iPhone - how to show a view as pop up - iphone

How to show a small pop up on click of button on a view that will be displayed in small region of the parent view.

You can simply define the frame for your view, and add it as a subview of its parent.
newView.frame = CGRectMake(60, 140, 200, 200);
[parentView addSubview:newView];

Just putting up a view is pretty straightforward (create a UIView, position it, then addSubview it to the parent). But there are a few UI design questions you may want to ask yourself before you pop something up. Things like:
Is the pop-up modal? Once it's up can the user do something else or do they have to 'dismiss' the view before continuing.
How does the user dismiss the view? Do they tap the view itself, some sort of 'close' object, or tap outside of it?
Where do you position the pop-up view if you're too close to the side of the window (otherwise it gets clipped and the user can't see all of it).
Should you offset it from the button itself so the tapping finger isn't covering up the item? How many pixels work best? And does the offsetting bring the view too close to the edge, so maybe show it on the other side so it's not clipped?
And they say UI design is easy ;-)


How to put my 2 existing buttons to the foreground, they are now behind an imageview

The question is in the title.
There must be a simpel way to do this I guess?
There is an imageview on the screen, there doesn't have to be any interaction with it.
On the imageview I want 2 small buttons left and right but the buttons were created (and the code is written) before the imageview. How do I set this imageview to the background? :)
[self.view sendSubviewToBack:yourImageView];
You can add buttons as subview of imageview.
you can write below code for that:
[imageView addSubview:button1];
[imageView addSubview:button2];
So buttons will be appear in foreground.
When looking at your xib or stoyboard (where you can see the layout), you can use the View Controller scene which is a list of all of the objects, views etc on your Apps layout.
You can click and drag the UI image view so its above the buttons in the list. I'm guessing it's just defaulted to being on top of the buttons.
In your storyboard, choose your viewController by clicking on it. On left side you can see hierarchy like left side view in this image. Check if your imageView is below, in hierarchy, to your 2 buttons. If it is, then drag the imageView and move it above both the buttons.
Concept : The view that is below in hierarchy is visible on top of all the views above it.

floating button above UIScrollView in Storyboard

Is there an easy way of putting a 'floating' button above a UIScrollView in Storyboard? I would like to add a lock button to toggle scrolling on and off. I guess I could do this in code but it would be nice if it could also be done via XCode.
Just drag the button onto the view somewhere over your UIScrollView. Now, IB will automatically dump it in the scroll view, but you can move it out by using the object browser.
Open the object browser
Drag the button out to the same level as the UIScrollView
Ensure that the button is below the scroll view in the list (this means it's above the object in the view hierarchy)
You may have to use the inspector to set the button's actual location rather than dragging it around. Dragging it around for placement will most likely cause it to jump back into the scroll view.

xCode 4.2 iOS5 interfaceBuilder cannot tap on a button that is laid out in the IB

I've ran into a weird issue lately:
I have a 320 x640 UIView within a UIScrollView. I've manually positioned buttons throughout the view and assigned actions to them. One of the buttons has a center at [x,y]: [287,440]. The button is 60x60.
I can tap all other buttons and controls located as low as Y = 353.
I see that the button is located on the same level as all of my other buttons, within the same view as them.
What could be causing my button to be completely untappable? I have another controller, which is also "tall", and there buttons located "off screen" are tappable. [If I move the button up to the level of other buttons, it works as expected.]
Here's the scroll view code:
self.scrollView.contentSize=CGSizeMake(320, 640);
Something is covering it. Try looping over all subviews and printing origin.y relative to scrollview origin.y, and then height plus relative position. Do this in viewWillAppear. Be aware that autoresizing behavior can kick in right after viewDidLoad and fool you. That is what happened to me earlier. There will be an overlap somewhere.
Can post code example later from home if this doesn't get you through it.

custom slide to reveal toolbar

i want to do a custom toolbar, something like the slide to unlock of android phones. In idle state, the user can see a button of the bottom left of the page. the user would then tap it, drag towards the right. When the user reaches the right end, the toolbar will then 'lock'. Buttons would be located at the toolbar.
I'm think of using a customview and touchmoved functions, but what I don't know how is how to make the view move with the touch, and how to actually lock the bar.
Everytime you move your finger the touchmoved function is called. In the touchmoved function you have to redraw the whole view or just set a new frame for this view. It pretty simple as you already know how to detect touches and react on them.

iPhone UIButton Parent Frame Changing Touch Up Inside Event Issue

I have a UIButton within a UIView. The button is docked on the bottom of the view using the Autoresizing Masks. The button is working fine when the view initially loads and the IBAction is being called successfully.
Now when I resize the height of the parent view the button stays docked at the bottom of the view, however now only half of the button responds to the touch events. If I resize the parent view height a bit larger then the button completely doesn't respond anymore.
Any ideas why this would be occurring?
It sounds as if you've got another view, most likely a transparent one, that is resizing improperly and covering up part of the button.
It seems that I was moving the main view as the inner view height was changing. I guess if the UIButton is outside the bounds of the self.view then touches are not received.