MATLAB help/documentation not displaying correctly - matlab

I'm having a problem with the built-in help/documentation within MATLAB 2013a (issue also present in 2012b).
Upon opening the help files the pages appear with no formatting, only plain text. Search results do appear correctly though.
I have found only one instance of someone else with this issue, on MATLAB central here. However, there are no responses to the author's question. The issue I'm having is exactly the same as described there.
I have tried removing the preference folder and relaunching MATLAB but this doesn't help.
I'm using Windows 8.1 and MATLAB 2013a.
Any help or suggestions on how to fix this would be very much appreciated.
Thank you everyone for the feedback so far. I don't believe java to be the issue, I have the latest version installed (1.7.0_45) while MATLAB uses it's own version (1.6.0_17). Both of which co-exist on my machine.
Following horchler's thread led me to another semi-related bug report here. The following code is listed at the bottom of the workaround (the script attached to the workaround didn't fix anything unfortunately).
This results in a degraded appearance of documentation pages and loss of some functionality but is still an improvement over the plain text and scrambled pages.
Hopefully from this new information we can work towards a solution!

One solution is to go back to IE-10, or to use the patch on
Which basically replaces the localnav.js at <MATLAB>/help/includes/product/scripts
The link to download!

This is an old post, but I had the same issue and have a fix (not downloading R2013b or java related). Just downgrade from IE 11 to 10: Go to System (or System & Security)->Windows Update->View Update History->Installed Updates -> Find IE11 and uninstall it. Your system should revert back to the prior installed version. This fixed the help issues.

The problem is related to Internet Explorer 11, which MATLAB uses to render its help files. I was experiencing this problem in Windows 7 and rolling back to IE 10 fixed it right up. Unfortunately, that's not an option with Windows 8.


Unity Editor does not fully render UI and is unresponsive on Windows 10

The editor window does not fully render and is unresponsive... I restored windows by completely reinstalling it, fresh install, all clean... and still same issue:
I checked Unity 2017.3, 2017.2 and 5.6, with DX9, 11 and 12... allways same issue.
I found 0 related issues on google, maybe I'm not using the correct wording for the search (Unresponsive Unity Editor Windows). On the Unity forums someone mentioned DX version being the issue, but I already forced all recent versions and it fails for all of them.
Ok, so the issue is with Unity not being dpi aware so I had to remove my 150% scaling on my main 4K window in order for it to work.
Unity programmers my encounter this issue too, and come here for help as I did... I don't see why that's wrong #Programmer

How exactly do I fix my eclipse and not the bug?

I have this bug in my eclipse which causes the screen to go black when moving unfocused tab around, it's really annoying and I'm trying to figure out how do I apply the fix mentioned in the above link. I tried to understand this answer and I also saw this answer but these didn't help, and trying to google for it brings up either info about how to fix the bugs themselves, or how to create patches.
I just want to fix my eclipse, the bug has been already fixed and I want to apply that fix to my eclipse, any thorough and detailed answers are welcome,
Just upgrade your Eclipse installation to 4.3. The bug has been fixed in that version and that version was released in June 2013.

MATLAB r2013a on Mac OS 10.8.3 crashes when viewing documentation

(Running MATLAB (R2013a), Mac OS 10.8.3)
When I use the doc command, for example, doc fwrite;, or when I click the "more help" item in the popup help bubble for a command, the documentation window opens, but MATLAB subsequently hangs (the spinning beachball appears). This lasts indefinitely, and I inevitably have to force quit MATLAB. This also happens when using the Publish option from the editor.
Anyone have any ideas for diagnosing this? I tried taking a process sample but I didn't see any info I could interpret, I think since it's in Java the relevant information is obfuscated behind the JVM.
See this post on MatlabCentral: ... and more specifically this bug report which includes a "workaround." They don't suggest what could be the cause, but you might make sure that OS X is updated and that you have the latest version of Java. If you do other work with Java or with WebKit these might cause issues.
I hope you have already solved the problem. Otherwise a solution has been found, the bug resides in the Access for Assistive devices (only for version 2012b and later). If you can turn them all off from System Preferences, do that. If you can't, type this in the command window:
I had the same problem with Matlab R2014a on OS 10.10.4. For me the solution involved disabling Cinch (a window management tool I had installed). This can be done by clicking on the Cinch icon in the menu bar then Disable Cinch, or from System Preferences > Security and Privacy > Accessibility (as MarcoB detailed in his answer).
More suitable as comments (but I don't have enough rep yet):
I just updated to Java 1.8.0_73 and to Safari 9.1 and the patch horchler posted no longer works.
MarcoB's command still works for fixing the crashes. But with this, no longer retina resolution in the Doc browser (so it looks ugly).

Eclipse AVR Programming - ATMega2560

I am having some trouble uploading code to my Seeeduino ADK (essentially a Arduino Mega 2560) using Eclipse. Basically, this thread explains my problem. Sometimes I get a series of timeouts using the Arduino IDE upload, which is usually fixed by removing and re-inserting the USB. Unfortunately enough, this does not help fix the problem in Eclipse.
I have been trying to do the upload using AVRdude via the command line (I even tried the "hacky" solution in the last comment of the above thread), but to no avail. This is the line I am using for this:
"%AVR_DUDE%" -pm2560 -cstk500v2 -P\\.\%COMM_PORT% -b115200 -F -V -D - Uflash:w:"%HEX_FILE%":a -C"%AVR_DUDE_CONF%"
Which gives me:
avrdude.exe: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
I know the above batch variables are OK, because AVRdude runs correctly (but then it times out). If anyone has any ideas or tips that could help me with my uploading I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks beforehand.
EDIT: As it turns out, the reason for this may be that the Arduino IDE sends a reset to the board before uploading, something which the Eclipse AVR plugin does not do. I will test this and write a uploading perl script, but I am fairly certain this is the problem.
Your suspicion is correct. The Arduino IDE uses a patched version of AVRDude to pulse the DTR line and reset the board before each upload. For some reason, some people have had difficulty getting the right command line parameters to replicate this on the Mega2560. I've had the same problem myself - ATMega328's work with no problem, but the 2560 needs to be reset manually.
There's some further explanation and tips for possibly getting it working here (check the comments too):
Check out the detail here...
If using avrdude > version 5.1 change the programmer to -cwiring
This will reset the chip first

Matlab and MrVista

I'm new to MATLAB and mrVista.
I'm running Matlab Version (R2009a) 32-bit(win32) from February 12, 2009
OS is Windows 7 Professional
I downloaded the most recent and extracted it into my C:\Program_Files_(x86)\MATLAB directory.
I think I need to run mrvInstall, but when I do, I get the following:
EDU>> mrvInstall
Checking VISATSOFT installation.
Windows, 32-bit, installation
Checking and possibly installing .NET framework.
This can take several minutes
Checking for visualization library (.dll) files.
You are missing msvcp70.dll.
So, I'm completely lost at this point. Do I just need to download msvcp70.dll from the net? If so, is there a safe place to download it from? If there's some other way I'm supposed to get mrVista to work from MATLAB, instead of mrvInstall, please let me know that.
Thanks in advance for your help.
EDIT: I've downloaded and installed the dll and still isn't working. I'll go ask on Super User. Thanks for trying to help anyway.
EDIT2: before asking on superuser, I tried once more to solve it myself. Turns out, under the File -> Set Path you have to Add_With_Subfolders the specific vistasoft folder. (Even though I'd already added with subfolders the parent directory where vistasoft lives, that wasn't good enough.) So, once I added the path, and made sure I was in the directory where my data lives, I was able to run the initial command from the tutorial:
mrVista inplane
It opens up very nicely now. No compiles or installs or other commands were actually necessary. Methinks I'm going to go edit a wiki now so no one else has this problem.
There's a pretty comprehensive discussion of Visual C++ runtime DLLs here
Whoever built the file that uses msvcp70.dll (and msvcr70.dll) presumably had Visual Studio 2002 and the right to redistribute that file.
You're probably not going to get much help beyond that because I'm a MatLab user and I have no idea what mrVista is. You've provided no link, no explanation, nothing that someone could use to help you.
See this page on MrVista Wiki:
There is information on this dll and where to get it from.
I guess "serverfault" is VERY badly named if it's the go-to place for things that have zero to do with servers;-). Maybe the complaint shd actually point to
Me, I've researched the top google hits for this DLL, the very top one seems to be on "" which has no bad reports I can see and is rated green/safe by mcafee, so that's where I would risk downloading it from. Weird that I can't find it on a MSFT site, though.