FuelPHP - Building a page in blocks - fuelphp

What is the best way to build a page in FuelPHP so that each of the blocks of the page are built on their own as modules and then the output HTML is put together in a layout.
The best i have found thus far is the HMVC with something like the below.
$block1= Request::forge('mycontroller/block1')->execute();
$block2= Request::forge('mycontroller/block2')->execute();
$data['block1'] =$block1;
$data['block2'] = $block2;
//assign the view to browser output
return View::forge('home/index', $data);
However loading up the whole framework for the calls seems rather inefficient (and possibly slow as a result) . Is there a better way to do this?

If you're using modules (instead of calling a different action in the same controller like you seem to do here), requests are absolutely the way to go. And since requests use the routing table, you can control which controller/action is called by manipulating your routes.
Setting up a new request isn't very complex, the additional delay is a few milliseconds tops.
For completeness, the way to perform an HMVC request:
$result = \Request::forge('your/uri/here')->execute()->response()->body;
catch (\HttpNotFoundException $e)
// the requested URI could not be found

Instead to use Request::forge('mycontroller/block1')->execute(); you can use View::forge('mycontroller/block1').
The view must be proccess the blocks, not the request. Other advantage is pas vars to block.... i've not tested completely, but it seems more fast to render.


Can I dynamically detect the Zend framework in the include path?

I'm developing a plugin for WordPress that will add additional functionality if the Zend framework is available, but the functionality added is not great enough to justify the user installing the framework if it does not already exist.
My question is, is there any good way to detect if Zend exists? Obviously I can use get_include_path() to return whatever the include path is, but beyond that I'm not sure. I could use regexes to determine if the phrase zend appears in the paths, but that seems unreliable at best (more thinking false positives than false negatives, but I think both have a potential if people haven't used the default path).
If I have to resort to this regex, I can always trap the errors as they come and proceed from there, but if there's a better way then that would be useful to know.
Simplest way:
if (stream_resolve_include_path('Zend/Version.php')) {
// ZF found
but I would question why you need to do this. If your plugin needs to be coded to work without the framework, what do you gain by using it if it's there? Seems like this would just complicate your code.
Yes this is somewhat easy:
$zfPresent = (bool) stream_resolve_include_path("Zend/Application.php")
If the file could be found inside the include paths stream_resolve_include_path() will return it's absoulte path - if not it will return false.
So if it is found the framework is definatly there.
Only grain of salt for some people: It requires at least PHP 5.3.2
See: http://php.net/manual/de/function.stream-resolve-include-path.php
If the PHP version does not allow you to use the above solution:
Try something like this:
set_error_handler(function($code, $text, $file, $line) {
// Handle zend not present
/* So that internal error handling won't be executed */
return true;
I don't think it's really elegant but it should be somewhat reliable in detecting Zend. Another way may be something like:
function checkForZf()
$includePaths = array_merge(explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, get_include_path(), array($myAppsLib));
foreach($includePaths as $path) {
if (file_exists($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Zend' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Application.php') {
return true;
return false;
This should be also somewhat reliable but file actions are performance expensive. You may test it out in regards to performance or store the state somewhere after first detection so it does not need to run on every request.

Joomla: Is there a module render plugin event?

Due to some caching issues, I need to explicitly bypass the cache, for a specific module, if certain URL parameters are present. The workaround I've arrived at is to hack the render() function in libraries/joomla/document/html/renderer/module.php, along the lines of:
function render( $module, $params = array(), $content = null )
// Existing code:
$mod_params = new JParameter( $module->params );
// My hack:
if ($module->module == 'mod_foo')
if (certain URL parameters are present)
$mod_params->set('cache', 0);
Of course, hacking the core joomla code is a terrible idea, one which I'd like to avoid if at all possible. So, is there an appropriate hook I can plugin to in order to achieve the same? I don't think I can do anything at the module level, since it won't even be inspected if the renderer has already decided to fetch it from cache.
To answer the first question no there isn't a module render event, here's the plugin doc's and the list of events in Joomla!
Turn off caching for your module.
See this article on The Art Of Joomla, additional articles you could look at:
Using Cache to Speed Up your code
JCache API

Enforce Hyphens in .NET MVC 4.0 URL Structure

I'm looking specifically for a way to automatically hyphenate CamelCase actions and views. That is, I'm hoping I don't have to actually rename my views or add decorators to every ActionResult in the site.
So far, I've been using routes.MapRouteLowercase, as shown here. That works pretty well for the lowercase aspect of URL structure, but not hyphens. So I recently started playing with Canonicalize (install via NuGet), but it also doesn't have anything for hyphens yet.
I was trying...
routes.Canonicalize().NoWww().Pattern("([a-z0-9])([A-Z])", "$1-$2").Lowercase().NoTrailingSlash();
My regular expression definitely works the way I want it to as far as restructuring the URL properly, but those URLs aren't identified, of course. The file is still ChangePassword.cshtml, for example, so /account/change-password isn't going to point to that.
BTW, I'm still a bit rusty with .NET MVC. I haven't used it for a couple years and not since v2.0.
This might be a tad bit messy, but if you created a custom HttpHandler and RouteHandler then that should prevent you from having to rename all of your views and actions. Your handler could strip the hyphen from the requested action, which would change "change-password" to changepassword, rendering the ChangePassword action.
The code is shortened for brevity, but the important bits are there.
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
string controllerId = this.requestContext.RouteData.GetRequiredString("controller");
string view = this.requestContext.RouteData.GetRequiredString("action");
view = view.Replace("-", "");
this.requestContext.RouteData.Values["action"] = view;
IController controller = null;
IControllerFactory factory = null;
factory = ControllerBuilder.Current.GetControllerFactory();
controller = factory.CreateController(this.requestContext, controllerId);
if (controller != null)
I don't know if I implemented it the best way or not, that's just more or less taken from the first sample I came across. I tested the code myself so this does render the correct action/view and should do the trick.
I've developed an open source NuGet library for this problem which implicitly converts EveryMvc/Url to every-mvc/url.
Uppercase urls are problematic because cookie paths are case-sensitive, most of the internet is actually case-sensitive while Microsoft technologies treats urls as case-insensitive. (More on my blog post)
NuGet Package: https://www.nuget.org/packages/LowercaseDashedRoute/
To install it, simply open the NuGet window in the Visual Studio by right clicking the Project and selecting NuGet Package Manager, and on the "Online" tab type "Lowercase Dashed Route", and it should pop up.
Alternatively, you can run this code in the Package Manager Console:
Install-Package LowercaseDashedRoute
After that you should open App_Start/RouteConfig.cs and comment out existing route.MapRoute(...) call and add this instead:
routes.Add(new LowercaseDashedRoute("{controller}/{action}/{id}",
new RouteValueDictionary(
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }),
new DashedRouteHandler()
That's it. All the urls are lowercase, dashed, and converted implicitly without you doing anything more.
Open Source Project Url: https://github.com/AtaS/lowercase-dashed-route
Have you tried working with the URL Rewrite package? I think it pretty much what you are looking for.
Hanselman has a great example herE:
Also, why don't you download something like ReSharper or CodeRush, and use it to refactor the Action and Route names? It's REALLY easy, and very safe.
It would time well spent, and much less time overall to fix your routing/action naming conventions with an hour of refactoring than all the hours you've already spent trying to alter the routing conventions to your needs.
Just a thought.
I tried the solution in the accepted answer above: Using the Canonicalize Pattern url strategy, and then also adding a custom IRouteHandler which then returns a custom IHttpHandler. It mostly worked. Here's one caveat I found:
With the typical {controller}/{action}/{id} default route, a controller named CatalogController, and an action method inside it as follows:
ActionResult QuickSelect(string id){ /*do some things, access the 'id' parameter*/ }
I noticed that requests to "/catalog/quick-select/1234" worked perfectly, but requests to /catalog/quick-select?id=1234 were 500'ing because once the action method was called as a result of controller.Execute(), the id parameter was null inside of the action method.
I do not know exactly why this is, but the behavior was as if MVC was not looking at the query string for values during model binding. So something about the ProcessRequest implementation in the accepted answer was screwing up the normal model binding process, or at least the query string value provider.
This is a deal breaker, so I took a look at default MVC IHttpHandler (yay open source!): http://aspnetwebstack.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest#src/System.Web.Mvc/MvcHandler.cs
I will not pretend that I grok'ed it in its entirety, but clearly, it's doing ALOT more in its implementation of ProcessRequest than what is going on in the accepted answer.
So, if all we really need to do is strip dashes from our incoming route data so that MVC can find our controllers/actions, why do we need to implement a whole stinking IHttpHandler? We don't! Simply rip out the dashes in the GetHttpHandler method of DashedRouteHandler and pass the requestContext along to the out of the box MvcHandler so it can do its 252 lines of magic, and your route handler doesn't have to return a second rate IHttpHandler.
tl:dr; - Here's what I did:
public class DashedRouteHandler : IRouteHandler
public IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext requestContext)
requestContext.RouteData.Values["action"] = requestContext.RouteData.GetRequiredString("action").Replace("-", "");
requestContext.RouteData.Values["controller"] = requestContext.RouteData.GetRequiredString("controller").Replace("-", "");
return new MvcHandler(requestContext);

Running a premade bulletin board through my Front Controller in Zend

I tried to ask this once, but I think that my former question was too unclear for you guys to answer, so I'll try again
I'm making a website using the Zend Framework, and am trying to include the premade messageboard Phorum. So far, I've made it work by not running it through my bootstrap using my .htaccess file. What I'd like to do i'd like to do is to be able to run it through my bootstrap so that I can use my previously created Layouts and Classes that I can only run through Zend.
For example, I have a premade sign in system that works through Zend_Auth. I have the person's data saved in Zend_Session. I load the user's profile through a controller. I have a service layer for the model that connects to my database on behalf of the user. There are several other dependencies that, as far as I can tell, I need the bootstrap for.
Phorum is basically just a large set of PHP scripts that are dependent on GET parameters. My original idea had been to use a controller to render the scripts. An example of what that URI would look like is this: My-Site.com/messageboard/list.php?1,3 with messageboard being the messageboardController. While this works for loading list, it can't capture the GET parameters, which Phorum is dependent on. Due to the complex nature of Phorum, it would be nearly impossible for me to be able to go in and make it something like My-Site.com/messageboard/list/1/3 or anything along those lines. The URI has to be the former, as it is built in to Phorum.
I have tried using frames. I got to keep my log in panel up top, and had the body of the page be a frame, but it was unbookmarkable, and the back button made everything outrageously difficult. I also couldn't get the frame to talk to the parent page in Zend well, so frames aren't an option.
Does anyone have a way that I can do this? What I need, in essence, is to take the script (ex. list.php?1,3) and place whatever it would render, after having used the 1,3 parameters, into a div in the "body" div of my layout. As far as I can tell, render doesn't seem to be able to capture the GET parameters. Does anyone know of a way I can do this.
Any ideas would be immeasurably appreciated. Thank you for your help!
This isn't a trivial thing to process, however, it is possible to write a custom route, along with some controller magic to handle this sort of thing and include the proper php file:
First of all - Your route should probably be (in ZF1.9 application.ini conventions)
resources.router.routes.phorum.type = "Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Regex"
resources.router.routes.phorum.route = "messageboard(?:/(.*))?"
resources.router.routes.phorum.defaults.controller = "phorum"
resources.router.routes.phorum.defaults.action = "wrapper"
resources.router.routes.phorum.defaults.module = "default"
resources.router.routes.phorum.defaults.page = "index.php"
resources.router.routes.phorum.map.1 = "page"
Now all requests to messageboard/whatever.php should be routed to PhorumController::wrapperAction() and have 'whatever.php' in $this->getRequest()->getParam('page')
Then it should become a simple matter of redirecting your "wrapper" action to include the proper php file from phorum. I have added some code from a similar controller I have (although mine didn't include php files - it was meant solely for serving a directory of content)
public function wrapperAction() {
$phorumPath = APPLICATION_PATH."../ext/phorum/";
$file = realpath($phorumPath . $this->getRequest()->getParam('page');
if (!$file || !is_file($file)) throw new Exception("File not found");
// disable default viewRenderer - layout should still render at this point
// determine extension to determine mime-type
preg_match("#\.([^.]+)$#", $filename, $matches);
switch (strtolower($matches[1]))
case "php":
// patch the request over to phorum
return; // exit from the rest of the handler, which deals specifically
// with other types of files
case "js":
$this->getResponse()->setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/javascript');
ini_set('html_errors', 0);
case "css":
$this->getResponse()->setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/css');
ini_set('html_errors', 0);
case "html":
$this->getResponse()->setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html');
// you get the idea... add any others like gif/etc that may be needed
$this->getResponse()->setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
ini_set('html_errors', 0);
// Disable Layout
// Sending 304 cache headers if the file hasn't changed can be a bandwidth saver
$mtime = filemtime($fn);
if ($modsince = $this->getRequest()->getServer('HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'))
$modsince = new Zend_Date($modsince);
$modsince = $modsince->getTimestamp();
if ($mtime <= $modsince) {
$this->getResponse()->setHeader('Last-Modified', gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s",$mtime). " GMT");
Please - Make sure to test this code for people trying to craft requests with .., etc in the page.

Launching a custom view from a custom model. Zend_possible?

You have to promise not to giggle, but my situation is following:
Instead of using partials and helpers and other similar tools that we use already, we want to use a custom view outside all frames and borders of the actual application. Basically, we need at this point to load clean HTML into a variable upon a certain reaction a model. That is monkeys business and can be done by virtually anyone without using a keyboard.
The problem is that the HTML pages that we want to create are supposed to be quite extensive and are a trainwreck to debug/maintain/expand due to the inate "return $arrlglllgll;" approach. To make a smooth and humane script, we would very much love to use the .phtml style with clean html mixed up with php injections without actually rendering it.
Is that possible and how?
I am currently struggling with
$mailView = new Zend_View();
Where test.php is a file I have been trying to reach with any means and corelations imaginable, but ultimately failed every time due to
exception 'Zend_View_Exception' with message 'script 'test.php' not found in path (\library\Extras\Controller\Action\Helpers\)' in \library\Zend\View\Abstract.php:875
Stack trace: blablabla
Loading a custom view from a controller is butt-easy, just provide the relative path and you're set, but it seems that I cannot find anything if I shoot from within a library. Any advice?
In case anybody wonders, this is a lot easier than I ever thought it to be...
// Set the view
$layout = new Zend_Layout();
$view = $layout->getView();
// Send inherited custom parameters
$view->params = $params;
You can thus use the $view as a real view and load any $view->helper as you please.
To save rendered view, type...
$savingParameter = $view->render('controller/subfolder/' . $page . '.phtml');