Check out files modified outside VS from TFS - version-control

If a file is modified in Visual Studio, the files are automatically checked out from Team Foundation Server. However, sometimes there are files not modified in VS, is there command to check out those modified files only?

If you download the Team Foundation Server power tools, you can use the "tfpt online" command line.
That said, I would try and avoid this way of working. TFS much prefers to know about files that you are checking out before you start editing them and your interaction with TFS will be much happier if you can do this.
The same power tools can optionally install Windows Explorer integration for TFS which will allow you to check the files out easily outside of Visual Studio.


Having trouble installing Microsoft Visual Studio Code

While installing Microsoft Visual Studio Code, I received this message:
"Setup was unable to automatically close all applications. It is recommended that you close all applications using files that need to be updated by Setup before continuing."
How do I solve it?
You can try the following steps:
try to start setup as an administration
make sure you have closed the explorer, especially if you have opened anything related to C: drive.
If it still shows any problem, try to restart the system as some process is running in the background that holding onto some file that needs to modified by vscode setup.
try to disable Antivirus (last attempt).
try to install System installer of vscode instead of User setup (if you have downloaded user setup)

Nuget CLI not available even with VS 2017 RC3

The Nuget Distribution pages states:
NuGet 4.x is included in the Visual Studio 2017 installation. Latest
NuGet releases are delivered as part of Visual Studio updates.
Batteries are included!
It seems those batteries are flat. In both Package Manager Console and extenal PS windows, when I type nuget, I get the error:
The term 'nuget' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function,
script file, or operable program.
What do I have to do to fix this? If it's installed with VS 2017, surely that install should add it to the PATH variable?
I don't want to use the VS Command Console, even if it is still with 2017, as I have retired all my usage of that relic to PowerShell consoles.
All I had to do was add the location of nuget.exe to the PATH environment variable for my user and all users, The latter is up to you, but I always run VS as Administrator.
Sages of yore used to always advise against doing this, but MS in all their divine wisdom has made life as a web developer using VS so difficult under a non-admin account, I see nary a mention of said advice, even since around VD 2010 even.
You'd think that with Nuget being installed as part of Visual Studio, the least they could do is add amend that bloody variable as part of the VS installation.

How to unlock a file locked in Visual Studio Online?

I have a file in Visual Studio Online ( locked by a Microsoft account user from a PC both of which do not exist any more.
How do I remove the lock by Microsoft account H.....w?
Since the user account and PC are gone, the associated workspace should be deleted -- which will undo (lose) the pending changes, including the lock.
You can use tf.exe to delete the workspace. It's usually located under the Visual Studio install folder in Program Files(x86), or open a Developer Command Prompt for VS and it should be in the path there.
Something along the lines of:
tf.exe workspace /delete /collection:<VSOnline/Azure Repos URL> CUSTOMER-PC;H...w
The syntax is a little tricky sometimes -- docs are here.

TEE 2012 does not check out files automatically

I have TFS Server 2012 SP1.
Eclipse 3.6.2 (Helios Service Release 2).
I see a complete team menu, I can check-out and check-in files manually.
However if I just start editing a file it will not be checked out automatically :( as it did with 2010 before updates.
I have tried to change settings to "Display progress while checking out" and "Prompt before checking out" - no effect.
"Detect changes..." functionality does not work either.
Only if I close the project and then open it again, the modified file will be checked out automatically (only once).
The modified file will be checked out automatically also if I manually check-out/check-in another file in the same project.
Problem found
If Visual Studio 2012 is opened on the same PC and connected to the same TFS server, the TEE behaves as described above :(
#Edward Thomson, I think it is a bug. TEE should at least have displayed an error messages.
Not sure about your specific TFS or Visual Studio version, however in VS2010 you have:
File > Source Control > Change Source Control
If your Solution/Project is listed like above with no Server Name, Binding etc., select it and click Bind. That may get things going again

Removing Add-ins for SQL Server Management Studio

I have SQL server 2008 R2 installed.
In the past I have installed the Redgate Sql Promprt 5 add-in. It doesn't work anymore, but I still have the menu in the SQL Management Studio.
I don't see the add-in in the Programs and features list in windows 7, so I can't uninstall it.
When I click on a command in the menu I get this message:
The Add-in supporting this command could not be loaded. Do you wish
to remove the command?
When I choose "Yes" it removes only the selected command from the menu.
I want to completely remove the add-in from my Management Studio.
Where can I find the add-ins and where can I configure them in Management Studio 2008 R2?
If I need to remove some files to get rid of it, where could I find these files?
I looked in the installation folder and didn't find anything about add-ins...
And now for the correct answer
To remove all addin from SQL Server Management Studio. Delete all keys from:
Microsoft SQL Server
I didn't ask RedGate to slow down my SSMS with no way to disable it.
I had same issue under 120. It seems Addins are now stored in Program Data. I renamed file but didn't help. I had to open/run SSMS in Administrator mode and this fixed it. Later I deleted the Addin from folder "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\SQL Server Management Studio\12.0\Addins". May be you can try renaming the Addin with "_". That was the only difference in me renaming the file and SSMS in Admin mode renaming it.
I had the same error when loading SQL Server, an Add-in from another related application was giving that error. I didn't need that Add-in, but couldn't remove it. Even removing from the registry (thanks for posting that by the way) didn't work for me. I had to uninstall and reinstall the related application (Toad for SQL Server) and the "Add-in" was no longer an issue.
I was using SSMS Tools but it kept autosaving my queries which I couldn't easily disable. Therefore I had to remove add in.