Uploading and downloading via ftp with iPhone SDK - iphone

Could anybody explain to me the process of uploading to and downloading form and ftp server with the iPhone SDK. If you could just point me in the right direction (e.g. documentation etc.). How difficult is a task like this?
Thanks in advance.

You can use this. It support all the basic ftp operations:
Download file
Upload file
Delete file
Delete directory
Create directory
List directory contents
[DISCLAIMER] I am the developer of the library, I needed a ftp library too in the past and came over this answer. However, I decided to write one myself because s7ftprequest didn't support at that point several operations that I needed.(like download or list directory)

Try this Simple FTP Download

The Apple documentation will provide far more info in general than I could. Have a look at:
which details the FTP information you need. If you prefer a PDF with all the networking info in it, have a look at:
In this, you'll be particularly interested in Chapter 5. Both detail working with FTP sites, including uploading, downloading, retrieving directory listings, etc.

s7ftprequest only for uploading files to FTP.
The below is sample code from apple
FTPS (that is, FTP over TLS)
deleting items
renaming items
other less common FTP commands
custom FTP commands

I ended up using GoldRacoon. It turns out that in iOS/objc land, there's BlackRaccoon as the original FTP client lib, then WhiteRaccoon was forked from that, and then GoldRacoon was forked from WhiteRaccoon (I think)
pod search GoldRaccoon
... will show you.
I ended up making a few changes (in my own fork) so that you can pass in a successBlock & failBlock into any request, so that block-y callers (like my classes) don't have extra work to manage the delegate callbacks. Github link (my fork): https://github.com/xaphod/GoldRaccoon


How to get serverside file uploading progress in Perfect

I'm trying to create a web page using Perfect(perfect.org), Where users will browse and upload files. Can anyone tell me how can I get the progress of file upload?
Refer above link and Do as-usual concept following in HTML-JS-PHP or HTML-JS-JSP or other programming
In other words
you can receive response status in percentage from server-side and display it to client or put loder while uploading the file
Thank you
Before an official solution released from PerfectlySoft Inc. for this feature request, you could try splitting the file into small pieces and upload them one by one, then merge them back to the server - since there is no such an industrial standard to apply, all other web servers either provide different solutions or simply stay away from it.

TFS 2013 build - uploading build output to servier via FTP

I'm hoping someone can help. I've started using the Community TFS Build Extensions, in particular the FTP activity. I followed the documentation here and got to grips with the it pretty easily. I'm encountering one major problem though.
My Web app has a basic enough structure:
I start by creating the FindMatchingFile activity which places the files in the drop location into an IEnumberable variable called FilesToFTP :
String.Format("{0}\**\*.*", BuildDetail.DropLocation)
When I iterate through the variable and print out the results, all seems correct:
etc etc.
The problem is, when I pass that IEnumerable to the Ftp activity (converting it to a string array), it FTP uploads all the files on the server however it doesn't keep the directory structure of my Web app. It just piles all the output (dlls, aspx etc) into one directory. See the following two screenshots.
Is there any way I can use the FTP activity to upload all the output from the drop location recursively? I feel like I'm doing something simple wrong.
The FTP activity in TFS Build Extensions doesn't upload files recursively.
I think it would be a good value addition to the activity. Please create a request for the project and we will add in it. For now, you can go around it by calling the Ftp activity recursively for each directory and setting the RemoteDirectory for each.

Download / upload file using the Add-On SDK

I am currently trying to download a small binary file from the web, in order to upload that to another website, both using the API.
Previous versions seemed to have the "file" API module for such purposes, but I can't see anything similar as of the latest (1.14).
The file to be downloaded would be saved in some form of cache (browser cache, preferably), its path stored somewhere, to be then uploaded to another URL via POST.
How would I go about it, when the process should happen completely in the background?
I checked out the how to download a file page, but can't figure out where to download.
Is there a variable URI for the "Downloads" directory, and does a regular Add-On has write privileges in it?.
This is important, because the add-on must be able to function properly on various platforms.
You can use the pref, browser.download.lastDir, which should work for windows/mac as it will be saved in the OS format. However the pref may not always be set if the person has never downloaded anything before. In that case you'll have to build the directory yourself.
var dir = require("sdk/preferences/service").get('browser.download.lastDir');
To build the directory yourself you're going to have to go a little deeper. Check this article on MDN about File I/O which has examples. The DfltDwnld key should give you the directory you want.
Your add-on will have write permissions to everything Firefox has write permission to.

Show license agreement before download

I have to solve the following task for our university homepage:
Whenever a pdf is requested the user has to accept a license, which pops up.
On Agree the download starts. If not, no download is possible.
I searched through the extensions but did not find any extension doing the job. Maybe you know one...
So I tried to implement my own extension. Taking the strengths of securelinks (Allows access control to files from a configurable directory ... presents a license acceptation prior to download) and naw_securedl ("Secure Download": Apply TYPO3 access rights to ALL file assets (PDFs, TGZs or JPGs etc. - configurable) - protect them from direct access.) I wanted to combine both extensions to have one that:
whenever a pdf file is requested (naw_securedl)
a license is shown and in case of ACCEPT a redirect to the file happens (securelinks).
This task sounds very easy, since I only have to combine both tasks. Anyway, I failed.
How do you solve this problem?
Do you know some extension doing the job?
Is anyone interested in a cooperation in which we try to create an extension thats doing the job?
Thanks for your help in advance!
Assuming that all donwloads are stored in one folder, I'd recommend writing your own little extension that replaces every link with a link to an intermediate site, like this:
On the accept license page, users need to check the accept license checkbox, then click a submit button, which leads them to the download page, still carrying the GET parameter:
If not all files are in the same folder, you can replace slashes in the file path with other characters (they need to work in the URL). Or you might need a database table that indexes the files, so you can use IDs for the download files:
If you don't know at all how to write TYPO3 extensions, consider using individual php/html files out of the TYPO3 context.

How to detect FTP file transfer completion?

I am writing a script that polls an FTP site for files and downloads them locally as and when available. The files are deposited to the FTP site randomly by various source parties. I need a way to be able to detect if the file on the FTP site has been transferred over completely by the source party, before downloading them. Any thoughts on how to go about this?
If you have control over the client, a much safer, cleaner and efficient way is to have the client do the following:
Upload the file to ..../partial/somefile
Rename ..../partial/somefile to ..../complete/somefile
This causes the file to appear in the latter directory all at once, so all you have to do is scan that directory. You could even ask the OS to be notified of additions to that directory if you wanted a non-polling solution.
If you cannot manipulate the FTP server itself the only way of checking that comes to my mind is polling the filesize and if the filesize doesn't change for a longer time you can be quite sure the upload has finished. But nobody can guarantee. Ideally you can adapt the FTP server and make it execute some script after finishing some upload.
Some pseudo-code:
my %filesizes;
my %processed;
sub poll {
foreach (#files_on_ftp) {
if($_->filesize == $filesizes{$_->filename} and not $processed{$_->filename}) {
Like ikegami's solution depends mine of client side:
first is file uploaded
if it is completed, client uploads empty flag-file (like file.name.txt.finished)
When you see finished-file, you know file is ready.