How do I access the managedObjectContext from a controller deep in the UI? - iphone

I'm still a little fuzzy on understanding iPhone/Cocoa in general so this is probably a simple question.
I have a CoreData Window-Based App for the iPhone. The rootController is a UITabBarController. The first tab view has a UINavigationController attached to it with a table in it's main view.
When the App starts the objectContext is set up, which makes sense to have the App do that once. But now I have the managedObjectContext in the main Controller but I want to get that passed down to the Controller of the View inside the navcontroller, inside the first item in the TabBarController's tab list. How do I do this?
Would naming the one of the fields in the UI Inspector Tool allow me to do something like:
tabcontroller.navcontroller.manageObjectContext = self.managedObjectContext;
Would this only work if the controller was instantiated and 'live'. (Do the controllers not get instantiated until they are needed?) What if this was in a view that was for the most part hidden?
Anyway this is probably a simple thing I'm just not understanding things properly yet.
What is the general right way to share the manageObjectContext that is created and setup in the rootController to the many sub-controllers in the app?

I'm guessing this is the preferred method assuming the core-data initialization is done in the AppDelegate:
[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] managedObjectContext]

I usually give controllers a - (id)initWithManagedObjectContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context init method and a corresponding variable.
If a controller creates another controller in turn, it will, if needed, pass the NSManagedObjectContext to that controller in the same manner.
If you don't want to create an extra init method, just give the controllers a property for the NSManagedObjectContext and set that property directly after creating them.
I usually try to limit the number of controllers that directly deal with and "know about" Core Data though.

The answers to this question provide several means of accessing the Core Data stack deep within your application. As I indicate in one of the comments, I prefer to use a singleton DatabaseController that can be accessed from wherever, similar to how the NSUserDefaults' standardUserDefaults works.


How to make a delegate object accessible throughout a ViewController

I'm trying to get an instance of my AppDelegate accessible to all methods in each ViewController that I have. If I try to declare it with other class variables I get Initializer Element is not a compile-time constant. If I declare it in a method within the ViewController however I am able to use it. I am trying to save integers and floats to properties I have set up in the AppDelegate (a big no-no I know, but this is a project for an introductory class and I'm not expected to get too advanced, especially since everything we've done so far is not compliant with the MVC paradigm). The app uses a toolbar to switch between views using the app's ViewController to load the other ViewControllers as subviews. I was going to put the AppDelegate declaration and update statements in the ViewDidUnload method of each view controller, but I'm not sure that the Views are unloaded whenever they are switched (they're switched by removing the current View from the SuperView and loading the new one as a Subview at index 0). What happens to the views that are not currently being viewed then? Is there a method that detects that that I could implement the AppDelegate declaration and updates into?
I guess ideally I'd like to be able to access the AppDelegate object in any method in my ViewControllers because I have a lot of quantities being updated throughout and would like to have those quantities updated in the AppDelegates values as soon as they happen, since I'm not sure what happens with a View is cleared from SuperView
Thanks in advance everyone
You can access your app delegate via [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] from anywhere in your application.
You should never instantiate another copy of the object on your own. The system does this for you at startup.
As for detecting changes, you can override the viewDidDisappear method of UIViewController. (You're correct--in general, they will not be unloaded when switched, and viewDidUnload will not be called)

Showing the same UIView instance in different UIViewControllers

Is it possible to somehow store a UIView instance in such a way that it can be accessed from other view controllers? I know this is probably bordering on "globals" which they say are bad, but I digress. All I know is I have a couple UITabBar tabs that need to reference the same instance of a view that was instantiated in one tab and needs to be displayed again in another tab. What's the best approach for doing something like that?
Sure. You just need to store a retained reference to the UIView object in a persistent object. For example, you can add a retained property to your UIApplicationDelegate subclass. You can have that delegate instantiate the view, and all the controllers would just ask the app delegate for the view. If you have a root view controller that is always available, you could retain it there.
Maybe thinking through the overall structure of your app can help find the "right" place to store the UIView. Below I present an app structure I frequently use, not necessarily as advice on how you should structure your app, but as an example to expand the options you can consider to help you with thinking about the best structure for you app.
I write a lot of brochure like apps for our clients. In these apps I need to present a number of views, each somewhat analogous to pages in a brochure. Some of these views will have user interaction, and need to retain their state when off screen, or share the state data with other views.
To manage these apps I create a presentation manager object. This object will retain the overall state of the app, including views that must persist when not displayed. I use one master UIViewController that owns the presentation manager and is responsible for all common view control operations. The specific logic for individual views will go in UIView subclasses for each view. These individual views are created by the presentation manager, and can ask that manager for what it knows, including any persistent views.
You can just use dependency injection, to inject the same view instance to the view controllers like this:
UIView *myView = [UIView new];
UIViewController *controller1 = [UIViewController new];
UIViewController *controller2 = [UIViewController new];
controller1.view = myView;
controller2.view = myView;
[myView release];
B/c you use UITabBar I would suggest to add your custom view to the window in the app delegate. Then you don't have to store it, just hide it. You can use either NSNotificationCenter to send notifications to show the view or you can call your appDelegate and show the view manually.

How to share a ManagedObjectContext when using UITabBarController with inner UINavigationControllers

I have an architectural question. My App uses a TabBarController right in the application window. The ApplicationDelegate creates the managedObjectContext, although it actually doesn't need it.
Each ViewController in the TabBarController is a NavigationViewController. The first view controller for each NavigationController are my custom views. All is createde an linked via Interface Builder.
Now, how do I pass the managedObjectContext around the right way? Actually I need my views to load the data as soon as possible so that when the user chooses a tab or navigates through the NavigationControllers, the data is already there.
So my questions are:
How to I pass the context properly?
When should I fetch my data, i.e. in which method? "viewDidLoad" or "viewDidAppear"?
Thanks for all ideas!
You should generally stay away from getting shared objects from the app delegate. It makes it behave too much like a global variable, and that has a whole mess of problems associated with it. And singletons are just fancy global variables, so they should be avoided unless really necessary, too.
I would add a managedObjectContext property to each of your view controllers and assign that when you're creating them. That way, your view controllers don't have a tight linkage with the app delegate.
As for when to fetch the data, you should do it lazily. Core Data is really fast, so I would wait until viewWillAppear: to do your fetching. If you wait until viewDidAppear:, the view is already on the screen and there will be a flicker when the data loads. Do be aware, though, that viewWillAppear: is called every time your view will become visible (e.g. when the user taps the back button on the navigation bar, or a modal view controller is dismissed) so you might want to track whether you've already loaded the data and skip the loading on subsequent calls.
I've ran into this same problem, i'll share my solution.
First you need a reference to the Nav Controller in the Tab Bar in the nib file, make sure you connect it up.
IBOutlet UINavigationController *navigationController;
Then, get the Controller as recommended in the support docs and send it the managedObjectContext:
SavedTableViewController *saved = (SavedTableViewController *)[navigationController topViewController];
saved.managedObjectContext = self.managedObjectContext;
Alex is right, "You should generally stay away from getting shared objects from the app delegate. It makes it behave too much like a global variable, and that has a whole mess of problems associated with it."
You can get it from the app delegate at any time like this:
myApp *d = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
NSManagedObjectContext *managedObjectContext = d.managedObjectContext;
Or variations of the above.
Other than that you can add a property to all your viewcontrollers and pass it around or you can create a singleton and reference that globally.
You should not share a NSManagedObjectContext, but you can share the NSPersistentStoreCoordinator.
Thus, you can create a new managed object context for each view, each sharing the same store. It is the preferred method, and allows concurrent, multithreaded access. In the example below, I am assuming that your AppDelegate, *if created with a recent version of Xcode with Use Core Data checked*, has a property named persistentStoreCoordinator:
lazy var managedObjectContext:NSManagedObjectContext? = {
// This property is optional since there are legitimate error conditions that could cause the creation of the context to fail.
if let appDelegate = UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as? AppDelegate {
let coordinator = appDelegate.persistentStoreCoordinator
var managedObjectContext = NSManagedObjectContext(concurrencyType: .PrivateQueueConcurrencyType)
managedObjectContext.persistentStoreCoordinator = coordinator
return managedObjectContext

How to use Core Data at 3rd level View of navigation

Dear All, I am trying to build a navigation based iPhone application where I want to use Core Data modal at 3rd level view of navigation. The 1st and 2nd level view of this application are just simple tableViews. I have looked at the Apple CoreDataBooks application but there it used the methods for Core Data in the AppDelegate and RootViewController while I want to use these methods somewhere else. It is possible? Can somebody refer me to some tutorial for that?
Thank you very much.
You can
Have your view controller create the Core Data stack.
Use [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] to find the app delegate from anywhere, and ask it for a context.
Pass your context as an argument down through the view controllers.
It's a choice only you can make, based on the ways you expect your application to change in the future.

iPhone: How to Pass Data Between Several Viewcontrollers in a Tabbar App

I have following problem:
I have built a tabbar application with 4 tabs. I want to pass a object/variable from the first tab controller to the third one and initialize this controller with the corresponding object.
I've already done some research. The best way, corresponding to a clean model approach, would be to call some initWithObject: method on the called viewcontroller.
How can I achieve this? How can I call the init method of the receivercontroller within the callercontroller? Can you give me some code example?
To pass data between several views/classes etc simply create some Kind of data class which holds the data beeing shared between several classes. For more information follow the link:
You need a data model object that stores the data for application.
A data model is a customized, standalone object accessible from anywhere in the application. The data model object knows nothing about any views or view controllers. It just stores data and the logical relationships between that data.
When different parts of the app need to write or read data, they write and read to the data model. In your case, view1 would save its data to the data model when it unloads and then view2 would read that data from the data model when it loads (or vice versa.)
In a properly designed app, no two view controllers should have access to the internal data of another controller. (The only reason a view controllers needs to know of the existence of another controller is if it has to trigger the loading of that other controller.)
The quick and dirty way to create a data model is to add attributes to the app delegate and then call the app delegate from the view controllers using:
YourAppDelegateClass *appDelegate = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
myLocalProperty = appDelegate.someDataModelProperty;
This will work for small project but as your data grows complex, you should create a dedicated class for your data model.
To clarify for your specific case, you would add the call to the data model when the receiver viewController becomes active.
Placing the data in an init method or a viewDidLoad won't work because in a UITabBar the users can switch back and forth without unloading the view or reinitializing the view controller.
The best place to retrieve changing data is in the viewWillAppear controller method. That way the data will be updated every time the user switches to that tab.
You might want to consider NSNotificationCenter (Reference); you register the one viewcontroller with the application notification center, and send a notification when a selection is made. When the notification is received, the other viewcontroller updates itself accordingly.
I don't think this is best practice (also check syntax) however I have got away with:
in the .h
otherclassref *otherclassname
#property (assign) otherclassname otherclassref;
and in the .m
#synthesize otherclassref;
then I just assign the reference from somewhere convenient e.g. the app delegate or wherever you are instantiating your viewcontrollers.
then the view controller can get a reference to the other view controller.
I add #class secondviewcontroller to the .h file for the firstviewcontroller and put put the #imports "secondviewcontroller.h" in the .m file of the first view controller. These are called forward references and prevent compiler errors resulting from having .h files referencing each other.