problem in configuring clang static analzer - iphone

i follow the following steps to install and configure clang static analyser.but still i could not run scan-build command in project directory can anyone can give correct tutorial to set path and also run scan-build command.terminal shows "scan-build command not found" the steps i followed:
Installation: Navigate to Download the linked checker tarbell (it says tar.bz2, but it's really tar.bz2.tar). Extract that and copy that to a directory on your device. I chose ~/Developer/clang Open terminal and type sudo nano /etc/paths Enter the directory in which you keep your clang stuffs. Press 'Ctrl + X' to Exit, and press 'Y' to save.
You're now done with installation. Quit and restart terminal.
To use this, First make sure you go into Xcode and "Clean All" before you do anything. When that's all set, open terminal and navigate to the directory of the app you want to build. Enter the following command. Make sure to replace the name od the sdk with the one you currently want to build with. scan-build -k -V xcodebuild -configuration Debug -sdk iphonesimulator3.0

I've never added paths that way. But regardless you should not need to.
If you added clang to ~/Developer/clang, then just change the command you are using to run it to:
~/Developer/clang/scan-build -k -V xcodebuild -configuration Debug -sdk iphonesimulator3.0

Ran into this problem myself. It seems that scan-build is actually a perl script which changes some env variables so that clang compiler gets run before the work is passed to the real project compiler. This way clang can perform static analysis.
Try running like this:
perl <CLANG_PATH>/llvm/tools/clang/tools/scan-build/scan-build -k -o $HOME/clang-result make
Before that make sure you have the clang executable in the PATH variable:
echo $PATH
To add it:
eg: export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/clang/build/Release+Asserts/bin/


Cannot run 'make' in VScode Terminal

For a school assignment, I am trying to compile a C file using a provided Makefile in Vscode. The makefile contains the following:
CFLAGS += -std=gnu11 -g
EXES = greet
all: $(EXES)
rm -f $(EXES)
greet: greet.c
# don't treat all and clean as file targets
.PHONY: all clean
When I run make in the VScode terminal, it gives me:
bash: make: command not found
Why is this happening? The assignment says this:
The accompanying Makefile will build the program greet. Thus, you can compile the
program by running make. The make program will print out each command that it uses to
compile the program. Note that if you run make twice in a row, the second time it won’t do
anything, because it knows your source file hasn’t changed.
Run the program using the following command:
I don't know if this has anything to do with my tasks.json file in VScode?
I also ran across this VSCode extension:
It says Vscode now has something built-in:
I don't know how to install this.

"gcc": executable file not found in %PATH% when using mongo-go-driver

I want to use mongodb driver.But I get the following error:
exec: "gcc": executable file not found in %PATH%
The issue is that your library depends on gcc to run.
1. Linux/Containers
If you are running in a container, you can try two options:
you can build your app without CGO with the following command:
RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o yourBinary
You can try to install gcc into your container. If it is an alpine based container, run
RUN apk update && apk add --no-cache gcc
You could also need musl-dev package, but you should try without it first.
2. Windows
Since MacOS and most Linux distros come with GCC, I guess you could be using Windows. In this case, you need to install MinGW.
I know this is old but I ran into this problem too, About Alexey answer, on windows, you should install MinGW and add the path to win environment. You should follow this. In case MinGW did not work, you can install this one which worked perfectly for me on windows.

Command line tools not accessible from Eclipse on OSX

I am using Eclipse on a macOS machine. CMake is present on my machine at /usr/local/bin/cmake and has been installed using Homebrew. Eclipse is at the latest version (2018-09).
I have the following target in a Makefile, which has been set up and is visible from Eclipse:
Rscript -e "Rcpp::compileAttributes()"
R CMD INSTALL --no-multiarch --with-keep.source .
Inside the configure file, there is this code:
cd src/build;cmake ..
However, when I double click the all target in Eclipse, I get the following message:
make all
./configure: line 1: cmake: command not found
make: *** [all] Error 127
I remember that some time ago this target worked out of the box on macOS. I can also launch CMake from a terminal without any trouble.
echo $PATH shows different behaviour:
If called from a standard macOS terminal, it yields /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Library/TeX/texbin:/opt/X11/bin
If called from a TM Terminal inside Eclipse, it yields /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
What is the most canonical way to have Eclipse detect my CMake installation ?
For macOS High Sierra 10.13.6, the solution provided here works. This must be performed to see the changes immediately.

Use ant to create .ipa file

I want to clean, build and create .ipa file using an ant script. Also I need to set the application icon. I searched the web but couldn't find a solution. And i prefer to run the ant through the terminal.
Try searching for Ant + XCodeBuild. There should be plenty examples out there that give you a general idea how you can script an XCode build from ANT.
Key is the terminal xcodebuild command and you can only do this with Ant if you run your build on a Mac.
You can create a instead a Ant with this:
xcodebuild -sdk iphoneos5.1 -configuration Release "ARCHS=armv6 armv7" clean build
/usr/bin/xcrun -sdk iphoneos PackageApplication -v "${PROJECT_BUILDDIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}.app" -o "${BUILD_HISTORY_DIR}/${APPLICATION_NAME}.ipa" --sign "${DEVELOPER_NAME}" --embed "${PROVISONING_PROFILE}"
And for start this, open Terminal and write:
sudo bash
This is is not tested, maybe exist a some small errors
For some tips

command-line library build fails with linker error

I am getting a library not found error building GraphViz current release (June 7 2012) with Xcode 4.3 using a script. I may have made mistakes updating build scripts from other people's successful recipes for the new location of Xcode4.3 and the developer tools in the Applications folder.
ld: library not found for -lcrt1.10.6.o
(doing this from memory so exact number on the CRT lib may be wrong)
Am also a little lost also how I would incorporate this into an Xcode build in the IDE. I am a very experienced programmer but having trouble finding my way around Xcode 4 at times. (Decades of Visual Studio et al).
I have copied the instructions from this earlier question and adapted
# For iPhoneOS, see for options
export DEV_iOS=/Applications/
# was /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer
export SDK_iOS=${DEV_iOS}/SDKs/iPhoneOS5.1.sdk
export COMPILER_iOS=${DEV_iOS}/usr/bin
export CC=${COMPILER_iOS}/clang
export CXX=${COMPILER_iOS}/clang++
export LDFLAGS="-arch armv7 -pipe -Os -gdwarf-2 -mthumb -isysroot ${SDK_iOS}"
export CFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}"
export CXXFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -fvisibility-inlines-hidden"
export LD=${COMPILER_iOS}/ld
export CPP=${COMPILER_iOS}/clang
export AR=${COMPILER_iOS}/ar
export AS=${COMPILER_iOS}/as
export NM=${COMPILER_iOS}/nm
export CXXCPP="${COMPILER_iOS}/clang++"
export OBJC=${COMPILER_iOS}/clang
export RANLIB=${COMPILER_iOS}/ranlib
./configure \
--build=arm-apple-darwin11 \
--host=arm-apple-darwin11 \
--disable-dependency-tracking \
--enable-shared=no \
--enable-static=yes \
--enable-ltdl=no \
--enable-swig=no \
--enable-tcl=no \
--srcdir=${GVROOT} \
--with-codegens=no \
--with-cgraph=no \
--with-graph=yes \
--with-expat=no \
--with-fontconfig=no \
--with-freetype2=no \
--with-ipsepcola=yes \
--with-libgd=no \
--with-quartz=yes \
--with-visio=yes \
The compiler normally uses crt1.o combined with crt[i/n].o and crt[begin/end].o to support the constructors and destructors (functions called before and after main and exit).
This error could be caused by this missing library file for the specific deployment target.
First, do some investigation, like:
list all your deployment targets:
ls -la /Developer/SDKs
and find which crt1 libraries do you have for which environment
find /Developer/SDKs -name crt1\*
You could see something like:
So as you can see, crt1.10.6.o is missing for MacOSX10.5.
Solution 1:
You can solve that by creating the link to the missing file pointed to the other environment, or you could change your deployment target.
ln -s /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk/usr/lib/crt1.10.6.o /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk/usr/lib/
Also this could be caused, that you have different gcc installed in your system. See:
which gcc;
xcrun -find gcc;
brew list | grep gcc; brew list gcc47
Solution 2
So when you're compiling using make, you can actually specify the right compiler by CC variable. E.g.
CC=/path/to/gcc-3.4 make
Solution 3
What you can also try is specifying the right target deployment environment variable for gcc, by executing the following lines:
export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk/usr/include
export LIBRARY_PATH=/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk/usr/lib
If this works, then you can add above lines to your shell profile (~/.profile) to make the change permanent.
How to test
Create the example conftest.c file with the following code:
#ifdef __GNUC__
And try to compile it via:
gcc conftest.c
cc conftest.c
cc conftest.c
To see which exactly what file is missing, try to debug it using dtruss, e.g.:
sudo dtruss -f gcc conftest.c 2>/dev/stdout | grep crt
You should see something like:
12426/0xb4e3b: stat64("/Developer/usr/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/crt1.10.6.o\0", 0x7FFF5FBFE780, 0xB) = -1 Err#2
So once you found the missing file, then you can follow by the first solution by linking the missing file from existing location (e.g. locate crt1.10.6.o). If you will have other missing symbols, then try another file (check the architecture before by: file `locate crt1.10.6.o`).
sudo ln -s /Applications/ /Applications/
sudo ln -s /Applications/ /Applications/
Error in xcode project: ld: library not found for -lcrt1.10.6.o
If I remember correctly this is what fixed the library not found problem.
CFLAGS="$(OTHER_CFLAGS) -miphoneos-version-min=5.0"
LDFLAGS="$(OTHER_LDFLAGS) --miphoneos-version-min=5.0"
To link this to Xcode, under Build Settings then Header and Library search paths you need to add the paths to the built versions of the library and the header.
You can add the build script as part of your Xcode project, but I haven't had success with this, plus you should only need to build it once per version, so putting the time into anything other than a build script doesn't have much return.
If you decide to put the script in your project anyway (good luck!), then go to the build phases tab, add a build phase of type "Run Script" and paste your script there.