory. If you only want Users with the username of username1, you don't need to download every user for the database as that will be a very large database performance hit, and a large client performance hit for no benefit at all.
Instead, as you will see from the interface I posted above, you want to return an IQueryable<T> object. IQuerables allow whatever class that calls the repository to use Linq and add filters to the database query, and once the IQueryable is run, it's completely run on the database, only retrieving the records you want. The database is much better at sorting and filtering data then your systems, so it's best to do as much on the DB as you can.
Now in regards to inserting data, you have the right idea but you don't want to call SaveChanges() immediately. The reason is that it's best to call Savechanges() after all your db operations have been queued. For example, If you want to create a user and his profile in one action, you can't via your method, because each Insert call will cause the data to be inserted into the database then.
Instead what you want is to separate out the Savechanges() call into the CommitChanges method I have above.
This is also needed to handle updating data in your database. In order to change an Entity's data, Entity Framework keeps track of all records it has received and watches them to see if any changes have been made. However, you still have to tell the Entity Framework to send all changed data up to the database. This happenes with the context.SaveChanges() call. Therefore, you need this to be a separate call so you are able to actually update edited data, which your current implementation does not handle.
Your comment made me realize another issue that I see. One downfall is that you are creating a data context inside of the repository, and this isn't good. You really should have all (or most) of your created repositories sharing the same instance of your data context.
Entity Framework keeps track of what context an entity is tracked in, and will exception if you attempt to update an entity in one context with another. This can occur in your situation when you start editing entities related to one another. It also means that your SaveChanges() call is not transactional, and each entity is updated/added/deleted in it's own transaction, which can get messy.
My solution to this in my Repositories, is that the DbContext is passed into the repository in the constructor.
I may get voted down for this, but DbContext already is a repository. When you expose your domain models as collection properties of your concrete DbContext, then EF CTP5 creates a repository for you. It presents a collection like interface for access to domain models whilst allowing you to pass queries (as linq, or spec objects) for filtering of results.
If you need an interface, CTP5 doesn't provide one for you. I've wrapped my own around the DBContext and simply exposed the publicly available members from the object. It's an adapter for testability and DI.
I'll comment for clarification if what I said isn't apparently obvious.