Fetching friends' birthdays from facebook profile - facebook

I want to fetch 'birthdays' of users, and their friends on my website, from their facebook profiles (with their facebook credentials supplied).
Is their a feature in Facebook API/Connect that I can use to fetch these details from facebook as possible on Native Facebook Apps using Facebook API.
I want to store this data in my DB, and users will be asked for their facebook credentials and consent before this is done.

Read the api documentation things like this are easily done. You can do it like this:
$facebook = new Facebook( $apikey, $secret );
$uid = $facebook->require_login();
$friends = $facebook->api_client->friends_get(); // $friends is an array holding the user ids of your friends
foreach( $friends as $f ) {
$data = $facebook->api_client->fql_query( "SELECT birthday_date FROM user WHERE uid=$f" );
// $data[0] is an array with 'birthday_date' => "02/29/1904"
// see api documentation for other fields and do a print_r

So recently I wanted to check my friends to see if any of them had their birthday for the current day. Using FQL this is super easy and I encourage you to explore FQL more because it will yield a more efficient solution than, say, what Pierre kindly offered. Here is a small snippet of the code:
$friends = $facebook->api_client->friends_get();
$uids = "";
foreach($friends as $f) {
$uids .= "uid=$f OR ";
$query_uids = substr($uids,0,strlen($query_uids)-4);
$current_date = date("m/d");
echo "<br />Searching for birthdays for the given month/day: $current_date<br />";
$data = $facebook->api_client->fql_query( "SELECT name, uid FROM user WHERE ( ($query_uids) AND strpos(birthday_date,'$current_date') >= 0 )" );
if(count($data) > 0) {
foreach($data as $d) {
} else {
echo "<br />No Birthdays Today<br />";

$facebook = new Facebook(API_KEY, SECRET);
function getInfo($user_list, $fields)
$u = $facebook->api_client->users_getInfo($user_list, $fields);
return $u;
catch (FacebookRestClientException $e)
echo $e->getCode() . ' ' . $e->getMessage();
function getFriendsBirthdays($user_id)
$f = $_REQUEST['fb_sig_friends'];
$f = explode(',', $f);
$birthdays = array();
foreach($f as $friend_id)
$birthdays[] = getInfo($friend_id, 'birthday');
return $birthdays;
Do something like that or use the Batch API to do multiple calls at once. Check the Facebook API.

You could fetch it via the API, but Facebook's terms strictly forbid you from storing anything other than their user ID in your database - see the developer wiki for details. You will need to query the API each time.


Retrieving Facebook friends list

I am not able to get the Facebook friends list using the API. It was working fine earlier but not anymore. Here is the code I have used. Can someone help to validate the code. Thanks in advance.
$config = array();
$config['appId'] = '***************';
$config['secret'] = '*******************************';
$facebook = new Facebook($config);
$uid = $facebook->getUser();
if(!empty($_GET['error'])) {
echo "User cancelled the authentication with facebook";
echo "<script>
if($uid) {
$url = $uid.'?fields=id,work,friends,email,picture.width(450).height(450)';
$user_profile = $facebook->api($url);
$friends = $facebook->api('/me/friends');
$d = '';
foreach($friends['data']as $val) {
$d .= $val['id'].',';
Please read the docs before posting a question which has been answered here hundreds of times.
A user access token with user_friends permission is required to view the current person's friends.
This will only return any friends who have used (via Facebook Login) the app making the request.
If a friend of the person declines the user_friends permission, that friend will not show up in the friend list for this person.

Laravel, Facebook API: retrieving friends of friends

In a previous thread we were strugling with the Facebook login using a Laravel app. Now, as the user logs into our app using Facebook, we are trying to get his friend's list in order to provide some qualified suggestions. So, here's what we are trying:
Route::get('login/fb/callback', function() {
// A FacebookResponse is returned from an executed FacebookRequest
$helper = new FacebookRedirectLoginHelper('http://yoururl/login/fb/callback');
$session = $helper->getSessionFromRedirect();
$request = new FacebookRequest($session, 'GET', '/me/friends');
try {
$response = $request->execute();
$me = $response->getGraphObject();
} catch (FacebookRequestException $ex) {
echo $ex->getMessage();
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
echo $ex->getMessage();
$user = new Giftee;
$user->name = $me->getProperty('first_name') . ' ' . $me->getProperty('last_name');
$user->email = $me->getProperty('email') . "#facebook.com.br";
$user->photo = 'https://graph.facebook.com/' . $me->getProperty('id') . '/picture?type=large';
As a result, we get:
object(Facebook\GraphObject)#146 (1) { ["backingData":protected]=> array(0) { } }
By reading the Facebook API docs, they pretty much say user_friends will only return friends of friends that already use your app and We could not see any login permission that would just return friends of friends (not only the ones using our app). In another words, is what we want really impossible?
You're not able to retrieve friends of friends. With Graph API v2.0, you even only get those friends of your app's users which also use your app.
And, all friends_* permissions have been removed. So I don't see a chance for you to implement what you want to achieve.

Adding an additional field to login with AWD Facebook Wordpress Plugin

I am using AWD Facebook wordpress plugin to allow my visitors to login with their Facebook account information. When a visitor registers on my site I automatically create a new post that is titled with their username and includes their Facebook profile picture as the content. The code for that is below:
function my_create_page($user_id){
$fbuide = 0;
$the_user = get_userdata($user_id);
$new_user_name = $the_user->user_login;
$new_user_avatar = get_avatar($the_user->user_email);
global $AWD_facebook;
$fbuide = $AWD_facebook->uid;
$headers = get_headers('http://graph.facebook.com/' . $fbuide . '/picture?type=large',1);
if(isset($headers['Location'])) {
$url = $headers['Location']; // string
} else {
$url = false;
$my_avatar = "<img src='" . $url . "' class='avatar AWD_fbavatar' alt='" . $alt . "' height='" . $size . "' />";
$my_post = array();
$my_post['post_title'] = $new_user_name;
$my_post['post_type'] = 'post';
$my_post['post_content'] = $my_avatar;
$my_post['post_status'] = 'publish';
wp_insert_post( $my_post );
add_action('user_register', 'my_create_page');
What I am looking to accomplish is a bit different though. I also want to include a brief biography about the user (currently the post is simply their picture). So when a visitor logs in with AWD Facebook, their needs to be an additional field that allows the user to type in their bio. Then I would be able to grab that info from their user profile and include it in the post. Any ideas on how I can accomplish this? Is there a different way to do this?
I would recommend storing their Facebook picture as metadata and use the content area as their bio for the automatically generated post. So something like this should get you started:
$my_post = array(
if( $id = wp_insert_post( $my_post ) ){
update_post_meta($id, 'avatar', $url);
Then you can generate the loop like so:
if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
//... stuff here
$avatar = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'avatar', 'true');
echo '<img class="avatar AWD_fbavatar" src="'.$avatar.'" alt="'.$alt.'" height="'.$size.'" />';

get application user's info - Facebook-GRAPH API-PHP SDK

i need to dump some info of the application user's
i am using this code !
$fbme = $facebook->api('/me');
$str = $fbme['name'].' '.$fbme['sex'].' '.$fbme['hometown_location'].' '.$fbme['profile_url'].'\r\n';
$fp = fopen("data.txt", "w");
fwrite($fp, $str);
but this only shows the name, nothing else !
why ?
You're making up property names. It's not sex, it's gender. And so on. Read: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/user/
$friends = $facebook->api('me/friends');
print_r("Number of friends: ". count($friends['data']));
foreach ($friends['data'] as $key=>$friendList) {
echo "<br/>".$key." ".$friendList['name']."<img src='https://graph.facebook.com/".$friendList['id']."/picture' width='50' height='50' title='".$friendList['name']."' />";

How can I get friendship details in Facebook Graph API?

How can I get a friendship detail for two people? So for example in the web it will be:
Is there any way I can do this in Graph API? Furthermore can I get specific items such as photos together, wall posts between us, etc? (Not documented AFAIK, but many Graph API features aren't anyway...)
EDIT: I think it should be possible with Graph API. For example getting family details (brother, sister, parents, etc) is not documented yet I still able to do it.
You can simulate a friendship query by doing multiple FQL queries. For example, to get all the photos between two friends A and B, you can:
Get all photos (p) from A
Get all tags of B in p (query on the photo_tags table)
Get all comments made by B on p (query on the comments table)
Repeat, this time selecting photos from B.
You can apply the same concept on other things such as posts, likes, videos etc.
Yes, I think you can also do the same thing phillee answered with the Graph API instead of FQL:
Get user's photos https://graph.facebook.com/USERID/photos
Get each photo's tags https://graph.facebook.com/PHOTOID/tags
Sort through the list of photo tags, and grab all photos with the Friend in them
Get each photo's comments https://graph.facebook.com/PHOTOID/comments
Sort through the list of photo comments, and grab all comments left by the friend
As the other answer also said: rinse and repeat for all data you want
etc etc, see all connections here: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/user/
For the interests, movies, activities, etc just make an API call for both (https://graph.facebook.com/ONEUSER/music and https://graph.facebook.com/OTHERUSER/music) and find the intersection of the two sets of data (loop through each list and save all matches to a separate list of mutual Likes)
There are no specific API calls for friendships though, so you will have to build your own. My guess is that Facebook is doing exactly this on their Friendship pages :)
It should be just as easy with FQL as with the REST API... maybe even easier with FQL since you can add WHERE conditions and get back just the data you need (SELECT * FROM comments WHERE fromid = FRIENDID), instead of sorting through the big list returned by the API (unless there is a way to add conditions to API request URLs?).
If I understand properly you want to "View Friendship"
This type of query is not directly possible using the Graph API (at the moment). You would need to gather the information from each resource endpoint and then do some relating on your own part to "View Friendship"
This is what I have been using:
function main()
global $Fb;
$Fb = new Facebook(array('appId'=>FB_API_ID,'secret'=>FB_API_SECRET));
$logoutUrl = $Fb->getLogoutUrl();
$loginUrl = $Fb->getLoginUrl();
$user = fb_loguser($Fb);
if ($user)
$txt .= "<p align=\"center\">Logout</p>";
$txt .= "<h3 align=\"center\">You</h3>";
$access_token = $Fb->getAccessToken();
$user_profile = $Fb->api('/me');
$txt .= "<p align=\"center\">
<img src=\"https://graph.facebook.com/".$user."/picture\"></p>";
$txt .= fb_friends_list($user_profile,$access_token);
function fb_loguser($facebook)
global $Fb;
$Fb = $facebook;
$user = $Fb->getUser();
if ($user)
$user_profile = $Fb->api('/me');
catch (FacebookApiException $e)
$user = null;
function fb_friends_list($access_token)
global $Sess,$Fb;
$friends = $Fb->api('/me/friends'); // return an array [data][0 to n][name]/[id]
$siz = sizeof($friends['data']);
$txt = "<h3>Your FRIENDS on FACEBOOK</h3>";
$txt .= "<table>";
for ($i=0; $i<$siz; $i++)
$fid = $friends['data'][$i]['id'];
$src = "http://graph.facebook.com/".$fid."/picture";
$txt .= "<tr><td><img src=\"".$src."\" /></td>";
$txt .= "<td>".$friends['data'][$i]['name'] . "</td>";
$txt .= "<td>" . $fid . "</td></tr>";
$txt .= "</table>";
Call main()!
Getting the photos where two (or more) users are tagged in:
SELECT pid, src_big FROM photo
SELECT pid FROM photo_tag WHERE subject=me())
AND pid IN(
SELECT pid FROM photo_tag WHERE subject=FRIEND_ID)
AND pid IN(
This is the complete code to get the friendlist in Fb.