UIWebView With PDF - iphone

I'm displaying a PDF file using UIWebView, and I want to do 2 things:
I want to make the page fit the phone screen without the user has to double tap to do that
I want to remove the margin with gray shadow around the displayed PDF
Thanks for helping

I don't think this will help much, but I think your best option is to render the PDF to an image (of decent DPI) and show the image instead. I do this for an app, but we do that server side using ImageMagick - don't know how you might do that in obj-c. Also note that a mostly-text PDF will be much larger (filesize) when rasterized.
However, you might also try to embed the PDF in HTML page and load that HTML in the WebView - that may at least avoid the gray border/artboard.

webView.transform = CGAffineTransformScale( webView.transform, 1.25, 1.25 );

2 - Checking the Scale Pages to Fit box in IB sorted this for me
I would also like to know the answer to 1.
I guess you want to know how to display the PDF in the same way as when opening as attachment in mail, where the navigation bar only appears on a tap and the status bar also disappears?

You can also use Quartz to do it, as explained here : http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/GraphicsImaging/Conceptual/drawingwithquartz2d/dq_pdf/dq_pdf.html

Where has CGAFFineTransformScale been all my life?
Seriously, that is a big help. However, it worked better applying it to webView.scrollView.
Finally, is there a similar command to change the offset of the content as well as the scale?


How to make pdf to fit to screen size in vfr reader

i am using this vfr reader to show pdf pages.i need to make the pdf page to fit to the entire screen. how can i do this. I tried everything but couldn’t get it. Can someone please lead me to in right direction.
Thanks in advance.
I found a way: Set the statusbar to hidden in viewWillAppear of ReaderViewController, then set READER_SHOW_SHADOWS to FALSE and CONTENT_INSET to 0 in ReaderContentView. Also, make sure your PDF's aspect ratio is 4:3.
In initWithURL:page:password method of ReaderContentPage.m, you need to set viewRect.size to full screen size.

Remove horizontal movement / wiggle from iPhone optimized pages

I'm trying to optimize our News pages for iPhone. One problem I've noticed is that I'm able to tap and move the page horizontally (i.e. wiggle).
My question is, how I can prevent this horizontal movement from happening?
All of our News pages have this problem. Here are a couple examples:
With picture
Without picture
Something is definitely set greater than your device width. Add the following to your css to find the culprit.
* {
You can then narrow down your search by setting border-color:red; to individual classes/tags/ids.
Add "overflow-x: hidden" on the body.
You can try setting user-scalable=0; and see if that has any effect.
This just happened to me too and it was the result of an extra closing div tag. Once I removed the extra </div>, the horizontal "wiggle" didn't happen any more.
I too, had the iPhone "wiggles" on a web page. It ended up being caused by an image that was wider than the column width it sat in (it was the last column in the row using Twitter Bootstrap). You might be thinking "obvious", but it's hard to spot when the image background matches the page background.
Just make the image responsive, or smaller than the column width - that solved it for me.
Taking the idea from other websites, most of big sites have a mobile site. look at those (the only one i know is facebook m.facebook.com) you can maybe see how the css is done. possible way of doing this is %. I would suggest to take out the sidebar for the mobile version. big pictures should be taken out or be resized so the browser doesn't have scroll bar side to side.

Image manipulation tool on my website

I would like to ask if anyone knows a software that can be modified and used on my website. I need a tool that will be able to add multiple images resize and move theme. Something like THIS but with multiple images support...
Beside that I need a canvas to be fix (width, height, dpi...) So the produced image will always have the same specifications...
Thanks for your answer!
nothing beats http://www.imagemagick.org/script/index.php

Image with gestures - phonegap

I'm making an application who needs to display a map, contained in a large image file (png). The user must be able to zoom in/out the image and drag it in order to scroll the image with touch gestures.
I'm not sure that you get it, but i want to display a single image as it would be displayed by the "Photos" iphone application.
I would like some hints about the best way to do it with those gesture and with a navigation header in order to leave the image view.
Thanks in advance if you can give me any help about this issue because I did not find any clue on the phonegap doc.
Why don't you use the built inn components for this?
Sounds like you need to wrap an ImageView inside a ScrollView and a HorizontalScrollView, then rescale the image by handling onTouch-events.
Take a look at the MapKitPlug plugin:
Good Luck!
I would use http://cubiq.org/iscroll-4 which has some really slick image zoom going on. You can also start loading new images after certain zoom levels for finer grains of quality.
I would suggest Child Browser phonegap plugIn.
It is very simple and easy to implement.
It supports loading page from a url as well as you can show any kind of images.(png, jpg, jpeg, bmp and gif)

How to fit PDF height in UIWebView in iPhone/iPad

I have a project that uses a UIWebView to display a single page PDF file. I would like this content to fit by height (vertically). The default is only to fit width (horizontally). Is there any way to overcome this?
I ran against the same problem and couldn't find a way to do it with UIWebView. If you only want to display a single PDF-page, you can pretty much take the code from Apple's ZoomingPDFViewer Example.
I took the two classes PDFScrollView and TiledPDFView and with a little adjustment for my project, I was easily able to use it to display a single PDF page.