Effects of modiflying Progress database field validation - progress-4gl

I'm working on a Progress Version 9 OpenEdge system and would like to change the database field validation.
Can you tell me if this will have any knock on effects? I've been warned not to modify the database tables as this will result in the field/table checksum to be modified which then leads to problems. Will modifying the validation on a field had adverse effects like that?
Thanks in advance, David.

Presumably you're concerned about breaking existing r-code?
Changing validation does not impact existing r-code.
However... validation is a very poor way to do much of anything. It's one of those features that "makes a nice demo" but, in practice, it has serious downsides. In particular you are binding your UI layer and your data access layer very tightly together by using validation.


Composite unique constraint on business fields with Axon

We leverage AxonIQ Framework in our system. We've faced a problem implementing composite uniq constraint based on aggregate business fields.
Consider following Aggregate:
public class PersonnelCardAggregate {
private UUID personnelCardId;
private String personnelNumber;
private Boolean archived;
We want to avoid personnelNumber duplicates in the scope of NOT-archived (archived == false) records. At the same time personnelNumber duplicates may exist in the scope of archived records.
Query Side check seems NOT to be an option. Taking into account Eventual Consistency nature of our system, more than one creation request with the same personnelNumber may exist at the same time and the Query Side may be behind.
What the solution would be?
What you're asking is an issue that can occur as soon as you start implementing an application along the CQRS paradigm and DDD modeling techniques.
The PersonnelCardAggregate in your scenario maintains the consistency boundary of a single "Personnel Card". You are however looking to expand this scope to achieve a uniqueness constraints among all Personnel Cards in your system.
I feel that this blog explains the problem of "Set Based Consistency Validation" you are encountering quite nicely.
I will not iterate his entire blog, but he sums it up as having four options to resolving the problem:
Introduce locking, transactions and database constraints for your Personnel Card
Use a hybrid locking field prior to issuing your command
Really on the eventually consistent Query Model
Re-examine the domain model
To be fair, option 1 wont do if your using the Event-Driven approach to updating your Command and Query Model.
Option 3 has been pushed back by you in the original question.
Option 4 is something I cannot deduce for you given that I am not a domain expert, but I am guessing that the PersonnelCardAggregate does not belong to a larger encapsulating Aggregate Root. Maybe the business constraint you've stated, thus the option to reuse personalNumbers, could be dropped or adjusted? Like I said though, I cannot state this as a factual answer for you, as I am not the domain expert.
That leaves option 2, which in my eyes would be the most pragmatic approach too.
I feel this would require a combination of a cache at your command dispatching side to deal with quick successions of commands to resolve the eventual consistency issue. To capture the occurs that an update still comes through accidentally, I'd introduce some form of Event Handler that (1) knows the entire set of "PersonnelCards" from a personalNumber/archived point of view and (2) can react on a faulty introduction by dispatching a compensating action.
You'd thus introduce some business logic on the event handling side of your application, which I'd strongly recommend to segregate from the application part which updates your query models (as the use cases are entirely different).
Concluding though, this is a difficult topic with several ways around it.
It's not so much an Axon specific problem by the way, but more an occurrence of modeling your application through DDD and CQRS.

What is the difference between reg_defaults and reg_defaults_raw in regmap facility?

When configuring regmap, it is possible to include a list of power on defaults for the registers. As I understand it, the purpose is to pre-populate the cache in order to avoid an initial read after power on or after waking up. I'm confused by the fact that there is both a reg_defaults and a reg_defaults_raw field. Only one or the other is ever used. The vast majority of drivers use reg_defaults however there's a small handful that use reg_defaults_raw. I did look through the git history and found the commit that introduced reg_defaults and the later commit that introduced reg_defaults_raw. Unfortunately I wasn't able to divine the reason for that new field.
Does anyone know the difference between those fields?

Can I use claims to secure EF fields using PostSharp?

It it possible to use claims based permissions to secure EF fields using post sharp. We have a multi-tenanted app that we are moving to claims and also have issues of who can read/write to what fields. I saw this but it seems role based http://www.postsharp.net/aspects/examples/security.
As far as I can see it would just be a case of rewriting the ISecurable part.
We were hoping to be able to decorate a field with a permission and silently ignore any write to if if the user did not have permission. We were also hopping that if they read it we could swap in another value e.g. Read salary and get back 0 if you don't have a claim ReadSalary.
Are these standard sort of things to do I've never done any serious AOP. So just wanted a quick confirmation before I mention this as an option.
Yes, it is possible to use PostSharp in this case and it should be pretty easy to convert given example from RBAC to claims based.
One thing that has to be considered is performance. When decorated fields are accessed frequently during processing an use-case (e.g. are read inside a loop) then a lot of time is wasted in redundant security checks. Decorating a method that represent an end-user's use-case would be more appropriate.
I would be afraid to silently swapping values of fields when user has insufficient permission. It could lead to some very surprising results when an algorithm is fed by artificial not-expected data.

Are Operational Transformation Frameworks only meant for text?

Looking at all the examples of Operational Transformation Frameworks out there, they all seem to resolve around the transformation of changes to plain text documents. How would an OT framework be used for more complex objects?
I'm wanting to dev a real-time sticky notes style app, where people can co-create sticky notes, change their positon and text value. Would I be right in assuming that the position values wouldn't be transformed? (I mean, how would they, you can't merge them right?). However, I would want to use an OT framework to resolve conflicts with the posit-its value, correct?
I do not see any problem to use Operational Transformation to work with Complex Objects, what you need is to define what operations your OT system support and how concurrency is solved for them
For instance, if you receive two Sticky notes "coordinates move operation" from two different users from same 'client state', you need to make both states to converge, probably cancelling out second operation.
This is exactly the same behaviour with text when two users generate two updates to delete a text range that overlaps completely, (or maybe partially), the second update processed must be transformed against the previous and the resultant operation will only effectively delete a portion of the original one, (or completely cancelled with a 'no-op')
You can take a look on this nice explanation about how Google Wave Operational Transformation works and guess from this point how it should work your own implementation
See the following paper for an approach to using OT with trees if you want to go down that route:
However, in your particular case, I would use a separate plain text OT document for each stickynote and use an existing library, eg: etherPad, to do the heavy lifting. The positions of the notes could then be broadcast on a last-committer-wins basis.
Operation Transformation is a general technique, it works for any data type. The point is you need to define your transformation functions. Also, there are some atomic attributes that you cannot merge automatically like (position and background color) those will be mostly "last-update wins" or the user solves them manually when there is a conflict.
there are some nice libs and frameworks that provide OT for complex data already out there:
ShareJS : library for Node which provides all operations on JSON objects
DerbyJS: framework for NodeJS, it uses ShareJS for OT stuff.
Open Coweb framework : Dojo foundation project for cooperative web applications using OT

Options for handling a frequently changing data form

What are some possible designs to deal with frequently changing data forms?
I have a basic CRUD web application where the main data entry form changes yearly. So each record should be tied to a specific version of the form. This requirement is kind of new, so the existing application was not built with this in mind.
I'm looking for different ways of handling this, hoping to avoid future technical debt. Here are some options I've come up with:
Create a new object, UI and set of tables for each version. This is obviously the most naive approach.
Keep adding all the fields to the same object and DB tables, but show/hide them based on the form version. This will become a mess after a few changes.
Build form definitions, then dynamically build the UI and store the data as some dictionary like format (e.g. JSON/XML or maybe an document oriented database) I think this is going to be too complex for the scope of this app, especially for the UI.
What other possibilities are there? Does anyone have experience doing this? I'm looking for some design patterns to help deal with the complexity.
First, I will speak to your solutions above and then I will give my answer.
Creating a new table for each
version is going to require new
programming every year since you will
not be able to dynamically join to
the new table and include the new
columns easily. That seems pretty obvious and really makes this a bad choice.
The issues you mentioned with adding
the columns to the same form are
correct. Also, whatever database you
are using has a max on how many
columns it can handle and how many
bytes it can have in a row. That could become another concern.
The third option I think is the
closest to what you want. I would
not store the new column data in a
JSON/XML unless it is for duplication
to increase speed. I think this is
your best option
The only option you didn't mention
was storing all of the data in 1
database field and using XML to
parse. This option would make it
tough to query and write reports
If I had to do this:
The first table would have the
columns ID (seeded), Name,
InputType, CreateDate,
ExpirationDate, and CssClass. I
would call it tbInputs.
The second table would have the have
5 columns, ID, Input_ID (with FK to
tbInputs.ID), Entry_ID (with FK to
the main/original table) value, and
CreateDate. The FK to the
main/original table would allow you
to find what items were attached to
what form entry. I would call this
table tbInputValues.
If you don't
plan on having that base table then
I would use a simply table that tracks the creation date, creator ID,
and the form_id.
Once you have those you will just need to create a dynamic form that pulls back all of the inputs that are currently active and display them. I would put all of the dynamic controls inside of some kind of container like a <div> since it will allow you to loop through them without knowing the name of every element. Then insert into tbInputValues the ID of the input and its value.
Create a form to add or remove an
input. This would mean you would
not have much if any maintenance
work to do each year.
I think this solution may not seem like the most eloquent but if executed correctly I do think it is your most flexible solution that requires the least amount of technical debt.
I think the third approach (XML) is the most flexible. A simple XML structure is generated very fast and can be easily versioned and validated against an XSD.
You'd have a table holding the XML in one column and the year/version this xml applies to.
Generating UI code based on the schema is basically a bad idea. If you do not require extensive validation, you can opt for a simple editable table.
If you need a custom form every year, I'd look at it as kind of a job guarantee :-) It's important to make the versioning mechanism and extension transparent and explicit though.
For this particular app, we decided to deal with the problem as if there was one form that continuously grows. Due to the nature of the form this seemed more natural than more explicit separation. We will have a mapping of year->field for parts of the application that do need to know which data is for which year.
For the UI, we will be creating a new page for each year's form. Dynamic form creation is far too complex in this situation.