make child control visible=true when parent control visiblity=false in c# win forms - visible

I am working with a ToolStripMenuItem in winforms.Setting
splitLineItemToolStripMenuItem.Visible = true;
does not make it visible as the container ContextMenuStrip visiblity is false;
I understand that if container visibility is false,child element cannot be set to true.
IS there any workaround to make it visible.

I had a similar problem with a class inheriting from System.Web.UI.Control. I think a workaround to your situation is:
public class MyToolStripMenuItem : ToolStripMenuItem
public override bool Visible {get;set;}
...and then use MyToolStripMenuItem instead of ToolStripMenuItem.


Best practice MVVM navigation using Master Detail page?

I want to follow the MVVM pattern as much as possible, but I don't know if I am doing the navigation quite well. Note that I am using a MasterDetail page and I want to maintain the Master page, changing only the Detail side when I navigate.
Here is the way I navigate from my ViewModel. In this example, from ViewModelOne to ViewModelTwo:
public class ViewModelOne : ViewModelBase
private void GoToViewTwo()
var viewTwo = new ViewTwo(new ViewModelTwo());
MasterView implementation:
public class MasterView : MasterDetailPage
public void NavigateToPage(Page page)
Detail = new NavigationPage(page);
IsPresented = false;
ViewTwo implementation:
public partial class ViewTwo : PageBase
public MenuView(ViewModelTwo vm)
: base(vm)
PageBase implementation:
public class PageBase : ContentPage
public PageBase(ViewModelBase vmb)
this.BindingContext = vmb;
Is this the best approach (and best performance) for do the navigation? When I do some navigations, the app starts to run slower and maybe there is something I am not doing fine.
Is this the best approach for do the navigation showing always a MasterDetail page?
I think you're certainly on the right track, however there are a few issues here:
Firstly, you should not be instantiating Views in your view model. As soon as your View Model becomes aware of the view, then you've pretty much broken the pattern.
var viewTwo = new ViewTwo(new ViewModelTwo());
Your view creation should be the responsibility of the master view. In fact, you don't even need to worry about creating views, as you can use a DataTemplate for that. I'll explain that later.
Firstly, we need to separate your View Models from the Views, here is what I propose:
You'll need some kind of base class or interface for your view models in order to keep things generic, you'll see why in a moment. Let's start out with a simple example:
public abstract class ViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
public event EventHandler OnClosed;
public event EventHandler OnOpened;
//Don't forget to implement INotifyPropertyChanged.
public bool IsDisplayed { get; private set; }
public void Open()
IsDisplayed = true;
//TODO: Raise the OnOpened event (Might be a better idea to put it in the IsDisplayed getter.
public void Close()
IsDisplayed = false;
//TODO: Raise the OnClosed event.
This of course is a very simple base view model, you can extend on this later, the main reason for this is to allow you to create a master view model which will be responsible for displaying your current page. Here's a simple example of a master view model:
public class MasterViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
//Don't forget to implement INotifyPropertyChanged.
public ViewModel CurrentPage { get; private set; }
public MasterViewModel()
//This is just an example of how to set the current page.
//You might want to use a command instead.
CurrentPage = new MovieViewModel();
//TODO: Some other master view model functionality, like exiting the application.
Please note that INotifyPropertyChanged would probably be better in some kind of base class, instead of having to re-implement the same code over and over.
Now the MasterViewModel is pretty simple, it just holds the current page, however the purpose of having the master is to allow for application level code to be executed, like closing the app, that way you're keeping this logic away from your other view models.
Right, now onto the good stuff.
Your detail has a relationship to it's parent, therefore it would make sense to say that it is the responsibility of the parent to manage it. In this case, your master-detail view model would look something like this:
public class MovieViewModel : ViewModel
protected PickGenreViewModel ChildViewModel { get; private set; }
public MovieViewModel()
ChildViewModel = new PickGenreViewModel();
//TODO: Perhaps subscribe to the closed event?
//Just an example but an important thing to note is that
//this method is protected because it's the MovieViewModel's
//responsibility to manage it's child view model.
protected void PickAGenre()
//TODO: Other view model functionality.
So, now we've got some kind of view model structure here, I bet you're asking "What about the views?", well, that's where the DataTemplate comes in.
In WPF, it's possible to assign a view to a Type, for example, you can assign the MovieView to the MovieViewModel in XAML, like this:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type ViewModels:MovieViewModel}">
Ok great!, now to get the Master View to actually display the current page's view, you simply need to create a ContentPresenter, and bind it's Content to the CurrentPage. Your Master View will look something like this:
<ContentPresenter Content="{Binding CurrentPage}"/>
To extend this further, it's not only the MasterView that needs to contain a ContentPresenter for it's child, it is also the MovieView which needs one for it's child PickGenreViewModel. You can use the same method again:
<!-- The main view code for the movie view -->
<Border Visibility="{Binding ChildViewModel.IsDisplayed, Converter=...">
<ContentPresenter Content="{Binding ChildViewModel}"/>
Note: Use a boolean to Visibility converter to determine whether to display the child content.
Using this method you don't have to worry about instantiating any views, as the DataTemplate and ContentPresenter handles that for you, all you need to worry about is mapping the view models to the appropriate view.
Phew! That was a lot to take in.
The main points to take away from this are:
You shouldn't be creating views in your view models, remember, UI is UI, Data is Data.
View model responsibilities lie with whoever owns them, for a parent-child relationship, it makes sense to let the parent manage the child, as opposed to a view model manager.
A final note is that there are certainly more than one other ways of achieving this, as I just mentioned, some kind of view and view model manager to be responsible for creating/removing views and view models.

MvvmCross: Android custom webview urls handlers

My Android application had some complex text with hyperlinks embedded inside. The easiest way for me to handle this was to just use an embedded WebView and detect hyperlink clicks to perform custom commands. I am trying to do this the MvvmCross way. Is there a binding available for WebView.SetBackgroundColor or WebView.LoadData? Once I get my custom html inside and the user clicks on hyperlinks, I have used WebView.SetWebViewClient to install my own client which can detect hyperlink clicks and perform custom actions. Any way to turn all of that into proper MvxCommand usage?
Is there a binding available for WebView.SetBackgroundColor
For View color binding see the sample:
or WebView.LoadData?
See Dynamic Binding UIWebView in MVVMCross
I have used WebView.SetWebViewClient to install my own client which can detect hyperlink clicks and perform custom actions. Any way to turn all of that into proper MvxCommand usage?
It's not clear to me what your question is. Maybe try coding something first and then coming back with some sample code for the problem - eg come back with a specific question about a specific ViewModel so that others can try to answer at a code level instead of at this more general level. Perhaps also try asking one question at a time and asking with a deeper level of detail - How to ask may help you get better results - see
I created a custom WebView by inheriting and added Command properties. I then added a custom WebViewClient to detect certain URL's and to call the corresponding command that was bound. Is this a good way to accomplish this?
public class AboutWebView : WebView
public IMvxCommand AboutCommand { get; set; }
public IMvxCommand LicenseCommand { get; set; }
public IMvxCommand PrivacyCommand { get; set; }
public AboutWebView (Context ctx,IAttributeSet aset) : base(ctx,aset)
SetWebViewClient (new AboutWebViewClient(this));
private class AboutWebViewClient : WebViewClient
private AboutWebView _parent = null;
public AboutWebViewClient(AboutWebView parent)
_parent = parent;
public override bool ShouldOverrideUrlLoading (WebView view, string url)
if (url.StartsWith ("about://"))
_parent.AboutCommand.Execute ();
else if (url.Equals (App.LICENSE_URL))
_parent.LicenseCommand.Execute ();
_parent.PrivacyCommand.Execute ();

How to update view title

I'm trying to update the title of a view (ie : the text displayed in the tab) programmatically.
When i do that :
The view name is well updated but the UI is not. So how can i do that ?
Thank you in advance!
You need to make sure you are setting partName in the correct init method and that you make a call to super before setting part name like this. I know this example works pasted from my app.
public void init(IViewSite site) throws PartInitException {
String scannerName = site.getSecondaryId();
I'm updating a view's title without a problem ... when are you invoking the setPartName method?
In my class, which extends ViewPart, I'm invoking the setPartName method in the init method.

GWT 2.4 customized ListBox doesn't fire Change event

I have added some extra functionality to the standard GWT ListBox by extending it like so:
public class FeatureListBox extends ListBox
public FeatureListBox()
public FeatureListBox(boolean isMultipleSelect)
public FeatureListBox(Element element)
Nothing fancy here. However, the Change event is not firing now, or at least the handler (attached per below) is not getting invoked.
FeatureListBox listBox = new FeatureListBox();
listBox.addChangeHandler(new ChangeHandler()
public void onChange(ChangeEvent event)
// Do something here...
Any ideas why?
Either remove the no-argument constructor from FeatureListBox or call super() inside it, otherwise the initialization in the superclasses won't happen, which would probably result in what you're seeing.
The problem was in the way I was using my custom list box. In my application I wrap GWT Widgets around existing DOM elements on the page using the static wrap() methods of their widget classes in which the widgets get marked as attached, making them fire events. I didn't do that with my custom list box class originally, so I ended up implementing a static wrap() method similar to the one of the regular ListBox widget and using it in my code. Everything works like a charm now.

How to handle property sheet from customized editor in eclipse plugin development?

I have to bind my editor widget objects in property sheet.So that i can the property of my widget from property view.
Please help me on this, if possible provide me some code snippets.
You have a good example in the Getting started with Properties
Using the Properties view is simple enough.
Since it shows properties for the selected object, the first step to using it is to make sure that the workbench selection service knows about the object selected in your view. There’s an entire Eclipse Corner article written on the subject of the selection service
public void createPartControl(Composite parent) {
viewer = new TableViewer(parent, SWT.MULTI | SWT.H_SCROLL | SWT.V_SCROLL);
viewer.setContentProvider(new ViewContentProvider());
viewer.setLabelProvider(new ViewLabelProvider());
Once you have your view contributing to the workbench selection, you need to make sure that the objects that your view is selecting contribute properties
public class Person implements IPropertySource {
private String name;
private Object street;
private Object city;
public Person(String name) { = name;
this.street = ""; = "";
public Object getEditableValue() {
return this;
public IPropertyDescriptor[] getPropertyDescriptors() {
return new IPropertyDescriptor[] {
new TextPropertyDescriptor("name", "Name"),
new TextPropertyDescriptor("street", "Street"),
new TextPropertyDescriptor("city", "City")
I indicated earlier that this solution is “not necessarily [the] most correct”. This is because, for this to work, my domain object needs to know about the very view-centric (and Eclipse-centric) notion of being a property source; in short, there is a tight-coupling between the model and view and this not a good thing™.
Using adapter is a better approach, as described in this article:
Person should implement IAdaptable.
See also this recent article on how to create a custom property view
how to hack the Properties View to listen only to a specific view.
The isImportant() method is the one which decides whether to create an IPage for the specific IWorkbenchPart or not.
The idea is to override that method and return false for all the workbenchPart that we are not interested in. Lets create the view first:
name="My Properties View">
The CustomPropertiesView should extend PropertySheet and override the isImportant():
public class CustomPropertiesView extends PropertySheet {
protected boolean isImportant(IWorkbenchPart part) {
if (part.getSite().getId().equals(IPageLayout.ID_PROJECT_EXPLORER))
return true;
return false;
In this case, I'm making the view only to respond to Project Explorer and ignore other views
According to this thread, the same principle should be valid for an Editor instead of a View.
The property sheet listens to the workbench page selection provider.
The selection provider depends on what viewer/editor is active.
Each editor/viewer provides their own selection provider to use when that editor/viewer is active.
This way the property sheet doesn't care who is active, it just listens to the selection provider.
That way depending upon the view, a different set of properties are displayed.
For example, the Navigator view provides IResource selections, so the property sheet then displays IResource properties when the Navigator is active.
The Workbench Selection mechanism is illustrated in this article
The ISelectionListener is a simple interface with just one method.
A typical implementation looks like this:
private ISelectionListener mylistener = new ISelectionListener() {
public void selectionChanged(IWorkbenchPart sourcepart, ISelection selection) {
if (sourcepart != MyView.this && // 1
selection instanceof IStructuredSelection) { // 2
doSomething(((IStructuredSelection) selection).toList()); // 3
Depending on your requirements your listener implementation probably needs to deal with the following issues as shown in the code snippet above:
In case we also provide selections (e.g. a view or editor) we should exclude our own selection events from processing. This avoids unexpected results when the user selects elements within our part (1).
Check whether we can handle this kind of selection (2).
Get the selected content from the selection and process it (3).