How do I configure Eclipse to run your tests automatically? - eclipse

I read this article: Configure your IDE to run your tests automatically
It's pretty easy to configure Eclipse IDE to run an Ant target every time a file is saved.
MyProject -> Right-click : Properties -> Builders -> New -> Ant Builder
The problem is that the builder has to rebuild the jar on every save, which is very long. The JUnit tests run using the .classes in the jar.
We already have JUnit configurations (EclipseIde .launch files which contains the whole classpath to run the tests). I wish I could create a builder that wraps those JUnit launch files. This would have the benefit of running the tests against Eclipse .classes (faster than rebuilding the jar). Also the test results are displayed in the JUnit view.
Has anybody manage to do that?

I recently started using Infinitest and it seems to somehow "know" which parts of the code affect which test cases. So when you change some code, it automatically re-runs the tests which are likely to break. If the test fails, it marks an error at the spot where it failed, the same way Eclipse would mark a coding error like calling a non-existent method or whatever. And it all happens in the background without you having to do anything.

You could try CT-Eclipse, a continuous testing plugin for Eclipse.
From the plugin page:
With CT-Eclipse enabled, as you edit your code, Eclipse runs your tests quietly in the background, and notifies you if any of them fail or cause errors.

You can use JUnit Max it is an eclipse plug in that will run all you tests every time you save. But it will do it without interrupting your work flow. The results are shown in the left corner of Eclipse and you can always go back to the last successful testrun. The plugin runs the tests that are most likely to fail first so that you get a response for your last saving as fast as possible. is another one like this (haven't tried it yet myself)


Scala Intellij breakpoints ignored

I am doing the Scala introductory course from Coursera.
Within Intellij, I am trying to debug but breakpoints are ignored.
Unlike in this question: Can't debug a Scala application in IntelliJ + sbt-idea-plugin, I am not getting any error.
Do I need to install something or set some Intellij configurations?
Someone recently walked me through debugging in InteliJ using scala/scalatest. I am running InteliJ Idea 2017.2 with the latest scala language plugin installed, no SBT plugin installed (as far as I can tell this is just part of the scala plugin now). Hopefully this helps some other people out:
Set breakpoints by clicking next to the line number you want to test.
Assuming you are using ScalaTest to set up some conditions and run your program, you can right-click on one of your test classes, and then select Debug '[classname]' from the dropdown. This should pop open the debug pane on the bottom.
When you use InteliJ to run the debugging directly (not attaching through sbt etc) I was actually able to get this to work. I have not had success with any of the answers to related questions that discuss attaching to a running sbt process (with scalatest at least).
There are a lot of useful things that intelij debug gives you with scalatest at this point. Say there is one test that is failing and you want to dig into why. On the debug window, click the console tab, and you will see a list of your tests ordered by suite w/ red marks next to the ones that failed. You can right-click on a single test and select debug from the dropdown to only debug that one test. It's pretty useful.
Hopefully that helps some other people! I also hit a few gotchas I should outline:
Sometimes I need to re-load the sbt project (click the circular arrow thing under the sbt project tab on the left). It takes a while but it cleans up some random errors about classes not being found, and even unrelated sounding things like One or more requested classes are not Suites.
I sometimes get errors about shaded classes not found, especially when using docker through sbt (for example to spin up a db node in my tests). To get around that I first deleted the cached compiled jar (rm -r $HOME/.ivy2/cache/com.spotify/ for example to get rid of the cached compiled code that was causing problems) then I reloaded the project as in step-1.
If all else fails, make sure that the project is properly imported. You might need to delete the .idea folder in your folder and re-import the sbt project. This trashes your settings and all, but it's worked for me as a last resort in the past.

eclipse + m2e + junit + infinitest + eclemma?

I have Eclipse for Java Developer 4.3 with m2e, eclemma, infinitest. My project uses Eclipse m2e with junit 4.11.
My intention is to have coverage info updated every time infinitest re-runs the tests affected by last save. Is it possible?
At the moment I'm able to manually run a test with Coverage and see code highlighted, but when I change code infinitest kicks in and coverage highlight disappears.
I created a run configuration for JUnit, which aggregates all tests in a specific scope - java/test/src in my case - and executes them.
I call it from time to time to update the coverage information. Depending on how many test cases or suits you have, what you intend may slow down your working process.
Alternatively you could add some kind of hook to every test case you write. If infinitest detects changes and executes a test, every other gets called too. But I wouldn't recommend that.

Skip validation and maven build on startup in eclipse

Technically I'm using Springsource Toolsuite, but I think this is a general eclipse question. My eclipse startup is now in the minutes, because on startup its running Maven Builder: FULL_BUILD and validation over all the open projects. I recently started working with a very large application, and going through the build and validation takes forever.
Is there a way to skip this at startup?
You can turn off automatic build under the Project top-level menu. Then you can explicitly control when to kick off a build. I would also ping m2eclipse guys on their forum about this issue. It sounds like there is a malfunction in their builder. It should not kick off a full build on every startup unless you workspace is significantly changed since the last Eclipse session.

Is there a problem-free way to run Scala 2.7.7 unit tests in Eclipse integrated nicely?

I'm developing Scala code using Eclipse, often when I run tests I get this error:
No tests found with test runner 'JUnit 3'.
Eclipse for Java Developers, 3.5.1
Scala 2.7.7
JUnit 4.7
I'm currently writing my tests as JUnit3 tests, and invoking them by right clicking on a package in the project explorer, choosing Run As -> JUnit Test. (I was writing them as JUnit4 tests but ran into even more problems.)
If I fire up eclipse, the tests may not run unless I first open the source code file for the test. If I do open the source code file for the test, it will run. However, often then when I make any modification to the test file or any other source code file, Eclipse will refuse to run my tests, saying: "No tests found with test runner 'JUnit 3'."
I just repeated this just now:
Open eclipse
Open the .scala file with some tests
Invoke the tests by right clicking on the package for that file in the project explorer and choosing Run As -> JUnit Test
It ran the tests
One failed
I changed a string literal in the failing test to fix it
I then re-launced the test using the same method, and I get the dreaded "No tests found with test runner 'JUnit 3'."
I get this same method using other methods of launching the tests, e.g. JUnit buttons or menus to re-run all or some tests
To get the tests to run again I close and re-open Eclipse... So I end up relaunching Eclipse many many times a day.
Note: I do often use XML literals in my tests, I wonder if that has anything to do with it.
2nd Note: See my answer to this thread: What is the current state of the Scala Eclipse plugin? where I described some of the other problems I'm having with Scala+Eclipse. Most of the problems are just minor annoyances, but this test invocation problem is a real time waster, would love to find a way around it!
This Just works on trunk ... JUnit 3 and 4 unit test are detected and Run As => JUnit test does the right thing.
Oh, and BTW, the best way to get my attention on this sort of thing is to file a bug or enhancement ticket in Trac rather than posting messages to StackOverflow (even though it worked this time ;-)

How to run Eclipse launch configurations programmatically?

I'm finding it difficult to phrase this question well, as there are quite a few generic terms (run, configuration, launch, etc.). Here goes:
You can save run configurations in a .launch file. (in the Run Configuration Dialog, under the Common tab, Save as a shared file.
We check these in to SVN. The developers can pass them around, and it helps getting new devs running a working application quicker.
I'd like to check these out as part of our build and use them to programatically run the application, the tests, etc, without spinning up the whole IDE.
What would be the best way to run a .launch file outside of the UI?
Edit: I am trying to unify the tests run on the build server and the IDE. I do not
particularly want to give up integrated debugging, which would be the case with an ant script to run the tests .
This is probably more a problem for integration testing with multiple bundles, or unit testing a whole bundle, where you'd like to mock up extensions.
there is an eclipse plugin built over JUnit, called TPTP. It provides an automation client which can be used to launch the test from eclipse with no gui. maybe it helps
Ant4Eclipse may provide a good starting point on how to do this.
Unfortunately, this is limited to Java Applications and JUnit configurations; I am more interested in PDE applications and Plugin JUnit tests.
I have recently had alot of success building an Eclipse RCP app inside a Hudson CI server using Eclipse Buckminster. It took a bit of doing, but once I setup both features, made my RCP product be based on features, and added the Buckminster query files and the like, it worked. There is a Hudson/Jenkins Buckminster plugin that allowed me to have hudson build the application.
After saving the launch configurations for each test fragment, I created hudson commands to invoke them (yes one line per test fragment unfortunately), but after that I got the automated CI build that I wanted.
You could also use the shell command Eclipse uses. To get it:
Run your program in Eclipse
Go to the "Debug" view
Right-click on the process (probably the second item in the tree) and select "Properties"
Copy shell command and delete the agentlib flag to run in bash
I think you don't need to use the .launch configurations to run the tests. If you build an application using the Eclipse Build System, then you can use the AntRunner application from Eclipse to run your units tests. This doesn't start the whole IDE.
This article describes how to run the tests during your build process. With this process, you use a special "Test" Eclipse and load the plugins you want to test.
Perhaps running the configurations the way you would run your own custom run configurations would help here. It is described in this article.