Not Able to Access Virtual Folder JBOSS 5.1.0 - jboss

I am newbie to jboss. We have configured jboss in Oracle linux, we are using three servers for example,, We are using private IP address for backend server as JBOSS and public IP for HAProxy for eg: and virtual folder is located in /usr/image_folder. We can access the site without any error but when accessing virtualfolder for it is going for 404 not found error.
I have tried changing the name of the virtual folder for all diffrent servers it also not solved my issue. Kindly suggest to get me out of the issue i am trying from past two days. Any suggestions would be appreciable.


Connecting VisualVM windows to Wildfly 16

How can i connect VisualVM to Wildfly 10?
I have put jboss-client jar in following folder and started visual vm:
Then i started visual vm
When i added jmx connection i get following:
Can anyone suggest what is wrong here? I have not put any authentication (not sure what authentication will it have as console have admin/pass but no password set anywhere else).
Can anyone suggest what is wrong here?
(I have multiple server groups and not sure where to add "remoting-connector use-management-endpoint="true" in domain.xml. I have added in 1 server group only.)
You need to extend VisualVM classpath (using "--cp:ad") with JBoss client jar, eg:
jvisualvm --cp:a $WF_HOME/bin/client/jboss-cli-client.jar
Then connect to your wildfly on admin port (usually 9990)
See interesting article here:

"the system cannot find the file specified" facing this error on deploying a web service to IIS8

We have recently deployed a web application and a corresponding web service to the IIS8 environment.
The web service builds perfectly fine on local and accesses the .pfx file from the shared path. The path mentioned in the web.config is something like this - \\Servername\Applications\ApplicationName\key.pfx.
However, on accessing the Web service after deploying it to the IIS8 server, it is throwing an exception as 'The System cannot find the file specified' while it is trying to read the .pfx file.
I searched several answers posted in this site as well as other forums but didn't get any proper resolution.
Would be really glad if someone can help me on this. Thank you.
Make sure that your path mentioned in the web.config are valid and the name of controller is the same in your application..
Look at :
firewall settings from the web server to the database server
connection string errors..

How to get started with vSphere 6.0 and set up the web client?

Linked from here
I've been tasked with setting up some VMs. I've been given some admin details but no further guidance. The server is a fresh install.
My problem is that I'm on Linux/OSX and don't want to run Windows aside from setting up after which I hope to be able to manage things through the web client.
I think there is an ESXi installation. This would be Version 6. How do I set up the web client?
I've installed vSphere Client on a local Windows VM.. not sure what to do with it though.
The documentation is pretty awful and there hasn't been much useful info on the net. I'm really stuck as I didn't set these up and haven't used servers like this before, so I have no context or understanding of the VMWare ecosystem beyond using a virtual machine locally! (even then I've preferred Virtualbox)
Any advice would be amazing
p.s accessing https://[ipaddress]/vsphere-client does not work. Produces a blank browser page... with no html served as an error
If you have the name of the server on which the VMs are stored, type this into the URL of a web browser then it gives you management options or alternatively use this login screen:

Setting up Zend Framework killed my internet

I am on debian and installing zend framework. I got to the part where you create the virtual host. It never worked for me. And now my internet is down. I've been trying to figure it out and revert all the changes I did. My hostname is back to what it was, I deleted the other entry in the etc/hosts file. I can't even ping a website. It says Cannot connect to hostname when I try to open a page in the browser. Any help?
Apache virtual host is not effect to your internet connection.
Make sure is correct your internet setting in the machine. (IP/Route)
Restart you network.

How to deploy a project developed in Tapestry5?

I have just completed a project as part of a college degree.
However I would like to deploy the project and make it live.
I am unsure of how to do this as I have never done it before?
I know I need to buy a domain name and some server space to host the project.
If anyone can point me in the right direction that would be great?
Thanks in advance!
There are a few inexpensive hosting options such as Slicehost or Linode that will let you run Tomcat, Jetty, or whatever servlet container you choose. You may be able to find an even cheaper solution by looking for hosting providers that run Tomcat but you won't have as much control. So, for example, you could get the cheapest Slicehost account which gives you full access to your own server. Install Tomcat, a database if necessary, and deploy your war. At that point you'll be running with an IP address. Register a domain name and point the name servers to the Slicehost name servers and you'll be 'live'. You may want to run Apache in front of Tomcat and you should probably learn about securing your server (Shorewall is one option), but this should get you started.