Really bizarre stuff goin on here. I installed some security updates for XP...then I fire up my text editor to do some coding, and realize that my IE conditionals don't work anymore. Anyone have any suggestions for me? I've Googled this til the cows come home. I've tried uninstalling the updates, but Windoze keeps re-installing them.
Are you using a 'standalone' version of IE 6, 7 and/or 8 alongside the native version? The native installed version is the version that the conditional comments work with.
For instance, if you have IE 8 installed through software update, the standalone IE 7 and IE 6 will only execute anything within the IE 8 conditional comments.
Did a system restore....all is good for now.
The editor window does not fully render and is unresponsive... I restored windows by completely reinstalling it, fresh install, all clean... and still same issue:
I checked Unity 2017.3, 2017.2 and 5.6, with DX9, 11 and 12... allways same issue.
I found 0 related issues on google, maybe I'm not using the correct wording for the search (Unresponsive Unity Editor Windows). On the Unity forums someone mentioned DX version being the issue, but I already forced all recent versions and it fails for all of them.
Ok, so the issue is with Unity not being dpi aware so I had to remove my 150% scaling on my main 4K window in order for it to work.
Unity programmers my encounter this issue too, and come here for help as I did... I don't see why that's wrong #Programmer
Someone knows why my form is moving when I press 'Tab' key or I edit it when it's filled ?
This only happens in Chrome 39, in old versions works OK and in Firefox or IE works fine too.
Thanks !! It's seems that the css is the same before and after fill the input.
If the version is not a typo, Ext JS 2.0 was released 7 years ago in Dec 2007 when Chrome still had one year to go before its initial release. Hence, you cannot expect a good compatibility of the old library with modern browsers.
Nevertheless, if the problem appears only in one version 39 of Chrome and the application is most likely that it is the problem of that specific version. You can report it to Chrome development team but I don't think that anything beyond that is worth the effort.
Fixing and changing that old application can be more costly, depending on size, than upgrading it to the latest Sencha libraries.
I solved it fixing the width of the text fields to fit the content.
I'm having a problem with the built-in help/documentation within MATLAB 2013a (issue also present in 2012b).
Upon opening the help files the pages appear with no formatting, only plain text. Search results do appear correctly though.
I have found only one instance of someone else with this issue, on MATLAB central here. However, there are no responses to the author's question. The issue I'm having is exactly the same as described there.
I have tried removing the preference folder and relaunching MATLAB but this doesn't help.
I'm using Windows 8.1 and MATLAB 2013a.
Any help or suggestions on how to fix this would be very much appreciated.
Thank you everyone for the feedback so far. I don't believe java to be the issue, I have the latest version installed (1.7.0_45) while MATLAB uses it's own version (1.6.0_17). Both of which co-exist on my machine.
Following horchler's thread led me to another semi-related bug report here. The following code is listed at the bottom of the workaround (the script attached to the workaround didn't fix anything unfortunately).
This results in a degraded appearance of documentation pages and loss of some functionality but is still an improvement over the plain text and scrambled pages.
Hopefully from this new information we can work towards a solution!
One solution is to go back to IE-10, or to use the patch on
Which basically replaces the localnav.js at <MATLAB>/help/includes/product/scripts
The link to download!
This is an old post, but I had the same issue and have a fix (not downloading R2013b or java related). Just downgrade from IE 11 to 10: Go to System (or System & Security)->Windows Update->View Update History->Installed Updates -> Find IE11 and uninstall it. Your system should revert back to the prior installed version. This fixed the help issues.
The problem is related to Internet Explorer 11, which MATLAB uses to render its help files. I was experiencing this problem in Windows 7 and rolling back to IE 10 fixed it right up. Unfortunately, that's not an option with Windows 8.
I recently upgraded to NetBeans 7.2 and am facing a substantial usability issue with floating windows. In 7.1 each floating window was minimize-able, which I used quite regularly. By all appearances the minimize button is completely gone. The button is missing and when I right click on the title bar, the close button is available but the minimize is disabled (greyed out).
I'm running windows 7 x64.
I also encountered the issue in the RC but figured that it would be resolve in the final version. I've googled around and not been able to find anyone with the same issue so I'm hoping that it is just me.
I checked out the settings under Tools > Options > Miscellaneous > Windows and none of them seem to make any difference.
How can I get the minimize floating windows functionality back?
It looks like a bug on the windows version, because I'm using the mac one and the minimize buttons are in place.
I'd go back to the previous version until they solve the bug.
In fact, at least in mac, you can have both versions installed, so you could open 7.2 from time to time and check for any updates that solved the problem.
I've found some additional info here:
Maybe you could try to do as they tell:
No minimize button means those windows are docked into editor docking spot. Use
menu Window - Reset Windows.
I am able to minimize windows in netbeans on win 7x64
And sorry I wanted to add this as a comment, but apparently I couldn't
I've been using Aptana for some time now, and as of recent I've been dealing with files that are really, really big (500+ lines of code, which is huge for me, being a novice developer). Whenever I deal with smaller files, I get that weird sensation that I'm "in front of" what's typing, but now I'm quite sure of it--there is a significant lag between when I type something and when I see the text appear on screen. I don't have this issue with Dreamweaver CS3, so I know my computer has the capability to edit these files without this happening, but Eclipse still lags.
I also don't see when something is being deleted if I hold down backspace, I see the first few characters get deleted, but then everything "hangs." Once I release the backspace key, the characters that would've been shown deleting instantly vanish all at once. The same thing happens with the forward delete key.
I'm beginning to think this is an issue with Java, since I have the same feeling that everything is slightly "behind me" when I'm using -any- Java application.
The computer is an intel Pentium 4 3.2 GHz Prescott, with 2GB's of DDR400 RAM and a Radeon HD3650 graphics card.
If anyone knows how to fix this lagging issue, I'm all ears (eyes?); if anyone can recommend a different IDE with capabilities similar to Aptana (I do Python, HTML, CSS and JS; I use Git for SCM), I'd be glad to give it a try. Thanks!
I'm running a brand new iMac i5 with 8GB RAM and an SSD and Eclipse is slow as hell. I don't know if upgrading your machine is really the solution to your problem.
In my case Aptana also was very slow while typing, and it helped to choose
Eclipse > Help > Aptana Troubleshooting > Clear Aptana Log File ...
I bet You have default amount of memory assigned to Eclipse in eclipse.ini file - go there and increase those values 2-3 times. Eclipse will work much faster.
Aptana is a great software, but you're facing one of it's disadvantages: it's a memory hog.
I'm using Aptana in a 4gb machine, but I remember having the same lags using the same configuration in your example.
If you can't live without Aptana (and Eclipe plugins), I suggest you to buy more RAM and use a HD that's at least 7200 RPM. I'm running in a Vista Machine and it works flawlessly.
If you can live without Aptana, check other Python IDE's in "What IDE to Use for Python" question right here in SO.
My 2 cents: I've used PyScripter for Python, and it's great. PyScripter with notepad++ is a good and fast choice.
Good luck!
I'm using the most recent version of Aptana ( and had this exact same problem. Increasing the memory allotments did nothing for me. The problem goes away, however, if I turn off the Word Wrap option in the editor.
This is found in:
Window->Preferences->Aptana Studio->Editors->Enable Word Wrap
I know, it's a stupid fix, but it works. :)
Luck, everyone!
I have the exactly same problem. Eclipse with Aptana Studio installed is really slow and not usuable for developing. Increasing the memory did not help at all. But what actually help (at least as far as I can tell until now), was to delete the Aptana log files as migg proposed.
(Eclipse Juno, Aptana Studio 3, OS X 10.8.2, Macbook Pro Retina)