Weird behavior of UILabel - iphone

I have a UILabel Outlet, and everytime I access its text property with multiple characters, then it will crash and gives me EXC_BAD_ACCESS. Its very weird and I can't find any solution for this issue.

When it got EXC _BAD _ACCESS, would you mind get the backtrace and post it here?
Or better: post the code where you access/modify the UILabel.

Did you synthesize the property? are you releasing it somewhere by mistake? gotta put some code up in order for us to help you...

You probably forgot to link the outlet in Interface Builder to the desired UILabel. This means that the UILabel is currently nil (non existent). Drag a line from the file owner to the UILabel to connect the outlet in Interface Builder.

Make sure that your outlet does not have the same name as a property of one of the super classes of your view controller. For example, UIViewController has a title property, and if you create an outlet with the name of "title" you are overriding this property and will most likely have problems.


to connect button outlet to file owner programmatically

I have created the outlet and property. Now can One please help me how can I connect outlet to file owner programmatically by giving some example or tutorial.Thnks in Advance.
Following is my outlet.
IBOutlet UIButton *btnStatus;
#property(nonatomic ,retain)IBOutlet UIButton *btnStatus;
IBOutlet is not at all special. In fact, it's just a macro that evaluates to nothing. It is just a signal to Interface Builder when it reads the source file. Just set it to whatever object you want, as you would with any property assignment.
Take a look at (in general a fairly useful site) for examples.

Connecting an IBOutlet to a view within a scrollview within a tab view crashes app. Any ideas?

I used the tabview setup to create an app that has several tabs. One tab has a UIScrollView on it which loads 12 different views into 12 pages. I tried adding a button and imageview to one of the views and now it crashes. I've pored over every single question on here I can find, and have tried every suggested solution, but to no avail. The error that I get is the famous "this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key foo" error. As with everyone else who had this problem, if I disconnect the outlet, it works fine. I've checked and rechecked the class for the nib and it points to the right place.
So I'm not even sure where to go next.
I could post some code, but I don't even know what code would be helpful to post. I'm hoping someone just says, "Um yeah, you can't have a scroll view with multiple views in it and expect to have functionality on each page." That would be helpful!
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface Page2 : UIViewController {
IBOutlet UIImageView *infoImage;
#property (retain, nonatomic) UIImageView *infoImage;
(IBAction) showInfo:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)showInfo:(id)sender {
// do something please!
Then in the nib file I CTRL-dragged from "touch-up inside" on my button to the Files Owner and chose "showInfo" ... and I CTRL-dragged from Files Owner down to my UIImageView and chose infoImage.
I am not cool enough to insert an image:
You still have an outlet connected in your nib that you no longer have defined in your class. You'll see in the inspector that it has turned gray. Disconnect it, and the error should be gone.
are u able to create any other outlet in the same Nib file, as i used to get the same crash, and it got fixed only when i duplicated the same nib, i had implemented almost all methods to solve it. If i am not wrong , this link can help you out
I have sent you the email and attached your project. Hope its working at your end now.
Happy Coding!

UITableViewCells loaded from NIB always nil

I'm trying to create a simple form using a UITableViewController as documented in the Apple Developer Documentation here.
What I'm trying to do is located in the section entitled: "The Technique for Static Row Content"
I've created a couple of UITableViewCells and added them to my nib, but when I try and access them to add them to the UITableView (in the cellForRowAtIndexPath: method) they are always null.
It's like they are not being properly loaded from the nib. I've double/triple/quadruple checked my code to make sure I'm doing it exactly as detailed in the docs, but no luck.
Is there something obvious I'm missing here?
Have you made sure you've connected the IBOutlets in the nib file?
In your ViewController.h file you should have:
IBOutlet UITableViewCell *specialCell1;
IBOutlet UITableViewCell *specialCell2;
and then each of these should be "wired up" to the corresponding cell in the nib file. If not, they won't exist!
Figured it out...
When I added my parent view controller, I was using the simple "init". Switching to "initWithNibName" resolved the issue...
Still learning... :)

IBOutlet is NIL when using Forward Declarations to call a class?

I have been having huge issues with this, so I drew a diagram...
alt text
I successfully get to the CLASS A - METHOD B but at that point, IBOutlet Z is Nil? :(
Any ideas?
Somebody told me it might be an Overrelease and to use NSZombieEnabled but that confused me
It's all a matter of when you call the class. Right after you create a view controller with initWithNibName, nothing is actually wired up yet - it's only after the view is created that IBOutlets are created and wired in.
One trick is that you can simply ask the view controller for .view, like so:
Then the view will be created and the IBOutlet will exist. A better method though, is to create properties on the view controller that you set, and then either in viewDidLoad, or in viewWillAppear you use those properties to set values for your outlets.

can we hide/invisible UIPicker/DatePicker on iPhone view?

I have tried with setting properties of UIPicker as SetHidden:False and SetVisible:NO , but they are still visible.
Hmmm, you should use "setHidden", not "setVisible" and you should use "YES", not "False" or "NO", so try "setHidden:YES", it should work if the UIPicker is correctly connected in Interface Builder.
And please copy the code directly from XCode instead of retyping it. It is "setHidden" with a small "s" and not with a capital "S".
Have you created an IBOutlet and set the link up for the referencing outlet?
[picker setHidden:YES];
Or picker.hidden = YES;
Don't forget that if you had dragged & dropped a UIDatePicker object onto your view using Interface Builder, you must link your object to the defined variable. You can do that by holding the CTRL button while dragging from your UIDatePicker object on your view to the File's Owner. I actually forget to do that more often than not. I end up programmatically creating my objects and adding them as subviews as a result.