playing multiple sounds(mp3, wav etc) in an iOS app - iphone

This is my requirement. I have set of audio files(mp3, wav mostly). My app's interface will have a list of these sound names and a toggle ON/OFF switch for each of the sound item. On switching a sound ON it should start playing and vice versa. If more than one sound is ON then they should be played simultaneously. I can switch any sound ON/OFF while the sound is playing and it should switch off instantly.
What classes are best suggested for this behavior ? Do I need to mix the sounds etc or just instantiate multiple AVAudioPlayer instances ???
Please guide me in making an efficient app.

Use different instance of AVAudioPlayer for playing simultaneously.
Now maintain list of AVAudioPlayer instance into NSMutableArray depending on state ON/OFF. if state ON then play audio add AVAudioPlayer instance in array and if state OFF then stop audio remove AVAudioPlayer instance from array.

You can user openAL to do your task. Here is the link to get it .


Playing a movie file and then various audio files while movie is playing back. (iOS)

Is it possible to play some audio files while my movie is playing. I don't want it to interrupt or pause he movie. Just the audio to play at same time at various predetermined points.
Many Thanks,
You shouldn't have any problems with it.
If you want to synchronize or delay these players you should use
the code they provide in AvAudioPlayer Class Reference using
playAtTime: method.
Sadly MPMediaPlayback protocol doesn't provide the same method
so exact synchronizing with video is a bit harder task.
EDIT: RoLYroLLs mentions using MPMoviePlayerLoadStateDidChangeNotification to achieve this here and this approach seems promising.
Use two or three Audioplayer at same time . Play that audio when u need it

Combine two audio files together and play them in iPhone

I do not want any code but want to get a reference about my question mentioned below...
There is background music available and there is recording option in my app...
Once I start recording , application records my sound and when play button clicks , It will play the recording along with the background music...
I had use this Link but can not get as I want...
I think there is a mechanism like merging two audio files and make it one before playing....
How can I achieve this by coding... Is there any reference link or any sample code available?
Thnx in advance...
Most people mistake the one instance of AVAudioPlayer as the unit that plays the sound directly, but it doesnt. Mixing is done by the OS, not by the instance of AVAudioPlayer.
With other words:
No one says you can't have more then one AVAudioPlayer.
Create one for you background and let it play. Create another instance of AVAudioPlayer for you recorded sound and let it play. Voila

AVAudioPlayer lag when calling play

I have set up an AVAudioPlayer object in viewDidLoad, as per the Apple guidelines, calling prepareToPlay as the last line in viewDidLoad (i have tried in awakeFromNib also).
When i press my play button, there is a pause, as it would appear to load the file, then it plays.
In audioPlayerDidFinishPlaying, i reload the player with a different sound, and when clicking play for a second time, the file plays instantly.
What would cause the player to lag on the first play?
The delay is due to AVAudioPlayer being initialised. Please see this answer.
The audio system runs on several asynchronous software processes (audio units, OS drivers, etc.) and hardware systems (DMA, DACs, audio amp power supplies, etc.) that never really all completely finish initialization until some sound is actually played all the way out the speakers or earphones.
Here's one method to do that: Create a sound file containing a half second of silence. On app start up, while your app and view controller are still loading, use AVAudioPlayer to play this file of silence. Now when your view finishes loading, AVAudioPlayer should be ready to play subsequent non-silent sounds much faster, since some audio (silence) has already already gone all the way out to the speakers.
What kind of sound are you playing? Alerts, something longer? If alerts, I did go this way and it's much better with lags ...
create system sound with AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID
play system sound with AudioServicesPlaySystemSound
dispose system sound with AudioServicesDisposeSystemSoundID
... you only need to store SystemSoundID for each sound you would like to play.

AVPlayer vs. AVAudioPlayer

The documentation for AVPlayer states the following:
[The] player works equally well with local and remote media files
However, the documentation for AVAudioPlayer states the following:
Apple recommends that you use this class for audio playback unless you are playing audio captured from a network stream
For the work I am doing I need some of the capabilities of AVAudioPlayer, but all my audio is being streamed. The main thing I need from AVAudioPlayer that AVPlayer does not have is the "playing" property. It is difficult to build a player UI without that property, among others.
So what is the difference between AVPlayer and AVAudioPlayer that makes the latter unsuitable for network streaming? Is there a way to get some of the info from AVPlayer that AVAudioPlayer provides such as the "playing" property?
AVPlayer can play from AVPlayerItem using AVURLAsset with an iPod library url. The AVAudioPlayer cannot play from an iPod library url.
AVPlayer has no volume property and requires the use of the system volume setting which can be controlled only by the hardware switch or an MPVolumeView. But you can set the mix volume of AVAudioPlayer.
AVPlayer seems to report an incorrect currentTime after seeking. But AVAudioPlayer reports accurately.
7 years after...
From a point of view with dependence on Swift and CocoaPods, so my answer is comparing for iOS 8+ only.
1. iPod library support
identical support since iOS6
2. volume control
identical support:
You can set the mix volume of AVAudioPlayer directly.
You can set the mix volume of AVPlayer with an AVAudioMix on the AVPlayerItem
3. seeking control
both AVPlayer and AVAudioPlayer seem to report an incorrect currentTime after seeking:
for AVAudioPlayer, it is suggested to stop() the AVAudioPlayer before seeking
for AVPlayer, it is suggested to pass the option AVURLAssetPreferPreciseDurationAndTimingKey when initializing AVURLAssets. And rely on values given by observer block.
4. changing source
you need only one AVPlayer to play multiple files
you need multiple AVAudioPlayer to play multiple files
The AVPlayer actually has a similar property as the playing property of AVAudioPlayer.
Take a look at the rate property.

iPhone (SDK 2.2): adusting playback volume while NOT actively playing music w/ AVFoundation?

So I have an app which plays many short sound clips. I need to know when the sounds are finished playing, and I need to use mp3s, so I'm using AVFoundation for the sound playback.
When a sound is actively playing, and the user uses the hardware volume buttons, the playback volume changes. Problem is, the app is NOT constantly playing sounds, and when it's not, and the hardware buttons are used, the RINGER volume gets adjusted instead.
How do I set it up so, as long as the app is running, the user can adjust the playback volume?
Turns out this can be accomplished by allocating an AVAudioPlayer with any valid sound file and calling the prepareToPlay method, without ever calling the play method.
Works perfectly.
Start an AudioSession and don't stop it when you're not playing sounds.
so you want to disable ringer playback volume as long as the app is running? therefore the hardware controls will only adjust the app playback sounds?
i dont think this is possible unless you are "always playing sound" for example, many games are always playing background music or what have you.
You might be able to accomplish this by constantly playing a 0 volume sound as long as your app is running. You could then play your sound clips over it.
How do I play multiple sounds simultaneously?