How to unlock a file locked in Visual Studio Online? - azure-devops

I have a file in Visual Studio Online ( locked by a Microsoft account user from a PC both of which do not exist any more.
How do I remove the lock by Microsoft account H.....w?

Since the user account and PC are gone, the associated workspace should be deleted -- which will undo (lose) the pending changes, including the lock.
You can use tf.exe to delete the workspace. It's usually located under the Visual Studio install folder in Program Files(x86), or open a Developer Command Prompt for VS and it should be in the path there.
Something along the lines of:
tf.exe workspace /delete /collection:<VSOnline/Azure Repos URL> CUSTOMER-PC;H...w
The syntax is a little tricky sometimes -- docs are here.


Unable to open or uninstall Visual Studio Code

I downloaded visual studio code a while ago but was never able to open it. When I open the app, I get the error "unable to write program user data". When I run as administrator, a window opens briefly before closing again. When I try to uninstall the program, I get error 5, "unable to create a temporary file. Setup aborted."
I have tried to create new TEMP and TMP directories but it made no difference.
This is on windows 11, the x64 bit version of vscode.
I have installed and used the same version of Visual Studio Code on a previous device (with windows 10 however) and never had any issues.
If you are not allowed to write data.
It means you do not have the necessary permissions for the directories. I see you tried already to run as ADM.
Try to check if your user account got the necessary permissions to write in the directories that you want. In the error message, maybe it shows the directory in question, if not, try first the VSC directories or the PROJECT directory. See below:
To do this, navigate to the directories specified (Or project directory) in the error message and right-click on them. Select "Properties" and then go to the "Security" tab. Make sure that your user account is listed and has the "Full control" permission.
You can also try to reset the settings for VSCode, by running the command Code --reset-settings in the command prompt.

How to enter a password to a password protected key file from Command prompt?

I need to checkout a project from SVN, but every time I open the project, Visual Studio 2017 asks me to enter a password to a key file. The password is to access to assembly files. I've found a manually workaround, but I need to do this as a command line with command Prompt. Someone know how ? Thx.
If you need to checkout a project, you don't need to open an existing one. Just checkout a new one.
Visual Studio 2017 does not have built-in support for SVN. SVN integrates with Visual Studio via extensions such as VisualSVN or AnkhSVN. Therefore, it is not quite clear what and when exactly prompts for password. Most likely, that prompt is not related to SVN.

Install VSCode in a specific folder

I just downloaded the Visual Studio Code App from and when I tried to install it, it simply just installed it by itself, without the option to change the installation path.
I have an external harddrive, which is where I want the IDE to be placed instead of the Local Harddrive. How can I change this?
On the VSCode download page select "System Installer" instead of "User Installer". The System installer will prompt you for the install location.
Full credit to Hans Passant for giving the following working solution as a comment.
The installer does very little beyond copying the files, it just creates some Explorer context menu shortcuts ("Open with Code"). Otherwise following Chromium conventions and copying itself to c:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\Code\app-0.1.0 so it can update itself without you noticing. Boo. So high odds that simply moving that folder to the other drive works just fine, put it anywhere and create a shortcut to Code.exe. If you still want the context menu entry to work then use Regedit and search for "code\app-0.1.0".

TEE 2012 does not check out files automatically

I have TFS Server 2012 SP1.
Eclipse 3.6.2 (Helios Service Release 2).
I see a complete team menu, I can check-out and check-in files manually.
However if I just start editing a file it will not be checked out automatically :( as it did with 2010 before updates.
I have tried to change settings to "Display progress while checking out" and "Prompt before checking out" - no effect.
"Detect changes..." functionality does not work either.
Only if I close the project and then open it again, the modified file will be checked out automatically (only once).
The modified file will be checked out automatically also if I manually check-out/check-in another file in the same project.
Problem found
If Visual Studio 2012 is opened on the same PC and connected to the same TFS server, the TEE behaves as described above :(
#Edward Thomson, I think it is a bug. TEE should at least have displayed an error messages.
Not sure about your specific TFS or Visual Studio version, however in VS2010 you have:
File > Source Control > Change Source Control
If your Solution/Project is listed like above with no Server Name, Binding etc., select it and click Bind. That may get things going again

Check out files modified outside VS from TFS

If a file is modified in Visual Studio, the files are automatically checked out from Team Foundation Server. However, sometimes there are files not modified in VS, is there command to check out those modified files only?
If you download the Team Foundation Server power tools, you can use the "tfpt online" command line.
That said, I would try and avoid this way of working. TFS much prefers to know about files that you are checking out before you start editing them and your interaction with TFS will be much happier if you can do this.
The same power tools can optionally install Windows Explorer integration for TFS which will allow you to check the files out easily outside of Visual Studio.