Navigation based Application and UITableViewController - iphone

I am creating a navigation based application and in the root view, it lists an array of choices, which as many you know leads to a more specific choice. My question is the lists that is displayed on the root view is actually not a choices of different functionality like calendar,mail but a choice, which is going to do the same functionality with different values.So I am wondering whether I should create a different view controller for each of the choices or I should just update the existing view. Which one is more efficient. Choice of inputs comes from a dictionary. I really appreciate your inputs. Thanks ;)

I assume that you want to have a screen with a number of "settings". Clicking on one of the settings will slide in a new view where the user can pick between a number of options. So basically you have two views each with a table and a navigation controller on top, right?
If this assumption is right, then I propose the following:
Create one view controller for the "front view".
This view controller will display the different "settings" and know that selecting one of the settings should slide in the next view.
This next view should be handled by a second view controller. It sounds like the different settings can be handled by one view controller.
So basically: Two view controllers, one for the first "level" and a different one for the second "level".


Getting lost quickly with Views and Controllers

I am coming from a Windows Visual Studio (VS) background, so I'm finding the Xcode environment, well, overly complex for lack of a better description.
I'm planning an app which will need 4 views (what I would call windows in VS).
1) The main (starting) view would have a Toolbar at the bottom which opens any of 3 views.
2) View A would have a Nav bar at the top for "Cancel" and "Done" which would return to Main.
3) View B would have a Nav bar at the top for "Back" which would return to Main
4) View C would have no Nav bar but would return to Main using a DoubleTap.
I'm finding it very confusing to piece this together without a straightforward example.
Where can I find some clear explanations of Views vs Controllers, what they're each used for, and how to use them, preferably with examples/tutorials/etc?
Online is best, books are fine.
I'm using Xcode 4.2, no storyboards (for ios 4.2 compatibility).
The general distinction between view controllers and view is something that you can understand independently of Xcode/Cocoa - it's a design pattern called MVC (Model, View, Controller).
In MVC, your application structure is split into 3 layers:
1) The model is your data layer, such as files, databases, network services, and objects that exist independently of the display such as a user.
2) The view is what you see on screen. A view is often composed of several sub views in a hierarchy, for example a window (which is a type of view) contains a toolbar (another type of view) and some buttons (each a view), labels, text fields, etc. These are all views.
3) The controller, aka view controller is the glue that connects these two together. A user object for example has no idea how to display itself, and a label has no knowledge of a user object, so it is the job of the view controller to tell a particular label to display the name of a particular user. Similarly when you type text into a text field, the text field doesn't know that text is a password, so it's the job of the controller to take that text and store it in the correct place, or submit it to the correct web service, or whatever.
So basically a controller converts your model data into the right format to display within your views, and handles feedback from your views (a button press, a text entry, etc) and modifies your model accordingly.
In cocoa every view controller owns a main view (it's "view" property) and may also manage the subviews of that view such as buttons, labels, etc.
Normally there is one view controller class per screen of your app. Occasionally parts of your screen that have standard behaviours are managed by other view controllers.
So for example the navbar is managed by something called a navigation controller. A navigation controller actually manages a stack of view controllers as well as the navigation bar view itself. When you push or pop a view controller onto the navigation controller stack, it makes sure that the view from the current view controller gets displayed and that the navbar shows the correct title. When you tap the back button in the navbar view, the navigation controller receives that button event and pops the current view controller (and it's associated view) off the stack.
The advantage of this approach (MVC) is that is massively cuts down on the amount of subclassing you need to do. Every button on your screen is probably just an instance of a standard UIButton object. You don't need to subclass each button just to change it's behaviour because the button doesn't need to know anything about what happens when it is pressed, it just delegates that press to the view controller to manage.
Generally, you rarely need to create custom view subclasses. Almost all of your application can be built by arranging standard views on a screen and managing them with a custom view controller subclass.
Nibs/xibs are particularly useful for this because they let you visually lay out your views and visually bind their actions (e.g. button taps) to methods on your view controller using drag a drop. This saves you filling up your view controller with pointless layout code (create a button with these coordinates and this colour and attach it to this subview, etc). Unfortunately nibs can be confusing for new developers because they hide a lot of what is going on behind the scenes.
For multi-screen apps, iOS provides a set of so-called container controllers, which are controllers that manage multiple sub-controllers. UITabBarController and UINavigationController are the main examples. UITabBarController is good if you have several screens that you want to tab between, UINavigationController is good if you have a hierarchy of screens that the user can go back and forth between like a browser.

Best way to handle segmented bar and multiple views?

I have a User Filter section of my iPad app. There is a segmented bar with 5 buttons for 5 types of filters.
Clicking each of the buttons will load up the respective view..
My question is.. would the best way to handle the UI of each filter to have several views in this nib and load/unload accordingly.. or would best practice be to create the information in a scrollable view?
below is the setup..
Thanks in advance...
Generally, go with separate views. The Scrollable view is an approximation of what you're trying to achieve (by the looks of things), whereas the separate-views more closely reflect your aims.
Some typical dvantages:
if you change your UI design, e.g. if one of those filters has to go in a different page, but 4 stay here ... then it's easy to move the whole View without changing the eixsting ones.
you can put each view in a separate NIB file (if they're different), or loaded from a separate ViewController instance (if they're the same), and you get some of the advantages of Apple's automatica memory management of VC's / NIBs.
Usually, people start with the same view for each filter, using a single VC class (instantiated multiple times, once per tab).
Then, as the app evolves, they find that one tab needs a different layout, so they add another VC class, and only need to update the alloc/init line for that one tab.

view based and navigation based system

what is difference between view based and navigation based system in iphone . which one better to use and when?
if you have hierarchy of views, use navigation based else use view controller based.
You're talking about default templates that Xcode offers you to start your project with. It's not like they're different "systems" per se, they're just different starting points.
A view template is good if your app is one screen, or maybe a couple screens. Movement between those screens is up to you (and there are some pretty easy and good tools for animation screen changes, but you have to hook into those yourself).
A navigation template is good if you're going to be navigating a hierarchy of data, possibly with lists, sublists, detail screens, etc. Shifting between views is done with a call to UINavigationController, that handles all the transitioning business for you.
navigation based system is used if you want to use something like moving from main view to its inner view
like parent to child then subchild and so on...
While if you have no such hierarchy then you can use view based..
Navigation Based gives you a flexibility to reverse back to the view controller which you have already visited. like say for example you move 1->2->3->4->5 now if you want to go to 2 you can go easily. Navigation adds a top bar while view based is used if you dont want any kind of hierarchy..

Is it bad practice to create unique view controllers for different tabs that do essentially the same thing?

Ok so basically I have a UITabBarController as my root view controller. I have three tabs that will all have UINavigationController objects nested in them, controlling three table views each.
Each mode will access the same database in the same way, but just sort by different variables. Very similar to the way the iPod app works - whether you narrow down your search by Artist or Genre, you end up at the same "detail view" (the song playing).
My question is, should I link all three tabs in Interface Builder to the same UINavigationController, but just populate the table depending on the selected tab? Or should I create completely independent objects for each tab, and copy and paste code?
The first way seems more efficient and flexible, but the second seems like it will be a little more explicit and easy to read!
Thanks for any help :)
I think clearing the navigation controller stack on every tab switch (assuming it is not hidden when the non-uppermost navigation child is shown) would be much more resource-consuming than having all three/four UINavigationControllers available all the time (mostly for quick tab-switching).
Further, if the owning UINavigationController is the only object that retained (owns) the UIViewControllers on the stack, then you will also deallocate your UIViewControllers should you decide to reset the navigation stack (1-Nav scenario). Assuming of course they are not "statically" present inside a NIB.
TL;DR version
I'd use a separate UINavigationController for each tab, in a low memory-footprint app it will increase the visual performance of your tabs.

iPhone SDK: How to load a different view?

Suppose that I want to create and application and that application will have two windows and a menu mechanism. How do I accomplish this on iPhone? I know how to create a single view and have that displayed but what I want is this ability:
a.) Upon loading app, show a navigation mechanism. The choices are Item A or Item B.
b.) If Item A is chosen, view A should be loaded.
c.) It Item B is chosen, view B should be loaded.
Thanks in advance.
To me, what you're describing sounds like three views.
1. Root View
This view has two buttons (or other controls) that allow the user to select where they would like to go.
2. View A
A view with the necessary controls and data.
3. View B
A view with the necessary controls and data.
The actual transition between the views could involve a UINavigationController. If so, the root view would be pushed onto the UINavigationController's stack initially, and clicking the buttons would push either view A or B onto the stack. Otherwise, views A and B could be presented modally when the appropriate button is clicked by calling [rootView.presentModalViewController:animated].
Is that what you're looking for?
Since you mention a "menu", is it possible the user may like to go back and change their selection (A or B) at some stage?
In that case you may like to also investigate if a Tab Bar Controller based application fits your needs (similiar to the built in Clock application)
This would always display two buttons at the bottom of the screen which the user could use at any point in time to switch between the two modes. it would automatically handle the switching of views "A" and "B" within the main part of the screen.
The real answer probably depends upon what your two views need to do, and what kind of UI they present.