MPMusicPlayerController doesn't respect device mute switch? - iphone

I'm using the MPMusicPlayerController application music player, created like:
appMusicPlayer = [MPMusicPlayerController applicationMusicPlayer];
The issue is that it will play music no matter which setting the device mute switch is in, it doesn't seem to care either way. Is there some audio session mode I need to be in to have it respect the mute switch?

Yes. You want to use one of the following constants for your Audio Session Category:
These are the ones that go silent when the Ring/Silent switch is set to silent.

Fwiw I'm seeing the same problem. I suspect that, like the iPod app itself, it will never respect the mute switch.

Try using iPodMusicPlayer instead of applicationMusicPlayer.


Audio file cannot be played on watchOS after background

When playing an audio file in watchOS (using SpriteKit):
run(SKAction.playSoundFileNamed("ready.wav", waitForCompletion:false))
It will works until you background the app (says face the watch outwards) and back, then the audio file cannot be played anymore.
I have tried many workarounds, including setting UIBackgroundModes to audio, but the sound will always stop working after the app is background and back. Any solution?
PS: I think I might have found the answer: use AVAudioPlayer instead of SKAction.
You need to start HKWorkoutSession and in info.plist enable workout background processing. Don't need the audio to play in background, just continue to play once it comes back from background.
Use AVAudioPlayer instead of SKAction. This works.
Only SKAction.playSoundFileNamed has this issue.

playing multiple sounds(mp3, wav etc) in an iOS app

This is my requirement. I have set of audio files(mp3, wav mostly). My app's interface will have a list of these sound names and a toggle ON/OFF switch for each of the sound item. On switching a sound ON it should start playing and vice versa. If more than one sound is ON then they should be played simultaneously. I can switch any sound ON/OFF while the sound is playing and it should switch off instantly.
What classes are best suggested for this behavior ? Do I need to mix the sounds etc or just instantiate multiple AVAudioPlayer instances ???
Please guide me in making an efficient app.
Use different instance of AVAudioPlayer for playing simultaneously.
Now maintain list of AVAudioPlayer instance into NSMutableArray depending on state ON/OFF. if state ON then play audio add AVAudioPlayer instance in array and if state OFF then stop audio remove AVAudioPlayer instance from array.
You can user openAL to do your task. Here is the link to get it .

kAudioSessionCategory_MediaPlayback is silenced with ringer off?

according to the documentation the correct way to allow sounds to be played even if the ringer switch is set to off is like so:
UInt32 sessionCategory = kAudioSessionCategory_MediaPlayback;
AudioSessionSetProperty(kAudioSessionProperty_AudioCategory, sizeof(sessionCategory), &sessionCategory);
I then throughout the app play short wav files that play perfectly using
....until the ringer is switched off and then.....silence?
No matter what I do I cannot get the sound to play if the ringer is off?
Any one ..... please?
Did you try using AudioSessionSetActive(YES); at the end?
AudioServicesPlaySystemSound never plays while the ringer is switched off in my experience. If you play sounds using AVAudioPlayer instead, you should get the behavior you are looking for:
let player: AVAudioPlayer = try AVAudioPlayer(contentsOf: url)
player.delegate = self
You will also need to activate the audio session before playing if you have not already. And set an audio session category that supports sounds while silenced like you already did. Consider stopping the audio session when no audio is playing to conserve battery life.
A notable difference between AudioServices and AVAudioPlayer is that if the ringer is silenced, AudioServices playback will return almost immediately while AVAudioPlayer will take the full length of the sound before completing. As far as I know, the only way to detect and respond to the user's ringer setting is to use AudioServices instead of AVAudioPlayer. If you just want to play while silenced though this should not be relevant.

Programmatically powering off an iPhone?

Is it possible to programmatically power off an iPhone or does Apple disallow this?
If Apple disallows this, is it possible to programmatically mute the sound on an iPhone?
The iPhone applications you create with the official SDK are sandboxes in and of themselves. Walled off sandboxes with barbed wire.
You won't be able to turn off the power. And muting sounds other than your own applications' sounds amounts to being able to turn off the iPod playback.
I don't have any evidence for that, but this would involve modifying the "UserExperience" - which is something that Apple never would allow (and why still many people jailbreak their phones).
And this involves "power off" as well as "mute sound" - because both could destroy the UX (you wait for an important call, but application X broke the sound).
Is it possible to programmatically power off apple iPhone or does apple dissalow this. If apple disallow this is it possible to programmatically mute the sound on iPhone?
Apple prevents you from affecting the functionality of other apps and the core phone functions. When in doubt, if you want to do something phone-wide, you can't.
Plus, to mute the phone, you'd also have to figure out some way of making the physical mute switch on the side of the phone match the phone's mute setting. That's not going to happen with software!
I'm not sure how powering down the device and muting the device are reasonable alternatives in your app, but the bottom line is that you can't power down the device. However, you can mute the sound of your own app or the iPod app using the MPMusicPlayerController class.
The code looks like this for your app:
MPMusicPlayerController *player = [MPMusicPlayerController applicationMusicPlayer];
player.volume = 0.0f;
And, this for the iPod:
MPMusicPlayerController *player = [MPMusicPlayerController iPodMusicPlayer];
player.volume = 0.0f;
Anything you do that affects anything external to your application wont make it through the approval process (besides push notifications). You can certainly mute the sound in your app by simply pausing, stopping, or setting the volume to zero for all sounds you are playing. If you mean make the phone be mute globally, no.
You can't turn the device off through software. You can set the music playback volume with the MPMusicPlayerController class, the docs suggest you can't change the volume of the
iPod player though.

iPhone (SDK 2.2): adusting playback volume while NOT actively playing music w/ AVFoundation?

So I have an app which plays many short sound clips. I need to know when the sounds are finished playing, and I need to use mp3s, so I'm using AVFoundation for the sound playback.
When a sound is actively playing, and the user uses the hardware volume buttons, the playback volume changes. Problem is, the app is NOT constantly playing sounds, and when it's not, and the hardware buttons are used, the RINGER volume gets adjusted instead.
How do I set it up so, as long as the app is running, the user can adjust the playback volume?
Turns out this can be accomplished by allocating an AVAudioPlayer with any valid sound file and calling the prepareToPlay method, without ever calling the play method.
Works perfectly.
Start an AudioSession and don't stop it when you're not playing sounds.
so you want to disable ringer playback volume as long as the app is running? therefore the hardware controls will only adjust the app playback sounds?
i dont think this is possible unless you are "always playing sound" for example, many games are always playing background music or what have you.
You might be able to accomplish this by constantly playing a 0 volume sound as long as your app is running. You could then play your sound clips over it.
How do I play multiple sounds simultaneously?