Serializability of enum-like class - c#-3.0

I need to access an enum through a webservice.
As a webservice allocates 0 based integers to an enumeration (ignoring preset values in enum definition), I built the following:
public class StatusType
public StatusVal Pending { get { return new StatusVal( 1, "Pending"); } }
public StatusVal Authorised { get { return new StatusVal(2, "Authorised"); } }
public StatusVal Rejected { get { return new StatusVal(3, "Rejected"); } }
public StatusVal Sent { get { return new StatusVal(4, "Sent"); } }
public StatusVal InActive { get { return new StatusVal(5, "InActive"); } }
public List<StatusVal> StatusList()
List<StatusVal> returnVal = new List<StatusVal>();
StatusType sv = new StatusType();
return returnVal;
public class StatusVal
public StatusVal(int a, string b)
this.ID = a;
this.Name = b;
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
I then get the list of StatusVal with the following webmethod:
public List<ATBusiness.StatusVal> GetStatus()
ATBusiness.StatusType a = new ATBusiness.StatusType();
return a.StatusList();
I cannot however use this webmethod as referring it, I get the error: StatusVal cannot be serialized because it does not have a parameterless constructor.
I don't quite understand: should I pass params into the StatusValue type defined as the WebMethod's return Type?
I need this to return a list of StatusVals as per the StatusList() method.

As the error says, your class needs a constructor without parameters. When unserializing, the runtime will use that constructor instead of the one you have defined.
Something like:
public StatusVal()
When you created a constructor with parameters, you are automatically removing the default no-parameter constructor, and that's what the compiler is complaining about.

Related deserialize interface, concrete class uses a JsonConverter

My problem is that my JsonConverter doesn't seem to get invoked by the de-serialization process when the converter is applied to an implementation of an interface, and the propertytype is the interface.
I use TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Objects to add $type to the json. I do so both on serialization and on de-serialization.
And when I have a property that is of an implementation of the interface the class' converter is invoked properly.
But when I have a property of interface type, the concrete class' converter is not invoked.
When I deserialize this class my JsonDataBagCreationConverter will be invoked by the RealTelephone but not by the Telephone because this is an interface.
Even though they are both serialized with the correct $type.
This results in RealTelephone having its .Data filled whereas Telephones .Data is null.
public class ContainerForITelephone : IDataBag
private object _data;
private DataBagTypeEnum _dataBagTypeEnum;
public ITelephone Telephone { get; set; }
public Telephone RealTelephone { get; set; }
public object Data
get { return _data; }
set { _data = value; }
public DataBagTypeEnum DataBagType_Enum
get { return _dataBagTypeEnum; }
This jsonconverter is not invoked for the Telephone property. But it is for RealTelephone.
public class JsonDataBagCreationConverter<T> : JsonConverter where T : IDataBag, new()
public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
if (reader.TokenType != JsonToken.Null)
var jsonObject = JObject.Load(reader);
var target = Create(objectType, jsonObject);
serializer.Populate(jsonObject.CreateReader(), target);
((IDataBag)target).Data = jsonObject.ToString();
return target;
return null;
public class Telephone : ITelephone
public string Name { get; set; }
public string AreaCode { get; set; }
public string Number { get; set; }
public SubPhone SubPhone { get; set; }
public object Data { get; set; }
public DataBagTypeEnum DataBagType_Enum { get; set; }
I look forward to hearing from you, thanks
public class JsonDataBagCreationConverter<T> : JsonConverter where T:IDataBag
//, new() prevented us from using interfaces. Activator.CreateInstance did the trick in Create
//Used when the object decorated with [JsonConverter(typeof(JsonDataBagCreationConverter<xxxx>))] is de-serialized
public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
var jsonObject = JObject.Load(reader);
if (objectType.IsInterface)
// Interfaces cannot be instantiated but must be converted to their "real" implemented type
// Because we serialize with settings.TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Objects;
// A $type property is added to the json by the deserializer.
string type = jsonObject["$type"].ToString();
var typesAsArray = type.Split(',');
var wrappedTarget = Activator.CreateInstance(typesAsArray[1], typesAsArray[0]);
var realTarget = wrappedTarget.Unwrap() as IDataBag;
serializer.Populate(jsonObject.CreateReader(), realTarget); // Will call this function recursively for any objects that have JsonDataBagCreationConverter as attribute
((IDataBag)realTarget).Data = jsonObject.ToString(); // This is where custom data is stored in databag
return realTarget;
// Non interface
var target = Create(objectType, jsonObject);
serializer.Populate(jsonObject.CreateReader(), target); // Will call this function recursively for any objects that have JsonDataBagCreationConverter as attribute
((IDataBag)target).Data = jsonObject.ToString(); // This is where custom data is stored in databag
return target;
public override bool CanRead
return true;
public override bool CanWrite
return false;
public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
throw new Exception("WriteJson not implemented");
protected IDataBag Create(Type objectType, JObject jsonObject)
var aa = Activator.CreateInstance(objectType);
return aa as IDataBag;
// return new T(); // this demands ,new() on the class and then it will not work with interfaces
public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
return typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(objectType);

How to access to the object array

I have an auto generated class from an xml like the following:
public partial class XmlClass {
private decimal num1;
private ClassA[] classField;
/// <remarks/>
public decimal num1 {
/// <remarks/>
public ClassA[] classA {
public partial class ClassA {
private object[] itemsField;
private string typeField;
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("commands", typeof(classACommands))]
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("minVersion", typeof(string))]
public object[] Items {
get {
return this.itemsField;
set {
this.itemsField = value;
public string type {
get {
return this.typeField;
set {
this.typeField = value;
ClassA has the string and commands class as Objects in the Object[]. I can see everything is deserialized perfectly and get them by: (commands)myXmlClass.classA.ElementAt(i).Items[3], where i is from the index of the ClassA array. But how can I get or set them without using '3'? It might be different in different ClassA elements.
Not sure I totally understand your question, but you can use a foreach loop:
foreach(ClassA a in myXmlClass.classA) {

Use a base class as the return type in ApiController

Using the ASP.NET WebApi 4 RC, is it possible to have an ApiController's return type be a base class and actually return instances of derived classes? Trying to do this now results in an internal server error (500) when returning xml. Returning json using this method works correctly.
public class Base
public int ID { get; set; }
public class Derived : Base
public string Message { get; set; }
public class ValuesController : ApiController
public IEnumerable<Base> Get()
return new Derived[] {
new Derived(){ Message="test"},
new Derived(){ Message="another"}
It would seem that the XML serialization is what's throwing the error but all I can see is the generic 500 error.
Yes, you need to use the knowntype serialization hint:
public class Base
public int ID { get; set; }
You might want to do it programmatically
private static Type[] GetKnownType()
var assemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();
var knownTypes = new List<Type>();
foreach (var assembly in assemblies)
knownTypes.AddRange(assembly.GetTypes().Where(x => x.BaseType == typeof (BaseResponse)).ToArray());
return knownTypes.ToArray();
Do remember your child class MUST have a default constructor else you will get runtime serialization error.

How to correctly model loosely-typed properties in RavenDB

I am new to RavenDB and looking for guidance on the correct way to store loosely-typed data. I have a type with a list of key/value pairs. The type of the value property isn't known at design time.
public class DescriptiveValue
public string Key { get; set; }
public object Value { get; set; }
When I query a DescriptiveValue that was saved with a DateTime or Guid Value, the deserialized data type is string. Numeric values appear to retain their data types.
Is there an elegant solution to retain the data type or should I simply store all values as strings? If I go the string route, will this limit me when I later want to sort and filter this data (likely via indexes?)
I hoping this is a common problem that is easily solved and I'm just thinking about the problem incorrectly. Your help is much appreciated!
The output of this unit test is: Assert.AreEqual failed. Expected:<2/2/2012 10:00:01 AM (System.DateTime)>. Actual:<2012-02-02T10:00:01.9047999 (System.String)>.
public void Store_WithDateTime_IsPersistedCorrectly()
private void AssertValueIsPersisted<T>(T value)
ObjectValuedAttribute expected = new ObjectValuedAttribute() { Value = value };
using (var session = this.NewSession())
using (var session = this.NewSession())
ObjectValuedAttribute actual = session.Query<ObjectValuedAttribute>().Single();
Assert.AreEqual(expected.Value, actual.Value);
I would expect actual to be a DateTime value.
Absolutely - that's one of the strength of schema-less document databases. See here:
The problem is that RavenDB server has no notion of the type of Value. When sending your object to the server, Value is persisted as a string, and when you later query that document, the deserializer does not know about the original type, so Value is deserialized as a string.
You can solve this by adding the original type information to ObjectValuedAttribute:
public class ObjectValuedAttribute {
private object _value;
public string Key { get; set; }
public object Value {
get {
// convert the value back to the original type
if (ValueType != null && _value.GetType() != ValueType) {
_value = TypeDescriptor
return _value;
set {
_value = value;
ValueType = value.GetType();
public Type ValueType { get; private set; }
In the setter of Value we also store the type of it. Later, when getting back the value, we convert it back to its original type.
Following test passes:
public class CodeChef : LocalClientTest {
public class ObjectValuedAttribute {
private object _value;
public string Key { get; set; }
public object Value {
get {
// convert value back to the original type
if (ValueType != null && _value.GetType() != ValueType) {
_value = TypeDescriptor
return _value;
set {
_value = value;
ValueType = value.GetType();
public Type ValueType { get; private set; }
public void Store_WithDateTime_IsPersistedCorrectly() {
private void AssertValueIsPersisted<T>(T value) {
using (var store = NewDocumentStore()) {
var expected = new ObjectValuedAttribute { Value = value };
using (var session = store.OpenSession()) {
using (var session = store.OpenSession()) {
var actual = session
.Customize(x => x.WaitForNonStaleResults())
Assert.Equal(expected.Value, actual.Value);

Automapper : Mapping to an Interface

I am using AutoMapper to map between an entity and an Interface
First I created my mapping and checked it is valid.
AutoMapper.Mapper.CreateMap<User, IUserViewModel>();
Then I created a method that uses this mapping:
public IUserViewModel GetUser(int id)
var user= _userRepository.GetByKey(id);
var currentUser = Mapper.Map<User, IUserViewModel>(user);
return currentUser;
I am using this method in another place of my code
IUserViewModel myUser = XXXXX.GetUser(3);
This issue is this is myUser is always null.
However, when I debug my method and stop inside it juste before returning , I can see that my object currentSupplier is created and filled up correctly.
But when the method returns I get a null value.
I guess this has to do with the fact my object currentSupplier is created as
Any help?
Thank you.
Adding a full copy of my code that proves that the above works for me - couldnt fit it into the comments.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Program program = new Program();
IUserViewModel myUser = program.GetUser(3);
Console.WriteLine(myUser.Name); // Prints Frank
public Program()
Mapper.CreateMap<User, IUserViewModel>();
private UserRepo _userRepository = new UserRepo();
public IUserViewModel GetUser(int id)
var user = _userRepository.GetByKey(id);
var currentUser = Mapper.Map<User, IUserViewModel>(user);
return currentUser;
public class UserRepo
public User GetByKey(int id)
return new User { Name = "Frank" };
public interface IUserViewModel
string Name { get; set; }
public class User
public string Name { get; set; }
Could you add some additional content to show where this is failing?