How to run Eclipse launch configurations programmatically? - eclipse

I'm finding it difficult to phrase this question well, as there are quite a few generic terms (run, configuration, launch, etc.). Here goes:
You can save run configurations in a .launch file. (in the Run Configuration Dialog, under the Common tab, Save as a shared file.
We check these in to SVN. The developers can pass them around, and it helps getting new devs running a working application quicker.
I'd like to check these out as part of our build and use them to programatically run the application, the tests, etc, without spinning up the whole IDE.
What would be the best way to run a .launch file outside of the UI?
Edit: I am trying to unify the tests run on the build server and the IDE. I do not
particularly want to give up integrated debugging, which would be the case with an ant script to run the tests .
This is probably more a problem for integration testing with multiple bundles, or unit testing a whole bundle, where you'd like to mock up extensions.

there is an eclipse plugin built over JUnit, called TPTP. It provides an automation client which can be used to launch the test from eclipse with no gui. maybe it helps

Ant4Eclipse may provide a good starting point on how to do this.
Unfortunately, this is limited to Java Applications and JUnit configurations; I am more interested in PDE applications and Plugin JUnit tests.

I have recently had alot of success building an Eclipse RCP app inside a Hudson CI server using Eclipse Buckminster. It took a bit of doing, but once I setup both features, made my RCP product be based on features, and added the Buckminster query files and the like, it worked. There is a Hudson/Jenkins Buckminster plugin that allowed me to have hudson build the application.
After saving the launch configurations for each test fragment, I created hudson commands to invoke them (yes one line per test fragment unfortunately), but after that I got the automated CI build that I wanted.

You could also use the shell command Eclipse uses. To get it:
Run your program in Eclipse
Go to the "Debug" view
Right-click on the process (probably the second item in the tree) and select "Properties"
Copy shell command and delete the agentlib flag to run in bash

I think you don't need to use the .launch configurations to run the tests. If you build an application using the Eclipse Build System, then you can use the AntRunner application from Eclipse to run your units tests. This doesn't start the whole IDE.
This article describes how to run the tests during your build process. With this process, you use a special "Test" Eclipse and load the plugins you want to test.

Perhaps running the configurations the way you would run your own custom run configurations would help here. It is described in this article.


Run Ant files when performing Build and Deploy Worklight 5.x.x Application

I have a Worklight application set up in Eclipse. Before executing Build And Deploy Worklight Application, I need to run a bat that compiles a bunch of HTML templates. This templates are necessary to run the app correctly.
So, I would like to know if it is possible to link (maybe under Run Configurations...?) an Ant file or similar that allows me to execute the bat and perform the build & deploy in an automatic way. Any advice?
Hope the question is clear.
I believe you can add an extra project builder to your application that invokes the Ant task you need.
Under Eclipse take a look at Project->Properties->Builders->New.
You will find Ant buildfiles as project builders a useful link.

Autorun a jar/java file 'after' eclipse builds project?

I'm playing around with ActiveJDBC and it has a post-compile step for 'instrumentation' (i.e. crudely speaking it post-process byte-code to add the parent's static members to the class as per the ActiveRecord pattern).
You constantly have to run the following command:
java -cp=$CLASSPATH -DoutputDirectory=build activejdbc.instrumentation.Main
for the post processing to take place. Is there some way to integrate this with Eclipse (Helios) so that the whenever it builds the project it triggers the above? Anyway to automate it?
I do not use Maven/Ant and do not wish to learn it just for the sake of ActiveJDBC (Maven is its only dependency, which I find is a bit annoying).
The above could be done by encapsulating it in a java file and running that file - so if there is a way to run a java file after build that'll be fine too :)
Any ideas?
If you do not want to use Ant, then you can configure a second builder in Eclipse:
Project -> Properties -> Builders -> New
Then you can configure to execute a shell script or a batch file with that command. Once you have that builder configured (took 5 minutes for me), you can build entire project pressing Ctrl+B, which will execute the standard builder as well as your script.
However, I'd suggest that you copy this Ant script:
And simply configure it for your environment. E-Riz correctly stated info about the builders, but you do not need to take an hour to write an Ant script if you are going to go this route. Configuring a new builder with Ant script instead of a shell is even simpler.
I wrote about adding custom builders a few years ago:
One of the options when creating a new builder is to run any arbitrary program. I don't see why you couldn't run the ActiveJDBC java command above.
Even if that doesn't work for some reason, you could probably write an Ant script to invoke that Java class in less than an hour, including learning and testing, using Ant's "java" task:

Compare to the IDE for Java,do we still need Ant?

Not long before I had digged into Ant and use it doing simple practice(compile,unit test,package).Now my usual work is under Eclipse for java development,the usual work can all be simply done through Eclipse' function:in-time compiling、click button to deploy、various wizard..
So I am wondering under Eclipse do we have a need for Ant.
And if it is, at which aspect should we use Ant along with Eclipse.
Building applications is not about just building them in your IDE. You need to setup an automated build and deploy method that can be run for, say, continuous integration and deployment. The built package has to be deloyed to various environments and finally production. You cannot build them out of your own box. You cannot build it out of your IDE. You need separate build system. That is where build tools like ANT come in.
Also note that the capabilities of IDEs for doing build, deploy is limited and that is not their strength. It is, however, possible to make use of ANT and its build scripts and run them out of eclipse. This way, you have a single set of scripts for both your local ( developer ) build and the main build process. With ANT being JAVA based, you can also suit your build tool to your needs by writing custom tasks etc.
Also, when you make use of something as standard as ANT for your build system, you can move to a different IDE like Intellij IDEA and still make use of the build system that you know.
Do you need Ant if you can build through the IDE? Of course not! You can see that yourself.
Should you still have a IDE independent build with standard tools? Of course!
Note I didn't say Ant. There are a number of build tools such as Maven or Gradle that are made to build Java programs. However, there are reasons why you want an IDE independent build system:
You have a Continuous Integration Server: You do have one. Right? If you don't get one. A Continuous Integration Server automatically builds your project (and runs every test) each time a change is committed to the version control system. It catches mistakes. It also provides an OFFICIAL BUILD. No more It worked on my machine! excuses. If the Continuous Integration Server can't build it and successfully run the tests, the software isn't good.
You have others who need to work with your project on a different computer in a different environment: The problem with IDEs is that its specific to your system. Someone else checks out your project, and they may be using a different IDE. They maybe have a slightly different setup. An independent build scripting language like Ant guarantees that they can rebuild your project as intended.
If you share a project with someone else, you need an independent standard method way of being able to build that project and to know exactly what is required for that build to work. IDEs can hide that information.
I am a benchmark tester using Ant everyday. Our environment has 7 test machines and 1 console machine. For each test run, the ant script updates the working copy, restarts the database, build the product and the Grinder with proper properties and deploy them to the machines, and starts them and the monitoring softwares. With the 1000-line-buildfile, I can just type in an "ant A B C D E"-like line in the terminal on the console machine. I don't think it's a good idea to do this in a IDE like eclipse or NetBeans or anything else.
Also, in my company's product, ant is widely used. We use ant to build sample data for the benchmark test; we use ant to update Tomcat which is going to be bundled with our product; we also use ant to build and run selenium tests.
What's more, when you want to release the source code, including the IDE project files is not a good idea because there are a lot of IDEs. And what if the user just want to get a fresh build from your latest code (if you don't provide nightly build)? Providing a set of ant (or other build tool) buildfiles is a good idea. With this, you can manage your classpath for the build.
The shortest answer here wold be flexibility. The IDEs may came with pre-defined functionalities and may even allow you to choose some options using wizards. It is like generating html with Dreamweaver or such tools. It will never be as flexible as the pure thing. For example NetBeans uses Ant underneath.
Quoted from: Netbeans: Build Tools
The default NetBeans IDE project system is built directly on top of
the Ant build system. All of the project commands, such as "Build
Project" and "Run File in Debugger", call targets in the project's Ant
script. You can therefore build and run your project outside the IDE
exactly as it is built and run inside the IDE.
Even after you use tools for that purpose you are most likely still to brush up. So, what I am saying is, what the IDEs do for you is only a subset of what you can do with the pure ant or maven( if you use it). For simple tasks such as compile and run, IDEs do pretty much a good job! But if you have a use case as complex as deploying on CI IDEs won't help you. You need the whole flexibility of your build tools.

Best practices for command-line builds

Item 2 of the Joel Test is "Can you make a build in one step", but what is the best (or commonly accepted) way to achieve this? What are the pros and cons of using the IDE's command-line interface to do a headless build, as opposed to maintaining a build script that is completely independent of the IDE (e.g. using Ant or Maven in the case of a Java project).
I ask this question because I am experimenting with Maven, and was a bit surprised to find that even when using the m2eclipse plugin it's not really feasible to turn off Eclipse's Java Builder and delegate the whole build process to Maven while working on the project. It seems that if I want to migrate the project to Maven, I'll end up having to maintain two equivalent but different build processes, for example the command-line build will use the DataNucleus Maven plugin for enhancing JDO classes, while the IDE build will use the DataNuclues plugin for Eclipse; the command-line build will use the Tomcat Maven plugin, while the IDE will use Eclipse's web tools platform. This redundancy seems unfortunate.
I gather that NetBeans uses Ant for its build, which sounds like it would solve this problem. But unfortunately I'm using neither NetBeans nor Ant!
EDITED TO ADD: I found that I can set up a Maven builder in Eclipse with specific goals that call some of the Maven plugins that I'm using (e.g. in my case the goals "datanucleus:enhance process-resources" take care of JDO enhancement, resource copying, and native2ascii conversion). This leaves java compilation up to Eclipse, but still achieves some degree of integration with Maven.
The eclipse builder gives you intermediate and repeated building, but the "Joel Test" is really about being able to go from source to ready-to-deploy something in a single step. If you're using Maven, there's several ways of going about it - including just invoking Maven as a command line script from within Eclipse.
mvn package
Is what I most frequently used for a quick run through the whole build setup. You can extend Maven through the POM and inject some additional mechanisms if you want to. If you get a little more complex, it's often most effective to start using multi-module POM and maven setups to get functional tests integrated and running with the rest of the code.
Basically, let eclipse "do it's thing" with it's builders and take advantage of what it provides, but when you're ready to use the end product have it invoked from the command line through a continuous integration server (Hudson is a nice easy one to get and set up - free too: Presumably if you're looking at using Maven, you'll also have an instance of Archiva or Nexus set up as your DSL for the resulting libraries. You can have hudson invoke "mvn deploy" for regular checkin builds, or "mvn release:prepare && mvn release:perform" for when you're ready to cut the release (separate builds in Hudson work best for this)
You can do a headless build in an IDE. In eclipse you can execute an arbitrary shell command as an "External Tool". This is also true in IDEA and netbeans with a little effort. At the very least, this is a convenient test of the headless build that you should run whenever you make changes to the build configuration.
Also, I'd like to add that the build should be one-step as a minimum requirement. It should also be easy to set up and easy to debug. If it takes longer than an couple of hours to set up a new developers environment, then the one-step process is likely to be less than optimal. This is with the caveat that if you add or replace team members quarterly or annually this is less of an issue.

Building Eclipse plugins and features on the command line

I have a bunch of Eclipse plugins and features, which I would like to build as part of a nightly (headless) build. I've managed to do this using a complicated setup involving manually specifying paths to Eclipse plugin jars, copying customTargets.xml, etc.
Is there really no simpler solution? Isn't there a way to just point out my Update Site's site.xml and say "build"; i.e. the equivalent of clicking "Build All" in the Update Site project?
Given that all the answers to this question are all 3-5 years old, I figure an update would be useful to others.
For those who want to add the building of Eclipse plugins to the CI process, I recommend they check out the Eclipse Tycho project. This is essentially a Maven plugin that allows you you to wrap eclipse projects within Maven project. With this we use Atlassian Bamboo to build our Eclipse plugin. This also allows us to use the Maven jarsigner plugin to sign our plugin files.
I've just been fighting with this problem myself. Are you using the productBuild script? Maybe putting your features into a product would help you out.
I am doing a headless build on a product configuration. The only script that I customized was to add some ant tasks to customTargets.xml to get my sources from SVN and to do a little cleanup on JNLP manifests after the build as I am using WebStart.
Then you only need to invoke antRunner on the out of the box productBuild.xml in the scripts/productBuild directory (in the pde-build plugin).
Check out Ant4Eclipse. I've used it to parse Eclipse's .classpath/.project files to determine project dependencies and classpaths. In combination with Groovy Ant Task, I have automatically built multiple projects in Ant using the Eclipse project files for build information.
A buildPlugin task exists, but I have not personally used it.
We are currently using PDE to automatically build features and our complete product. It works quite well. Make sure you use the right script for product build or feature build.
Eclipse Help on using PDE
EDIT: We've now migrated to Buckminster, which has an excellent command line interface.
You might look into buckminster and maven. There is a learning curve for sure, but they seem to do their jobs well.
We are using headlesseclipse, which can be found on Google Code:
It works quite well, and can easily automate command-line building of plugins and features. However, I have not yet found a way to automate building of the update site via the command line.