Retrieving Facebook friends list - facebook

I am not able to get the Facebook friends list using the API. It was working fine earlier but not anymore. Here is the code I have used. Can someone help to validate the code. Thanks in advance.
$config = array();
$config['appId'] = '***************';
$config['secret'] = '*******************************';
$facebook = new Facebook($config);
$uid = $facebook->getUser();
if(!empty($_GET['error'])) {
echo "User cancelled the authentication with facebook";
echo "<script>
if($uid) {
$url = $uid.'?fields=id,work,friends,email,picture.width(450).height(450)';
$user_profile = $facebook->api($url);
$friends = $facebook->api('/me/friends');
$d = '';
foreach($friends['data']as $val) {
$d .= $val['id'].',';

Please read the docs before posting a question which has been answered here hundreds of times.
A user access token with user_friends permission is required to view the current person's friends.
This will only return any friends who have used (via Facebook Login) the app making the request.
If a friend of the person declines the user_friends permission, that friend will not show up in the friend list for this person.


Laravel, Facebook API: retrieving friends of friends

In a previous thread we were strugling with the Facebook login using a Laravel app. Now, as the user logs into our app using Facebook, we are trying to get his friend's list in order to provide some qualified suggestions. So, here's what we are trying:
Route::get('login/fb/callback', function() {
// A FacebookResponse is returned from an executed FacebookRequest
$helper = new FacebookRedirectLoginHelper('http://yoururl/login/fb/callback');
$session = $helper->getSessionFromRedirect();
$request = new FacebookRequest($session, 'GET', '/me/friends');
try {
$response = $request->execute();
$me = $response->getGraphObject();
} catch (FacebookRequestException $ex) {
echo $ex->getMessage();
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
echo $ex->getMessage();
$user = new Giftee;
$user->name = $me->getProperty('first_name') . ' ' . $me->getProperty('last_name');
$user->email = $me->getProperty('email') . "";
$user->photo = '' . $me->getProperty('id') . '/picture?type=large';
As a result, we get:
object(Facebook\GraphObject)#146 (1) { ["backingData":protected]=> array(0) { } }
By reading the Facebook API docs, they pretty much say user_friends will only return friends of friends that already use your app and We could not see any login permission that would just return friends of friends (not only the ones using our app). In another words, is what we want really impossible?
You're not able to retrieve friends of friends. With Graph API v2.0, you even only get those friends of your app's users which also use your app.
And, all friends_* permissions have been removed. So I don't see a chance for you to implement what you want to achieve.

Facebook API how to get User Pages

I am using the following code to grab info for the Facebook user.
Is there a way to get the user Pages (if the user has one or more Facebook Pages) and the IDs of these pages?
$user = $_POST['uid']; //the returned user ID from Facebook
$key = $_POST['usid']; //the returned session ID from Facebook
$accesstoken = $_POST['accesstoken']; //the returned accesstoken from Facebook
$image = "" .$user ."/picture?type=large"; //Facebook Profile Picture
$name = json_decode(file_get_contents('' . $user))->name; //Name of the user account on Facebook
$link = json_decode(file_get_contents('' . $user))->link; //Link of the user profile on Facebook
$gender = json_decode(file_get_contents('' . $user))->gender; //Gender of the user on Facebook
$locale = json_decode(file_get_contents('' . $user))->locale; //Location of the user on Facebook
$url = "". $user ."/feed?limit=1&access_token=".$accesstoken; //We get the latest status update on the Facebook Wall
$json = file_get_contents($url);
$jsonData = json_decode($json);
foreach($jsonData->data as $val) {
if($val->from->id == $user) {
$statusmessage = $val->message; //Finally we got the latest status update if there is one on The Facebook Wall
If you asking how to get additional user profiles, of a single user, based on their Facebook Id: the answer is you can't. Facebook mandates one profile per user. And while in real life a user can have multiple profiles, there is no reliable means of extracting that data from the graph.
However, if you're asking how to get the ids of pages the user admins then use:
this will require a valid access token for the given user.

Getting user info after login for facebook application

I have written a small piece to get the user to login :
include_once ('facebook.php');
$api_key = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$secret = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx';
global $facebook;
$facebook = new Facebook($api_key, $secret);
#Ask user to login if not logged in
$is_tab = isset($_POST['fb_sig_in_profile_tab']);
if( !$is_tab ){
$uid = $facebook->require_login($required_permissions = 'email,status_update,offline_access');
$uid = $facebook->get_profile_user();
I need to retrieve the users info once I have the uid. Unfortunately I cannot find the api calls for it and there is a no IDE for facebook :(. Can anyone point me to the api's or give me here. I want to get users username, city, zipcode.
I coudnt get this to work : facebook.Schema.user user = api.users.getInfo();
I think it is for the new API lib.
P.S: I am not using graph APIs, because I found them to be poorly documented and I got stuck with them for a while so decided to abandon them atleast for now.
You can get it like this:
$user_info = $facebook->api_client->users_getInfo($uid, "name, city, zipcode");
More Info:

Facebook infinite redirect loop during authentication

I am getting an infinite loop in the URL redirect after a user either logs in or is already logged in. The page redirects to the login page if the user is not logged in as expected , but goes in the loop as soon as he enters the credentials.
Following is the code:
include_once ('facebook.php');
$api_key = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx';
$secret = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx';
global $facebook;
$facebook = new Facebook($api_key, $secret);
$uid = $facebook->require_login($required_permissions = 'email,status_update,offline_access');
#echo $uid;
# $facebook->api_client->users_setStatus("hello",$uid);
# echo "<p>Your status has been updated</p>";
Interestingly this code was working before, but suddenly started giving me an infinite loop problem. There have been couple of discussion on facebook forum about this but no indication that is a bug or what is the workaround .
Any help would be highly appreciateed.
I added the code to direct to login only if the user is not logged in else do not do that. This worked for me! .. Hope it helps.
$is_tab = isset($_POST['fb_sig_in_profile_tab']);
if( !$is_tab ){
$uid = $facebook->require_login($required_permissions = 'email,status_update ,offline_access');
$uid = $facebook->get_profile_user();

Fetching friends' birthdays from facebook profile

I want to fetch 'birthdays' of users, and their friends on my website, from their facebook profiles (with their facebook credentials supplied).
Is their a feature in Facebook API/Connect that I can use to fetch these details from facebook as possible on Native Facebook Apps using Facebook API.
I want to store this data in my DB, and users will be asked for their facebook credentials and consent before this is done.
Read the api documentation things like this are easily done. You can do it like this:
$facebook = new Facebook( $apikey, $secret );
$uid = $facebook->require_login();
$friends = $facebook->api_client->friends_get(); // $friends is an array holding the user ids of your friends
foreach( $friends as $f ) {
$data = $facebook->api_client->fql_query( "SELECT birthday_date FROM user WHERE uid=$f" );
// $data[0] is an array with 'birthday_date' => "02/29/1904"
// see api documentation for other fields and do a print_r
So recently I wanted to check my friends to see if any of them had their birthday for the current day. Using FQL this is super easy and I encourage you to explore FQL more because it will yield a more efficient solution than, say, what Pierre kindly offered. Here is a small snippet of the code:
$friends = $facebook->api_client->friends_get();
$uids = "";
foreach($friends as $f) {
$uids .= "uid=$f OR ";
$query_uids = substr($uids,0,strlen($query_uids)-4);
$current_date = date("m/d");
echo "<br />Searching for birthdays for the given month/day: $current_date<br />";
$data = $facebook->api_client->fql_query( "SELECT name, uid FROM user WHERE ( ($query_uids) AND strpos(birthday_date,'$current_date') >= 0 )" );
if(count($data) > 0) {
foreach($data as $d) {
} else {
echo "<br />No Birthdays Today<br />";
$facebook = new Facebook(API_KEY, SECRET);
function getInfo($user_list, $fields)
$u = $facebook->api_client->users_getInfo($user_list, $fields);
return $u;
catch (FacebookRestClientException $e)
echo $e->getCode() . ' ' . $e->getMessage();
function getFriendsBirthdays($user_id)
$f = $_REQUEST['fb_sig_friends'];
$f = explode(',', $f);
$birthdays = array();
foreach($f as $friend_id)
$birthdays[] = getInfo($friend_id, 'birthday');
return $birthdays;
Do something like that or use the Batch API to do multiple calls at once. Check the Facebook API.
You could fetch it via the API, but Facebook's terms strictly forbid you from storing anything other than their user ID in your database - see the developer wiki for details. You will need to query the API each time.