1 little error in my transition coding - iphone

http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/2554/screenshot20090910at154.png http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/2554/screenshot20090910at154.png
Full Size Image
Here you can see the code for the transition but it says there is an error before the "for"
What is it that i'm missing?
I basically want to do a fade in between images.
Here is the updated code with the adjustments. I am still getting that error.
http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/7978/screenshot20090910at102.png http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/7978/screenshot20090910at102.png
Updated Code
The *NSArray** theImages line ends with the following
[UIImage imageNamed:#"image10.jpg"], [UIImage imageNamed:#"image11.jpg"], nil]];

The line before the for should read something like:
NSArray* theImages = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[...], // object 1
..., // more objects
[...], // object N
nil]]; // nil must be last
The error you are getting now is not the same as the one before. You'll need to look at more of your code in order to figure out what the error is referring to.
Also, can you post some of the code directly in your question instead of posting a picture? The font SO uses is easier to read than the one in the screenshots.

I don't know what language it is, but I beleave this line should end with ]; instead of ,

Your issues seem to be simple syntactical ones.
There is one caused by these two lines (can't see above it to see where the issue is
Also, you have a new issue with the NSArray* Definition because you have
NSArray* theImages]; = .....
^^This will cause an issue after you take care of the first one


when ever i use OpenCVClientViewController it treats as mistake

I integrated my project in to the below link
There OpenCVClientViewController.h, OpenCVClientViewController.mm and OpenCVClientAppDelegate.h, OpenCVClientAppDelegate.mm
Here Problem Comes up when i do the following:
i need to call one method named -(void)processFrame in OpenCVClientViewController.mm
it gives the following error as the image shown below.
Even the changes what i did removed then also the errors are not clear.
Problem comes when ever i use OpenCVClientViewController.mm like below
OpenCVClientViewController *svc=[[OpenCVClientViewController alloc]initWithNibName:#"OpenCVClientViewController" bundle:nil];
[svc processFrame];
If i remove the code what i placed above even though the errors are not removed
(Looks like a small error but i did not get where the mistake is)

Can't locate EXC_BAD_ACCESS error

Or at least I can't figure out how to locate the error. I've read a ton of stuff but every time I go into my Product scheme and turn on Guard Malloc my program won't run.
The line of code that is giving me the problem is this... It happens on the NSString *str = ... line
- (void) setVolumeCompletionDate: (NSString *)volumeID: (double)completionDate
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
NSString *str = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"UPDATE Volumes SET GoalDate = %d WHERE VolumeID = '%#'", completionDate, volumeID];
//more stuff
If I hardcode the completionDate value (1350129600) on that line, the code works just fine, so it seems from everything I've read that the memory of completionDate is getting stepped on somewhere, or something bad is happening. My project is set up for ARC.
I think part of my problem is I don't even know where to go to begin to resolve this problem. I don't even know what to search for. All of the posts I've read about tracking it down with some Malloc tool don't make sense because I can't get that to run.
I would like to be able to figure this out. Maybe I need more, and complete steps, for debugging and tracing through things. Many of the answers I've read seem like they are written for people who know everything, because so much is left out of the answer, or so much is assumed about the person asking the question. If there is a better place for me to go to ask my question, please point me in that direction.
Thanks a lot. I appreciate your help.
completionDate is a double, so use %f instead of %d.

How to Load an array into OpenFlow

I'm trying to implement openFlow in my project but I cant seem to get the images to show up on my uiview. What isnt clear to me is once I have the dictionary of image links, how do i tell AFOpenView that I want to use that dictionary object as my data source?
I've looked at the demo code and I see that when the flickr request finishes, he saves a copy of the dictionary results, counts them, and then tells OpenFlowView that there are x number of images, but what is never clear is how he tells OpenFlowView to use the dictionary with the results?
- (void)flickrAPIRequest:(OFFlickrAPIRequest *)inRequest didCompleteWithResponse:(NSDictionary *)inResponseDictionary
// Hold onto the response dictionary.
interestingPhotosDictionary = [inResponseDictionary retain];
int numberOfImages = [[inResponseDictionary valueForKeyPath:#"photos.photo"] count];
[(AFOpenFlowView *)self.view setNumberOfImages:numberOfImages];
See here: http://blog.objectgraph.com/index.php/2010/04/09/how-to-add-coverflow-effect-on-your-iphone-app-openflow/
This tutorial seems to suggest that you have to call the view's setImage method multiple times, once per image.
This tells me that the implementation is confusing and weird, but for this you have to blame the component's author.
The images are loaded on demand in the 'updateCoverImage:' method of AFOpenFlowView.m
'updateCoverImage:' calls 'openFlowView:requestImageForIndex:' in AFOpenFlowViewController.m, which uses interestingPhotosDictionary.
So, it is called on demand whenever an image needs to be loaded. It wraps an operation queue so the images are loaded outside the main thread.

iPhone: Reading Text From File and UISegmentedControl

First off, I'm a complete beginner.
That said, I thought an ambitious longer-term project/learning experience would be to create an app that displayed daily quotes, like those cheesy day-by-day calendars our grandmothers have in their bathrooms. I want it to have two per day, each one represented by a tab in a UISegmentedControl. That's the long term. Right now I'd be happy with getting a single day's worth of quotes functioning.
Onto the questions:
How can I get text saved in a .txt or .rtf file to be displayed in a UITextView? Preferably without using 'stringWithContentsOfFile,' since Xcode is telling me that's deprecated.
How can I get content from a different file (or maybe a different portion of the same file...?) to be displayed when the user taps the second segment?
If I can get it running so that those two conditions are met and I understand what's going on, I'll consider the day a success. Thanks!
NSError *error = nil;
NSStringEncoding stringEncoding;
NSString *fileText = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:#"/path" usedEncoding:&stringEncoding error:&error];
myTextView.text = fileText;
The error and encoding are optional, and you can pass in nil for both. But if you care about the error, or what encoding the file was in they will have useful info in them after the string is created.
Set the valueChanged outlet in Interface Builder to an IBAction on your controller, such as setSegmentValue:. Then, assuming you have an array of quote strings:
- (IBAction)setSegmentValue:(id)sender {
UISegmentedControl *control = (UISegmentedControl*)sender;
NSString *quote = [quotes objectAtIndex:control.selectedSegmentIndex];
myTextView.text = quote;
Even though stringWithContentsOfFile: is deprecated, stringWithContentsOfFile:usedEncoding:error: is not. That is the standard method to use for reading from files.
As for the second question, you simply test the state of the segmented control and perform as action based on it. Admittedly this is a high level answer but should get you going.

iPhone UIImage - Image Randomizer Crashes If It Comes Across the Same Image Twice

I am building a game that pulls images randomly. After doing some testing I have realized if the same image is called twice, it crashes. I learned this by after completing the first game, I returned to the games main menu and selected to play again. I ended up getting an image which was already displayed to me in my previous game and a second later my app crashed. I did some testing and made the same image show up twice during my first game, and it crashed a second after the image was displayed a second time.
Here is a sample code. "idNum" and "timer" are declared in the .h file so they are global. As you can see I have NSTimer that runs every second to randomize a new image to be pulled. Works find until an image is trying to be shown for a second time. Say I get a random order of 1,3,2,5,3. It will crash on the second 3.
Can you not call an image twice? I can only think that this is a caching issue, I am not sure how to release the image cache. I get the error objc_msgSend. Sorry not very good at debugging crashes.
//idNum = the randomly generated integer
//pictures are called by numbers ex(1.jpg, 5.jpg)
timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1 target:self selector:#selector(timeCounter) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
-(void)timeCounter {
time = time + 1;
idNum = (arc4random() % 5);
NSString * imgIDnum = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"%d", idNum];
imgMain = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%#", imgIDnum, #".jpg"];
[imgIDnum release];
UIImage * daImg = [UIImage imageNamed:imgMain];
[imgView setImage:daImg];
You should provide more information about the crash. Is it in the +imageNamed: line above, or perhaps in -setImage:?
The most likely cause is that you are over-releasing the UIImage. For instance, if you're calling [daImg release] after the above code, then you would get this behavior because you would be over-releasing something that the UIImage class is caching. This wouldn't cause a crash until the situation you describe.
I've seen a really entertaining version of this bug: a teammate of mine was over-releasing an NSNumber (it happened to be for the integer 2 most of the time). NSNumbers are cached internally, so the next time he created an NSNumber for the integer 2, in an unrelated part of the program, it would crash. Any other number was fine, but try to NSLog() a 2, and boom.
Well I am sorry to say that I have fixed the issue and have no idea how. I ended up re-writing majority of that code, adding, removing and changing some snippets around to be more memory management friendly. When I went to run it again things were perfectly fine. Sorry for no solution. If someone else comes across this problem, let me know I will try and help.