Virtual Directory in Web Config - web-config

I am trying to add a virtual directory to my web config file so I can share master pages and images accross different applications. I have found very limited information and would apperciate any ideas you may have.

I don't think you can add virtual directores in the web.config - has to be done in IIS.


Accessing files on a Synology Diskstation via a local IP

I have a Synology Diskstation with a number of shared folders including a folder with a large number of images which I've organized via Photostation.
I also have a virtual machine on the NAS which is running as a webserver. I'm trying to figure out the best way to access the images through the webserver using http.
example: http:DiskstaitonIP/shared_folder/images/folder_A/image_1.jpg
The only way I was able to come up with was to install Web Station, and configure it to the base directory.

Not Able to Access Virtual Folder JBOSS 5.1.0

I am newbie to jboss. We have configured jboss in Oracle linux, we are using three servers for example,, We are using private IP address for backend server as JBOSS and public IP for HAProxy for eg: and virtual folder is located in /usr/image_folder. We can access the site without any error but when accessing virtualfolder for it is going for 404 not found error.
I have tried changing the name of the virtual folder for all diffrent servers it also not solved my issue. Kindly suggest to get me out of the issue i am trying from past two days. Any suggestions would be appreciable.

Deployed MVC4 application not opens completely

I deployed MVC 4 application to hosting. In local everything is okay, site opens full, but after deploying, site opens, but, not full. css, jquery, javascript is not working. Only html tags seem.
Arvixe support send this to me: How to Bin Deploy ASP.NET Assemblies on Shared Servers. But I can not understand it well. Can anybody help me to find that why site does not open full? What shloud I check to solve this?
When linking your views and resources you should use relative paths
instead of
This is valid for all resources in your application and it is know to cause these problems.
When working locally the paths are correct since it's all resolved to your computer.
In a web environment you will have to use the relative path so the url is resolved in front of all your resources.

CMS which publishes flat file to remote web server

Is there a CMS I can run on my MacBook, which can publish flat files to the remote host web servers?
I am going to look after a couple of community sites on a volunteer basis - these exists in various different web hosts. The price of hosted CWM, e.g. WordPress, is beyond my budget for each of these web sites.
What I am hoping is that I can run a CMS on my Mac, or Windows, and push flat HTML files of the various websites, to the remote web servers.
Based on research the closest to meeting the requirements is; unfortunately this is no longer supported product - would anyone have alternate solution?
Not actually an CMS, but you could try Markdoc.

How to Deploy a Drupal Site on a Web Farm?

I would like to know how I should deploy a Drupal site when I'm using three servers?
Is it possible to deploy it with a Drupal module or something? If it is, how does that work?
update: I would like to know about the deployment of files and the configuration of the servers.
you should consider using drush.
among other useful things (automatic download and update of the modules)
it has a rsync wrapper that lets you synchronize files between hosts (./drush sync)
it's also used by the project aegir which is "a set of modules for Drupal that helps you maintain several Drupal sites."